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Political Science Mcqs
Bureaucracy existed in the ancient empire of:
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Which one of the following is not an important cause for increased work of bureaucracy?
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Bureaucracy is an important feature of : __________?
Bureaucracy is: __________?
Bureaucracy literally means a system of government by:
Which one of the following functions is performed by the bureaucrats?
In modern times the powers of the bureaucracy have:
In the context of a democratic political system devoted to the cause of speedy socio-economic progress through governmental action, which one of the following actions is appropriate for bureaucracy?
Which one of the followings has been wrongly listed as a factor for the increase in the powers of bureaucracy?
In the context of a democratic political system devoted to the cause of speedy socio-economic progress through governmental action, which one of the following actions is appropriate for bureaucracy?
Who said that bureaucracy is “a system of government, the control of which is so completely in the hands of the officials that their power jeopardizes the liberties of the ordinary citizens?”
Which one of the following descriptions gives a definition of bureaucracy?
Who expressed the view that under Parliamentary system of government bureaucracy thrives under the cloak of ministerial responsibility?
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Which one of the following functions is not performed by the bureaucrats in the financial sphere?
In Parliamentary System of Government the bills are:
Which one of the following has not been in any way responsible for increase in the powers of bureaucracy?
The bureaucracy performs:
Under Parliamentary system government bureaucracy exercises:
Which one of the following functions of the bureaucracy has been wrongly listed?
The rise of delegated legislation has resulted in: __________?
The rise of delegated legislation has resulted in: __________?
Which one of the following judicial functions is performed by the civil servants?
The growing powers of the bureaucracy propose any threat to democracy because the final authority:
In recent years the powers of bureaucracy have:
Who said “Bureaucracy like fire is invaluable as a servant but ruinous when it becomes a master”?
Which one is not an important cause for increased work-load of bureaucracy?
of a good bureaucracy it is expected that: __________?
Which one of the following is not a function of bureaucracy?
Which of the following is not a function of bureaucracy?
Which one of following is not a function of the bureaucracy:
Which one of the following is not important function performed by bureaucracy?
Bureaucracy is needed in: __________?
Of a good bureaucracy it is expected that it should:
Which one of the following has been wrongly listed as a characteristic of good bureaucracy?
From committed bureaucracy is understood a bureaucracy which has commitment to:
Which one of the following has been wrongly listed as the characteristic of the bureaucracy:
Name the country in which there is committed bureaucracy:
When we talk of bureaucracy we mean:
Bureaucracy consists of: _________?
Bureaucracy is also called: ________?
Bureaucracy existed in the ancient empire of:
A. China
B. Rome
C. India
D. All the above
Correct Answer:
All the above
Last Updated:
April 21, 2023