
Mechanical Engineering MCQs

Option A: longitudinally

Option B: circumferentially

Option C: on dished end

Option D: anywhere

Correct Answer: circumferentially

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Option A: mean diameter and thickness

Option B: inside diameter and thickness

Option C: outside diameter and thickness

Option D: outside diameter and inside diameter

Correct Answer: outside diameter and thickness

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Option A: prevent flat surfaces under pressure from tearing apart

Option B: take care of failure in shear

Option C: take care of failure in compression

Option D: provide support for boiler

Correct Answer: prevent flat surfaces under pressure from tearing apart

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Option A: vertical fire tube type

Option B: horizontal fire tube type

Option C: horizontal water tube type

Option D: vertical water tube type

Correct Answer: forced circulation type

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Option A: pulverised fuel fired boiler

Option B: cochran boiler

Option C: lancashire boiler

Option D: babcock and wilcox boiler

Correct Answer: lancashire boiler

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Option A: can be raised rapidly

Option B: is raisd at slower rate

Option C: is raised at same rate

Option D: could be raised at fast/slow rate depending on design

Correct Answer: can be raised rapidly

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Option A: heating takes place at bottom and the water supplied at bottom gets converted into the mixture of stdam bubbles and hot water which rise to durm

Option B: water is supplied in drum and through downcomers” located in atmospheric conditon it passes to the water wall and rises to durm in the from of mixture of water and steam

Option C: feed pump is employed to supplement natural circulation in water wall type furnace

Option D: water is converted into steam in one pass without any recirculation

Correct Answer: water is supplied in drum and through downcomers” located in atmospheric conditon it passes to the water wall and rises to durm in the from of mixture of water and steam

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Option A: heating takes place at bottom and the water supplied at bottom gets converted into the mixture of steam bubbles and hot water which rise to drum

Option B: water is supplied in drum and through down-comers located in atmospheric condition it passes to the water wall and rises to drum in the form of mixture of water and steam

Option C: feed pump is employed to supplement natural circulation in water wall type furnace

Option D: water is converted into steam in one pass without any recirculation

Correct Answer: feed pump is employed to supplement natural circulation in water wall type furnace

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Option A: bismuth

Option B: copper

Option C: aluminium

Option D: nickel

Correct Answer: bismuth

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Option A: former generates steam at high pressure

Option B: former occupies less space for same power

Option C: rate of steam flow is more in former case

Option D: former is used for high installed capacity

Correct Answer: chances of explosion are less in former case

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Option A: avoid excessive build up of pressure

Option B: avoid explosion

Option C: extinguish fire if water level in the boiler falls below alarming limit

Option D: control steam dome

Correct Answer: extinguish fire if water level in the boiler falls below alarming limit

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Option A: 20%

Option B: 40%

Option C: 50%

Option D: 75%

Correct Answer: 90%

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Option A: boiler effectiveness

Option B: boiler evaporative capacity

Option C: factor of evaporation

Option D: equivalent evaporation

Correct Answer: boiler efficiency

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Option A: steam evaporation rate per kg of fuel fired

Option B: work done in evaporating 1 kg of steam per hour from and at 100°C into dry saturated steam

Option C: the evaporation of 15.65 kg of water per hour from and at 100°C into dry saturated steam

Option D: work done by 1 kg of steam at saturation condition

Correct Answer: the evaporation of 15.65 kg of water per hour from and at 100°C into dry saturated steam

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Option A: in the drum

Option B: in the fire tubes

Option C: above steam dome

Option D: over the combustion chamber

Correct Answer: over the combustion chamber

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Option A: one

Option B: two

Option C: one steam drum and one water drum

Option D: no drum

Correct Answer: no drum

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Option A: throttling calorimeter

Option B: separating calorimeter

Option C: combined separating and throttling calorimeter

Option D: bucket calorimeter

Correct Answer: throttling calorimeter

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Option A: former is fire tube type and latter is water tube type boiler

Option B: former is water tube type and latter is fire tube type

Option C: former contains one fire tube and latter contains two fire tubes

Option D: none/of the above

Correct Answer: former contains one fire tube and latter contains two fire tubes

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Option A: horizontal straight line

Option B: vertical straight line

Option C: straight inclined line

Option D: curved line

Correct Answer: vertical straight line

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Option A: diverge from left to right

Option B: diverge from right to left

Option C: are equally spaced throughout

Option D: first rise up and then fall

Correct Answer: diverge from left to right

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Option A: 78-81%

Option B: 81-85%

Option C: 85-90%

Option D: 90-95%

Correct Answer: 78-81%

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Option A: boil

Option B: flash i.e. get converted into steam

Option C: remain as it was

Option D: cool down

Correct Answer: flash i.e. get converted into steam

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Option A: steam temperature remaisn constant

