
Liberal And Social Theories MCQs

Option A: i, iii, iv

Option B: i, ii, iii

Option C: i, ii, iv

Option D: ii, iii, iv

Correct Answer: i, iii, iv

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Option A: Natural order of between peoples which has been corrupted by undemocratic state leaders and outdated policies such as the balance of power. Without these distortions there would be no ‘real’ conflict between people

Option B: Natural order of between peoples which has been corrupted by undemocratic state leaders and outdated policies such as the balance of power. Without these distortions the conflict between people would be of a different nature.

Option C: Natural order of between peoples which has been corrupted by Marxism, without which there would be no ‘real’ conflict between people.

Option D: Natural order of between peoples can only exist if they have the same interests.

Correct Answer: A. Natural order of between peoples which has been corrupted by undemocratic state leaders and outdated policies such as the balance of power. Without these distortions there would be no ‘real’ conflict between people

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Option A: Each state in a system abides by international law.

Option B: Each state in a system accepts that security for one is security for all and agrees to join in a collective response to aggression.

Option C: Each state in a system contributes to collective security by maximizing its security self-interest.

Option D: None of the above.

Correct Answer: Each state in a system accepts that security for one is security for all and agrees to join in a collective response to aggression.

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Option A: the civilizing capacity of global civil society.

Option B: rule of law and institutions.

Option C: international laws.

Option D: all of the above

Correct Answer: the civilizing capacity of global civil society.

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Option A: The creation of regional parliaments

Option B: Human rights conventions must be entrenched into national parliaments and monitored by a new International Court of Human Rights.

Option C: Reform and/or replacement of the UN with a more accountable global parliament

Option D: All of the above

Correct Answer: All of the above

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Option A: Hegemonic institutional order has fallen prey to the neo-liberal consensus which minimizes the role of public sector in providing welfare and elevates the market.

Option B: Hegemonic institutional order has fallen prey to the Marxist consensus which maximizes the role of public sector in providing welfare and has no faith in the market.

Option C: Hegemonic institutional order has fallen prey to neo-liberal consensus which minimizes the role of public sector in providing welfare and elevates the market.

Option D: None of the above.

Correct Answer: Hegemonic institutional order has fallen prey to the neo-liberal consensus which minimizes the role of public sector in providing welfare and elevates the market.

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Option A: i

Option B: ii

Option C: both i and ii

Option D: neither i nor ii

Correct Answer: i

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Option A: the anarchic international structure and centrality of states.

Option B: theory of international regimes.

Option C: that anarchy does not mean durable patterns of cooperation are impossible.

Option D: all of the above.

Correct Answer: the anarchic international structure and centrality of states.

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Option A: all citizens are juridically equal and have equal rights to education, access to free press, religious tolerance.

Option B: the legislative assembly of the state possess only those powers vested in it by the people.

Option C: liberty of the individual is the right to own property including productive forces.

Option D: all of the above.

Correct Answer: all of the above.

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Option A: justification of effort

Option B: affective

Option C: cognitive

Option D: rational

Correct Answer: cognitive

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Option A: are filters used by governments to sift through the vast amounts of public data to find information relevant to national security issues.

Option B: are conscious blocks of certain forms of information that run counter to a state’s official domestic or foreign policy.

Option C: are subconscious filters through which people put the information coming in about the world around them.

Option D: occur when groups reach decisions without accurately assessing their consequences.

Correct Answer: are subconscious filters through which people put the information coming in about the world around them.

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Option A: nationalistic cultures that have strong norms against violence.

Option B: a collective security system to prevent aggression by rogue actors.

Option C: a just war doctrine.

Option D: a global identity.

Correct Answer: a global identity.

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Option A: the concept of balance of power, which relies on states balancing each other through roughly equivalent military might.

Option B: the concept of separate, autonomous actors.

Option C: the belief that state cannot assess their interests via a cost-benefit analysis.

Option D: the assumption that women are just as prone to violence as men.

Correct Answer: the concept of separate, autonomous actors.

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Option A: the failure of the basic concept of collective security.

Option B: the absence of a hegemonic power that can stabilize the system.

Option C: the irrational desire of most states to adhere to international norms of “good behavior.”

Option D: an adherence to the rational decision making model, which cannot adequately account for the irrationality of the international system.

Correct Answer: an adherence to the rational decision making model, which cannot adequately account for the irrationality of the international system.

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Option A: peace studies.

Option B: collective security.

Option C: the security dilemma.

Option D: postmodernism.

Correct Answer: peace studies.

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Option A: a collective good.

Option B: aggression.

Option C: nonviolence.

Option D: hegemony.

Correct Answer: aggression.

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Option A: workers.

Option B: peasants.

Option C: white-collar workers.

Option D: militarists.

Correct Answer: peasants.

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Option A: Kant

Option B: Machiavelli

Option C: Hobbes

Option D: Morgenthau

Correct Answer:

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Option A: the Organization of American States.

