
Forestry MCQs

Option A: Reproductive ecology

Option B: Autecology

Option C: Synecology

Option D: Ecological niche

Correct Answer: Autecology

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Option A: Mimic only

Option B: Model only

Option C: Both (a) & (b)

Option D: Either of these

Correct Answer: Both (a) & (b)

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Option A: Plant ecology

Option B: Animal ecology

Option C: Ecological study of individual species

Option D: Ecological study of group of species, which is grown together

Correct Answer: Ecological study of individual species

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Option A: Flora and fauna

Option B: Community

Option C: Ecosystem

Option D: Ecology

Correct Answer: Flora and fauna

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Option A: Lithophytes

Option B: Xerophytes

Option C: Hydrophytes

Option D: Mesophyte

Correct Answer: Hydrophytes

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Option A: Topographic

Option B: Temperature

Option C: Biotic

Option D: Edaphic climax

Correct Answer: Edaphic climax

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Option A: When both partners are harmed

Option B: When both partners are benefited

Option C: When weaker partner is benefited and the stronger is unharmed

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: When weaker partner is benefited and the stronger is unharmed

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Option A: Stenothermic

Option B: Eurythermic

Option C: Monothermic

Option D: Mesothermic

Correct Answer: Stenothermic

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Option A: Lithophytes

Option B: Oxalophytes

Option C: Phancrophytes

Option D: Psammophytes

Correct Answer: Psammophytes

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Option A: Symbiosis

Option B: Commensalism

Option C: Mutualism

Option D: Parasitism

Correct Answer: Commensalism

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Option A: Sea anemon, hermite crab

Option B: Bird and rhino

Option C: Butter fly and sunflower

Option D: Liver fluck and sheep

Correct Answer: Sea anemon, hermite crab

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Option A: Trophic

Option B: Eutrophic

Option C: Oligotrophic

Option D: Euphotic

Correct Answer: Eutrophic

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Option A: Coniferous forest

Option B: Alpine

Option C: Tundra forest

Option D: Deciduous forest

Correct Answer: Alpine

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Option A: Locusts migrate for feeding occasionally

Option B: Whales show periodic migration

Option C: Many birds migrate from Siberia to South pole

Option D: Arctic term migrate from North to South pole

Correct Answer: Arctic term migrate from North to South pole

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Option A: Aerenchyma

Option B: Collenchyma

Option C: Stomata

Option D: Root system

Correct Answer: Aerenchyma

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Option A: Euphotic, despotic and aphotic

Option B: Aphotic, euphotic and despotic

Option C: Euphotic, aphotic and despotic

Option D: Despotic, euphotic and aphotic

Correct Answer: Euphotic, despotic and aphotic

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Option A: Mutualism

Option B: Symbiosis

Option C: Co-operation

Option D: Commensalism

Correct Answer: Commensalism

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Option A: Shark and sucker fish-commensalism

Option B: Algae and fungi in lichens-parasitism

Option C: Orchids growing on trees-epiphytism

Option D: Cuscuta (doder) growing on other flowering plants-epiphytism

Correct Answer: Algae and fungi in lichens-parasitism

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Option A: Vascular system

Option B: Aerenchyma

Option C: Root system

Option D: Stoma

Correct Answer: Aerenchyma

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Option A: Thermosphere

Option B: Mesosphere

Option C: Stratospheres

Option D: Troposphere

Correct Answer: Troposphere

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Option A: Small spiny stem

Option B: Soft and mucilaginous stem

Option C: Thick and large leaf

Option D: None of the above

Correct Answer: Soft and mucilaginous stem

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Option A: Decomposers

Option B: Endoparasitism

Option C: Ectoparasitism

Option D: Symbiotic relationship

Correct Answer: Symbiotic relationship

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Option A: Upper soil layer

Option B: Entire solum

Option C: Horizon B

Option D: Entire top-soil

Correct Answer: Upper soil layer

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Option A: Cosmopolitan in distribution

