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Statistics Mcqs
Basic Statistics Mcqs
The measure of Dispersion can never be________________?
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If β2=m4m22<3, the distribution is called__________?
The degree of peakedness is called__________?
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__________ is used to criterion of consistency i.e for consistence performance?
For a symmetrical distribution approximately 68% of the cases are included between __________?
If Y=−8X − 5 and SD of X is 3, then SD of Y is __________?
The variance of a constant is__________?
Var(2X+3) is__________?
Suppose for 40 observations, the variance is 50. If all the observations are increased by 20, the variance of these increased observation will be__________?
The variance of 5 numbers is 10. If each number is divided by 2, then the variance of new numbers is__________?
The measure of Dispersion can never be________________?
A. Positive
B. Negative
C. 0
D. 1
Correct Answer:
Last Updated:
October 05, 2021