
Basic Electrical MCQs

Option A: Force

Option B: Charge

Option C: Current

Option D: Power

Correct Answer: Power

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Option A: Permeability

Option B: Moment of a magnet

Option C: Magnetic susceptibility

Option D: Permittivity

Correct Answer: Magnetic susceptibility

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Option A: Energy

Option B: Time

Option C: Power

Option D: Charge

Correct Answer: Energy

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Option A: Current

Option B: Voltage

Option C: Power

Option D: Speed

Correct Answer: Voltage

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Option A: zero

Option B: infinite

Option C: finite

Option D: 100 ohms

Correct Answer: infinite

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Option A: zero

Option B: infinite

Option C: finite

Option D: 100 ohms

Correct Answer: zero

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Option A: current

Option B: voltage

Option C: power

Option D: None of the above

Correct Answer: voltage

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Option A: current

Option B: voltage

Option C: power

Option D: None of the above

Correct Answer: current

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Option A: Maximum

Option B: Minimum

Option C: Zero

Option D: A finite value

Correct Answer: Zero

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Option A: Resistor

Option B: Bulb

Option C: Both

Option D: None of these.

Correct Answer: Both

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Option A: 0.625 × 1019

Option B: 1.6 × 1019

Option C: 1.6 × 10-19

Option D: 0.625 × 10-19

Correct Answer: A. 0.625 × 1019

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Option A: area of the conductor.

Option B: length of the conductor.

Option C: type of material.

Option D: none of these.

Correct Answer: type of material.

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Option A: R Ω

Option B: 2R Ω

Option C: 4R Ω

Option D: 8R Ω

Correct Answer: R Ω

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Option A: 10

Option B: 60

Option C: 600

Option D: 1200

Correct Answer: 60

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Option A: Ω.

Option B: Ω – metre.

Option C: Ω / metre.

Option D: Ω / m².

Correct Answer: B. Ω – metre.

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Option A: product of the instantaneous current and rate of change of current.

Option B: square of instantaneous current.

Option C: square of the rate of change of current.

Option D: Temperature of the inductor.

Correct Answer: product of the instantaneous current and rate of change of current.

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Option A: product of its inductance and current through it.

Option B: ratio of its inductance to the current through it.

Option C: ratio of the current through it to its inductance.

Option D: product of its inductance and rate of change of current through it.

Correct Answer: product of its inductance and rate of change of current through it.

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Option A: Newton

Option B: Ampere-turn

Option C: Weber

Option D: Tesla

Correct Answer: Weber

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Option A: P

Option B: 3P

Option C: P/3

Option D: None of the above

Correct Answer: P

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Option A: Voltage source

Option B: Current source

Option C: Both

Option D: None of these.

Correct Answer: Both

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