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Index Number
All Index numbers are not suitable for all _________________?
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In CPI household budget method also known as:__________?
CPI also named as__________?
Most commonly used index number is__________?
The formula ∑pnqn/poqn x100 is used to calculate?
The Laspeyres price index__________?
This index measure the change from month to month in the cost of a representative ‘basket’ of goods and services of the type bought by a typical household?
A simple aggregate quantity index is used to__________?
An index number is used__________?
Fisher’s ideal index number is also obtained by __________?
Base year quantities are used as weights in __________?
Volume index in Marshall is __________?
The Index number are used to measure seasonal and cyclical variations in __________?
The weighty system changed with __________?
Link relative = __________?
Single number which shows __________ changes in a phenomenon is called an Index Number?
An Index number which measure the change of a _____ is called Aggregative 1. No?
The object of Index number also determines its __________?
Average calculated used in index number by __________ method?
G.M. between __________ is called to be Fisher’s Index Number?
An Index number of an average quality of wheat in Lahore__________ Index?
Consumer price Index Number also called _________ is designed to measure changes?
A scaling factor is used to__________?
The formula ∑poqn/∑poqo x100 is used to calculate__________?
The Laspeyres and Paasche index are examples of__________?
A simple aggregate price index__________?
The ratio of a new price to the base year price is called the__________?
The index number of base period is always:__________?
Which of the formula is used in chain indices: __________?
Paasche’s Index number is __________?
Link relative = __________?
In Chain base method, the base period is __________?
Volume Index in Marshall is __________?
Qon means _________ for the given year?
Index Number is an important role in the field of Economic and __________?
1. Nos. is a ____ for measuring changes in a variable or a group of related variables?
Measure the change in quantity of goods are called __________?
Price in proceeding year used in the method is called __________?
Weighted Index number can be classified into _________ categories?
Ratio between given year and base year is called __________ in percentage?
An Index Number calculated for more than one items is called __________?
The index numbers are used to measure seasonal and cyclical variations in __________?
All Index numbers are not suitable for all _________________?
A. Kind
B. Chain relative
C. Purpose
D. Price
Correct Answer:
Last Updated:
October 05, 2021