
Fluid Mechanics MCQs

Option A: The horizontal component of the hydro-static force on any surface is equal to the normal force on the vertical projection of the surface

Option B: The horizontal component acts through the center of pressure for the vertical projection

Option C: The vertical component of the hydrostatic force on any surface is equal to the weight of the volume of the liquid above the area

Option D: he vertical component passes through the center of pressure of the volume

Correct Answer: he vertical component passes through the center of pressure of the volume

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Option A: any weight, floating or immersed in a liquid, is acted upon by a buoyant force

Option B: Buoyant force is equal to the weight of the liquid displaced

Option C: The point through which buoyant force acts, is called the center of buoyancy

Option D: Center of buoyancy is located above the center of gravity of the displaced liquid v

Correct Answer: Center of buoyancy is located above the center of gravity of the displaced liquid v

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Option A: The center of buoyancy is located at the center of gravity of the displaced liquid

Option B: For stability of a submerged body, the center of gravity of body must lie directly below the center of buoyancy

Option C: If e.g. and center of buoyancy coincide, the submerged body must lie at neutral equilibrium for all positions

Option D: For stability of floating cylinders or spheres, the e.g. of body must lie below the center of buoyancy

Correct Answer: All floating bodies are stable

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Option A: Viscosity of a fluid is that property which determines the amount of its resistance to a shearing force

Option B: Viscosity is due primarily to interaction between fluid molecules

Option C: Viscosity of liquids decreases with in-crease in temperature

Option D: Viscosity of liquids is appreciably affected by change in pressure

Correct Answer: Viscosity of liquids is appreciably affected by change in pressure

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Option A: specific gravity = gravity x density

Option B: dynamicviscosity = kinematicviscosity x density

Option C: gravity = specific gravity x density

Option D: kinematicviscosity = dynamicviscosity x density

Correct Answer: dynamicviscosity = kinematicviscosity x density

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Option A: Local atmospheric pressure depends upon elevation of locality only

Option B: Standard atmospheric pressure is the mean local atmospheric pressure a* sea level

Option C: Local atmospheric pressure is always below standard atmospheric pressure

Option D: A barometer reads the difference be-tween local and standard atmospheric pressure

Correct Answer: Standard atmospheric pressure is the mean local atmospheric pressure a* sea level

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Option A: cannot be subjected to shear forces

Option B: always expands until it fills any container

Option C: has the same shear stress.at a point regardless of its motion

Option D: cannot remain at rest under action of any shear force

Correct Answer: cannot remain at rest under action of any shear force

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Option A: are viscous

Option B: possess surface tension

Option C: are compressible

Option D: possess all the above properties

Correct Answer: possess all the above properties

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Option A: fluid

Option B: water

Option C: gas

Option D: perfect solid

Correct Answer: fluid

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Option A: 0°C

Option B: 0°K

Option C: 4°C

Option D: 100°C

Correct Answer: 4°C

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Option A: adhesion

Option B: cohesion

Option C: viscosity

Option D: compressibility

Correct Answer: cohesion

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Option A: compressibility

Option B: surface tension

Option C: cohesion

Option D: adhesion

Correct Answer: cohesion

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Option A: at normal pressure of 760 mm

Option B: at 4°C temperature

Option C: at mean sea level

Option D: all the above

Correct Answer: all the above

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Option A: quasi static

Option B: steady state

Option C: laminar

Option D: uniform

Correct Answer: uniform

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Option A: it is incompressible

Option B: it has uniform viscosity

Option C: it has zero viscosity

Option D: it is frictionless

Correct Answer: it is at rest

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Option A: 10m/sec2

Option B: 9.81 m/sec2

Option C: 10.2/m sec

Option D: 9.75 m/sec2

Correct Answer: 10m/sec2

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Option A: remains same

Option B: increases

Option C: decreases

Option D: shows erratic behavior

Correct Answer: shows erratic behavior

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Option A: higher

Option B: lower

Option C: same

Option D: higher/lower depending on temperature

Correct Answer: higher

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Option A: has the dimensions of 1/pressure

Option B: increases with pressure

Option C: is large when fluid is more compressible

Option D: is independent of pressure and viscosity

Correct Answer: increases with pressure

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Option A: 1000

Option B: 2100

Option C: 2700

Option D: 10,000

Correct Answer: 21,000

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Option A: energy/unit area

Option B: distance

Option C: both of the above

Option D: it has no units

Correct Answer: both of the above

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Option A: higher surface tension

Option B: lower surface tension

Option C: surface tension is no criterion

Option D: high density and viscosity

Correct Answer: higher surface tension

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Option A: its vapour pressure is low

