
A. Chontra
B. Raika
C. Daultala
D. Murree

Submitted by: Abdul salam Baloch

Given the acute shortage of water in the garrison city coupled with plummeting groundwater sources, the authorities have approved the construction of two new state-of-the-art dams in the garrison city.

Sources said the Punjab Small Dams Organisation approved the projects for construction of Mujahid and Mohata dams while funds have also been released for construction of these two dams under the Annual Development Programme (ADP).

The source said with the construction of these two dams 350,000 people residing in the suburbs of the Rawalpindi district will get access to clean drinking water while the supply of water from these dams will also help irrigate 13,000 acres of agricultural land.

Correct Answer: Raika

Last Updated: May 02, 2023