Option B: steam pressure remains constant

Option C: steam enthalpy remains constant

Option D: steam entropy remains constant

Correct Answer: steam enthalpy remains constant

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Option A: below atmospheric pressure

Option B: 1 kg/cm2

Option C: 100 kg/cm2

Option D: 170 kg/cm2

Correct Answer: 225.6 kg/cm2

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Option A: remains same

Option B: increases

Option C: decreases

Option D: behaves unpredictably

Correct Answer: decreases

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Option A: 0.1 kg/cm2

Option B: 1 kg/cm2

Option C: 100 kg/cm2

Option D: 225.6 kg/cm2

Correct Answer: 225.6 kg/cm2

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Option A: remains constant

Option B: increases

Option C: decreases

Option D: behaves unpredictably

Correct Answer: remains constant

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Option A: essentially an isentropic process

Option B: non-heat transfer process

Option C: reversible process

Option D: constant temperature process

Correct Answer: non-heat transfer process

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Option A: latent heat is zero

Option B: liquid directly becomes steam

Option C: specific volume of steam and liquid is same

Option D: this is the maximum pressure limit

Correct Answer: this is the maximum pressure limit

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Option A: 421 kgm

Option B: 421 kgm

Option C: 539 kgm

Option D: 102 kgm

Correct Answer: 421 kgm

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Option A: evaporative capacity

Option B: factor of evaporation

Option C: equivalent evaporation

Option D: one boiler h.p.

Correct Answer: one boiler h.p.

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Option A: heat transfer takes place across cylinder walls

Option B: work is done

Option C: steam may be wet, dry or superheated after expansion

Option D: all of the above

Correct Answer: all of the above

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Option A: horizontal fire-tube boiler

Option B: horizontal water-tube boiler

Option C: veritcal water-tube boiler

Option D: vertical fire tube boiler

Correct Answer: vertical fire tube boiler

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Option A: gravimetric analysis of the flue gases

Option B: volumetric analysis of the flue gases

Option C: mass flow of the flue gases

Option D: measuring smoke density of flue gases

Correct Answer: volumetric analysis of the flue gases

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Option A: equal to carnot cycle

Option B: less than carnot cycle

Option C: more than carnot cycle

Option D: could be anything

Correct Answer: less than carnot cycle

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Option A: stationary fire tube boiler

Option B: stationary water tube boiler

Option C: water tube boiler with natural/forced circulation

Option D: mobile fire tube boiler

Correct Answer: stationary fire tube boiler

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Option A: 1000 J

Option B: 360 kJ

Option C: 3600 kJ

Option D: 3600 kW/sec

Correct Answer: 3600 kJ

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Option A: frictional losses

Option B: it is not possible to achieve 0°K temperature

Option C: leakage

Option D: non-availability of ideal substance

Correct Answer: it is not possible to achieve 0°K temperature

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Option A: one half

Option B: one third

Option C: one-fifth

Option D: two-fifth

Correct Answer: one half

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Option A: work done during the rankine cycle ;

Option B: work done during compression.

Option C: work done during adiabatic expansion

Option D: change in enthalpy

Correct Answer: work done during the rankine cycle ;

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Option A: horizontal multitubular water tube boiler

Option B: water wall enclosed furnace type

Option C: vertical tubular fire tube type

Option D: horizontal multi-tubular fire tube type

Correct Answer: horizontal multi-tubular fire tube type

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Option A: flue gases pass through tubes and water around it

Option B: water passes through the tubes and flue gases around it

Option C: forced circulation takes place

Option D: tubes are laid vertically

Correct Answer: flue gases pass through tubes and water around it

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Option A: zero

Option B: one

Option C: two

Option D: four

Correct Answer: two

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Option A: locomotive boiler

Option B: Cochran boiler

Option C: Cornish boiler

Option D: Babcock and Wilcox boiler

Correct Answer: Babcock and Wilcox boiler

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Option A: supplied by same manufacturer loose and assembled at site

Option B: supplied mounted on a single base

Option C: purchased from several parties and packed together at site

Option D: packaged boiler does not exist

Correct Answer: supplied mounted on a single base

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Option A: anthracite coal

Option B: bituminous coal

Option C: lignite

Option D: peat

Correct Answer: anthracite coal

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Option A: give maximum space

