
Fluid Mechanics MCQs

Option A: steady

Option B: unsteady

Option C: laminar

Option D: vortex

Correct Answer: steady

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Option A: one dimensional flow

Option B: uniform flow

Option C: steady flow

Option D: turbulent flow

Correct Answer: uniform flow

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Option A: one dimensional flow

Option B: uniform flow

Option C: steady flow

Option D: turbulent flow

Correct Answer: streamline flow

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Option A: the direction and magnitude of the velocity at all points are identical

Option B: the velocity of successive fluid particles, at any point, is the same at successive periods of time

Option C: the magnitude and direction of the velocity do not change from point to point in the fluid

Option D: the fluid particles move in plane or parallel planes and the streamline pat-terns are identical in each plane

Correct Answer: the velocity of successive fluid particles, at any point, is the same at successive periods of time

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Option A: the flow is steady

Option B: the flow is streamline

Option C: size and shape of the cross section in a particular length remain constant

Option D: size and cross section change uniformly along length

Correct Answer: size and shape of the cross section in a particular length remain constant

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Option A: the direction and magnitude of the velocity at all points are identical

Option B: the velocity of successive fluid particles, at any point, is the same at successive periods of time

Option C: the magnitude aricf direction of the velocity do not change from point to point in the fluid

Option D: the fluid particles move in plane or parallel planes and the streamline pat-terns are identical in each plane

Correct Answer: velocity, depth, pressure, etc. change from point to point in the fluid flow

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Option A: Pascal law

Option B: Newton’s law of viscosity

Option C: boundary layer theory

Option D: continuity equation

Correct Answer: continuity equation

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Option A: orifice plate

Option B: venturi

Option C: rotameter

Option D: pitot tube

Correct Answer: pitot tube

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Option A: vertical line

Option B: horizontal line

Option C: inclined line with flow downward

Option D: inclined line with upward flow

Correct Answer: in any direction and in any location

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Option A: only when the fluid is frictionless

Option B: only when the fluid is incompressible and has zero viscosity

Option C: when there is no motion of one fluid layer relative to an adjacent layer

Option D: irrespective of the motion of one fluid layer relative to an adjacent layer

Correct Answer: when there is no motion of one fluid layer relative to an adjacent layer

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Option A: same

Option B: higher

Option C: lower

Option D: lower/higher depending on weight of body

Correct Answer: lower

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Option A: pressure in pipes, channels etc.

Option B: atmospheric pressure

Option C: very low pressure

Option D: difference of pressure between two points

Correct Answer: difference of pressure between two points

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Option A: centre of gravity

Option B: centre of pressure

Option C: metacentre

Option D: centre of buoyancy

Correct Answer: centre of pressure

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Option A: be horizontal

Option B: make an angle in direction of inclination of inclined plane

Option C: make an angle in opposite direction to inclination of inclined plane

Option D: any one of above is possible

Correct Answer: make an angle in opposite direction to inclination of inclined plane

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Option A: meta centre should be above e.g.

Option B: centre of buoyancy and e.g. must lie on same vertical plane

Option C: a righting couple should be formed

Option D: all of the above

Correct Answer: all of the above

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Option A: Mach number

Option B: Froude number

Option C: Reynold’s number

Option D: Weber’s number

Correct Answer: Mach number

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Option A: Mach number

Option B: Froude number

Option C: Reynold’s number

Option D: Weber’s number

Correct Answer: Weber’s number

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Option A: e.g. of body

Option B: center of pressure

Option C: center of buoyancy

Option D: metacentre

Correct Answer: metacentre

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Option A: 2 meters of water column

Option B: 3 meters of water column

Option C: 5 meters of water column

Option D: 6 meters of water Column

Correct Answer: 6 meters of water Column

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Option A: 9,000 kg

Option B: 13,500 kg

Option C: 18,000 kg

Option D: 27,000 kg

Correct Answer: 13,500 kg

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Option A: 1

Option B: 5

Option C: 7

Option D: 6

Correct Answer: 6

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Option A: on the surface at which resultant pres-sure acts

Option B: on the surface at which gravitational force acis

Option C: at which all hydraulic forces meet

Option D: similar to metacentre

Correct Answer: on the surface at which resultant pres-sure acts

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Option A: water surface

Option B: center of pressure

Option C: center of gravity

Option D: center of buoyancy

Correct Answer: center of gravity

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Option A: at e.g. of body

Option B: at center of pressure

Option C: vertically upwards

Option D: at metacentre

Correct Answer: vertically upwards

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Option A: sin 9

Option B: sin 9

Option C: cas 9

Option D: cos 9

Correct Answer: sin 9

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Option A: pressure in pipes, channels etc

