
Everyday Science MCQs

Option A: Earth

Option B: Mercury

Option C: Sun

Option D: Venus

Correct Answer: Sun

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Option A: enzime

Option B: Food

Option C: hcl

Option D: None of These

Correct Answer: Food

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Option A: Mercury

Option B: Venus

Option C: Mars

Option D: The Earth

Correct Answer: Venus

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Option A: Coach

Option B: Core

Option C: Corona

Option D: Comma

Correct Answer: Corona

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Option A: 105

Option B: 107

Option C: 109

Option D: 111

Correct Answer: 109

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Option A: The sun

Option B: The Moon

Option C: The Earth

Option D: Venus

Correct Answer: The sun

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Option A: Crust

Option B: Mental

Option C: Core

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: Crust

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Option A: autotrophs

Option B: heterotrophs

Option C: saprotrophs

Option D: none of these

Correct Answer: heterotrophs

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Option A: Jupiter

Option B: Venus

Option C: Saturn

Option D: Uranus

Correct Answer: Saturn

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Option A: Force

Option B: Magnetic flux

Option C: Energy

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: Energy

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Option A: Sir Francis Galton’s

Option B: HM Smith

Option C: Marcelo Malpighi

Option D: Dr Nehemiah

Correct Answer: A. Sir Francis Galton’s

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Option A: Over production

Option B: Natural selection

Option C: Inheritance for acquired characters

Option D: Competition for survival

Correct Answer: Inheritance for acquired characters

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Option A: Apollo 1

Option B: Sputnik

Option C: Apollo II

Option D: Voyager 1

Correct Answer: Voyager 1

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Option A: Paresh Dhawan Space Centre

Option B: Satish Dhawan Space Centre

Option C: Ram Dhawan Space Centre

Option D: Shiri Dhawan Space Centre

Correct Answer: Satish Dhawan Space Centre

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Option A: Outer planets (Uranus and Neptune)

Option B: Outer planets (Jupiter and Neptune)

Option C: Outer planets (Jupiter and Saturn)

Option D: Inner planets (Mercury and Earth)

Correct Answer: Outer planets (Uranus and Neptune)

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Option A: Water, mercury and methane

Option B: Water, ammonia and mercury

Option C: Water, plasma and methane

Option D: Water, ammonia and methane

Correct Answer: Water, ammonia and methane

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Option A: Seliopause

Option B: Meliopause

Option C: Heliopause

Option D: Beliopause

Correct Answer: Heliopause

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Option A: The sun will then expand into a red giant and possibly swallow the outer planets

Option B: The sun will then expand into a red giant and possibly swallow the inner as well as outer planets, including Earth

Option C: The sun will then expand into a red giant and possibly swallow the inner planets, including Earth

Option D: Sun will stay as it is

Correct Answer: The sun will then expand into a red giant and possibly swallow the inner planets, including Earth

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Option A: Dark matter is detected through its absorption effects

Option B: Dark matter is detected through its gravitational effects on visible matter

Option C: Dark matter is detected through its absorption and gravitational effects

Option D: Dark matter cannot be detected

Correct Answer: Dark matter is detected through its gravitational effects on visible matter

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Option A: Dark matter interacts with electromagnetic force for very short duration

Option B: Dark matter does not interact with electrostatic force

Option C: Dark matter does not interact with electromagnetic force

Option D: None of the above

Correct Answer: Dark matter does not interact with electromagnetic force

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Option A: Persistence

Option B: Desistance

Option C: Perseverance

Option D: None of the above

Correct Answer: Perseverance

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Option A: Artemis

Option B: Arshamedis

Option C: Arsenimdo

Option D: Bertonies

Correct Answer: Artemis

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Option A: Darker Solar Probe

Option B: Walker Solar Probe

Option C: Parker Solar Probe

Option D: Falkner Solar Probe

Correct Answer: Parker Solar Probe

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Option A: Diversity

Option B: Serenity

Option C: Curiosity

Option D: Divinity

Correct Answer: Curiosity

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Option A: ISS (International Space Station)

Option B: AI powered robot

Option C: Parabolic aircraft

Option D: None of the above

Correct Answer: ISS (International Space Station)

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Option A: 60 minutes at an altitude of about 400 km