Option B: give maximum strength

Option C: withstand pressure inside boiler ,

Option D: resist intense heat in fire box

Correct Answer: resist intense heat in fire box

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Option A: horizontal

Option B: vertical

Option C: inclined

Option D: both horizontal and vertical

Correct Answer: horizontal

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Option A: serve as storage of steam

Option B: serve as storage of feed water for water wall

Option C: remove salts from water

Option D: separate steam from water

Correct Answer: separate steam from water

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Option A: create vacuum in furnace

Option B: create vacuum at turbine exhaust

Option C: pump feed water

Option D: dose chemicals in feed water

Correct Answer: pump feed water

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Option A: more

Option B: less

Option C: same

Option D: could be more or less depending on other factors

Correct Answer: more

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Option A: horizontal

Option B: vertical

Option C: inclined

Option D: horizontal and inclined

Correct Answer: inclined

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Option A: 47.5 mm, 130 mm

Option B: 32.5 mm, 180 mm

Option C: 65.5 mm, 210 mm

Option D: 24.5 mm, 65 mm

Correct Answer: 47.5 mm, 130 mm

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Option A: cornish is fire tube and lancashire is water tube

Option B: cornish is water tube and lancashire is fire tube

Option C: cornish has two fire tubes and lancashire has one

Option D: lancashire has two fire tubes and cornish has one

Correct Answer: lancashire has two fire tubes and cornish has one

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Option A: atmospheric temperature

Option B: 500-600°C

Option C: 70O-850°C

Option D: 95O-1100°C

Correct Answer: 95O-1100°C

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Option A: cement industry

Option B: thermal power plant

Option C: blast furnace

Option D: domestic use

Correct Answer: blast furnace

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Option A: multitubular

Option B: horizontal

Option C: internally fired

Option D: mobile

Correct Answer: all of the above

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Option A: non-coking bituminous coal

Option B: brown coal

Option C: peat

Option D: coking bituminous coal

Correct Answer: none of the above

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Option A: DIN

Option B: BS

Option C: ASTM

Option D: IBR

Correct Answer: IBR

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Option A: babcock and wilcox

Option B: locomotive

Option C: lancashire

Option D: cochran

Correct Answer: locomotive

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Option A: 1.5 m, 4 m

Option B: 1.5 m, 6 m

Option C: 1 m, 4 m

Option D: 2 m, 4 m

Correct Answer: 1.5 m, 4 m

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Option A: 1 kg/cm2

Option B: 5 kg/cm2

Option C: 10 kg/cm2

Option D: 18 kg/cm2

Correct Answer: 18 kg/cm2

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Option A: heating takes place at bottom and the water supplied at bottom gets converted into the mixture of steam bubbles and hot water which rise to drum

Option B: water is supplied in durm and through down-comers located in atmospheric conditon it passes to the water wall and rises to drum in the form of mixture of water and steam

Option C: feed pump is employed to supplement natural circulation in water wall type furnace

Option D: water is converted into steam in one . pass without any recirculation

Correct Answer: heating takes place at bottom and the water supplied at bottom gets converted into the mixture of steam bubbles and hot water which rise to drum

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Option A: centrifugal pump

Option B: axial flow pump

Option C: gear pump

Option D: ejector pump

Correct Answer: reciprocating pump

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Option A: one-half

Option B: one-third

Option C: one-fourth

Option D: one-fifth

Correct Answer: two-fifth

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Option A: non-coking bituminous coal

Option B: brown coal

Option C: pulverised coal

Option D: coking bituminous coal

Correct Answer: non-coking bituminous coal

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Option A: atmospheric pressure

Option B: 5 kg/cm2

Option C: 10 kg/cm2

Option D: 40 kg/cm2

Correct Answer: 75-80 kg/cm2

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Option A: 30 MW

Option B: 60 MW

Option C: 100 MW

Option D: 210 MW

Correct Answer: 500 MW

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Option A: 1 tp 1.25m

Option B: 1 to 1.75 m

Option C: 2 to 4 m

Option D: 1.75 to 2.75 m

Correct Answer: 1.75 to 2.75 m

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Option A: locomotive boiler

Option B: Babcock and Wilcox boiler

Option C: Stirling boiler.