Option B: atmospheric pressure

Option C: very low pressure

Option D: difference of pressure between two points

Correct Answer: pressure in pipes, channels etc

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Option A: sink to bottom

Option B: float over fluid

Option C: partly immersed

Option D: be fully immersed with top surface at fluid surface

Correct Answer: be fully immersed with top surface at fluid surface

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Option A: increases

Option B: decreases

Option C: remains unaffected

Option D: unpredictable

Correct Answer: decreases

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Option A: Venturimeter

Option B: Orifice plate

Option C: nozzle

Option D: pitot tube

Correct Answer: all of the above

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Option A: Venturimeter

Option B: Orifice plate

Option C: hot wire anemometer

Option D: rotameter

Correct Answer: pitot tube

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Option A: decreases linearly with elevation

Option B: remains constant

Option C: varies in the same way as the density

Option D: increases exponentially with elevation

Correct Answer: varies in the same way as the density

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Option A: gas law

Option B: Boyle’s law

Option C: Charle’s law

Option D: Pascal’s law

Correct Answer: Boyle’s law

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Option A: linearly

Option B: first slowly and then steeply

Option C: first steeply and then gradually

Option D: unpredictable

Correct Answer: first slowly and then steeply

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Option A: surface tension

Option B: cohesion of the liquid

Option C: adhesion of the liquid molecules and the molecules on the surface of a solid

Option D: all of the above

Correct Answer: all of the above

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Option A: increase

Option B: remain unaffected

Option C: may increase or decrease depending on the characteristics of liquid

Option D: decrease

Correct Answer: decrease

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Option A: metres2 per sec

Option B: kg sec/meter

Option C: newton-sec per meter

Option D: newton-sec2 per meter

Correct Answer: newton-sec per meter

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Option A: surface tension

Option B: co-efficient of viscosity

Option C: viscosity

Option D: osmosis

Correct Answer: viscosity

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Option A: at the inlet

Option B: at the outlet

Option C: at the summit

Option D: ay nay point between inlet and outlet

Correct Answer: at the summit

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Option A: cohesion pressure is negligible

Option B: cohesion pressure is decreased

Option C: cohesion pressure is increased

Option D: there is no cohesion pressure

Correct Answer: cohesion pressure is increased

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Option A: 1 mm

Option B: 5 mm

Option C: 10 mm

Option D: 20 mm

Correct Answer: 30 mm

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Option A: viscosity

Option B: air resistance

Option C: surface tension forces

Option D: atmospheric pressure

Correct Answer: surface tension forces

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Option A: the nature of the liquid and the solid

Option B: the material which exists above the free surface of the liquid

Option C: both of die above

Option D: any one of the above

Correct Answer: both of die above

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Option A: the meta-center should lie above the center of gravity

Option B: the center of buoyancy and the center of gravity must lie on the same vertical line

Option C: a righting couple should be formed

Option D: all the above are correct

Correct Answer: all the above are correct

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Option A: meta center

Option B: center of pressure

Option C: center of buoyancy

Option D: center of gravity

Correct Answer: center of pressure

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Option A: less

Option B: more

Option C: equal

Option D: less at low temperature and more at high temperature

Correct Answer: more

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Option A: increase

Option B: decrease

Option C: remain same

Option D: increase/decrease depending on depth of immersion

Correct Answer: remain same

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Option A: specific weight

Option B: specific mass

Option C: specific gravity

Option D: specific density

Correct Answer: specific gravity

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Option A: 25 kN/m2

Option B: 245 kN/m2

Option C: 2500 kN/m2

Option D: 2.5kN/m2

Correct Answer: 245 kN/m2

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Option A: is uniform flow

Option B: is steady uniform flow

Option C: takes place in straight lines

Option D: involves zero transverse component of flow

Correct Answer: involves zero transverse component of flow

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Option A: dynamic viscosity/density

Option B: dynamicviscosity x density

Option C: density/dynamic viscosity

Option D: 1/dynamicviscosity x density

Correct Answer: dynamic viscosity/density

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Option A: metres2 per sec

Option B: kg sec/metre

Option C: newton-sec per metre

Option D: newton-sec per metre

Correct Answer: metres2 per sec

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Option A: h

Option B: wh

Option C: w/h

Option D: h/w

Correct Answer: h

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Option A: pressure

Option B: distance

Option C: level

Option D: flow

Correct Answer: density

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Option A: pco2/?2

Option B: pco2/?2/2

Option C: 2pa2R2

Option D: pa2R/2

Correct Answer: pco2/?2

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Option A: 51 cm

Option B: 50 cm

Option C: 52 cm

Option D: 52.2 cm

Correct Answer: 51 cm

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Option A: MlL°T2

Option B: MlL°Tx

Option C: MlL r2

Option D: MlL2T2

Correct Answer: MlL°T2

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Option A: Red wood

Option B: Say bolt

Option C: Engler

Option D: Orsat

Correct Answer: Orsat

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Option A: 400 kg/cm2

Option B: 4000 kg/cm2

Option C: 40 x 105 kg/cm2

Option D: 40 x 106 kg/cm2

Correct Answer: 4000 kg/cm2

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Option A: acts in the plane of the interface normal to any line in the surface

