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Political Science Mcqs
Political Parties and Pressure Group
One-Party system is found in:
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A political party has been defined as “an association organised in support of some principles or policy which by constitutional means endeavours to make the determinant of government” by:
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A liberal party believes in:
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Political parties are:
Which of the following is not true about pressure group?
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Which one fo the following is not one of the methods used by pressure groups for achieving their objectives?
In U.S.S.R. there is:
The main political parties in U.S.A. are:
The main political parties in England are: _________?
A trade union can be placed under the category of pressure group:
Which one of the following is not true about pressure group?
A political party is a “body of men, united for the purpose of promoting, by the purpose of promoting, by their joint endeavours, the public interest upon. Some principles on which they are agreed”. Who said this?
After independence in India each political party is:
Which of the following is not a method used by the pressure group for achieving its objectives?
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In Pakistan we have: __________?
England is known for: _______?
In our times a political party means:
U.S.A. is known for: __________?
Which one of the following is not the characteristic of political party system?
Which one of the following is not true about political parties?
Government in a single party is usually:
In single party system the organ of Government whose importance increases is:
In a single party system membership:
Mussolini during the heights of his glory liked:
In bi-party system chances are that:
One-Party system is found in:
A. China
B. Switzerland
C. Britain
D. West Germany
Correct Answer:
Last Updated:
June 16, 2022