
Thermodynamics MCQs

Option A: 1.013 bar

Option B: 760mm of Hg

Option C: 101.3KN/m2

Option D: All of these

Correct Answer: All of these

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Option A: pressure

Option B: temperature

Option C: volume

Option D: all of the above

Correct Answer: all of the above

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Option A: second

Option B: minute

Option C: hour

Option D: day

Correct Answer: second

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Option A: Boyle’s law

Option B: Charles’law

Option C: Gay-Lussac law

Option D: all of the above

Correct Answer: all of the above

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Option A: Centigrade

Option B: Celsius

Option C: Fahrenheit

Option D: Kelvin

Correct Answer: Kelvin

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Option A: meter

Option B: centimeter

Option C: kilometer

Option D: millimeter

Correct Answer: meter

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Option A: temperature

Option B: absolute

Option C: absolute temperature, if volume is kept constant

Option D: volume, if temperature is kept constant

Correct Answer: temperature

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Option A: PV=nRT

Option B: PV=mRT

Option C: PV = C

Option D: PV=KiRT

Correct Answer: PV=mRT

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Option A: 02, N2, steam, C02

Option B: Oz, N2, water vapour

Option C: S02, NH3, C02, moisture

Option D: 02, N2, H2, air

Correct Answer: 02, N2, H2, air

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Option A: mass does not cross boundaries of the system, though energy may do so

Option B: mass crosses the boundary but not the energy

Option C: neither mass nor energy crosses the boundaries of the system

Option D: both energy and mass cross the boundaries of the system

Correct Answer: mass does not cross boundaries of the system, though energy may do so

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Option A: volume of the gas is zero

Option B: pressure of the gas is zero

Option C: kinetic energy of the molecules is zero

Option D: specific heat of gas is zero

Correct Answer: kinetic energy of the molecules is zero

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Option A: – 273 °K

Option B: vacuum

Option C: zero pressure

Option D: centre of earth

Correct Answer: zero pressure

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Option A: E/3

Option B: E/2

Option C: 3E/4

Option D: 2E/3

Correct Answer: E/3

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Option A: newton

Option B: pascal

Option C: erg

Option D: watt

Correct Answer: watt

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Option A: exactly as gas

Option B: as steam

Option C: as ordinary vapour

Option D: approximately as a gas

Correct Answer: approximately as a gas

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Option A: depends on the mass of the system, like volume

Option B: does not depend on the mass of the system, like temperature, pressure, etc

Option C: is not dependent on the path followed but on the state

Option D: is dependent on the path followed and not on the state

Correct Answer: does not depend on the mass of the system, like temperature, pressure, etc

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Option A: C/Cv

Option B: Cv/Cp

Option C: Cp – Cv

Option D: Cp + Cv

Correct Answer: Cp – Cv

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Option A: 0.17

Option B: 0.24

Option C: 0.1

Option D: 1.41

Correct Answer: 1.41

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Option A: Charles’ law

Option B: Joule’s law

Option C: Regnault’s law

Option D: Boyle’s law

Correct Answer: Joule’s law

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Option A: Charles’ Law

Option B: Joule’s Law

Option C: Regnault’s Law

Option D: Boyle’s Law

Correct Answer: Regnault’s Law

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Option A: mass does not cross boundaries of the system, though energy may do so

Option B: neither mass nor energy crosses the boundaries of the system

Option C: both energy and mass cross the boundaries of the system

Option D: mass crosses the boundary but not the energy

Correct Answer: both energy and mass cross the boundaries of the system

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Option A: only one value of specific heat

Option B: two values of specific heat

Option C: three values of specific heat

Option D: no value of specific heat

Correct Answer: two values of specific heat

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Option A: depends on the mass of the system like volume

Option B: does not depend on the mass of the system, like temperature, pressure, etc.