Option B: Restricted to, grow over certain areas

Option C: Found in arctic region

Option D: Gregarious in habit

Correct Answer: Restricted to, grow over certain areas

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Option A: Alluvial

Option B: Padsol

Option C: Laterite

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: Laterite

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Option A: Hackel

Option B: Cuvier

Option C: Reiter

Option D: Malthus

Correct Answer: Hackel

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Option A: Which allows limited amount of water to be retained into it

Option B: Which allows water to pass through it very quickly

Option C: Which allows percolation the water slowly from it

Option D: Which holds whole of the water that enters into it

Correct Answer: Which allows percolation the water slowly from it

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Option A: Tropical deciduous forest

Option B: Tropical evergreen forest

Option C: North coniferous forest

Option D: Temperature deciduous forest

Correct Answer: Temperature deciduous forest

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Option A: Forest

Option B: Desert

Option C: Grassland

Option D: Shrub land

Correct Answer: Desert

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Option A: Terra rossa – Most suitable for roses

Option B: Chernozems – Richest soil in the world

Option C: Black soil – Rich in calcium carbonate

Option D: Laterite – Contains aluminium compound

Correct Answer: C. Black soil – Rich in calcium carbonate

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Option A: Desert

Option B: Tropical forest

Option C: Deciduous forest

Option D: Tundra

Correct Answer: Tropical forest

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Option A: Toxin

Option B: Hormone

Option C: Phytotoxin

Option D: Phytoalexin

Correct Answer: Phytoalexin

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Option A: Epidermis as dissolved CO2

Option B: Epidermis as carbonates only

Option C: Epidermis as carbonates only

Option D: Both (b) and (c)

Correct Answer: Epidermis as carbonates only

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Option A: Higher rate of CO2 fixation than the sun plants

Option B: More extended root system

Option C: Leaves modified to spines

Option D: Larger photosynthetic unit size than the sun plants

Correct Answer: Higher rate of CO2 fixation than the sun plants

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Option A: Peshawar

Option B: Mardan

Option C: Swat

Option D: Gilgit

Correct Answer: Peshawar

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Option A: Tidal Swamp Forests

Option B: Littoral Grassland

Option C: Both (a) & (b)

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: Both (a) & (b)

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Option A: More or less dense forest of very low average height

Option B: Only 3-6 m

Option C: Both (a) & (b)

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: Both (a) & (b)

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Option A: The outcome of human efforts on sub-marginal lands

Option B: Where irrigation water could be made available

Option C: Both (a) & (b)

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: Both (a) & (b)

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Option A: It is an important seral stage of tropical thorn forest type.

Option B: It forms a fairly complete canopy 12-15 m. High

Option C: Which Acacia arabica usually strongly predominates with varying amounts of Populus euphratica

Option D: All of the above

Correct Answer: All of the above

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Option A: An open rather low forest composed

Option B: A few trees of the thorn forest type

Option C: With a predominantly deciduous shrub layer

Option D: All of the above

Correct Answer: All of the above

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Option A: Which thorny usually hard wooded species predominate, Acacia spp. Being particularly characteristic

Option B: The trees usually have short boles and low branching crowns which rarely meet except on exceptionally favourable spots

Option C: Both (a) & (b)

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: Both (a) & (b)

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Option A: Low forest of branchy trees forming a canopy

Option B: Varying in density from complete closure

Option C: Under the most favourable conditions to scattered single trees or groups on the driest sites

Option D: Typically field in with a shrub growth which similarly varies in density

Correct Answer: All of the above

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Option A: High forest in which Pinus roxburghii (Chir) forms practically whole of the top canopy

Option B: Which may be upto 37.5 m. High with trees upto 2.0 or 2.5 m. In girth

Option C: The pine canopy tends to be nearly even aged over compact areas sometimes of considerable extent

