
Production Technology MCQs

Option A: line organisation

Option B: line and staff organisation

Option C: functional organisation

Option D: effective organisation

Correct Answer: functional organisation

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Option A: line organisation

Option B: line and staff organisation

Option C: functional organisation

Option D: effective organisation

Correct Answer: line organisation

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Option A: conveyors

Option B: cranes and hoists

Option C: trucks

Option D: locos

Correct Answer: locos

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Option A: material handling

Option B: reducing the waiting time or idle Jajme

Option C: better utilization of man services

Option D: effective use of machines

Correct Answer: reducing the waiting time or idle Jajme

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Option A: Jeck Gilberth

Option B: Gnatt

Option C: Taylor

Option D: Newton

Correct Answer: Gnatt

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Option A: functional organisation

Option B: line organisation

Option C: staff organisation

Option D: line and staff organisations

Correct Answer: staff organisation

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Option A: inflated system

Option B: primary cost method

Option C: current value method

Option D: fixed price method

Correct Answer: inflated system

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Option A: forecasting sales

Option B: production schedule

Option C: scheduling and routing

Option D: linear programming

Correct Answer: production schedule

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Option A: break even point analysis

Option B: production schedule

Option C: material handling layout

Option D: determining selling price

Correct Answer: production schedule

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Option A: optimum lot size

Option B: highest level of inventory

Option C: lot corresponding to break-even point

Option D: capability of a plant to produce

Correct Answer: optimum lot size

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Option A: management

Option B: labour court

Option C: high court/supreme court

Option D: board of directors

Correct Answer: high court/supreme court

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Option A: all industries

Option B: all process industries and thermal power plants

Option C: only major industries

Option D: only key industries

Correct Answer: all industries

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Option A: complicated items only

Option B: simple items only

Option C: crash programmer items only

Option D: cost consciousness items only

Correct Answer: any item

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Option A: depreciation value of a product

Option B: resale value of a product

Option C: major function of the item and accomplishing the same at least cost without change in quality

Option D: break even point when machine re-quires change

Correct Answer: major function of the item and accomplishing the same at least cost without change in quality

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Option A: CAM < DAM

Option B: CAM > DAM

Option C: CAM = DAM

Option D: there is no such criterion

Correct Answer: CAM < DAM

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Option A: Gnatt chart

Option B: bin chart

Option C: Emerson chart

Option D: travel chart

Correct Answer: travel chart

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Option A: actions of operator

Option B: layout of work place

Option C: tooling and equipment

Option D: all of the above

Correct Answer: actions of operator

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Option A: permits a fine breakdown of activities and delays

Option B: simultaneous study of many operators may be made by a single observer

Option C: calculations are easier, method is economical and less time consuming

Option D: no time measuring devices are generally needed

Correct Answer: permits a fine breakdown of activities and delays

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Option A: process layout

Option B: product layout

Option C: fixed position layout

Option D: plant layout

Correct Answer: product layout

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Option A: all industries

Option B: all industries other than small and medium industries

Option C: volunteers

Option D: the industries notified by Government

Correct Answer: the industries notified by Government

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Option A: immediately on joining the service

Option B: after 60 days of joining the service

Option C: after 100 days of joining the service

Option D: after 240 days of joining the service

Correct Answer: after 240 days of joining the service

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Option A: Taylor

Option B: Drucker

Option C: McGregor

Option D: Galileo

Correct Answer: Galileo

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Option A: fast worker

Option B: average worker

Option C: slow worker

Option D: new entrant

Correct Answer: average worker

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Option A: one time estimate

Option B: two time estimate

Option C: three time estimate

Option D: four time estimate

Correct Answer: one time estimate

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Option A: process layout

Option B: product layout

Option C: fixed position layout

Option D: plant layout

Correct Answer: fixed position layout

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Option A: assembly industry

Option B: process industry

Option C: job order industry

Option D: mass production industry

Correct Answer: assembly industry

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Option A: break-even analysis

Option B: value analysis

Option C: linear programming

Option D: queing theory

Correct Answer: linear programming

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Option A: past good workers

Option B: past poor workers

Option C: past average workers

Option D: all of the above

Correct Answer: past poor workers

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Option A: purchase value

Option B: saleable value

Option C: depreciated value

Option D: present worth

Correct Answer: function/cost

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Option A: a standard rating system

