
Romantic Period MCQs

Option A: economic independence

Option B: the Rights of Man

Option C: laissez-faire

Option D: enclosure

Correct Answer: laissez-faire

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Option A: London Magazine

Option B: The Spectator

Option C: The Edinburgh Review

Option D: a and c only

Correct Answer: a and c only

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Option A: Republicans

Option B: Liberals

Option C: Radicals

Option D: both B and C

Correct Answer: both B and C

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Option A: Hunnish epic

Option B: Gothic fiction

Option C: epistolary novel

Option D: meta-novel

Correct Answer: Gothic fiction

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Option A: The notoriety of the \Lake School\

Option B: Technological developments, such as the steam-driven printing press

Option C: Innovations in retailing, such as the cut-price sale of remaindered books

Option D: Increased literacy, thanks in large part to Sunday schools

Correct Answer: The notoriety of the \Lake School\

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Option A: the neo-classical influence of Pope and Dryden

Option B: the clumsiness of Shakespeare’s plots

Option C: the Orientalist fantasies of Coleridge

Option D: Wordsworth’s devotion to the ordinary and everyday

Correct Answer: Wordsworth’s devotion to the ordinary and everyday

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Option A: Wordsworth because he wanted to distinguish his poetry and the poetry of his friends from that of the ancien r´gime, especially satire

Option B: English historians half a century after the period ended

Option C: The Satanic School\of Byron, Percy Shelley, and their followers

Option D: Oliver Goldsmith in The Deserted Village (1770)

Correct Answer: English historians half a century after the period ended

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Option A: Byron’s Manfred

Option B: Coleridge’s Remorse

Option C: Shelley’s Prometheus Unbound

Option D: Shelley’s The Cenci

Correct Answer: Coleridge’s Remorse

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Option A: the fractal

Option B: the figment

Option C: the fragment

Option D: the aubade

Correct Answer: the fragment

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Option A: The dramaturge and playwright had to be related.

Option B: All of the actors were male.

Option C: All of the actors were British.

Option D: The play was spoken.

Correct Answer: The play was spoken.

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Option A: opium

Option B: dreams

Option C: childhood

Option D: A, B and c

Correct Answer: A, B and c

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Option A: Mary Wollstonecraft and William Blake

Option B: Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley and Percy Bysshe Shelley

Option C: William Wordsworth and Samuel Taylor Coleridge

Option D: Charles Lamb and William Hazlitt

Correct Answer: William Wordsworth and Samuel Taylor Coleridge

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Option A: William Blake

Option B: Alfred Lord Tennyson

Option C: Samuel Johnson

Option D: William Wordsworth

Correct Answer: William Wordsworth

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Option A: partition

Option B: segregation

Option C: enclosure

Option D: division

Correct Answer: enclosure

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Option A: Hand labor became less common with the invention of power-driven machinery.

Option B: Velcro replaced buttons and snaps.

Option C: Steam, as opposed to wind and water, became a primary source of power.

Option D: both A and C

Correct Answer: both A and C

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Option A: the organization of a working class men’s choral group in Southern England

Option B: the Battle of Waterloo

Option C: the Peterloo Massacre

Option D: the storming of the Bastille

Correct Answer: the Peterloo Massacre

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Option A: Too many of its readers were women.

Option B: It required less skill than other genres.

Option C: It lacked the classical pedigree of poetry and drama.

Option D: all of the above

Correct Answer: all of the above

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Option A: Jane Austen’s Emma

Option B: Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein

Option C: William Godwin’s Caleb Williams

Option D: Sir Walter Scott’s Waverley

Correct Answer: William Godwin’s Caleb Williams

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Option A: the expurgation of indelicate language

Option B: the modernization of archaic vocabulary

Option C: the insertion of bawdy songs

Option D: the misspelling of simple words like \the\and \and\

Correct Answer: the expurgation of indelicate language

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Option A: Wollstonecraft’s Vindication of the Rights of Men

Option B: Paine’s Rights of Man

Option C: Godwin’s Enquiry Concerning Political Justice

Option D: Burke’s Reflections on the Revolution in France

Correct Answer: Burke’s Reflections on the Revolution in France

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Option A: the rhythmic expression of moral intuition

Option B: the spontaneous overflow of powerful feelings

Option C: the polite patter of a corrupted age

Option D: the divine gift of grace

Correct Answer: the spontaneous overflow of powerful feelings

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Option A: troubadour

Option B: skald

Option C: chorister

Option D: bard

Correct Answer: bard

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Option A: Prometheus

Option B: Satan

Option C: Cain

Option D: George III

Correct Answer: George III

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Option A: Maria Edgeworth

Option B: Sir Walter Scott

Option C: Thomas De Quincey

Option D: Jane Austen

Correct Answer: Jane Austen

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Option A: Mary Shelley and Percy Bysshe Shelley

Option B: William Wordsworth and Samuel Taylor Coleridge

Option C: Sir Walter Scott and Maria Edgeworth

Option D: Jane Austen and Charlotte Brontë

Correct Answer: Sir Walter Scott and Maria Edgeworth

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Option A: the lyric poem written in the first person

Option B: the sonnet

Option C: doggerel rhyme

Option D: the political tract

Correct Answer: the lyric poem written in the first person

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Option A: about half of middle class men

Option B: almost all working class men

Option C: all women

Option D: A, B and C

Correct Answer: A, B and C

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Option A: John Clare

Option B: John Keats

Option C: Robert Burns

Option D: A and C only

Correct Answer: A and C only

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Option A: Aristotle

Option B: Duns Scotus

Option C: David Hume

Option D: Immanuel Kant

Correct Answer: Immanuel Kant

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