Option C: is not dependent on the path followed but on the state

Option D: is dependent on the path followed and not on the state

Correct Answer: depends on the mass of the system like volume

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Option A: Avogadro’s hypothesis

Option B: Dalton’s law

Option C: Gas law

Option D: Law of thermodynamics

Correct Answer: Avogadro’s hypothesis

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Option A: + v

Option B: – ve

Option C: zero

Option D: pressure x volume

Correct Answer: zero

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Option A: path functions

Option B: point functions

Option C: cyclic functions

Option D: real functions

Correct Answer: point functions

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Option A: occupies volume proportional to its molecular weight

Option B: occupies volume proportional to its specific weight

Option C: occupies volume inversely proportional to its molecular weight

Option D: occupies volume inversely proportional to its specific weight

Correct Answer: occupies same volume

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Option A: pressure and temperature

Option B: internal energy

Option C: volume and density

Option D: enthalpy and entropy

Correct Answer: all of the above

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Option A: pressure

Option B: temperature

Option C: density

Option D: heat

Correct Answer: heat

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Option A: the end states only

Option B: particular adiabatic process

Option C: the value of index n

Option D: the value of heattransferred

Correct Answer: the end states only

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Option A: enthalpy

Option B: volume

Option C: mass

Option D: entropy

Correct Answer: volume

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Option A: one value of specific heat (ft) two values of specific heat

Option B: three values of specific heat

Option C: no value of specific heat

Option D: one value under some conditions and two values under other conditions

Correct Answer: one value of specific heat (ft) two values of specific heat

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Option A: flow is uniform and steady

Option B: process is isentropic

Option C: process is isothermal

Option D: process is isentropic and specific heat does not change with temperature

Correct Answer: process is isentropic

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Option A: nominal temperature and pressure

Option B: natural temperature and pressure

Option C: normal temperature and pressure

Option D: normal thermodynamic practice

Correct Answer: normal temperature and pressure

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Option A: increases

Option B: decreases

Option C: remains constant

Option D: may increase/decrease depending on the properties of gas

Correct Answer: remains constant

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Option A: 80°C

Option B: 0°C

Option C: 40°C

Option D: 20°C

Correct Answer: 0°C

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Option A: 1 Nm/s

Option B: 1 N/mt

Option C: 1 Nm/hr

Option D: 1 kNm/hr

Correct Answer: 1 Nm/s

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Option A: dry steam

Option B: wet steam

Option C: saturated steam

Option D: superheated steam

Correct Answer: superheated steam

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Option A: 29.27 kgfm/mol°K

Option B: 8314kgfm/mol°K

Option C: 848kgfm/mol°K

Option D: 427kgfm/mol°K

Correct Answer: 848kgfm/mol°K

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Option A: specific heat at constant pressure

Option B: specific heat at constant volume

Option C: ratio of two specific heats

Option D: gas constant

Correct Answer: gas constant

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Option A: any gas

Option B: saturated steam

Option C: water

Option D: perfect gas

Correct Answer: perfect gas

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Option A: free expansion

Option B: hyperbolic expansion

Option C: adiabatic expansion

Option D: parabolic expansion

Correct Answer: throttling

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Option A: free expansion

Option B: hyperbolic expansion

Option C: adiabatic expansion

Option D: parabolic expansion

Correct Answer: free expansion

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Option A: isothermal

Option B: adiabatic

Option C: throttling

Option D: all of the above

Correct Answer: throttling

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Option A: zero

Option B: minimum

Option C: maximum

Option D: infinity

Correct Answer: zero

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Option A: 4.17m3/kgmol

Option B: 400 m3/kg mol

Option C: 0.15 m3/kg mol

Option D: 41.7 m3/kg mol

Correct Answer: 4.17m3/kgmol

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Option A: increase higher temperature

Option B: decrease higher temperature

Option C: increase lower temperature

Option D: decrease lower temperature

Correct Answer: decrease lower temperature

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Option A: maximum

Option B: minimum

Option C: zero

Option D: unpredictable

Correct Answer: zero

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Option A: work done by a system is equal to heat transferred by the system

Option B: total internal energy of a system during a process remains constant

Option C: internal energy, enthalpy and entropy during a process remain constant

Option D: total energy of a system remains constant

Correct Answer: total energy of a system remains constant

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Option A: heat and work

Option B: heat, work and properties of the system

Option C: various properties of the system

Option D: various thermodynamic processes

Correct Answer: heat, work and properties of the system

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Option A: increases

Option B: decreases

Option C: remains constant

Option D: first increases and then decreases

Correct Answer: remains constant

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Option A: mass and energy are mutually convertible

Option B: Carnot engine is most efficient

Option C: heat and work are mutually convertible

Option D: mass and light are mutually convertible

Correct Answer: heat and work are mutually convertible

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Option A: enables to determine change in internal energy of the system

