
A. BlackRights
B. Antifa
C. Intafida
D. America For All

Submitted by: Aslan

Antifa is an anti-fascist political movement in the United States comprising a diverse array of autonomous groups that aim to achieve their objectives through the use of both non-violent and violent direct action rather than through policy reform. source: Wikipedia

President Trump is blaming the far-left network known as antifa for the looting and rioting that has arisen during anti-police-brutality protests in cities across the nation. Trump said he’ll label the movement a terrorist organization, though he legally cannot do that, and Attorney General William P. Barr said there is evidence antifa and other similar extremist groups are instigating violence.

Experts who have studied antifa say there is no evidence that the fringe, amorphous group is driving nationwide protests, and Trump hasn’t cited anything specific as he accused them of doing so. Some experts worry Trump is conflating antifa with peaceful protesters in a dangerous way for democracy.

Correct Answer: Antifa

Last Updated: June 20, 2020