
A. 21, Jan 2020
B. 22, Jan 2020
C. 23, Jan 2020
D. 24, Jan 2020

Submitted by: Rais Rehmatullah Palal

Adviser to PM on Climate Change Malik Amin Aslam said on Friday that introduction of electric vehicle (EV) Policy will help promote country’s transport sector in the coming years.

Addressing a launch ceremony of the country’s first fully electric three-wheeler vehicles, he said the EV policy had been framed after incorporating consultations from all stakeholders.

The event ‘Showcasing Pakistan’s First Fully-Electric Three-Wheel Vehicle’ was organised by the Ministry of Climate Change in collaboration with the Board of Investment and Sazgar Engineering Works Limited.

Correct Answer: 24, Jan 2020

Last Updated: January 29, 2020