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Statistics Mcqs
Basic Statistics Mcqs
A Constant can assume _______ value?
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In descriptive statistics, we study:
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If any of the value in data set is negative then it is impossible to compute:__________?
To find the average speed of a journey which is the appropriate measure of central tendency?
Arithmetic Mean is__________affected by extreme values?
The sum of values divided by their number is called__________?
Variance is always calculated from__________?
The sum of squares of deviation is least if measure from__________?
In Statistics, a population consists of:__________?
The Number of road accidents is the example of__________?
Major area of statistics today is concerned with drawing of conclusions from__________?
Statistics has handicap dealing with__________?
Village Patwari collecting the data about cotton crops is the example of__________?
The data collected by NADRA to issue National Identity cards are__________?
Census reports used as a source of data is__________?
A numerical value calculated from sample is called__________?
In statistics, a sample means__________?
In natural Sciences, statistics__________.
Statistics tests the law of __________?
Use of Statistics in planning is __________?
Statistics is the backbone of__________?
The word statistics is defined as__________?
Statistics are __________ expressed?
A Constant can assume _______ value?
A. One
B. Four
C. More than value
D. Resindent
Correct Answer:
Last Updated:
January 15, 2019