
Magnetism And Electromagnetism MCQs

Option A: from south pole to north pole

Option B: from north pole to south pole

Option C: from one end of the magnet to another

Option D: none of the above

Correct Answer: from north pole to south pole

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Option A: which is a good conductor

Option B: which is a bad conductor

Option C: which is a strong magnet

Option D: through which the magnetic lines of force can pass very easily

Correct Answer: through which the magnetic lines of force can pass very easily

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Option A: iron

Option B: copper

Option C: aluminium

Option D: moving charges

Correct Answer: moving charges

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Option A: weak magnets

Option B: temporary magnets

Option C: permanent magnets

Option D: none of the above

Correct Answer: temporary magnets

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Option A: field strength

Option B: inductance

Option C: flux density

Option D: flux

Correct Answer: flux density

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Option A: paramagnetic

Option B: diamagnetic

Option C: ferromagnetic

Option D: none of the above

Correct Answer: ferromagnetic

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Option A: proportional to 7

Option B: proportional to X

Option C: proportional to distance between the conductors

Option D: inversely proportional to I

Correct Answer: proportional to X

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Option A: little

Option B: lower

Option C: higher

Option D: zero

Correct Answer: lower

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Option A: Relative permeability

Option B: Magnetic field intensity

Option C: Flux density

Option D: Magnetic potential

Correct Answer: Magnetic field intensity

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Option A: ferromagnetic material

Option B: diamagnetic material

Option C: paramagnetic material

Option D: conducting material

Correct Answer: diamagnetic material

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Option A: direction of magnetic field due to current carrying conductor

Option B: direction of flux in a solenoid

Option C: direction of force on a current carrying conductor in a magnetic field

Option D: polarity of a magnetic pole

Correct Answer: direction of force on a current carrying conductor in a magnetic field

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Option A: it corrodes easily

Option B: it has high permeability

Option C: it has high specific gravity

Option D: it has low permeability

Correct Answer: it has low permeability

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Option A: the magnetic lines of force will bend away from their usual paths in order to go away from the piece

Option B: the magnetic lines of force will bend away from their usual paths in order to pass through the piece

Option C: the magnetic field will not be affected

Option D: the iron piece will break

Correct Answer: the magnetic lines of force will bend away from their usual paths in order to pass through the piece

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Option A: flux density

Option B: susceptibility

Option C: relative permeability

Option D: none of the above

Correct Answer: susceptibility

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Option A: large area oiB-H loop

Option B: high permeability and low hysteresis loss

Option C: high co-ercivity and high retentivity

Option D: high co-ercivity and low density

Correct Answer: high permeability and low hysteresis loss

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Option A: henry/metre

Option B: henry

Option C: henry/sq. m

Option D: it is dimensionless

Correct Answer: it is dimensionless

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Option A: Soft iron

Option B: Stainless steel

Option C: Hardened steel

Option D: None of the above

Correct Answer: Soft iron

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Option A: radius of conductors

Option B: current in one conductor

Option C: product of current in two conductors

Option D: distance between the conductors

Correct Answer: distance between the conductors

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Option A: current, induced e.m.f. and direction of force on a conductor

Option B: magnetic field, electric field and direction of force on a conductor

Option C: self induction, mutual induction and direction of force on a conductor

Option D: current, magnetic field and direction of force on a conductor

Correct Answer: current, magnetic field and direction of force on a conductor

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Option A: zero

Option B: BLI

Option C: B2LI

Option D: BLI2

Correct Answer: zero

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Option A: magnetoes

Option B: energy meters

Option C: transformers

Option D: loud-speakers

Correct Answer: transformers

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Option A: 2 x 1(T2 N/m)

Option B: 2 x KT3 N/m

Option C: 2 x 10″5 N/m

Option D: 2x 1(T7 N/m)

Correct Answer: 2x 1(T7 N/m)

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Option A: cobalt

Option B: chromium

Option C: nickel

Option D: tungsten

Correct Answer: nickel

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Option A: slightly less than unity

Option B: equal to unity

Option C: slightly more than unity

Option D: equal to that ferromagnetic mate rials

Correct Answer: slightly more than unity

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Option A: electromotive force

Option B: magnetomotive force

Option C: conductance

Option D: permittivity

Correct Answer: magnetomotive force

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Option A: Tungsten

Option B: Aluminium

Option C: Copper

Option D: Nickel

Correct Answer: Nickel

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Option A: ferromagnetic

Option B: paramagnetic

Option C: diamagnetic

Option D: bipolar

Correct Answer: diamagnetic

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Option A: voltage

Option B: current

Option C: magnetic field

Option D: direction of force on the conductor

Correct Answer: magnetic field

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Option A: non-magnetic materials

Option B: ferro-magnetic materials

Option C: paramagnetic materials

Option D: ferri-magnetic materials

Correct Answer: ferri-magnetic materials

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Option A: reluctivity

Option B: susceptibility

Option C: permittivity

Option D: conductance

Correct Answer: reluctivity

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Option A: weber

Option B: lumens

Option C: tesla

Option D: none of the above

Correct Answer: tesla

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Option A: meter is surrounded by strong magnetic fields