Option B: a merit rating system

Option C: a job evaluation system

Option D: his individual performance

Correct Answer: a merit rating system

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Option A: Halsey plan

Option B: Rowan plan

Option C: Haynes plan

Option D: Emerson’s plan

Correct Answer: Haynes plan

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Option A: Emerson efficiency plan

Option B: Taylor plan

Option C: Halsey premium plan

Option D: Gilberth plan

Correct Answer: Halsey premium plan

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Option A: one time estimate

Option B: two time estimate

Option C: three time estimate

Option D: four time estimate

Correct Answer: three time estimate

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Option A: short run analysis

Option B: long run analysis

Option C: average of above two run analysis

Option D: there is no such criterion

Correct Answer: short run analysis

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Option A: paid as per efficiency

Option B: ensured of minimum wages

Option C: not paid any bonus till his efficiency

Option D: never a loser

Correct Answer: ensured of minimum wages

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Option A: Scanlon Plan

Option B: Rowan Plan

Option C: Bedaux Plan

Option D: Taylor Differential Piece Rate System

Correct Answer: Scanlon Plan

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Option A: optimum utilization of men, machines and materials

Option B: lowest possible cost and shortest possible time for project

Option C: timely execution of project

Option D: to produce best results under given constraints

Correct Answer: lowest possible cost and shortest possible time for project

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Option A: by time study

Option B: from previous production records

Option C: from one’s judgement

Option D: all of the above

Correct Answer: from previous production records

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Option A: reduce labour monotony

Option B: overcome boring and demotivating work

Option C: make people happy

Option D: all of the above

Correct Answer: all of the above

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Option A: manufacturing plant

Option B: manufacturing plant and equipment

Option C: inventories

Option D: common stock held by the firm

Correct Answer: manufacturing plant

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Option A: F.W. Taylor

Option B: H.L. Gantt

Option C: F.B. Gilberfh

Option D: R.M. Barnes

Correct Answer: F.W. Taylor

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Option A: credited into reserves of company

Option B: deposited in nationalised bank

Option C: deposited in post office

Option D: deposited in the account of worker with employer or Reserve Bank of India

Correct Answer: deposited in the account of worker with Provident Fund Commissioner

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Option A: process layout

Option B: product layout

Option C: fixed position layout

Option D: plant layout

Correct Answer: process layout

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Option A: process layout

Option B: product layout

Option C: fixed position layout

Option D: plant layout

Correct Answer: product layout

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Option A: greater

Option B: smaller

Option C: equal

Option D: there is no such correlation

Correct Answer: greater

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Option A: primary cost

Option B: factory cost

Option C: factory expenses

Option D: primary cost + factory expenses

Correct Answer: primary cost

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Option A: a job

Option B: an individual employee

Option C: a particular division in workshop

Option D: machine

Correct Answer: an individual employee

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Option A: minimum value

Option B: maximum value

Option C: average value

Option D: alarming value

Correct Answer: minimum value

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Option A: total cost of the product

Option B: selling price of the product

Option C: utility of the product

Option D: manufactured cost of the product

Correct Answer: utility of the product

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Option A: batch production

Option B: job production

Option C: mass production

Option D: all of the above

Correct Answer: mass production

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Option A: all industries have to necessarily train the apprentices

Option B: industries have to train apprentices ac-cording to their requirement

Option C: all industries employing more than 100 workers have to recruit apprentices

Option D: only industries employing more than 500 workers have to recruit apprentices

Correct Answer: only industries employing more than 500 workers have to recruit apprentices

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Option A: quality

Option B: statistics

Option C: probability

Option D: all of the above

Correct Answer: probability

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Option A: achieving optimisation

Option B: ensuring against market fluctuations

Option C: acceptable customer service at low capital investment in inventory

Option D: discounts allowed in bulk purchase

Correct Answer: acceptable customer service at low capital investment in inventory

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Option A: effective running of stores