Option B: the United Nations.

Option C: NATO.

Option D: the League of Nations.

Correct Answer: the League of Nations.

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Option A: norm entrepreneurs.

Option B: collective security agreements.

Option C: statesmen and diplomats.

Option D: peace studies theorists.

Correct Answer: norm entrepreneurs.

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Option A: Constructivism

Option B: Feminism

Option C: Peace studies

Option D: Hegemonic stability theory

Correct Answer: Constructivism

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Option A: a central plank of liberal internationalist thought.

Option B: that liberal polities exhibit restrain in their relations with other liberal polities.

Option C: that liberal polities are imprudent in relations with authoritarian states.

Option D: all of the above.

Correct Answer: all of the above.

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Option A: the Pentagon

Option B: the Bureau of Intelligence and Research

Option C: the National Security Council

Option D: the State Department

Correct Answer: the National Security Council

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Option A: communist governments.

Option B: other democratic governments.

Option C: authoritarian regimes.

Option D: military dictatorships.

Correct Answer: other democratic governments.

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Option A: the validation of wrong decisions.

Option B: polling.

Option C: the result of increased public support for government leaders during wartime.

Option D: the public promotion of a government’s official line.

Correct Answer: D. the public promotion of a government’s official line.

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Option A: mirror image

Option B: transference.

Option C: selective perception.

Option D: projection.

Correct Answer: projection.

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Option A: wishful thinking.

Option B: bounded rationality.

Option C: groupthink.

Option D: selective perception.

Correct Answer: selective perception.

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Option A: U.S war with Iraq (2003)

Option B: Cuban Missile Crisis

Option C: Iran-Contra scandal

Option D: All of these: the Iran-Contra scandal, the Cuban Missile Crisis, and the 2003 U.S war with Iraq

Correct Answer: Cuban Missile Crisis

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Option A: groupthink

Option B: de-optimizing.

Option C: parochialism.

Option D: bureaucratic politics.

Correct Answer: groupthink

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Option A: government bargaining

Option B: rational actor

Option C: organizational process

Option D: interagency

Correct Answer: government bargaining

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Option A: groupthink

Option B: bureaucratic politics

Option C: organizational process

Option D: cognitive dissonance

Correct Answer: cognitive dissonance

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Option A: ordering goals by importance precedes listing alternatives to achieve goals.

Option B: investigating the consequences of alternatives precedes ordering goals by importance.

Option C: ordering goals by importance precedes clarifying goals.

Option D: there is no emphasis on the relative costs and benefits of each option.

Correct Answer: ordering goals by importance precedes listing alternatives to achieve goals.

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Option A: the Prisoner’s Dilemma game

Option B: the bureaucratic politics model

Option C: geopolitics

Option D: peace studies

Correct Answer: A. the Prisoner’s Dilemma game

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Option A: global

Option B: individual

Option C: domestic

Option D: interstate

Correct Answer: interstate

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Option A: Postmodern peace

Option B: Common peace

Option C: Positive peace

Option D: Anti-militarism

Correct Answer: Positive peace

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Option A: difference

Option B: Marxist

Option C: postmodern

Option D: liberal

Correct Answer: difference

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Option A: setting goals.

Option B: calculating the cost and benefits of each possible course of action.

Option C: evaluating the relative importance of goals.

Option D: all of these: setting goals, evaluating their relative importance, and calculating the costs and benefits of each possible course of action.

Correct Answer: all of these: setting goals, evaluating their relative importance, and calculating the costs and benefits of each possible course of action.

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Option A: OPEC

Option B: the EU

Option C: NATO

Option D: NAFTA

Correct Answer: the EU

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Option A: International law

Option B: A security dilemma

Option C: Common security

Option D: Collective security

Correct Answer: Collective security

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Option A: the World Court is the most effective forum for success.

Option B: solutions are not proposed, but communication lines are kept open.

Option C: there has been a failure in every case where it has been applied.

Option D: decisions are binding.

Correct Answer: decisions are binding.

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Option A: are more prone to war than male leaders,

Option B: have held high-level cabinet positions, but have not been elected to lead the government.

Option C: have not been significantly different from male leaders in making peace or war.

Option D: are less prone to war than male leaders.

Correct Answer: have not been significantly different from male leaders in making peace or war.

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Option A: the breakup of Yugoslavia

Option B: It has never been successful.

Option C: Iraq’s invasion of Kuwait

Option D: the genocide in Rwanda

Correct Answer: C. Iraq’s invasion of Kuwait

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Option A: individual

Option B: interstate

Option C: domestic

Option D: global

Correct Answer: interstate

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Option A: liberal

Option B: difference

Option C: postmodern

Option D: standpoint

Correct Answer: postmodern

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Option A: liberal

Option B: postmodern

Option C: revolutionary

Option D: standpoint

Correct Answer: liberal

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