
Thermodynamics MCQs

Option A: initial temperature is 0°K

Option B: final temperature is 0°K

Option C: difference between initial and final temperature is 0°K

Option D: final temperature is 0°C

Correct Answer: final temperature is 0°K

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Option A: thermodynamic properties

Option B: zeroth law of thermodynamics

Option C: first law of thermodynamics

Option D: second law of thermodynamics

Correct Answer: zeroth law of thermodynamics

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Option A: raising its temperature

Option B: raising its pressure

Option C: raising its volume

Option D: raising its temperature and doing external work

Correct Answer: raising its temperature

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Option A: internal energy

Option B: entropy

Option C: thermal capacity

Option D: enthalpy

Correct Answer: enthalpy

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Option A: pressure

Option B: temperature

Option C: volume

Option D: internal energy

Correct Answer: volume

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Option A: free expansion takes place

Option B: very little mechanical work is done by the system

Option C: no mechanical work is done by the system

Option D: all parameters remain constant

Correct Answer: no mechanical work is done by the system

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Option A: pressure

Option B: temperature

Option C: volume

Option D: internal energy

Correct Answer: pressure

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Option A: zeroth low of thermodynamic

Option B: first law of thermodynamics

Option C: second law to thermodynamics

Option D: basic law of thermodynamics

Correct Answer: first law of thermodynamics

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Option A: heat transfer

Option B: mass transfer

Option C: change of temperature

Option D: thermodynamic state

Correct Answer: heat transfer

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Option A: 300 Nm

Option B: 300,000 Nm

Option C: 30 Nm

Option D: 3000 Nm

Correct Answer: 300,000 Nm

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Option A: 0.75

Option B: 1

Option C: 1.27

Option D: 1.35

Correct Answer: 1

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Option A: free expansion or friction resisted expansion/compression process should not be encountered

Option B: when heat is being absorbed, temperature of hot source and working sub¬stance should be same

Option C: when beat is being rejected, temperature of cold source and working sub-stance should be same

Option D: all of the above

Correct Answer: all of the above

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Option A: throttling

Option B: free expansion

Option C: constant volume and constant pressure

Option D: hyperbolic and pV = C

Correct Answer: isothermal and adiabatic

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Option A: temperature

Option B: pressure

Option C: both pressure and temperature

Option D: variation of its constituents

Correct Answer: temperature

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Option A: work done is zero

Option B: heat transfer is zero

Option C: both A. and B. above

Option D: work done is zero but heat increases

Correct Answer: C. both A. and B. above

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Option A: 29.27 J/kmol°K

Option B: 83.14J/kmol°K

Option C: 848J/kmol°K

Option D: All J/kmol °K

Correct Answer: 83.14J/kmol°K

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Option A: 21

Option B: 23

Option C: 25

Option D: 77

Correct Answer: 21

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Option A: 100 xlOO5 joules

Option B: lxlO5 joules

Option C: 10 xlO5 joules

Option D: 10 xlO5 kilo joules

Correct Answer: 10 xlO5 joules

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Option A: constant volume

Option B: free expansion

Option C: throttling

Option D: all Of the above

Correct Answer: all Of the above

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Option A: zeroth law of thermodynamics

Option B: first law of thermodynamics

Option C: second law of thermodynamics

Option D: third law of thermodynamics

Correct Answer: zeroth law of thermodynamics

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Option A: deals with conversion of mass and energy

Option B: deals with reversibility and irreversibility of process

Option C: states that if two systems are both in equilibrium with a third system, they are in thermal equilibrium with each other

Option D: deals with heat engines

Correct Answer: states that if two systems are both in equilibrium with a third system, they are in thermal equilibrium with each other

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Option A: heat exchange process

Option B: throttling process

Option C: isentropic process

Option D: adiabatic process

Correct Answer: hyperbolic process

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Option A: constant pressure

Option B: constant temperature

Option C: constant volume

Option D: constant entropy

Correct Answer: constant pressure

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Option A: volume

Option B: pressure

Option C: temperature

Option D: enthalpy

Correct Answer: volume

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Option A: 54°C

Option B: 327°C

Option C: 108°C

Option D: 654°C

Correct Answer: 327°C

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Option A: reversible process