Option B: it provides suitable meniscus for the inclined tube

Option C: its density is less

Option D: it provides longer length for a given pressure difference

Correct Answer: its vapour pressure is low

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Option A: surface tension

Option B: adhesion

Option C: cohesion

Option D: viscosity

Correct Answer: viscosity

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Option A: 0°C

Option B: 0°K

Option C: 4°C D. 20°C

Option D: all temperature

Correct Answer: 0°C

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Option A: specific viscosity

Option B: viscosity index

Option C: kinematic viscosity

Option D: coefficient of viscosity

Correct Answer: kinematic viscosity

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Option A: it has low vapour pressure

Option B: it is clearly visible

Option C: it has low surface tension

Option D: it can provide longer column due to low density

Correct Answer: it can provide longer column due to low density

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Option A: dissolved air

Option B: dissolved salt

Option C: suspended matter

Option D: all of the above

Correct Answer: all of the above

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Option A: surface tension

Option B: viscosity

Option C: friction

Option D: cohesion

Correct Answer: surface tension

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Option A: adhesion

Option B: cohesion

Option C: surface tension

Option D: viscosity

Correct Answer: surface tension

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Option A: 500 kg

Option B: 1000 kg

Option C: 1500 kg

Option D: 2000 kg

Correct Answer: 2000 kg

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Option A: mass of liquid displaced

Option B: viscosity of the liquid

Option C: pressure of the liquid displaced

Option D: depth of immersion

Correct Answer: mass of liquid displaced

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Option A: force of adhesion

Option B: force of cohesion

Option C: force of friction

Option D: force of diffusion

Correct Answer: force of cohesion

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Option A: atmospheric pressure

Option B: surface tension

Option C: force of adhesion

Option D: force of cohesion

Correct Answer: surface tension

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Option A: p = Txr

Option B: p = T/r

Option C: p = T/2r

Option D: p = 2T/r

Correct Answer: p = 2T/r

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Option A: 2.4 m above the hydraulic gradient

Option B: 6.4 m above the hydraulic gradient

Option C: 10.0 m above the hydraulic gradient

Option D: 5.0 above the hydraulic gradient

Correct Answer: 6.4 m above the hydraulic gradient

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Option A: less man the vapour pressure over the plane surface

Option B: equal to the vapour pressure over the plane surface

Option C: greater than the vapour pressure over the plane surface

Option D: zero

Correct Answer: less man the vapour pressure over the plane surface

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Option A: viscosity

Option B: osmosis

Option C: surface tension

Option D: cohesion

Correct Answer: osmosis

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Option A: viscous/unviscous fluids

Option B: compressibility of fluids

Option C: conservation of mass

Option D: steady/unsteady flow

Correct Answer: conservation of mass

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Option A: shear stress anctthejiate of angular distortion

Option B: shear stress and viscosity

Option C: shear stress, velocity and viscosity

Option D: pressure, velocity and viscosity

Correct Answer: shear stress anctthejiate of angular distortion

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Option A: Bourdon tube

Option B: Pirani Gauge

Option C: micro-manometer

Option D: ionisastion gauge

Correct Answer: ionisastion gauge

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Option A: 1

Option B: 1.2

Option C: 0.8

Option D: 0.75

Correct Answer: 0.75

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Option A: it is the best liquid

Option B: the height of barometer will be less

Option C: its vapour pressure is so low that it may be neglected

Option D: both B. and C.

Correct Answer: D. both B. and C.

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Option A: Venturimeter

Option B: Orifice plate

Option C: hot wire anemometer

Option D: rotameter

Correct Answer: pitot tube

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Option A: pressure

Option B: temperature

Option C: density

Option D: modulus of elasticity

Correct Answer: temperature

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Option A: pressure in pipe, channels etc.

Option B: atmospheric pressure

Option C: very low pressures

Option D: difference of pressure between two points

Correct Answer: very low pressures

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Option A: inertial force and gravity

Option B: viscous force and inertial force

Option C: viscous force and buoyancy force

Option D: pressure force and inertial force

Correct Answer: pressure force and inertial force

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Option A: U-tube with water

Option B: inclined U-tube

Option C: U-tube with mercury

Option D: micro-manometer with water

Correct Answer: micro-manometer with water

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Option A: Pascal’s law

Option B: Dalton’s law of partial pressure

Option C: Newton’s law of viscosity .

Option D: Avogadro’s hypothesis

Correct Answer: Pascal’s law

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Option A: above it

Option B: below it

Option C: at same point

Option D: above or below depending on area of body

Correct Answer: below it

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Option A: upthrust

Option B: reaction

Option C: buoyancy

Option D: metacentre

Correct Answer: buoyancy

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Option A: when its meatcentric height is zero

Option B: when the metancentre is above e.g.