Option B: 60 minutes at an altitude of about 500 km

Option C: 90 minutes at an altitude of about 400 km

Option D: 90 minutes at an altitude of about 500 km

Correct Answer: 90 minutes at an altitude of about 400 km

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Option A: Feliosphere

Option B: Seliosphere

Option C: Heliosphere

Option D: Peliosphere

Correct Answer: Heliosphere

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Option A: 600 km/s

Option B: 700 km/s

Option C: 800 km/s

Option D: 650 km/s

Correct Answer: 700 km/s

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Option A: Photosphere

Option B: Chromosphere

Option C: Corona 

Option D: A and B

Correct Answer: Corona 

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Option A: protons and electrons; flows out from the sun

Option B: electrons; flows out from the sun

Option C: protons; flows out from the sun

Option D: protons and electrons; revolves around the sun

Correct Answer: protons and electrons; flows out from the sun

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Option A: Dutch astronomer Kuiper in 1950

Option B: Dutch astronomer Jan Oort in 1950

Option C: Dutch astronomer Kuiper Oort in 1950

Option D: French astronomer Jan Oort and Kuiper in 1950

Correct Answer: Dutch astronomer Jan Oort in 1950

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Option A: Pluto, Cris, and Yeres

Option B: Pluto, Bris, and Teres

Option C: Pluto, Eris, and Ceres

Option D: Yeres, Teres, Ceres

Correct Answer: Pluto, Eris, and Ceres

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Option A: 100,000

Option B: 200,000

Option C: 300,000

Option D: 400,000

Correct Answer: 100,000

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Option A: The Gort cloud

Option B: The Oort cloud

Option C: The Fort cloud

Option D: The Nort cloud

Correct Answer: The Oort cloud

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Option A: Venus

Option B: Saturn

Option C: Neptune

Option D: Earth

Correct Answer: Neptune

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Option A: Mars and Jupiter

Option B: Jupiter and Saturn

Option C: Mercury and Neptune

Option D: Venus and Uranus

Correct Answer: Mars and Jupiter

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Option A: Rock, metal, ice and dust

Option B: Rock and metal

Option C: Metal and gas

Option D: Metal, gas and rock

Correct Answer: Rock and metal

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Option A: Dusty snowballs

Option B: Filthy snowballs

Option C: Dirty snowballs

Option D: Impure snowballs

Correct Answer: Dirty snowballs

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Option A: “coma” around the comet’s nucleus and a long tail that points away from the sun

Option B: “coma” that points away from the sun and a long tail around the comet’s nucleus

Option C: Only “coma” around the comet’s nucleus

Option D: Only a long tail that points away from the sun

Correct Answer: A. “coma” around the comet’s nucleus and a long tail that points away from the sun

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Option A: Ice and dust

Option B: Dust and lights

Option C: Ice, dust and lights

Option D: All of the above

Correct Answer: Ice and dust

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Option A: Steam and dust

Option B: Gas and dust

Option C: Steam, gas and dust

Option D: None of the above

Correct Answer: Gas and dust

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Option A: 10

Option B: 11

Option C: 12

Option D: 13

Correct Answer: 12

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Option A: the Simerian Basin

Option B: the Inbrium Basin

Option C: the Imbrium Basin

Option D: Black Bowl Basin

Correct Answer: the Imbrium Basin

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Option A: The moon has both atmosphere and magnetic field

Option B: The moon has no atmosphere or magnetic field

Option C: The moon has atmosphere but no magnetic field

Option D: The moon has magnetic field but no atmosphere

Correct Answer: The moon has no atmosphere or magnetic field

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Option A: – 173 degrees Celsius at night to 127 degrees Celsius during the day

Option B: – 172 degrees Celsius at night to 172 degrees Celsius during the day

Option C: Remains constant during day and night

Option D: – 170 degrees Celsius at night to 107 degrees Celsius during the day

Correct Answer: A. – 173 degrees Celsius at night to 127 degrees Celsius during the day

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Option A: Gravitational forces

Option B: Exchange forces

Option C: Coulombic forces

Option D: Magnetic forces

Correct Answer: Exchange forces

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Option A: Average height (H)

Option B: Scale height (H)

Option C: Mean height (H)

Option D: Standard height (H)

Correct Answer: Scale height (H)