Option B: isothermal process

Option C: adiabatic process

Option D: irreversible process

Correct Answer: isothermal process

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Option A: point functions

Option B: system properties

Option C: path functions

Option D: intensive properties

Correct Answer: path functions

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Option A: heat

Option B: work

Option C: kinetic energy

Option D: vdp

Correct Answer: thermal conductivity

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Option A: 21

Option B: 23

Option C: 25

Option D: 73

Correct Answer: 23

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Option A: closed system

Option B: open system

Option C: isolated system

Option D: heterogeneous system

Correct Answer: heterogeneous system

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Option A: pressure

Option B: temperature

Option C: specific volume

Option D: heat

Correct Answer: heat

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Option A: mass does not cross boundaries of the system, though energy may do so

Option B: neither mass nor energy crosses the boundaries of the system

Option C: both energy and mass cross the boundaries of the system

Option D: mass crosses the boundary but not the energy

Correct Answer: neither mass nor energy crosses the boundaries of the system

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Option A: divided by its molecular weight

Option B: multiplied by its molecular weight

Option C: multiplied by its density

Option D: multiplied by its specific weight

Correct Answer: multiplied by its molecular weight

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Option A: + ve

Option B: -ve

Option C: zero

Option D: maximum

Correct Answer: zero

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Option A: the molecular weights of all the perfect gases occupy the same volume under same conditions of pressure and temperature

Option B: the sum of partial pressure of mixture of two gases is sum of the two

Option C: product of the gas constant and the molecular weight of an ideal gas is constant

Option D: gases have two values of specific heat

Correct Answer: the molecular weights of all the perfect gases occupy the same volume under same conditions of pressure and temperature

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Option A: Joule’s law

Option B: Boyle’s law

Option C: Regnault’s law

Option D: Gay-Lussac law

Correct Answer: Charles’ law

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Option A: densities

Option B: specific weights

Option C: molecular weights

Option D: gas characteristic constants

Correct Answer: molecular weights

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Option A: all ranges of pressures

Option B: only small range of pressures

Option C: high range of pressures

Option D: steady change of pressures

Correct Answer: only small range of pressures

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Option A: 1 law

Option B: 2 laws

Option C: 3 laws

Option D: 4 laws

Correct Answer: 4 laws

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Option A: 0.17

Option B: 0.21

Option C: 0.24

Option D: 1.0

Correct Answer: 0.24

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Option A: a temperature of – 273.16°C

Option B: a temperature of 0°C

Option C: a temperature of 273 °K

Option D: a negative pressure and 0°C temperature

Correct Answer: a temperature of – 273.16°C

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Option A: at sea level

Option B: at the center of the earth

Option C: when molecular momentum of the system becomes zero

Option D: under vacuum conditions

Correct Answer: when molecular momentum of the system becomes zero

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Option A: T

Option B: j

Option C: J2

Option D: Vr

Correct Answer: T

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Option A: perfectly elastic

Option B: perfectly inelastic

Option C: partly elastic

Option D: partly inelastic

Correct Answer: perfectly elastic

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Option A: its heating value

Option B: kinetic energy of molecules

Option C: repulsion of molecules

Option D: attraction of molecules

Correct Answer: kinetic energy of molecules

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Option A: kg/cm2

Option B: mm of water column

Option C: pascal

Option D: dynes per square cm

Correct Answer: pascal

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Option A: greater of the partial pressures of all

Option B: average of the partial pressures of all

Option C: sum of the partial pressures of all

Option D: sum of the partial pressures of all divided by average molecular weight

Correct Answer: sum of the partial pressures of all

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Option A: more volume

Option B: less volume

Option C: same volume

Option D: unpredictable behaviour

Correct Answer: more volume

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Option A: watt

Option B: joule

Option C: joule/s

Option D: joule/m

Correct Answer: joule

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Option A: kilogram

Option B: gram

Option C: tonne

Option D: quintal

Correct Answer: kilogram

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