
Engineering Materials MCQs

Option A: at which crystals first start forming from molten metal when it is cooled

Option B: at which new spherical crystals first begin to form from the old deformed one when a strained metal is heated

Option C: at which change of allotropic form takes place

Option D: at which crystals grow bigger in size

Correct Answer: at which new spherical crystals first begin to form from the old deformed one when a strained metal is heated

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Option A: room temperature

Option B: above melting point

Option C: between 1400°C and 1539°C

Option D: between 910°C and 1400°C

Correct Answer: between 1400°C and 1539°C

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Option A: below 10°K

Option B: above 100°K

Option C: around 0°C

Option D: around 100°C

Correct Answer: below 10°K

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Option A: alpha iron, beta iron and gamma iron

Option B: alpha iron and beta iron

Option C: body centred cubic a-iron and face centred cubic a-iron

Option D: alpha iron, gamma from and delta iron

Correct Answer: alpha iron, gamma from and delta iron

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Option A: room temperature

Option B: near melting point

Option C: between 1400°C and 1539°C

Option D: between 910°C and 1400°C

Correct Answer: between 910°C and 1400°C

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Option A: ferrite

Option B: pearlite

Option C: anstenite

Option D: ferrite and cementite

Correct Answer: ferrite

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Option A: 0.2%

Option B: 0.8%

Option C: 1.3%

Option D: 2%

Correct Answer: 2%

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Option A: in a random manner

Option B: in a haphazard way

Option C: in circular motion

Option D: back and forth like tiny pendulums

Correct Answer: back and forth like tiny pendulums

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Option A: 770°C

Option B: 910°C

Option C: 1440°C

Option D: 1539°C

Correct Answer: 910°C

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Option A: body centred cubic

Option B: face centred cubic

Option C: hexagonal close packed

Option D: cubic structure

Correct Answer: face centred cubic

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Option A: body centred cubic

Option B: face centred cubic

Option C: hexagonal close packed

Option D: cubic structure

Correct Answer: body centred cubic

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Option A: 0.1 to 1.2%

Option B: 1.5 to 2.5%

Option C: 2.5 to 4%

Option D: 4 to 4.5%

Correct Answer: 4 to 4.5%

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Option A: raw material for blast furnace

Option B: product of blast furnace made by reduction of iron ore

Option C: iron containing huge quantities of carbon

Option D: iron in molten form in the ladles

Correct Answer: product of blast furnace made by reduction of iron ore

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Option A: cementite

Option B: free carbon

Option C: flakes

Option D: spheroids

Correct Answer: spheroids

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Option A: hard

Option B: high in strength

Option C: highly resistant to corrosion

Option D: heat treated to change its properties

Correct Answer: highly resistant to corrosion

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Option A: It contains carbon of the order of 0 to 0.25%

Option B: It melts at 1535°C

Option C: It is very soft and ductile

Option D: It can be easily forge welded

Correct Answer: It is made by adding suitable percent¬age of carbon to molten iron and subjecting the product to repeated hammering and rolling

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Option A: allotropic change

Option B: recrystallisation

Option C: heat treatment

Option D: precipitation

Correct Answer: allotropic change

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Option A: high tensile strength

Option B: its elastic limit close to the ultimate breaking strength

Option C: high ductility

Option D: all of the above

Correct Answer: its elastic limit close to the ultimate breaking strength

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Option A: free form

Option B: combined form

Option C: nodular form

Option D: flat form

Correct Answer: partly in free and partly in combined state

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Option A: compressive strength

Option B: ductility

Option C: carbon content

Option D: hardness

Correct Answer: ductility

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Option A: made by adding carbon in steel

Option B: refined from cast iron

Option C: an alloy of iron and carbon with varying quantities of phosphorus and sulphur

Option D: extensively used for making cutting tools

Correct Answer: an alloy of iron and carbon with varying quantities of phosphorus and sulphur

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Option A: which are destroyed by burning

Option B: which after their destruction are recycled to produce fresh steel

Option C: which are deoxidised in the ladle with silicon and aluminium

Option D: in which carbon is completely burnt

Correct Answer: which are deoxidised in the ladle with silicon and aluminium

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Option A: carbon

Option B: vanadium

Option C: manganese

Option D: cobalt

Correct Answer: vanadium

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Option A: 0.025%

Option B: 0.06%

Option C: 0.1%

Option D: 0.25%

Correct Answer: 0.025%

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Option A: chromium and nickel

Option B: sulphur, phosphorus, lead

Option C: vanadium, aluminium

Option D: tungsten, molybdenum, vanadium, chromium

Correct Answer: chromium and nickel

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Option A: mild steel

Option B: alloy steel

Option C: high carbon

Option D: tungsten steel

Correct Answer: high carbon

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Option A: providing corrosion resistance