Option D: all of the above

Correct Answer: locomotive boiler

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Option A: ash

Option B: volatile matter

Option C: moisture

Option D: hydrogen

Correct Answer: ash

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Option A: stationary<fire tube-type

Option B: horizontal type

Option C: natural cirulation type

Option D: internally fired type

Correct Answer: all of the above

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Option A: flue gases pass through tubes and water around it

Option B: water passes through the tubes and flue gases around it

Option C: work is done during adiabatic expansion

Option D: change in enthalpy

Correct Answer: work is done during adiabatic expansion

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Option A: carnot cycle

Option B: joule cycle

Option C: Stirling cycle

Option D: brayton cycle

Correct Answer: brayton cycle

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Option A: 2-4 m

Option B: 3-5 m

Option C: 5-7.5 m

Option D: 7-9 m

Correct Answer: 5-7.5 m

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Option A: 1 kg

Option B: 4/3kg

Option C: 8/3kg

Option D: 2 kg

Correct Answer: 4/3kg

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Option A: producer gas

Option B: coal gas

Option C: water gas

Option D: blast furnace gas

Correct Answer: coal gas

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Option A: regeneration

Option B: reheating of steam

Option C: both A. and B.

Option D: cooling of steam

Correct Answer: C. both A. and B.

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Option A: decreasing initial steam pressure and temperature

Option B: increasing exhaust pressure

Option C: decreasing exhaust pressure

Option D: increasing the expansion ratio

Correct Answer: decreasing initial steam pressure and temperature

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Option A: C02

Option B: CO

Option C: 02

Option D: N2

Correct Answer: 02

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Option A: Hygroscopic substances

Option B: water vapour in air

Option C: temperature of air

Option D: pressure of air

Correct Answer: water vapour in air

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Option A: lowers the boiling point of a liquid

Option B: raises the boiling point of a liquid

Option C: .does not affect the boiling point of a liquid

Option D: reduces its volume

Correct Answer: raises the boiling point of a liquid

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Option A: and its corresponding conversion into dry saturated steam at 100°C and 1.033 kg/cm2

Option B: and its corresponding conversion into dry steam at desired boiler pressure

Option C: conversion into steam at atmospheric condition

Option D: conversion into steam at the same pres-sure at which feed water is supplied

Correct Answer: and its corresponding conversion into dry saturated steam at 100°C and 1.033 kg/cm2

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Option A: equals that of the surroundings

Option B: equals 760 mm of mercury

Option C: equals to atmospheric pressure

Option D: equals the pressure of water in the container

Correct Answer: equals that of the surroundings

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Option A: pressure alone

Option B: temperature alone

Option C: pressure and temperature

Option D: pressure and dryness fraction

Correct Answer: pressure and dryness fraction

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Option A: volume

Option B: pressure

Option C: entropy

Option D: enthalpy

Correct Answer: pressure

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Option A: 40%

Option B: 25%

Option C: 50%

Option D: 80%

Correct Answer: 80%

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Option A: maximum

Option B: minimum

Option C: zero

Option D: depends on temperature also

Correct Answer: zero

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Option A: 539 kcal/kg

Option B: 539 BTU/lb

Option C: 427 kcal/kg

Option D: 100 kcal/kg

Correct Answer: 539 kcal/kg

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Option A: heat transfer takes place

Option B: work is done by the expanding steam

Option C: internal energy of steam changes

Option D: all of the above

Correct Answer: none of the above

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Option A: wet

Option B: superheated

Option C: remain dry saturated

Option D: dry

Correct Answer: wet

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Option A: wet

Option B: superheated

Option C: remain dry satruated

Option D: dry

Correct Answer: superheated

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Option A: horizontal straight line

Option B: vertical straight line

Option C: straight inclined line

Option D: curved line

Correct Answer: horizontal straight line

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Option A: pressure only

Option B: temperature only

Option C: dryness fraction only

Option D: specific volume only

Correct Answer: pressure and dryness fraction

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Option A: 0.1

Option B: 0.3

Option C: 0.5

Option D: 0.8

Correct Answer: 0.5

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Option A: 0.2

Option B: 0.8

Option C: 1.0

Option D: 0.6

Correct Answer: 0.8

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Option A: solid and vapour phases are in equi-librium

Option B: solid and liquid phases are in equilibrium

Option C: liquid and vapour phases are in equilibrium

Option D: solid, liquid and vapour phases are in equilibrium

Correct Answer: solid and vapour phases are in equi-librium

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Option A: the given boiler with the model

Option B: the two different boilers of the same make

Option C: two different makes of boilers operat¬ing under the same operating conditions

Option D: two boilers of same make but operaing under different conditions

Correct Answer: any type of boilers operating under any conditions

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Option A: 0°C

Option B: 100°C

Option C: saturation temperature at given pressure

Option D: room temperature

Correct Answer: 0°C

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Option A: 9.81 Joules

Option B: All Joules

Option C: 427 Joules

Option D: 102 Joules

Correct Answer: 9.81 Joules

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