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Psychology Mcqs
Methods and Approaches
A ___________ contact is made to enable the researcher and those with whom he is working to get to know themselves and one another better:
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The basis of work may include__________. interviews and informal discussions in order to get a picture of the environment:
__________ enquiry is based on the assumption that it is not possible to have a disinterested unbiased approach, but that any researcher has a preconceived and interested value base for his work:
The other main assumption is that education is a__________activity and that educational research is to promote human development on the widest possible scale:
Data on the use of resources, facilities and staff would be the basis of the:
Certain__________would come into conceptual enquiry category, in these on attempt is made to quantify data:
Each is an analytical piece-by-piece collection of __________with some attempt to bring together the pieces to form a whole:
Associated with conceptual enquiry style are curriculum development, __________, innovation strategies and the use of techniques from other disciplines.
Such a conceptual enquiry may be a decision to carry out a cost analysis or:
A model of the approach is one of conflict between existing and new strategies (for example criterion-referenced measurement and:
The reporting of conceptual enquiry style of research can take a variety of formats. it usually involves persuasion based on a preferred basis (e.g. discovery learning), use of examples showing the effectiveness of the new idea, and often__________or other evidence:
The examples seldom have__________basis.
Psychologists who carefully watch the behavior of chimpanzee societies in the jungle are using a research method know as:
A ___________ contact is made to enable the researcher and those with whom he is working to get to know themselves and one another better:
A. Detailed
B. Better
C. Continual
D. Specific
Correct Answer:
Last Updated:
May 09, 2024