Option D: All of the above

Correct Answer: All of the above

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Option A: Bhutan

Option B: Sri Lanka

Option C: Nepal

Option D: Afghanistan

Correct Answer: Bhutan

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Option A: Pinus wallichiana

Option B: Cedrus deodara

Option C: Piecea smithiana

Option D: Abies pindrow

Correct Answer: All of the above

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Option A: Fairly generally

Option B: Form local consociations

Option C: Both (a) & (b)

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: Both (a) & (b)

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Option A: 12.2

Option B: 13.2

Option C: 14.2

Option D: 15.2

Correct Answer: 12.2

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Option A: 1,300 mm

Option B: 1,400 mm

Option C: 1,500 mm

Option D: 1,600 mm

Correct Answer: 1,500 mm

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Option A: 22 to 44 m

Option B: 24 to 46 m

Option C: 26 to 48 m

Option D: 28 to 50 m

Correct Answer: 24 to 46 m

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Option A: Acer

Option B: Prunus

Option C: Fraxinus

Option D: Aesculus

Correct Answer: All of the above

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Option A: 3,550 m

Option B: 3,650 m

Option C: 3,750 m

Option D: 3,850 m

Correct Answer: 3,650 m

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Option A: 1.4 to 6.0 m

Option B: 1.5 to 7.0 m

Option C: 1.6 to 8.0 m

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: 1.4 to 6.0 m

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Option A: The chief character of this type is the extensive development of coniferous forests

Option B: They also extend into the dry temperature regions

Option C: To a small extent into the sub-alpine forests

Option D: All of the above

Correct Answer: All of the above

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Option A: Gilgit and parts of Chitral

Option B: Nilam and Khaghan valleys

Option C: Both (a) & (b)

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: Both (a) & (b)

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Option A: 5 or 6

Option B: 7 or 8

Option C: 9 or 11

Option D: 11 or 12

Correct Answer: 5 or 6

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Option A: The canopy is only rarely closed

Option B: Is often formed of widely spaced

Option C: Free-standing

Option D: Low-branching trees

Correct Answer: All of the above

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Option A: Kashmir

Option B: Dir

Option C: Swat

Option D: Chitral

Correct Answer: All of the above

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Option A: 2.3 m

Option B: 2.4 m

Option C: 2.5 m

Option D: 2.6 m

Correct Answer: 2.5 m

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Option A: 3,350 m to 3,800 m

Option B: 4,450 m to 4,800 m

Option C: 5,550 m to 5,800 m

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: 3,350 m to 3,800 m

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Option A: Coniferous trees limited to Abies (Fir)

Option B: Pinus wallichiana (blue pine) stand singly

Option C: In groups over an irregular, sometimes dense, lower storey of broadleaved trees

Option D: All of the above

Correct Answer: All of the above

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Option A: 1 to 3m

Option B: 1 to 4m

Option C: 1 to 5m

Option D: 1 to 5m

Correct Answer: 1 to 3m

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Option A: Shrub formations often forming a quite dense cover 0.4 to 1.4 m

Option B: Shrub formations often forming a quite dense cover 0.5 to 1.6 m

Option C: Shrub formations often forming a quite dense cover 0.6 to 1.8 m

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: Shrub formations often forming a quite dense cover 0.6 to 1.8 m

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Option A: 140 m

Option B: 150 m

Option C: 160 m

Option D: 170 m

Correct Answer: 150 m

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Option A: Salix

Option B: Lonicera

Option C: Berberis

Option D: Cotoneaster

Correct Answer: Cotoneaster

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Option A: The pith borer of poplars

Option B: Mostly found in KPK, Azad Kashmir and Lahore

Option C: The eggs are laid in eye-shaped slits made in young branches by ovipositing adult

Option D: All of the above

Correct Answer: All of the above

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Option A: Sparay Sevin 85% in the dose of 0.1%