Option B: does not help to predict whether the system will or not undergo a change

Option C: does not enable to determine change in entropy

Option D: provides relationship between heat, work and internal energy

Correct Answer: all of the above

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Option A: reversible engine

Option B: irreversible engine

Option C: new engine

Option D: petrol engine

Correct Answer: reversible engine

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Option A: process is thermodynamically in equilibrium

Option B: process is executed in closed system cycle

Option C: its entropy will change due to irreversibility

Option D: sum of heat and work transfer will be zero

Correct Answer: sum of heat and work transfer will be zero

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Option A: properties of the medium/substance used

Option B: condition of engine

Option C: working condition

Option D: temperature range of operation

Correct Answer: temperature range of operation

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Option A: 650°K

Option B: 600°K

Option C: 625°K

Option D: 700°K

Correct Answer: 650°K

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Option A: justified

Option B: not possible

Option C: may be possible with lot of sophistications

Option D: cost will be very high

Correct Answer: not possible

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Option A: prevents thermal interaction

Option B: permits thermal interaction

Option C: encourages thermal interaction

Option D: discourages thermal interaction

Correct Answer: permits thermal interaction

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Option A: The room will be cooled to the temperature inside the refrigerator.

Option B: The room will be cooled very slightly.

Option C: The room will be gradually warmed up.

Option D: The temperature of the air in room will remain unaffected.

Correct Answer: The room will be gradually warmed up.

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Option A: at atmospheric pressure

Option B: at a pressure below the firuosphejric pressure

Option C: at a pressure greater than atmospheric pressure

Option D: any pressure

Correct Answer: at a pressure greater than atmospheric pressure

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Option A: heat

Option B: potential energy

Option C: surface tension

Option D: friction

Correct Answer: heat

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Option A: watts/°K

Option B: dynes/°C

Option C: ergscm/°K

Option D: erg/°K

Correct Answer: erg/°K

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Option A: 760 mm Hg

Option B: zero mm Hg

Option C: 735.6 mm Hg

Option D: 1 mm Hg

Correct Answer: 735.6 mm Hg

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Option A: 1 kgf/cnr2

Option B: 1.033 kgf/cm2

Option C: 0 kgf/cm2

Option D: 1.0197 kgf/cm2

Correct Answer: 1.033 kgf/cm2

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Option A: a thermodynamic machine

Option B: a non-thermodynamic machine

Option C: a hypothetical machine

Option D: a hypothetical machine whose opera-tion would violate the laws of thermodynamics

Correct Answer: a hypothetical machine

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Option A: heat can’t be transferred from low temperature source to high temperature source

Option B: heat can be transferred for low temperature to high temperature source by using refrigeration cycle.

Option C: heat can be transferred from low temperature to high temperature source if COP of process is more than unity

Option D: heat can’t be transferred from low temperature to high temperature source without the aid of external energy

Correct Answer: heat can’t be transferred from low temperature to high temperature source without the aid of external energy

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Option A: carnot

Option B: Stirling

Option C: ericsson

Option D: all of the above

Correct Answer: none of the above

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Option A: working substance

Option B: design of engine

Option C: size of engine

Option D: type of fuel fired

Correct Answer: temperatures of source and sink

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Option A: gas engine

Option B: well lubricated engine

Option C: petrol engine

Option D: steam engine

Correct Answer: reversible engine

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Option A: two isothermals and two isentropics

Option B: two isentropics, and two constant volumes.

Option C: two isentropics, one constant volume and one constant pressure

Option D: two isentropics and two constant pressures

Correct Answer: two isentropics, one constant volume and one constant pressure

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Option A: reversible cycles

Option B: irreversible cycles

Option C: quasi-static cycles

Option D: semi-reversible cycles

Correct Answer: reversible cycles

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Option A: Carnot cycle

Option B: Rankine cycle

Option C: Brayton cycle

Option D: Bell Coleman cycle

Correct Answer: Brayton cycle

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Option A: Carnot

Option B: Ericsson

Option C: Stirling

Option D: Joule

Correct Answer: none of the above

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Option A: increases

Option B: decreases

Option C: remains unaffected

Option D: first increases and then decreases

Correct Answer: increases

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Option A: carnot cycle can’t work with saturated steam

Option B: heat is supplied to water at temperature below the maximum temperature of the cycle