Option B: state of merchandise methods of stroing and maintenance etc

Option C: stock control system

Option D: all of the above

Correct Answer: all of the above

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Option A: productivity

Option B: inventory control

Option C: production planning

Option D: production control

Correct Answer: productivity

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Option A: functional organisation

Option B: line organisation

Option C: staff organisation

Option D: line, staff and functional organisations

Correct Answer: functional organisation

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Option A: corporate plans

Option B: higher level management

Option C: functional authority

Option D: departmentatidn

Correct Answer: departmentatidn

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Option A: normal time + allowances

Option B: normal time + idle time + allowances

Option C: normal time + idle time

Option D: only normal time for an operation

Correct Answer: normal time + allowances

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Option A: flow of material in the plant

Option B: proper utilization of man power

Option C: proper utilization of machines

Option D: inspection of final product

Correct Answer: flow of material in the plant

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Option A: a planning layout

Option B: flow of material

Option C: advancing a programme in automatic machines

Option D: copying complicated profiles

Correct Answer: a planning layout

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Option A: strict adherence to specification

Option B: separation of planning and design part

Option C: each individual maintains functional efficiency

Option D: work is properly planned and distributed

Correct Answer: all of the above

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Option A: effective command and control

Option B: defined responsibilities at all levels

Option C: rigid discipline in the organisation

Option D: ability of quick decision at all levels

Correct Answer: all of the above

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Option A: line organisation

Option B: line and staff organisation

Option C: functional organisation

Option D: all of the above

Correct Answer: line organisation

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Option A: specialisation exists

Option B: machines are arranged according to sequence of operation

Option C: few number of non-standardised units are to be produced

Option D: mass production is envisaged

Correct Answer: few number of non-standardised units are to be produced

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Option A: batch production

Option B: continuous production

Option C: effective utilization of machine

Option D: all of the above

Correct Answer: continuous production

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Option A: have full flexibility

Option B: employ conveyor belts, trucks, tractors etc.

Option C: be a general purpose type

Option D: be designed as special purpose for a particular application

Correct Answer: be designed as special purpose for a particular application

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Option A: analysis of process chart

Option B: flow of material

Option C: ordering schedule of job

Option D: controlling inventory costs money

Correct Answer: controlling inventory costs money

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Option A: improving a work method

Option B: improvising a work method

Option C: designing a work method

Option D: providing a schematic framework

Correct Answer: reducing inventory costs

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Option A: 0.0001 minute

Option B: 0.0006 minute

Option C: 0.006 minute

Option D: 0.001 minute

Correct Answer: 0.0006 minute

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Option A: the appraisal, in terms of time, of the value of work involving human effort

Option B: machine setting time

Option C: time taken by workers to do a job

Option D: method of fixing time for workers

Correct Answer: the appraisal, in terms of time, of the value of work involving human effort

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Option A: work sampling

Option B: time study

Option C: method study

Option D: work study

Correct Answer: work sampling

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Option A: relative worth of jobs

Option B: skills required by a worker

Option C: contribution of a worker

Option D: contribution of a job

Correct Answer: relative worth of jobs

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Option A: operator’s activity

Option B: flow of material and in case of trouble locate source of trouble

Option C: minimising the delays

Option D: making efficient despatching

Correct Answer: flow of material and in case of trouble locate source of trouble

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Option A: process chart

Option B: material handling

Option C: stop watch

Option D: all of the above

Correct Answer: stop watch

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Option A: 8

Option B: 12

Option C: 16

Option D: 20

Correct Answer: 16

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Option A: a symbol

Option B: an event

Option C: an activity

Option D: micro motions

Correct Answer: standard symbol and colour

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Option A: where production activities are involved

Option B: in judging the rating of machines

Option C: in improving industrial relations

Option D: in judging the output of a man and improving it

Correct Answer: where production activities are involved

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Option A: overhead crane

Option B: trolley

Option C: belt conveyor

Option D: all of the above

Correct Answer: overhead crane

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Option A: inspection

Option B: transport

Option C: delay/temporary storage

Option D: permanent storage

Correct Answer: delay/temporary storage

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Option A: graph paper

Option B: process chart

Option C: planning chart

Option D: stop watch

Correct Answer: stop watch

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