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Psychology Mcqs
Methods and Approaches
The most satisfactory reports are those of the __________ involved in the action:
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Some styles of _________ in this area lend themselves better to reporting than others:
To accurately infer cause and effect, experimenters should use:
Researcher’s __________ will be mainly about the methods of enabling.
Researcher is committed to__________research:
A teacher is involved in such an activity he can identify clearly with what is taking place. Anyone outside the action has_________comprehending what is taking place:
In experiments, placing subjects in experimental groups such that each subject has an equal probability of ending up in any experimental group is referred to as:
The__________assumption is different from the other three styles because the researcher is not intending to report to other people what he finds.
Evolutionary psychology studies the evolution of behavior and the mind using principles of:
Which of the following areas of research in psychology is concerned with assessing individual differences, developing tests, and developing new statistical techniques?
The ultimate aim is to enable a specific individual to know himself:
In the context of__________, the researcher teacher-learner situation to the teacher or teacher-learner situation so that the participant may improve understanding:
The emphasis is on detailed information rather than generalizations, but the approach attempts to look at the whole rather than collect specific bits of:
Which enquiry is relative newcomer in the field of educational research, has a more general modus operandi?
The origins of actives specific enquiry are more in the area of literature, poetry music and art rather than:
The report is a result of subjective filtering by the researcher based on his bias or by using an advocate and an adversary approach, leaving the reader to make a:
The report usually includes case studies and:
Who deliberately makes contact with and interacts personally with the learning environment?
A __________ contact is made to enable the researcher and those with whom he is working to get to know themselves and one another better:
The basis of work may include__________. interviews and informal discussions in order to get a picture of the environment:
__________ enquiry is based on the assumption that it is not possible to have a disinterested unbiased approach, but that any researcher has a preconceived and interested value base for his work:
The other main assumption is that education is a__________activity and that educational research is to promote human development on the widest possible scale:
Data on the use of resources, facilities and staff would be the basis of the:
Certain__________would come into conceptual enquiry category, in these on attempt is made to quantify data:
Each is an analytical piece-by-piece collection of __________with some attempt to bring together the pieces to form a whole:
Associated with conceptual enquiry style are curriculum development, __________, innovation strategies and the use of techniques from other disciplines.
Such a conceptual enquiry may be a decision to carry out a cost analysis or:
A model of the approach is one of conflict between existing and new strategies (for example criterion-referenced measurement and:
The reporting of conceptual enquiry style of research can take a variety of formats. it usually involves persuasion based on a preferred basis (e.g. discovery learning), use of examples showing the effectiveness of the new idea, and often__________or other evidence:
The examples seldom have__________basis.
Psychologists who carefully watch the behavior of chimpanzee societies in the jungle are using a research method know as:
The most satisfactory reports are those of the __________ involved in the action:
A. Interpreter
B. Teacher
C. Student
D. Common man
Correct Answer:
Last Updated:
May 09, 2024