Option B: Sparay Sevin 75% in the dose of 0.1%

Option C: Sparay Sevin 65% in the dose of 0.1%

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: Sparay Sevin 85% in the dose of 0.1%

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Option A: This is flat headed stem borer

Option B: The grubs are white and not more than 2.3 cm in length

Option C: Both (a) & (b)

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: Both (a) & (b)

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Option A: Stem borer of serious nature

Option B: It is found in KPK, Boluchistan and some parts of Punjab

Option C: The galleries run under the bark

Option D: All of the above

Correct Answer: All of the above

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Option A: Spraying of nurseries and younger poplar plantations with 2lbs. Of Sevin 85% S.P. In 100 gallons of water per acre

Option B: Spraying of nurseries and younger poplar plantations with 1 lbs of Sevin 75% S.P. In 50 gallons of water per acre

Option C: Spraying of nurseries and younger poplar plantations with 2 lbs of Sevin 95% S.P. In 200 gallons of water per acre

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: Spraying of nurseries and younger poplar plantations with 2lbs. Of Sevin 85% S.P. In 100 gallons of water per acre

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Option A: Spray dimecorn in the does of 0.05% or at the rate of 1 lb in 200 gallons of water

Option B: Spray dimecorn in the does of 0.04% or at the rate of 1 lb in 300 gallons of water

Option C: Spray dimecorn in the does of 0.03% or at the rate of 1 lb in 100 gallons of water

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: Spray dimecorn in the does of 0.05% or at the rate of 1 lb in 200 gallons of water

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Option A: Like every other plant

Option B: Also susceptible to may diseases and damages by bacteria, fungi, insects and wild animals

Option C: Almost all parts of the tree i.e., stem, leaves, branches and roots etc., are affected by one disease of the other.

Option D: Poplars have met quite of few other adversaries in different parts of Pakistan

Correct Answer: All of the above

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Option A: The larvae stituch two or more leaves together and feed in between

Option B: The distribution is countrywide.

Option C: The pest has 7 generations in a year

Option D: It hibernates in winter as pupae and become active again in April/May

Correct Answer: All of the above

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Option A: Both high and low precipitation in the form of rain is harmful for the forest crop

Option B: A large chunk of forest area may be lost as a result of excessive rainfall

Option C: Streams get flooded and wash away wooded land tree along the river banks are uprooted during floods

Option D: All of the above

Correct Answer: All of the above

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Option A: An essential part of the forest ecosystem

Option B: Some are beneficial; quite a few are serious pests of trees and wood products

Option C: Tonica inviferana, a semal shoot borer, Ascotis imparata,

Option D: A bakain defoliator and Margaronia phloalis a defoliator of mulberry are serious pests of other tree species grown in forest plantations

Correct Answer: All of the above

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Option A: Throughout their life

Option B: Seeds decay and seedlings are killed by damping-off

Option C: Generally serious in the coniferous nurseries

Option D: All of the above

Correct Answer: All of the above

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Option A: These are injurious to the physiology of the forest

Option B: Between tempertures of 35

Option C: They also cause dryness in the plant due to deficiency of moisture

Option D: Very high temperatures cause excessive transpiration from the plant

Correct Answer: All of the above

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Option A: By freezing or chilling to death young weedy plants or young organs of plants

Option B: By splitting the stems of trees

Option C: By causing canker in stems of trees

Option D: By uprooting young plants

Correct Answer: All of the above

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Option A: Weedings, cleanings, thinnings, etC.

Option B: Climbers Green plants which grow or trees

Option C: Epiphytes Retard their growth

Option D: Fungus The damage is discussic sub-sequertly

Correct Answer: All of the above

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Option A: Temperature

Option B: Frost damage

Option C: Rain damage

Option D: All of the above

Correct Answer: All of the above

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Option A: Destruction of tender seeding which are eaten together with the grass amidst which they may occur

Option B: Mechanical damage to young growth and saplings through the passage of animals

Option C: Dislodging of soil on steep slopes causing erosion

Option D: Destruction of fences, drains, boundary posts, etc.

