
A. Mohammed Tawfiq Allawi
B. Adnan Al- zurfi
C. Adel Abdul Mahdi
D. None of them

Submitted by: Farjan Ahmed Soomro

Iraqi President Barham Salih on Tuesday appointed Adnan al-Zurfi as the prime minister-designate who will form an interim government, the official television reported.

Salih received al-Zurfi in his office in the Presidential Palace in central Baghdad and handed him the task letter to form a new government within 30 days, the state-run Iraqiya channel said.

Al-Zurfi’s nomination came one day after the deadline of 15 days set by the Iraqi constitution for political blocs to submit a candidate for the post of prime minister-designate to Iraqi president.

Almost three weeks after the previous nominee — Mohammed Tawfiq Allawi — failed to secure parliamentary approval for his cabinet.

Correct Answer: Adnan Al- zurfi

Last Updated: March 25, 2020