
Digital Electronics MCQs

Option A: OR gate

Option B: AND gate

Option C: NOT gate

Option D: None of the above

Correct Answer: NOT gate

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Option A: NAND gate

Option B: OR gate

Option C: AND gate

Option D: None of the above

Correct Answer: NAND gate

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Option A: A & B

Option B: C & D

Option C: A & D

Option D: B & C

Correct Answer: A & B

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Option A: PLCC

Option B: QFP

Option C: PGA

Option D: BGA

Correct Answer: BGA

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Option A: OR operation

Option B: AND operation

Option C: NOT operation

Option D: None of the above

Correct Answer: NOT operation

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Option A: Input operation

Option B: Tristate output operation

Option C: Bi-directional I/O pin access

Option D: All of the above

Correct Answer: All of the above

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Option A: State Reduction

Option B: State Minimization

Option C: State Assignment

Option D: State Evaluation

Correct Answer: State Assignment

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Option A: OR gates

Option B: NOT gates

Option C: NAND gates

Option D: None of the above

Correct Answer: NAND gates

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Option A: 0

Option B: 1

Option C: Either 0 & 1

Option D: None of the above

Correct Answer: 0

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Option A: NOT gate

Option B: OR gate

Option C: AND gate

Option D: None of the above

Correct Answer: NOT gate

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Option A: Stop signal

Option B: Invert input signal

Option C: Act as a universal gate

Option D: None of the above

Correct Answer: Invert input signal

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Option A: AND gate

Option B: NAND gate

Option C: NOT gate

Option D: None of the above

Correct Answer: NOT gate

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Option A: (00, 01, 10, 11)

Option B: (00, 10, 01, 11)

Option C: (00, 01, 11, 10)

Option D: (00, 10, 11, 01)

Correct Answer: (00, 01, 10, 11)

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A. NOT gate
B. OR gate
C. AND gate
D.None of the above

Correct Answer: NOT gate

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A. 19
B. 12
C. 27

Correct Answer: D.21

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Option A: 2TTL

Option B: 5TTL

Option C: 8TTL

Option D: 10TTL

Correct Answer: 10TTL

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Option A: 10 CPS

Option B: 120 CPS

Option C: 12CPS

Option D: None of the above

Correct Answer: 12CPS

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Option A: I and II

Option B: II and III

Option C: III only

Option D: II and III

Correct Answer: I and II

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Option A: Weighted code

Option B: Cyclic redundancy code

Option C: Self-complementing code

Option D: Algebraic code

Correct Answer: Self-complementing code

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Option A: 1 at any input causes the output to be at logic 1

Option B: 1 at any input causes the output to be at logic 0

Option C: 0 any input causes the output to be at logic 0

Option D: 0 at any input causes the output to be at logic 1

Correct Answer: 1 at any input causes the output to be at logic 1

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Option A: an astable MV

Option B: a bistable MV

Option C: a latch

Option D: a monostable MV

Correct Answer: a latch

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Option A: all the inputs to the gates are “1”

Option B: all the inputs are ‘0’

Option C: either of the inputs is “1”

Option D: all the inputs and outputs are complemented

Correct Answer: all the inputs and outputs are complemented

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Option A: have lower fabrication area

Option B: can be used to make any gate

Option C: consume least electronic power

Option D: provide maximum density in a chip

Correct Answer: can be used to make any gate

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Option A: 6

Option B: 32

Option C: 64

Option D: 128

Correct Answer: 6

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Option A: TTLAS

Option B: CMOS

Option C: ECL

Option D: TTLLS

Correct Answer: ECL

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Option A: logic 0 and 1 are represented by 0 and positive voltage respectively

Option B: logic 0 and, -1 are represented by negative and positive voltages respectively

Option C: logic 0 voltage level is higher than logic 1 voltage level

Option D: logic 0 voltage level is lower than logic 1 voltage level

Correct Answer: logic 0 voltage level is lower than logic 1 voltage level

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Option A: 2n

Option B: 22 n

Option C: 2n-1

Option D: — 2n

Correct Answer: 22 n

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Option A: FFFF (hex)

Option B: 1111 (binary)

Option C: 7777 (octal)

Option D: All of the above

Correct Answer: FFFF (hex)

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Option A: 675

Option B: 275

Option C: 572

Option D: 573

Correct Answer: 275

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Option A: (37)10

Option B: ( 69)10

Option C: (41 )10

Option D: — (5)10

Correct Answer: (37)10

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Option A: Two’s complement only

Option B: Sign and magnitude and one’s complement only

Option C: Two’s complement and one’s complement only

Option D: All three representations

Correct Answer: All three representations

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Option A: less expensive

Option B: always more accurate and faster

Option C: useful over wider ranges of problem types

Option D: easier to maintain

Correct Answer: useful over wider ranges of problem types

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Option A: 10101.001

Option B: 10100.001

Option C: 10101.010

Option D: 10100.111

Correct Answer: 10101.001

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Option A: Base 10

Option B: Base 16

Option C: Base8

Option D: Base 3

Correct Answer: Base 3

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Option A: it is used by everybody

Option B: any logic function can be realized by NAND gates alone

Option C: all the minization techniques are applicable for optimum NAND gate realization

Option D: many digital computers use NAND gates

Correct Answer: any logic function can be realized by NAND gates alone

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Option A: floating point hardware is costly

Option B: it is slower than software

Option C: it is not possible to perform floating point addition by hardware

Option D: of no specific reason.

Correct Answer: floating point hardware is costly

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