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Option A: Electrosphere

Option B: Magnetosphere

Option C: Spectrosphere

Option D: Echosphere

Correct Answer: Magnetosphere

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Option A: Thermosphere

Option B: Exosphere 

Option C: Lithosphere

Option D: Stratosphere

Correct Answer: Exosphere 

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Option A: Troposphere

Option B: Stratosphere

Option C: Mesosphere

Option D: Ionosphere

Correct Answer: Stratosphere

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Option A: Troposphere 

Option B: Stratosphere

Option C: Mesosphere

Option D: Thermosphere

Correct Answer: Troposphere 

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Option A: Liver

Option B: Heart

Option C: Skin

Option D: Kidney

Correct Answer: Skin

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Option A: Graphite

Option B: Silica

Option C: Iron oxide

Option D: Diamond

Correct Answer: Graphite

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Option A: Krypton

Option B: Xenon

Option C: Neon

Option D: Helium

Correct Answer: Helium

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Option A: Boron and aluminium

Option B: Silicon and Germanium

Option C: Iridium and Tungston

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: Silicon and Germanium

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Option A: Chlorine

Option B: Washing soda

Option C: Bleaching powder

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: Washing soda

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Option A: Sodium

Option B: Barium

Option C: Mercury

Option D: Potassium

Correct Answer: Barium

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Option A: Long March-3D

Option B: Long March-2D

Option C: Vertical March-3D

Option D: Orbital March-2D

Correct Answer: Long March-2D

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Option A: These gases are not present

Option B: These gases are like plasma

Option C: These gases are frozen 

Option D: These gases are volatile

Correct Answer: These gases are frozen 

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Option A: Saturn, Jupiter, Hydrogen

Option B: Uranus, Neptune, Nitrogen

Option C: Saturn, Neptune, Nitrogen

Option D: Mars, Venus, Hydrogen

Correct Answer: Saturn, Neptune, Nitrogen

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Option A: Gravity is low and temperature of atmosphere is great

Option B: Gravity and temperature both are great

Option C: Gravity and temperature both are constant

Option D: Gravity is great and temperature of atmosphere is low

Correct Answer: Gravity is great and temperature of atmosphere is low

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Option A: Mass of vertical column of atmospheric gases

Option B: Mass of horizontal column of atmospheric gases

Option C: Weight of vertical column of atmospheric gases

Option D: Mass of vertical and weight of horizontal of atmospheric gases

Correct Answer: Weight of vertical column of atmospheric gases

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Option A: Troposphere

Option B: Mesosphere

Option C: Exosphere 

Option D: Stratosphere

Correct Answer: Exosphere 

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Option A: Its density is lesser at short distances from planetary surface in morning and further decreases as ionosphere rises at night-time, thereby allowing a greater range of radio frequencies to travel greater distances

Option B: Its density is greater at short distances from tplanetary surface in daytime and decreases as ionosphere rises at night-time, thereby allowing a greater range of radio frequencies to travel greater distances

Option C: Its density is greater at long distances from planetary surface in daytime and further increases as ionosphere rises at night-time, thereby allowing a greater range of radio frequencies to travel greater distances

Option D: None of the above

Correct Answer: Its density is greater at short distances from tplanetary surface in daytime and decreases as ionosphere rises at night-time, thereby allowing a greater range of radio frequencies to travel greater distances

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Option A: Pressure of the planetary body

Option B: Gravity of the planetary body

Option C: Charge of the planetary body

Option D: Heat of the planetary body

Correct Answer: Gravity of the planetary body

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Option A: 75 km, Mesosphere, 670 km

Option B: 80 km, Ionosphere, 680 km

Option C: 85 km, Exosphere, 690 km

Option D: 90 km, Ozone Layer , 690 km

Correct Answer: 85 km, Exosphere, 690 km

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Option A: Troposphere

Option B: Stratosphere

Option C: Mesosphere

Option D: Ionosphere

Correct Answer: Mesosphere

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Option A: 46 km to 85 km

Option B: 48 km to 85 km

Option C: 50 km to 85 km

Option D: 52 km to 85 km

Correct Answer: 50 km to 85 km

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Option A: Infrared radiation

Option B: Ultraviolet radiation

Option C: Ozone layer

Option D: Radio waves

Correct Answer: Ultraviolet radiation

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Option A: Troposphere

Option B: Stratosphere 

Option C: Mesosphere

Option D: Ionosphere

Correct Answer: Stratosphere 

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Option A: 15 km and 35 km

Option B: 17 km and 35 km

Option C: 18 km and 35 km

Option D: 19 km and 35 km

Correct Answer: 15 km and 35 km

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Option A: Thermosphere

Option B: Ionosphere

Option C: Stratosphere

Option D: None of the above

Correct Answer: Stratosphere

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Option A: 7 km at equator and 17 km at poles

