
A. Article 116(1)
B. Article 115(1)
C. Article 112(1)
D. None of These

Submitted by: Areesha Khan

“In exercise of power con­ferred by Article 112(1) of the Constitution of the Islamic Republic of Pakis­tan, 1973, Malik Abdul Wali Khan Kakar, Gover­nor Balochistan, on the adv­­ice of Mir Abdul Qud­oos Bizenjo, Chi­ef Min­­i­ster of Balochis­tan, is ple­ased to dissolve the Pro­vincial Assembly of Baloc­h­istan with effect from 12th August 2023 at 05:00 pm,” the notification stated.

Correct Answer: Article 112(1)

Last Updated: August 14, 2023