Option C: when its e.g. is below it’s center of buoyancy

Option D: metacentre has nothing to do with position of e.g. for determining stability

Correct Answer: when the metancentre is above e.g.

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Option A: the area is horizontal

Option B: the area is vertical

Option C: the area is inclined

Option D: all of the above

Correct Answer: all of the above

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Option A: 2.4 m

Option B: 3.0 m

Option C: 4.0 m

Option D: ”2.5 m

Correct Answer: 3.0 m

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Option A: bottom surface of the body

Option B: e.g. of the body

Option C: metacentre

Option D: all points on the surface of the body

Correct Answer: all points on the surface of the body

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Option A: the weight of the body

Option B: more than the weight of the body

Option C: less than the weight of the body

Option D: weight of the fluid displaced by the body

Correct Answer: weight of the fluid displaced by the body

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Option A: 10 m/sec

Option B: 25 m/sec

Option C: 2 m/sec

Option D: 50 m/sec

Correct Answer: 2 m/sec

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Option A: 1 : 5

Option B: 1 : 2.5

Option C: 1 :25

Option D: 1:V5″

Correct Answer: 1 : 5

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Option A: below the center of gravity

Option B: below the center of buoyancy

Option C: above the center of buoyancy

Option D: between e.g. and center of pressure

Correct Answer: above the center of gravity

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Option A: buoyancy, gravity

Option B: buoyancy, pressure

Option C: buoyancy, inertial

Option D: inertial, gravity

Correct Answer: buoyancy, gravity

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Option A: at the centroid

Option B: above the centroid

Option C: below the centroid

Option D: at metacentre

Correct Answer: below the centroid

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Option A: centre of gravity

Option B: centre of pressure

Option C: metacentre

Option D: centre of buoyancy

Correct Answer: centre of buoyancy

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Option A: 2 metres of water column

Option B: 3 metres of water column

Option C: 3.5 metres of water column

Option D: 4 m of water column

Correct Answer: 3 metres of water column

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Option A: at the centre of gravity

Option B: above the centre of gravity

Option C: below be centre of gravity

Option D: could be above or below e.g. depend¬ing on density of body and liquid

Correct Answer: below be centre of gravity

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Option A: the direction and magnitude of the veiocity at all points are identical

Option B: the velocity of successive fluid par-ticles, at any point, is the same at suc-cessive periods of time

Option C: the magnitude and direction of the velocity do not change from point to point in the fluid

Option D: the fluid particles move in plane or parallel planes and the streamline pat-terns are identical in each plane

Correct Answer: the direction and magnitude of the veiocity at all points are identical

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Option A: steady uniform

Option B: non-steady non-uniform

Option C: non-steady uniform

Option D: steady non-uniform

Correct Answer: steady non-uniform

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Option A: 1000 kg

Option B: 4000 kg

Option C: 2000 kg

Option D: 8000 kg

Correct Answer: 1000 kg

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Option A: absolute pressure

Option B: velocity of fluid

Option C: flow

Option D: rotation

Correct Answer: flow

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Option A: constant

Option B: variable

Option C: zero

Option D: zero under limiting conditions

Correct Answer: zero

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Option A: steady

Option B: unsteady

Option C: uniform

Option D: laminar

Correct Answer: steady

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Option A: one dimensional flow

Option B: uniform flow

Option C: steady flow

Option D: turbulent flow

Correct Answer: one dimensional flow

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Option A: one dimensional flow

Option B: uniform flow

Option C: steady flow

Option D: turbulent flow

Correct Answer: steady flow

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Option A: one dimensional flow

Option B: uniform flow

Option C: steady flow

Option D: turbulent flow

Correct Answer: turbulent flow

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Option A: the direction and magnitude of the velocity at all points are identical

Option B: the velocity of successive fluid particles, at any point, is the same at successive periods of time

Option C: the magnitude and direction of the velocity do not change from point to point in the fluid

Option D: the fluid particles move in plane or parallel planes and the streamline pat-terns are identical in each plane

Correct Answer: the fluid particles move in plane or parallel planes and the streamline pat-terns are identical in each plane

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Option A: 0.83

Option B: 0.6

Option C: 0.4

Option D: 0.3

Correct Answer: 0.6

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Option A: maximum

Option B: minimum

Option C: zero

Option D: non-zero and finite

Correct Answer: zero

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Option A: wake

Option B: drag

Option C: lift

Option D: boundary layer

Correct Answer: wake

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Option A: crest

Option B: nappe

Option C: sill

Option D: weir top

Correct Answer: sill

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Option A: the direction and magnitude of the velocity at all points are identical

