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Rules of Volleyball Game
Minimum diameter of volleyball is________.
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Maximum net length is_______.
Net width is_____.
Net height for man is_____.
Net height for female is_____.
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Penalty area is_______.
How the net is tied?
service zone area is____.
Between attack line and scorer table area is called____.
Libro replacement zone is the part of______.
_____ consistent of on every half part of the court from the axis of center line and at the end edge of attack line
In two halves of the court a parallel is placed at a distance of 3 meters from the center is called___?
The volleyball boundary lines consist of _____.
Volleyball court divided into ___ part.
Which type of floor use in FIVB competition?
Drained of water on the surface of volleyball court is___?
How should be playing surface?
How many teams are participate in one time?
When the receiving team wins the rally, it gain_____point.
How much height, there should be no obstacle at the surface of the playing area?
Which is the colors of volleyball courts lines?
Width of volleyball all court lines is__________.
Width of volleyball court is__________.
Length of volleyball court is__________.
Shape of volleyball court is__________.
Minimum diameter of volleyball is________.
A. 60cm
B. 65cm
C. 67cm
D. 66cm
Correct Answer:
Last Updated:
May 25, 2024