Option B: a soft iron shielding is used

Option C: a plastic shielding is provided

Option D: a shielding of anon-magnetic material is used

Correct Answer: a soft iron shielding is used

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Option A: ferromagnetic materials

Option B: ferrites

Option C: non-ferrous materials

Option D: diamagnetic materials

Correct Answer: diamagnetic materials

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Option A: Maxwell

Option B: Telsa

Option C: Weber

Option D: All of the above

Correct Answer: Telsa

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Option A: 1 Wb/mm2

Option B: 1 Wb/m

Option C: 1 Wb/m2

Option D: 1 mWb/m2

Correct Answer: 1 Wb/m

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Option A: permeance

Option B: residual magnetism

Option C: susceptance

Option D: reluctance

Correct Answer: residual magnetism

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Option A: Brass

Option B: Copper

Option C: Zinc

Option D: Ebonite

Correct Answer: Ebonite

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Option A: 10 webers

Option B: 10 webers

Option C: 10 webers

Option D: 10 webers

Correct Answer: 10 webers

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Option A: The electric intensity is a vector quantity

Option B: The electric field intensity at a point is numerically equal to the force exerted upon a charge placed at that point

Option C: An electric field is defined as a point in space at which an electric charge would experience a force

Option D: Unit field intensity in the exertion of a force of one newton on a charge of one coulomb

Correct Answer: The electric field intensity at a point is numerically equal to the force exerted upon a charge placed at that point

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Option A: non-magnetic substances

Option B: diamagnetic substances

Option C: ferromagnetic substances

Option D: none of the above

Correct Answer: ferromagnetic substances

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Option A: resistance of the coil

Option B: motion of the magnet

Option C: number of turns of the coil

Option D: pole strength of the magnet

Correct Answer: resistance of the coil

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Option A: will be zero

Option B: will be infinite

Option C: will depend on the amount of e.m.f. applied

Option D: will depend on the radius of the circle

Correct Answer: will depend on the radius of the circle

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Option A: 240 N

Option B: 24 N

Option C: 2.4 N

Option D: 0.24 N

Correct Answer: 2.4 N

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Option A: 2500 AT/m

Option B: 250 AT/m

Option C: 25 AT/m

Option D: 2.5 AT/m

Correct Answer: 250 AT/m

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Option A: 100 N

Option B: 10 N

Option C: 1 N

Option D: 0.1 N

Correct Answer: 1 N

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Option A: 8 N-m

Option B: 0.48 N-m

Option C: 0.048 N-m

Option D: 0.0048 N-m

Correct Answer: 8 N-m

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Option A: 63.38 N/Wb

Option B: 633.8 N/Wb

Option C: 6338 N/Wb

Option D: 63380 N/Wb

Correct Answer: 6338 N/Wb

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Option A: ampere-hour

Option B: watt

Option C: joule

Option D: coulomb

Correct Answer: coulomb

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Option A: 22 x 10″8 N

Option B: 22 x 10″7 N

Option C: 22 x 10-6 N

Option D: 22 x 10″5 N

Correct Answer: 22 x 10″5 N

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Option A: reluctance

Option B: resistance

Option C: permeance

Option D: pole strength

Correct Answer: pole strength

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Option A: copper

Option B: aluminium

Option C: soft iron

Option D: brass

Correct Answer: soft iron

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Option A: Kirchhoffs law

Option B: Lenz’s law

Option C: Ampere’s law

Option D: Faraday’s laws

Correct Answer: Ampere’s law

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Option A: less than that of disc but in opposite direction

Option B: equal to that of disc and in the same direction

Option C: equal to that of disc and in the opposite direction

Option D: less than that of disc and in the same direction

Correct Answer: less than that of disc and in the same direction

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Option A: 2

Option B: 4

Option C: 6

Option D: 8

Correct Answer: 4

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Option A: ferromagnetic

Option B: paramagnetic

Option C: diamagnetic

Option D: dielectric

Correct Answer: diamagnetic

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Option A: permanent magnets

Option B: transformers

Option C: non-magnetic substances

Option D: electromagnets

Correct Answer: permanent magnets

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Option A: permanent magnets

Option B: transformers

Option C: non-magnetic substances

Option D: electromagnets

Correct Answer: permanent magnets

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Option A: attracts some substances and repels others

Option B: attracts all paramagnetic substances and repels others

Option C: attracts only ferromagnetic substances

Option D: attracts ferromagnetic substances and repels all others

Correct Answer: attracts some substances and repels others

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Option A: diamagnetic

Option B: paramagnetic

Option C: ferromagnetic

Option D: insulating

Correct Answer: ferromagnetic

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Option A: M

Option B: M/2

Option C: 2 M

Option D: M/4

Correct Answer: M

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Option A: pole strength

Option B: universal constant

Option C: scalar quantity

Option D: vector quantity

Correct Answer: vector quantity

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Option A: circular

Option B: triangular

Option C: rectangular

Option D: none of the above

Correct Answer: rectangular

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Option A: change the direction of magnetic lines

