
Mechanical Engineering MCQs

Option A: administrative wing

Option B: workshop

Option C: foundry shop

Option D: stores

Correct Answer: stores

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Option A: techniques to determine project status

Option B: decision making techniques

Option C: charts which increase aesthetic appearance of rooms

Option D: aids to determine cost implications of project

Correct Answer: aids to the decision maker

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Option A: time oriented technique

Option B: event oriented technique

Option C: activity oriented technique

Option D: target oriented technique

Correct Answer: activity oriented technique

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Option A: method study and work measurement

Option B: method study and time study

Option C: time study and work measurement

Option D: method study and job evaluation

Correct Answer: method study and work measurement

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Option A: time oriented technique

Option B: event oriented technique

Option C: activity oriented technique

Option D: target oriented technique

Correct Answer: event oriented technique

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Option A: project examination and review technique

Option B: project evaluation and reporting technique

Option C: process execution and reporting technology

Option D: project execution and results technique

Correct Answer: project examination and review technique

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Option A: complete details’of items in, waiting line are known

Option B: arrival and waiting times are known and can be grouped to form a waiting line model

Option C: all variables and constants are known and form a linear equation

Option D: the laws governing arrivals, service times, and the order in which the arriving units are taken into source are known

Correct Answer: the laws governing arrivals, service times, and the order in which the arriving units are taken into source are known

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Option A: the average service rate Hess than the average arrival rate

Option B: output rate is linearly proportional to input

Option C: output rate is constant and the input varies in a random manner

Option D: all of the above

Correct Answer: all of the above

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Option A: minimum value

Option B: maximum value

Option C: average value

Option D: middle value

Correct Answer: minimum value

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Option A: minor works

Option B: major works

Option C: large projects

Option D: all of the above

Correct Answer: minor works

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Option A: a project is divided into various activities

Option B: required time for each activity is established

Option C: sequence of various activities is made according to their importance

Option D: network is drawn by connecting the activities and the events

Correct Answer: all of the above

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Option A: high initial investment for the specialized facilities

Option B: skilled labour to operate machines

Option C: production time is longer, requiring more goods in inventory

Option D: high cost of inspection

Correct Answer: high initial investment for the specialized facilities

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Option A: the flow of material in the plant

Option B: the methods of proper utilization of manpower

Option C: the methods of proper utilization of machines

Option D: the layout of factory facilities

Correct Answer: the methods of proper utilization of machines

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Option A: is artificially introduced

Option B: is represented by a dotted line

Option C: does not require any time

Option D: all of the above

Correct Answer: all of the above

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Option A: event

Option B: float

Option C: duration

Option D: constraint

Correct Answer: float

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Option A: normal

Option B: binomial

Option C: beta

Option D: exponential

Correct Answer: Gaussian

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Option A: maximum float

Option B: minimum float

Option C: zero float,

Option D: average float

Correct Answer: zero float,

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Option A: the minimum time required for completion of project

Option B: the maximum time required for completion of project

Option C: maximum cost required for completion of project

Option D: minimum cost required for completion of project

Correct Answer: the minimum time required for completion of project

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Option A: positive value

Option B: negative value

Option C: zero value

Option D: same value

Correct Answer: zero value

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Option A: free float = total float

Option B: independent float = total float

Option C: independent float > free float

Option D: free float > total float

Correct Answer: independent float < free float

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Option A: radial flow

Option B: axial flow

Option C: centrifugal

Option D: combination of above

Correct Answer: axial flow

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Option A: ideal compression

Option B: adiabatic compression

Option C: botii isothermal and adiabatic compression

Option D: isentropic compression

Correct Answer: isothermal compression

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Option A: one adiabatic, two isobaric, and one constant volume

Option B: two adiabatic and two isobaric

Option C: two adiabatic, one isobaric and one constant volume,

Option D: one adiabatic, one isobaric and two constant volume

Correct Answer: two adiabatic and two isobaric

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Option A: 1

Option B: 1.2 ,

Option C: 1.3

Option D: 1.4

Correct Answer: 1

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Option A: one adiabatic, two isobaric, and one constant volume

Option B: two adiabatic and two isobaric

Option C: two adiabatic, one isobaric and one constant volume

Option D: one adiabatic, one isobaric and two constant volume

Correct Answer: one adiabatic, two isobaric, and one constant volume

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Option A: 3 m3/mt

Option B: 1.5 m3/mt

Option C: 18 m3/mt

Option D: 6 m3/mt

Correct Answer: 3 m3/mt

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Option A: ityrequires very big cylinder

Option B: it does not increase pressure much

Option C: it is impossible in practice

Option D: compressor has to run at very slow speed to achieve it

Correct Answer: compressor has to run at very slow speed to achieve it

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Option A: cools the delivered air

Option B: results in saving of power in compressing a given volume to given pressure

Option C: is the standard practice for big compressors

Option D: enables compression in two stages

Correct Answer: results in saving of power in compressing a given volume to given pressure

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Option A: increases

Option B: decreases

Option C: remains unaffected

Option D: may increase or decrease depending on compressor capacity

Correct Answer: increases

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Option A: atmospheric conditions at any specific location

Option B: 20°C and 1 kg/cm2 and relative humidity 36%

Option C: 0°C and standard atmospheric conditions

Option D: 15°C and 1 kg/cm2

Correct Answer: 20°C and 1 kg/cm2 and relative humidity 36%

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Option A: isothermal

Option B: adiabatic

Option C: polytropic

Option D: any one of the above

Correct Answer: adiabatic

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Option A: standard air

Option B: free air

Option C: compressed air

Option D: compressed air at delivery pressure

Correct Answer: free air

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Option A: atmospheric conditions at any specific location

Option B: 20°C and 1 kg/cm2 and relative humidity of 36%

Option C: 0°C and standard atmospheric conditions

Option D: 15°C and 1 kg/cm2

Correct Answer: atmospheric conditions at any specific location

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Option A: 0.5 kg

Option B: 1.0 kg

Option C: 1.3 kg

Option D: 2.2 kg

Correct Answer: 1.3 kg

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Option A: isothermal h.p. to the BHP of motor

Option B: isothermal h.p. to adiabatic h.p.

Option C: power to drive compressor to isothermal h.p.

Option D: work to compress air isothermally to work for actual compression

Correct Answer: isothermal h.p. to the BHP of motor

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Option A: atmospheric

Option B: slightly more than atmospheric

Option C: slightly less than atmospheric

Option D: pressure slightly more than atmospheric and temperature slightly less than atmospheric

Correct Answer: atmospheric

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Option A: multi-stage compression

Option B: cold water spray

Option C: both A. and B. above

Option D: fully insulating the cylinder

Correct Answer: C. both A. and B. above

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Option A: at very high speed

Option B: at very slow speed

Option C: at average speed

Option D: at zero speed

Correct Answer: at very slow speed

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Option A: isothermally

Option B: adiabatically

Option C: isentropically

Option D: isochronically

Correct Answer: isothermally

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Option A: temperature during compression remains constant

Option B: no heat leaves or enters the compressor cylinder during cornpression

Option C: temperature rise follows a linear relationship

Option D: work done is maximum

Correct Answer: no heat leaves or enters the compressor cylinder during cornpression

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