Correct Answer: All of the above

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Option A: As much a part of the forest as the trees themselves

Option B: The fact that the forest exists

Option C: Grows shows that the various components of the forest are in mutual equilibrium

Option D: All of the above

Correct Answer: All of the above

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Option A: Grazers

Option B: Browsers

Option C: Both (a) & (b)

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: Both (a) & (b)

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Option A: Sheep and grazers

Option B: Camels and goats are browsers

Option C: Both (a) & (b)

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: Both (a) & (b)

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Option A: Loss of valuable forested land, which is brought under a totally unproductive use

Option B: Loss of valuable timber

Option C: Accelerated erosion and other related features

Option D: All of the above

Correct Answer: All of the above

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Option A: Domestic animals

Option B: Wild animals

Option C: Both (a) & (b)

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: Both (a) & (b)

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Option A: Injury to trees

Option B: Injury to young growth and regeneration

Option C: Injury to the soil

Option D: Injury to wildlife

Correct Answer: All of the above

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Option A: Application of water

Option B: Application of earth

Option C: Beating out

Option D: Counter-firing

Correct Answer: All of the above

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Option A: The growing of forests is a very slow process but constant

Option B: Many years to accomplish

Option C: If the efforts of the forester are not to be wasted

Option D: It is necessary that care should be taken to protect the forest from all forms of damage

Correct Answer: All of the above

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Option A: Knowledge of the various forms of remedying such damage

Option B: Knowledge of suitable methods of preventing or remedying such damage

Option C: The application of such knowledge to particular cases of damage, with due regard to the cost of the proposed protective operations

Option D: All of the above

Correct Answer: All of the above

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Option A: Preventive

Option B: Remedial measures

Option C: Both (a) & (b)

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: Both (a) & (b)

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Option A: Occasional

Option B: Unexpected damage

Option C: Where the preventive measures has broken down

Option D: All of the above

Correct Answer: All of the above

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Option A: Illicit removal of forest produce from the forest

Option B: Encroachments

Option C: Irregularities in the management and exploitation of forests

Option D: Forest Fires

Correct Answer: All of the above

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Option A: Protection against man

Option B: Protection against animals

Option C: Protection against injurious plants

Option D: Protection against injurious climatic factors

Correct Answer: All of the above

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Option A: Burning of grass and undergrowth along patches frequented by villagers for easy passage

Option B: Burning to facilitate the collection of minor produce

Option C: Burning of grass by graziers for the sake of the tender grass, which comes up after a fire

Option D: Fires caused by sparks from locomotive engines passing through the forest

Correct Answer: All of the above

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Option A: Removal of ring of bark to kill

Option B: While species, of thick bark, fluted, stem, xylem remains present inside

Option C: Both (a) & (b)

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: Both (a) & (b)

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Option A: 2-4 ? D

Option B: 2-4 ? ST

Option C: Ammonium sulphate

Option D: Arsenic compound

Correct Answer: All of the above

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Option A: Selection

Option B: Trees to be felled

Option C: Improvement felling

Option D: All of the above

Correct Answer: All of the above

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Option A: Felling of saleable dead trees

Option B: Thinning where crowed trees are present

Option C: Climber cuttings

Option D: Climber affected trees

Correct Answer: All of the above

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Option A: Species

Option B: Site quality (S.Q)

Option C: Both (a) & (b)

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: Both (a) & (b)

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Option A: Site quality (S.Q): For good SQ thinning will be heavy but for poor S.Q. It will be of lighter intensity

Option B: For hot, dry, weedy site, southern aspect thinning will be of lighter intensity.

Option C: Objective: For getting timber, heavily thinning carried out and for getting fuel wood, no need or light, thinning is done

Option D: All of the above

Correct Answer: All of the above

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