Option B: amplify flux

Option C: restore lost flux

Option D: provide a closed path for flux

Correct Answer: provide a closed path for flux

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Option A: the field of a set of parallel conductors

Option B: the field of a single conductor

Option C: the field in which all lines of magnetic flux are parallel and equidistant

Option D: none of the above

Correct Answer: the field in which all lines of magnetic flux are parallel and equidistant

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Option A: reluctance of conductor

Option B: resistance of conductor

Option C: A. and B. both in the same way

Option D: none of the above

Correct Answer: C. A. and B. both in the same way

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Option A: the voltage across the two ends of exciting coil

Option B: the flow of an electric current

Option C: the sum of all currents embraced by one line of magnetic field

Option D: the passage of magnetic field through an exciting coil

Correct Answer: the sum of all currents embraced by one line of magnetic field

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Option A: Decreases

Option B: Increases

Option C: Remains same

Option D: First increases and then decreases depending on the depth of iron in¬sertion

Correct Answer: Increases

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Option A: 2 AT

Option B: 4 AT

Option C: 6 AT

Option D: 10 AT

Correct Answer: 4 AT

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Option A: the highest permeability of the iron rod

Option B: the lowest permeability of the iron rod

Option C: the permeability at the end of the iron rod

Option D: the permeability almost in non-magnetised state

Correct Answer: the permeability almost in non-magnetised state

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Option A: The magnetic flux inside an exciting coil is lower than its outside surface

Option B: The magnetic flux inside an exciting coil is zero

Option C: The magnetic flux inside the exciting coil is greater than its outside surface

Option D: The magnetic flux inside the exciting coil is same as on its outside surface

Correct Answer: The magnetic flux inside the exciting coil is same as on its outside surface

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Option A: decreases with increasing cross sectional area of material

Option B: increases with increasing cross-sec-tional area of material

Option C: does not vary with increasing cross-sectional area of material

Option D: any of the above

Correct Answer: decreases with increasing cross sectional area of material

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Option A: is constant and has same value in energy part of the magnetic field

Option B: increases continuously from initial value to final value

Option C: decreases continuously from initial value to final value

Option D: first increases and then decreases till it becomes zero

Correct Answer: first increases and then decreases till it becomes zero

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Option A: the dipole moment

Option B: monopole moment

Option C: A. and B. both

Option D: none of the above

Correct Answer: the dipole moment

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Option A: It assures a position right angle to magnetic field

Option B: It starts rotating

Option C: It assures a position which follows a line of magnetic flux

Option D: None of the above

Correct Answer: It assures a position which follows a line of magnetic flux

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Option A: Ferromagnetic

Option B: Paramagnetic

Option C: Diamagnetic

Option D: None of the above

Correct Answer: Diamagnetic

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Option A: a line vertical to the flux lines

Option B: the mean length of a ring shaped coil

Option C: a line of magnetic flux in a non-uniform field

Option D: a line of magnetic flux which does not follow the designed path

Correct Answer: a line of magnetic flux which does not follow the designed path

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Option A: Silver

Option B: Copper

Option C: Silver and copper

Option D: Iron

Correct Answer: Silver

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Option A: Ferromagnetic materials

Option B: Paramagnetic materials

Option C: Diamagnetic materials

Option D: Ferrites

Correct Answer: Ferrites

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Option A: core length increases i

Option B: core area increases

Option C: flux density decreases

Option D: flux density increases

Correct Answer: flux density increases

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Option A: KT3 and 1CT6

Option B: 1CT3 and 1CT7

Option C: KT4 and KT8

Option D: 10″2 and KT5

Correct Answer: KT3 and 1CT6

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Option A: loud-speakers

Option B: generators

Option C: motors

Option D: all of the above

Correct Answer: all of the above

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Option A: Diamagnetic materials

Option B: Ferrimagnetic materials

Option C: Antiferromagnetic materials

Option D: Antiferrimagnetic materials

Correct Answer: Antiferromagnetic materials

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Option A: The conductivity of ferrites is better than ferromagnetic materials

Option B: The conductivity of ferromagnetic materials is better than ferrites

Option C: The conductivity of ferrites is very high

Option D: The conductivity of ferrites is same as that of ferromagnetic materials

Correct Answer: The conductivity of ferrites is better than ferromagnetic materials

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Option A: low coercivity

Option B: high susceptibility

Option C: both of the above

Option D: none of the above

Correct Answer: both of the above

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Option A: strong tendency of fan out of laminations at the end caused by repulsion among magnetic lines of force

Option B: uneven bearing surface, caused by dirt or uneven wear between moving and stationary parts

Option C: both of above

Option D: none of the above

Correct Answer: both of above

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Option A: heating

Option B: hammering

Option C: by inductive action of another magnet

Option D: by all above methods

Correct Answer: by all above methods

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