
A. sequoia
B. Fugaku
C. Tianhe-2A
D. Frontera

Submitted by: faryal tabassum

In the race for the most powerful computers, Fugaku, a Japanese supercomputer, recently beat American and Chinese machines. China and the United States are locked in a contest to develop the world’s most powerful computers. Now a massive machine in Japan has topped them both.

A long-awaited supercomputer called Fugaku, installed in the city of Kobe by the government-sponsored Riken institute, took first place in a twice-yearly speed ranking that was released on Monday. The Japanese machine carried out 2.8 times more calculations a second than an IBM system at Oak Ridge National Laboratory in Tennessee, which Fugaku bumped to second place in the so-called Top500 list.

Correct Answer: Fugaku

Last Updated: February 11, 2021