
Early 17th Century MCQs

Option A: gluttonous feasting

Option B: hard drinking

Option C: hunting

Option D: all of the above

Correct Answer: all of the above

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Option A: James IV of Scotland

Option B: James VI of Scotland

Option C: Mary, Queen of Scots

Option D: Anne Boleyn

Correct Answer: James VI of Scotland

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Option A: the pursuit of a more confrontational policy towards Catholic powers

Option B: the elimination of bishops

Option C: the right of congregations to choose their own leaders

Option D: the wider use of religious images in churches

Correct Answer: the wider use of religious images in churches

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Option A: L’Allegro

Option B: Lycidas

Option C: Paradise Lost

Option D: The Divine Comedy

Correct Answer: Paradise Lost

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Option A: the Petrarchan sonnet

Option B: the classical satire

Option C: the country-house poem

Option D: the epigram

Correct Answer: the Petrarchan sonnet

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Option A: Rachel Speght

Option B: Aemilia Lanyer

Option C: Elizabeth Cary, Lady Falkland

Option D: all of the above

Correct Answer: all of the above

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Option A: with an absolute prerogative his father would have envied.

Option B: through a system of draconian military courts.

Option C: with deference to Parliament’s legislative supremacy.

Option D: only a small area around London and Oxford.

Correct Answer: with deference to Parliament’s legislative supremacy.

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Option A: Ben Jonson

Option B: Aemilia Lanyer

Option C: Samuel Daniel

Option D: Mary Wroth

Correct Answer: Mary Wroth

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Option A: the disestablishment of the church and the removal of bishops

Option B: the right of the people to dismiss and even execute their rulers

Option C: the free circulation of ideas without prior censorship

Option D: the restoration of the monarchy

Correct Answer: the restoration of the monarchy

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Option A: All royalties from the sale of books went to the crown (hence the name).

Option B: Poets were required to have a university diploma (the original \poetic license\).

Option C: All books had to be dedicated to a noble or royal patron.

Option D: All books had to be submitted for official approval before publication.

Correct Answer: All books had to be submitted for official approval before publication.

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Option A: praising Roman virtues whilst endorsing Christian beliefs

Option B: praising feminine virtue whilst mocking the fixation on chastity

Option C: celebrating Cromwell’s victories whilst inviting sympathy for the executed king

Option D: celebrating the Restoration whilst regretting the frivolity of the new regime

Correct Answer: celebrating Cromwell’s victories whilst inviting sympathy for the executed king

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Option A: Gerrard Winstanley

Option B: Oliver Cromwell

Option C: Praisegod Barebone

Option D: George Monk

Correct Answer: Oliver Cromwell

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Option A: the founding of the Jamestown settlement

Option B: the founding of the Plymouth colony

Option C: Henry Hudson’s fruitless search for the Northwest Passage

Option D: all of the above

Correct Answer: all of the above

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Option A: Pericles

Option B: Genghis Khan

Option C: Richard Lionheart

Option D: Augustus Caesar

Correct Answer: Augustus Caesar

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Option A: John Lilburne

Option B: William Laud

Option C: Roger Williams

Option D: Oliver Cromwell

Correct Answer: Roger Williams

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Option A: abolishing extra-legal taxes and courts

Option B: mounting a revolution and executing the king

Option C: bringing to trial the king’s hated ministers, Strafford and Laud

Option D: remaining in session until they themselves agreed to disband

Correct Answer: mounting a revolution and executing the king

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Option A: William Shakespeare

Option B: Ben Jonson

Option C: John Donne

Option D: John Milton

Correct Answer: John Milton

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Option A: Martin Luther

Option B: John Calvin

Option C: Henry VIII

Option D: Arminius

Correct Answer: John Calvin

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Option A: courtly ideals of the good life

Option B: carpe diem

Option C: loyalty to the king

Option D: pious devotion to religious virtues

Correct Answer: pious devotion to religious virtues

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Option A: \Air and Angels\

Option B: \Satire 3\

Option C: \The Apparition\

Option D: \The Indifferent\

Correct Answer: \Satire 3\

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Option A: Othello

Option B: Volpone

Option C: King Lear

Option D: Antony and Cleopatra

Correct Answer: Volpone

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Option A: Izaak Walton

Option B: Katherine Philips

Option C: John Skelton

Option D: Isabella Whitney

Correct Answer: Izaak Walton

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Option A: the abolishment of public plays and sports

Option B: the conversion of the English church to Catholicism

Option C: the adoption of English as the official language

Option D: the consolidation of power in an absolute monarch

Correct Answer: the abolishment of public plays and sports

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Option A: William Collins

Option B: William Laud

Option C: William Shakespeare

Option D: William Tyndale

Correct Answer: William Laud

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Option A: the Fifth Monarchists

Option B: the Roarers

Option C: the Diggers

Option D: the Ranters

Correct Answer: the Ranters

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Option A: the novel

Option B: the sermon

Option C: the familiar essay

Option D: the diary

Correct Answer: the familiar essay

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Option A: choler

Option B: blood

Option C: cholesterol

Option D: black bile

Correct Answer: cholesterol

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Option A: The Litany in a Time of Plague

Option B: Utopia

Option C: Leviathan

Option D: The Advancement of Learning

Correct Answer: Leviathan

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Option A: Westminster Abbey

Option B: Tower Bridge

Option C: the Houses of Parliament

Option D: Buckingham Palace

Correct Answer: the Houses of Parliament

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Option A: celebrations of the transience of all life and beauty

Option B: celebrations of lesbian sexuality in terms that did not imply a male readership

Option C: celebrations of religious ecstasy and divine inspiration

Option D: celebrations of female friendship in Platonic terms normally reserved for male Friendships

Correct Answer: celebrations of female friendship in Platonic terms normally reserved for male Friendships

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