Option B: 17 km at equator and 7 km at poles

Option C: 18 km at equator and 8 km at poles

Option D: 8 km at equator and 18 km at poles

Correct Answer: 17 km at equator and 7 km at poles

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Option A: Stratosphere

Option B: Mesosphere

Option C: Thermosphere

Option D: Troposphere

Correct Answer: Troposphere

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Option A: Stratosphere

Option B: Mesosphere

Option C: Troposphere

Option D: Thermosphere

Correct Answer: Stratosphere

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Option A: Stratosphere

Option B: Mesosphere

Option C: Troposphere

Option D: Thermosphere

Correct Answer: Troposphere

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Option A: Southern pole region 

Option B: Northern pole region

Option C: Equator

Option D: All of the above

Correct Answer: Southern pole region 

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Option A: 363-feet 

Option B: 364-feet

Option C: 365-feet

Option D: 366-feet

Correct Answer: 363-feet 

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Option A: Time capsule

Option B: Light capsule

Option C: Meta capsule

Option D: Natural capsule

Correct Answer: Time capsule

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Option A: Triangulum

Option B: Andromeda

Option C: Messier 81

Option D: Whirlpool

Correct Answer: Triangulum

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Option A: Methane,Ethane & Hexane

Option B: Ethane,Hexane &Nonane

Option C: Methane,Butane & Propane

Option D: All of these

Correct Answer: Methane,Butane & Propane

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Option A: Calcium oxide &Ammonium Chloride

Option B: Calcium Carbonate &Megnesium Carbonate

Option C: Aragonite & Conchiolin

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: Calcium Carbonate &Megnesium Carbonate

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Option A: It has a high specific heat

Option B: It has no colour

Option C: It has a high dipole moment

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: It has a high dipole moment

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Option A: Einstein

Option B: Newton

Option C: Copernicus

Option D: Archimedes

Correct Answer: Copernicus

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Option A: Hydrochloric Acid

Option B: Sulphuric Acid

Option C: Nitric Acid

Option D: Muriatic Acid

Correct Answer: Sulphuric Acid

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Option A: Three

Option B: Six

Option C: Nine

Option D: Ten

Correct Answer: Six

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Option A: Carbon Dioxide

Option B: Chlorofluoro Carbons

Option C: Nitrous Oxide 

Option D: Carbon Monoxide

Correct Answer: Nitrous Oxide 

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Option A: It has negligible mass

Option B: It has not nearly round shaped

Option C: It does not have always same neighbouring planet

Option D: All of the above

Correct Answer: It does not have always same neighbouring planet

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Option A: Refraction

Option B: Dispersion

Option C: Total internal reflection

Option D: All of the above

Correct Answer: All of the above

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Option A: 2

Option B: 3

Option C: 4

Option D: 5

Correct Answer: 3

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Option A: Jupiter

Option B: Saturn

Option C: Mars

Option D: MercurY

Correct Answer: Mars

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Option A: 2 weeks

Option B: 2.5 weeks

Option C: 3 weeks

Option D: 4 weeks

Correct Answer: 3 weeks

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Option A: Zinc

Option B: Iron

Option C: Calcium

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: Iron

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Option A: Black

Option B: White

Option C: Yellow

Option D: Reddish-Purple

Correct Answer: Reddish-Purple

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Option A: an extreme sport

Option B: a vintage fasion style

Option C: a dangerous adventure

Option D: mental diversion from unpleasant or boring aspects of daily life

Correct Answer: mental diversion from unpleasant or boring aspects of daily life

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Option A: 3 seconds

Option B: 6 seconds

Option C: 9 seconds

Option D: 12 seconds

Correct Answer: 3 seconds

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Option A: Walk

Option B: Communicate

Option C: Study

Option D: Bath

Correct Answer: Communicate

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Option A: Frequency modulation

Option B: Frequency meter

Option C: Fiber modulation

Option D: Frequency Magnet

Correct Answer: Frequency modulation

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Option A: Corbons

Option B: Cubes

Option C: Seeds and fruits

Option D: Infertile soils

Correct Answer: Seeds and fruits

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Option A: Ladybird

Option B: Bee

Option C: Cockroach

Option D: Termite

Correct Answer: Cockroach

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