Option B: improving machining properties

Option C: providing high strength at elevated temperatures

Option D: raising the elastic limit

Correct Answer: improving machining properties

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Option A: 0.02%

Option B: 0.3%

Option C: 0.63%

Option D: 0.8%

Correct Answer: 0.8%

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Option A: nickel, copper

Option B: nickel, molybdenum

Option C: zinc, tin, lead

Option D: nickel, lead and tin

Correct Answer: nickel, copper

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Option A: silver metal

Option B: duralumin

Option C: Hastelloy

Option D: monel metal

Correct Answer: invar

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Option A: cast iron

Option B: forged steel

Option C: mild steel

Option D: high carbon steel

Correct Answer: high carbon steel

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Option A: ductile

Option B: malleable

Option C: homogeneous

Option D: isotropic

Correct Answer: isotropic

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Option A: dipping steel in cyanide bath

Option B: reacting steel surface with cyanide salts

Option C: adding carbon and nitrogen by heat treatment of steel to increase its surface hardness

Option D: obtaining cyanide salts

Correct Answer: adding carbon and nitrogen by heat treatment of steel to increase its surface hardness

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Option A: hysteresis

Option B: creep

Option C: visco elasticity

Option D: Boeschinger effect

Correct Answer: Boeschinger effect

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Option A: 600 VPN

Option B: 1500 VPN

Option C: 1000 to 1100 VPN

Option D: 250 VPN

Correct Answer: 1000 to 1100 VPN

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Option A: cast iron

Option B: mild steel

Option C: non-ferrous materials

Option D: wrought iron

Correct Answer: stainless steel

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Option A: RC 65

Option B: RC 48

Option C: RC 57

Option D: RC 80

Correct Answer: RC 48

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Option A: substitutional solid solution

Option B: interstitial solid solution

Option C: intermetallic compounds

Option D: all of the above

Correct Answer: substitutional solid solution

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Option A: aluminium

Option B: tin

Option C: zinc

Option D: lead

Correct Answer: silver

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Option A: refine grain structure

Option B: reduce segregation in casting

Option C: improve mechanical properties

Option D: induce stresses-

Correct Answer: induce stresses-

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Option A: in which atoms align themselves in a geometric pattern upon solidification

Option B: in which there is no definite atomic structure and atoms exist in a random pattern just as in a liquid

Option C: which is not attacked by phosphorous

Option D: which emits fumes on melting

Correct Answer: in which there is no definite atomic structure and atoms exist in a random pattern just as in a liquid

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Option A: zinc

Option B: lead

Option C: silver

Option D: glass

Correct Answer: glass

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Option A: electroplating

Option B: cyaniding

Option C: induction hardening

Option D: nitriding

Correct Answer: electroplating

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Option A: improves wear resistance, cutting ability and toughness

Option B: refines grain size and produces less tendency to carburisation, improves corrosion and heat resistant properties

Option C: improves cutting ability and reduces hardenability

Option D: gives ductility, toughness, tensile strength and anticorrosion properties

Correct Answer: improves wear resistance, cutting ability and toughness

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Option A: brass

Option B: cast iron

Option C: aluminium

Option D: steel

Correct Answer: steel

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Option A: cobalt

Option B: nickel

Option C: vanadium

Option D: iron

Correct Answer: cobalt

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Option A: improve machinability

Option B: improve ductility

Option C: improve toughness

Option D: release stresses

Correct Answer: improve machinability

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Option A: promotes decarburisation

Option B: provides high hot hardness

Option C: forms very hard carbides and thus in-creases wear resistance

Option D: promotes retention of austenite

Correct Answer: forms very hard carbides and thus in-creases wear resistance

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Option A: RC 65

Option B: RC 48

Option C: RC 57

Option D: RC 80

Correct Answer: RC 57

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Option A: relieve stresses

Option B: harden steel slightly

Option C: improve machining characteristic

Option D: soften material

Correct Answer: harden steel slightly

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Option A: substitutional solution

Option B: interstitial solid solution

Option C: intermetallic compounds

Option D: all of the above

Correct Answer: interstitial solid solution

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Option A: hot working

Option B: tempering

Option C: normalising

Option D: annealing

Correct Answer: annealing

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Option A: RC 65

Option B: RC 48

Option C: RC 57

Option D: RC 80

Correct Answer: RC 65

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Option A: formation of bainite structure

Option B: carburised structure

Option C: martenistic structure

Option D: lamellar layers of carbide distributed throughout the structure

Correct Answer: formation of bainite structure

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Option A: hardening surface of workpiece to ob-tain hard and wear resistant surface

Option B: heating and cooling rapidly

Option C: increasing hardness throughout

Option D: inducing hardness by continuous process

Correct Answer: hardening surface of workpiece to ob-tain hard and wear resistant surface

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Option A: tin, antimony, copper

Option B: tin and copper

Option C: tin and lead

Option D: lead and zinc

Correct Answer: tin and copper

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Option A: nickel, chromium and iron

Option B: nickel, copper

Option C: nickel, chromium

Option D: nickel, zinc

Correct Answer: nickel, chromium and iron

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Option A: mild steel

Option B: cast iron

Option C: H.S.S.