Option B: the velocity of successive fluid paiticles, at any point, is the same at successive periods of time

Option C: the magnitude and direction of the velocity do not change from point to point in the fluid

Option D: the fluid particles move in plane or parallel planes and the streamline pat-terns are identical in each pleasure

Correct Answer: the magnitude and direction of the velocity do not change from point to point in the fluid

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Option A: specific gravity of liquids

Option B: specific gravity of solids

Option C: specific gravity of gases

Option D: relative humidity

Correct Answer: specific gravity of liquids

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Option A: principle of conservation of mass holds

Option B: velocity and pressure are inversely proportional

Option C: total energy is constant throughout

Option D: the energy is constant along a stream-line but may vary across streamlines

Correct Answer: the energy is constant along a stream-line but may vary across streamlines

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Option A: supersonics, as with projectiles and jet propulsion

Option B: full immersion or completely enclosed flow, as with pipes, aircraft wings, nozzles etc.

Option C: simultaneous motion through two fluids where there is a surface of dis-continuity, gravity force, and wave making effects, as with ship’s hulls

Option D: all of fhe above

Correct Answer: supersonics, as with projectiles and jet propulsion

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Option A: minimum

Option B: maximum

Option C: zero

Option D: negative value

Correct Answer: could be any value

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Option A: friction loss and flow

Option B: length and diameter

Option C: flow and length

Option D: friction factor and diameter

Correct Answer: friction loss and flow

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Option A: mass

Option B: momentum

Option C: energy

Option D: work

Correct Answer: energy

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Option A: ratio of inertial force to force due to viscosity

Option B: ratio of inertial force to force due to gravitation

Option C: ratio of inertial force to force due to surface tension

Option D: all the four ratios of inertial force to force due to viscosity, gravitation, sur-face tension, and elasticity

Correct Answer: all the four ratios of inertial force to force due to viscosity, gravitation, sur-face tension, and elasticity

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Option A: the pressure at any location reaches an absolute pressure equal to the saturated vapour pressure of the liquid

Option B: pressure becomes more than critical pressure

Option C: flow is increased

Option D: pressure is increased

Correct Answer: the pressure at any location reaches an absolute pressure equal to the saturated vapour pressure of the liquid

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Option A: 10 kg

Option B: 100 kg

Option C: 1000 kg

Option D: 1 kg

Correct Answer: 10 kg

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Option A: comparing two identical equipments

Option B: designing models so that the result can be converted to prototypes

Option C: comparing similarity between design and actual equipment

Option D: hydraulic designs

Correct Answer: designing models so that the result can be converted to prototypes

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Option A: high velocity

Option B: high pressure

Option C: weak material

Option D: low pressure

Correct Answer: low pressure

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Option A: less than 2000

Option B: between 2000 and 4000

Option C: more than 4000

Option D: less than 4000

Correct Answer: more than 4000

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Option A: frictional force

Option B: viscosity

Option C: surface friction

Option D: all of the above

Correct Answer: all of the above

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Option A: smooth and streamline flow

Option B: laminar flow

Option C: steady flow

Option D: turbulent flow

Correct Answer: turbulent flow

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Option A: supersonics, as with projectile and jet propulsion

Option B: full immersion or completely enclosed flow, as with pipes, aircraft wings, nozzles etc.

Option C: simultaneous motion through two fluids where there is a surface of dis-continuity, gravity forces, and wave making effect, as with ship’s hulls

Option D: all of the above

Correct Answer: simultaneous motion through two fluids where there is a surface of dis-continuity, gravity forces, and wave making effect, as with ship’s hulls

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Option A: is steady

Option B: is one dimensional

Option C: velocity is uniform at all the cross sections

Option D: all of the above

Correct Answer: all of the above

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Option A: keeps on increasing

Option B: keeps on decreasing

Option C: remains constant

Option D: may increase/decrease

Correct Answer: remains constant

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Option A: pressure

Option B: flow

Option C: velocity

Option D: dsscharge

Correct Answer: velocity

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Option A: head of water (h)

Option B: h2

Option C: V/T

Option D: h2

Correct Answer: V/T

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Option A: 0.5

Option B: 0.4

Option C: 0.515

Option D: 0.5

Correct Answer: 0.5

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Option A: parallel to central axis flow

Option B: parallel to outer surface of pipe

Option C: of equal yelocity in a flow

Option D: along which the pressure drop is uniform

Correct Answer: of equal yelocity in a flow

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