Option B: is also known as capillarity

Option C: is a function of the curvature of the interface

Option D: decreases with fall in temperature

Correct Answer: acts in the plane of the interface normal to any line in the surface

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Option A: law of gravitation

Option B: Archimedes principle

Option C: principle of buoyancy

Option D: all of the above

Correct Answer: all of the above

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Option A: increases

Option B: decreases

Option C: remains constant

Option D: increases first up to certain limit and then decreases

Correct Answer: increases

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Option A: tensile stress

Option B: compressive stress

Option C: shear stress

Option D: bending stress

Correct Answer: shear stress

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Option A: has constant viscosity

Option B: has zero viscosity

Option C: is in compressible

Option D: is of theoretical interest

Correct Answer: none of the above

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Option A: cohesion

Option B: adhesion

Option C: viscosity

Option D: surface tension

Correct Answer: surface tension

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Option A: 1000 N/m3

Option B: 10000 N/m3

Option C: 9.81 xlO3 N/m3

Option D: 9.81 xlO6N/m3

Correct Answer: 9.81 xlO3 N/m3

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Option A: adhesion

Option B: cohesion

Option C: surface tension

Option D: viscosity

Correct Answer: surface tension

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Option A: 1

Option B: 1000

Option C: 100

Option D: 101.9

Correct Answer: 1

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Option A: cannot be compressed

Option B: occupy definite volume

Option C: are not affected by change in pressure and temperature

Option D: are not viscous

Correct Answer: none of the above

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Option A: Newton’s law of motion

Option B: Newton’s law of viscosity

Option C: Pascal’ law

Option D: Continuity equation

Correct Answer: Continuity equation

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Option A: resistance to shear stress is small

Option B: fluid pressure is zero

Option C: linear deformation is small

Option D: only normal stresses can exist

Correct Answer: only normal stresses can exist

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Option A: maximum

Option B: minimum

Option C: zero

Option D: non-zero finite

Correct Answer: zero

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Option A: less than 2000

Option B: between 2000 and 4000

Option C: more than 4000

Option D: less than 4000

Correct Answer: less than 2000

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Option A: gravity, pressure and viscous

Option B: gravity, pressure and turbulent

Option C: pressure, viscous and turbulent

Option D: gravity, viscous and turbulent

Correct Answer: gravity, pressure and viscous

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Option A: energy

Option B: work

Option C: mass

Option D: length

Correct Answer: length

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Option A: unity

Option B: greater than unity

Option C: greater than 2

Option D: greater than 4

Correct Answer: greater than 4

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Option A: steady flow

Option B: unsteady flow

Option C: laminar flow

Option D: uniform flow

Correct Answer: uniform flow

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Option A: 900 minutes

Option B: 4 minutes

Option C: 4 x (225)3/2 minutes

Option D: 4 (225)1/3 minutes

Correct Answer: 4 x V225 minutes

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Option A: resultant force acting on a floating body

Option B: equal to the volume of liquid displaced

Option C: force necessary to keep a body in equilibrium

Option D: the resultant force on a body due to the fluid surrounding it

Correct Answer: the resultant force on a body due to the fluid surrounding it

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Option A: vertical upward force through e.g. of body and center line of body

Option B: buoyant force and the center line of body

Option C: mid point between e.g. and center of buoyancy

Option D: all of the above

Correct Answer: buoyant force and the center line of body

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Option A: centroid of the displaced volume of fluid

Option B: center of pressure of displaced volume

Option C: e.g. of floating ‘body

Option D: does not exist

Correct Answer: centroid of the displaced volume of fluid

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Option A: pressure in pipes, channels etc.

Option B: atmospheric pressure

Option C: very low pressure

Option D: difference of pressure between two points

Correct Answer: atmospheric pressure

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Option A: surface tension

Option B: capillarity

Option C: viscosity

Option D: shear stress in fluids

Correct Answer: viscosity

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Option A: adhesion

Option B: cohesion

Option C: viscosity

Option D: compressibility

Correct Answer: adhesion

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Option A: pascal

Option B: poise

Option C: stoke

Option D: faraday

Correct Answer: stoke

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Option A: discharge

Option B: velocity of gas

Option C: pressure intensity of gas

Option D: pressure intensity of liquid

Correct Answer: velocity of gas

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