Option D: high carbon

Correct Answer: high carbon

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Option A: silver and some impurities

Option B: refined silver

Option C: nickel, copper and zinc

Option D: nickel and copper

Correct Answer: nickel, copper and zinc

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Option A: aluminium, copper etc

Option B: nickel, molybdenum etc

Option C: nickel, copper, etc

Option D: all of the above

Correct Answer: nickel, molybdenum etc

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Option A: sulphur, lead, phosphorous

Option B: silicon, aluminium, titanium

Option C: vanadium, aluminium

Option D: chromium, nickel

Correct Answer: sulphur, lead, phosphorous

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Option A: nickel

Option B: chromium

Option C: tungsten

Option D: vanadium

Correct Answer: chromium

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Option A: flywheel of steam engine

Option B: cast iron pipes”

Option C: cycle chains

Option D: gas turbine blades

Correct Answer: gas turbine blades

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Option A: 0.025%

Option B: 0.26%

Option C: 0.8%

Option D: 1.25%

Correct Answer: 1.7%.

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Option A: amount of carbon it contains

Option B: the shape and distribution of the car-bides in iron

Option C: method of fabrication

Option D: contents of alloying elements

Correct Answer: the shape and distribution of the car-bides in iron

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Option A: malleable iron

Option B: nodular iron

Option C: spheroidal iron

Option D: grey iron

Correct Answer: malleable iron

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Option A: 80% or more iron

Option B: 50% or more iron

Option C: alloying elements like chromium, tungsten nickel and copper

Option D: elements like phosphorus, sulphur and silicon in varying quantities

Correct Answer: 50% or more iron

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Option A: tenacity

Option B: brittleness

Option C: plasticity

Option D: corrosion resistance

Correct Answer: hardness

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Option A: free carbon

Option B: graphite

Option C: cementite

Option D: white carbon

Correct Answer: cementite

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Option A: no graphite

Option B: a very high percentage of graphite

Option C: a low percentage of graphite

Option D: graphite as its basic constituent of composition

Correct Answer: no graphite

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Option A: paramagnetic

Option B: ferromagnetic

Option C: ferroelectric

Option D: dielectric

Correct Answer: ferromagnetic

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Option A: hard’

Option B: soft

Option C: ductile

Option D: tough

Correct Answer: hard’

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Option A: face-centred cubic lattice

Option B: body-centred cubic lattice

Option C: hexagonal close-packed lattice

Option D: all of the above

Correct Answer: face-centred cubic lattice

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Option A: cementite

Option B: free carbon

Option C: flakes

Option D: spheroids

Correct Answer: nodular aggregates of graphite

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Option A: cementite

Option B: free carbon

Option C: flakes

Option D: spheroids

Correct Answer: flakes

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Option A: malleability

Option B: ductility

Option C: surface finish

Option D: damping characteristics

Correct Answer: damping characteristics

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Option A: 0.5 to 1%

Option B: 1 – 2%

Option C: 2.5 to 4.5%

Option D: 5 – 7%

Correct Answer: 2.5 to 4.5%

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Option A: the points where no further change oc-curs

Option B: constant for all metals

Option C: the points where there is no further flow of metal

Option D: the points of discontinuity

Correct Answer: the points of discontinuity

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Option A: body centred cubic

Option B: face centred cubic

Option C: hexagonal close packed

Option D: cubic structure

Correct Answer: body centred cubic

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Option A: molecular change

Option B: physical change

Option C: allotropic change

Option D: solidus change

Correct Answer: allotropic change

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Option A: below 723°C

Option B: 770 – 910°C

Option C: 910-1440°C

Option D: 1400-1539°C

Correct Answer: below 723°C

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Option A: 770°C

Option B: 910°C

Option C: 1050°C

Option D: below recrystallisation temperature

Correct Answer: 770°C

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Option A: austenite

Option B: pearlite

Option C: ferrite

Option D: cementlte

Correct Answer: ferrite

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Option A: has a fixed structure under all conditions

Option B: exists in several crystal forms at different temperatures

Option C: responds to heat treatment

Option D: has its atoms distributed in a random pattern

Correct Answer: exists in several crystal forms at different temperatures

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Option A: stages at which allotropic forms change

Option B: stages at which further heating does not increase temperature for some time

Option C: stages at which properties do not change with increase in temperature

Option D: there is nothing like points of arrest

Correct Answer: stages at which allotropic forms change

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Option A: increase

Option B: decrease

Option C: remain same

Option D: first increase and then decrease

Correct Answer: increase

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Option A: creep

Option B: hot tempering

Option C: hot hardness

Option D: fatigue

Correct Answer: hot hardness

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Option A: elastic properties in all directions

Option B: stresses induced in all directions

Option C: thermal properties in all directions

Option D: electric and magnetic properties in all directions

Correct Answer: elastic properties in all directions

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Option A: in which parts are not loaded

Option B: in which stress remains constant on in-creasing load

Option C: in which deformation tends to loosen the joint and produces a stress reduced

Option D: stress reduces on increasing load

Correct Answer: in which deformation tends to loosen the joint and produces a stress reduced

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Option A: low carbon steel

Option B: medium carbon steel

Option C: high carbon steel

Option D: alloy steel

Correct Answer: low carbon steel

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Option A: ability to undergo large permanent deformations in compression

Option B: ability to recover its original form

Option C: ability to undergo large permanent deformations in tension

Option D: all of the above

Correct Answer: ability to undergo large permanent deformations in compression

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