Option C: a rankine cycle receives heat at two places

Option D: rankine cycle is hypothetical

Correct Answer: heat is supplied to water at temperature below the maximum temperature of the cycle

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Option A: Brayton cycle

Option B: Joule cycle

Option C: Carnot cycle

Option D: Bell-Coleman cycle

Correct Answer: Brayton cycle

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Option A: increase

Option B: decrease

Option C: remain unchanged

Option D: increase/decrease depending on application

Correct Answer: increase

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Option A: two isothermals and two isentropics

Option B: two isentropics and two constant volumes

Option C: two isentropics, one constant volume and one constant pressure

Option D: two isentropics and two constant pressures

Correct Answer: two isentropics and two constant pressures

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Option A: increase

Option B: decrease

Option C: remain unchanged

Option D: increase/decrease depending on ap-plication

Correct Answer: decrease

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Option A: Rankine

Option B: Stirling

Option C: Carnot

Option D: Brayton

Correct Answer: Carnot

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Option A: Dual combustion cycle

Option B: Diesel cycle

Option C: Atkinson cycle

Option D: Rankine cycle

Correct Answer: Atkinson cycle

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Option A: two isothermals and two isentropics

Option B: two isentropics and two constant volumes

Option C: two isentropics, one constant volume and one constant pressure

Option D: two isentropics and two constant pres-sures

Correct Answer: two isentropics and two constant pres-sures

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Option A: Otto cycle

Option B: Ericsson cycle

Option C: Joule cycle

Option D: Stirling cycle

Correct Answer: Joule cycle

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Option A: more

Option B: less

Option C: equal

Option D: depends on other factors

Correct Answer: equal

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Option A: a reversible cycle (ft) an irreversible cycle

Option B: a semi-reversible cycle

Option C: a quasi static cycle

Option D: an adiabatic irreversible cycle

Correct Answer: a reversible cycle (ft) an irreversible cycle

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Option A: Otto cycle is more efficient than Diesel cycle

Option B: Diesel cycle is more efficient than Otto cycle

Option C: efficiency depends on other factors

Option D: both Otto and Diesel cycles are equally efficient

Correct Answer: Otto cycle is more efficient than Diesel cycle

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Option A: two isothermals and two isentropics

Option B: two isentropics and two constant volumes

Option C: two isentropics, one constant volume and one constant pressure

Option D: two isentropics and two constant pres-sures

Correct Answer: two isentropics and two constant volumes

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Option A: Carnot cycle

Option B: Joule cycle

Option C: Rankine cycle

Option D: Otto cycle

Correct Answer: Rankine cycle

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Option A: conservation of heat

Option B: conservation of work

Option C: conversion of heat into work

Option D: conversion fo work into heat

Correct Answer: conversion of heat into work

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Option A: conservation of mass

Option B: conservation of energy

Option C: conservation of momentum

Option D: conservation of heat

Correct Answer: conservation of energy

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Option A: 760 mm Hg

Option B: zero mm Hg

Option C: 735.6 mm Hg

Option D: 1 mm Hg

Correct Answer: 760 mm Hg

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Option A: specific heat

Option B: quantity of heat

Option C: thermal capacity

Option D: entropy

Correct Answer: quantity of heat

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Option A: fine weather

Option B: rains

Option C: storm

Option D: cold wave

Correct Answer: storm

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Option A: heat exchange does not take place

Option B: no work is done by expanding steam

Option C: there is no change of internal energy of steam

Option D: all of the above

Correct Answer: all of the above

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Option A: becomes hotter

Option B: becomes cooler1

Option C: remains at the same temperature

Option D: may become hotter or cooler depend-ing upon the humidity of the surround¬ing air

Correct Answer: becomes cooler1

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Option A: prevents thermal interaction

Option B: permits thermal interaction

Option C: encourages thermal interaction

Option D: discourages thermal interaction

Correct Answer: prevents thermal interaction

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Option A: constant pressure

Option B: constant volume

Option C: constant temperature

Option D: constant enthaply

Correct Answer: constant temperature

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Option A: feasible

Option B: impossible

Option C: possible

Option D: possible, but with lot of sophistications

Correct Answer: possible

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Option A: temperature

Option B: enthalpy

Option C: internal energy

Option D: entropy

Correct Answer: entropy

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