
Oral Histology MCQs

Option A: Parotid – stenson’s duct – pure serous

Option B: Submandibular – Wharton’s duct – mixed and predominantly serous

Option C: Sublingual gland – bartholin’s duct – mixed and predominantly mucous

Option D: All of the above

Correct Answer: All of the above

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Option A: Roof of mandible contains thin, compact bone

Option B: Articular tubercle is composed of spongy bone covered with thin compact bone

Option C: Condyle contains red bone marrow

Option D: All of the above

Correct Answer: All of the above

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Option A: 6 weeks

Option B: 18 weeks

Option C: 10 weeks

Option D: 16 weeks

Correct Answer: 10 weeks

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Option A: Cutting cone or resorption tunnel is the area of resorption seen in alveolar bone

Option B: CAMP or cyclic adenosine monophosphate levels are increased on pressure side of bone and this results in bone resorption

Option C: Immature born / embryonic bone seen during fracture healing contains less calcified material and greater number of large osteocytes

Option D: All of the above

Correct Answer: All of the above

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Option A: All the bones of upper face develop by intra membranous ossification

Option B: Incus and malleus develops from mecketls cartilage

Option C: The third auditory ossicle or stapes develops from 2nd branchial arch

Option D: All of the above

Correct Answer: All of the above

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Option A: In case of pituitary gigantis, all sinuses assume a larger volume than normal

Option B: In chronic infections, the pain may mimic neuralgia of dental origin

Option C: Malignant lesions of maxillary sinus produce their manifestations in maxillary teeth

Option D: None of the above

Correct Answer: None of the above

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Option A: Maxillary sinus communicates with environment through middle meatus and nasal vestibule

Option B: Maxillary sinus is four- sided pyramid

Option C: In most of the cases, the main ostium is present in posterior third of hiatus semilunar

Option D: All of the above

Correct Answer: All of the above

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Option A: The architecture of type I spongiosa is seen in mandible

Option B: Type II spongiosa is seen in maxilla

Option C: Condylar process & angle in mandible, and tuberosity in maxilla contain hemopoietic cellular marrow

Option D: Bundle bone contains a lesser amounts of calcium salts than other types of bony tissue

Correct Answer: Bundle bone contains a lesser amounts of calcium salts than other types of bony tissue

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Option A: Alveolar bone proper surrounds the root and gives attachment to fibres of periodontal ligament

Option B: supporting alveolar bone surrounds the alveolar bone proper and supports the socket

Option C: The cortical plates are thinner in maxilla than in mandible

Option D: They are thickest in anterior portion of jaw

Correct Answer: They are thickest in anterior portion of jaw

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Option A: Pulpal pressure is highest among body tissues

Option B: Majority of nerve that enter the pulp are non myelinated and are sympathetic in nature

Option C: Plexus of Rashkow or parietal layers of nerves is formed by network of peripheral axons located adjacent to cell rich zone

Option D: All of the above

Correct Answer: All of the above

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Option A: Free denticles are entirely surrounded by pulp tissue(free of dentin)

Option B: Embedded denticles are entirely surrounded by dentin (embedded in dentin)

Option C: Attached denticles are partly fused with dentin

Option D: False denticles contains many dentinal tubules

Correct Answer: False denticles contains many dentinal tubules

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Option A: Fibronectin helps in attachment of fibroblasts to collagen

Option B: Cementicles are found in periodontal ligament of order individuals

Option C: The large nerve fibres are myelinated and are concerned with discerment of touch

Option D: The small nerve fibres may or may not be myelinated and are concerned with discrement of pain

Correct Answer: All of the above

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Option A: Striated duct

Option B: Intercalated & terminal duct

Option C: Serous cells

Option D: Mucous cells

Correct Answer: Intercalated & terminal duct

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Option A: PAP stain

Option B: H & E stain

Option C: Mucicarmine stain

Option D: Mallory stain

Correct Answer: Mucicarmine stain

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Option A: Lysozyme

Option B: Phosphate

Option C: Bicarbonate

Option D: Trypsin

Correct Answer: Trypsin

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Option A: The posterior lingual glands

Option B: The anterior lingual glands located near the apex of tongue

Option C: The glossopalatine glands

Option D: The palatine glands

Correct Answer: The anterior lingual glands located near the apex of tongue

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Option A: Labial and buccal glands

Option B: Glosso palatine & palatine glands

Option C: Vonebners glands

Option D: Lingual glands

Correct Answer: Glosso palatine & palatine glands

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Option A: glands at apex of tongue

Option B: Posterior lingual mucous glands

Option C: Posterior lingual serous glands

Option D: Glosso palatine glands

Correct Answer: Posterior lingual serous glands

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Option A: Also known as basket cell

Option B: Structure is similar to smooth muscle and contains actin & myosin

Option C: The cell expel secretions by contraction

Option D: All of the above

Correct Answer: All of the above

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Option A: Parotid duct

Option B: Submandibular glands

Option C: Sublingual duct

Option D: Lacrimal duct

Correct Answer: Sublingual duct

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Option A: Pancreas

Option B: Parotid

Option C: Lacrimal gland

Option D: Submandibular gland

Correct Answer: Submandibular gland

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Option A: Mixed gland

Option B: Serous gland

Option C: Mucous gland

Option D: Present in root of tongue

Correct Answer: Mixed gland

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Option A: Amylase

Option B: Urea

Option C: Lysoenzyme

Option D: Lipase

Correct Answer: Lipase

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Option A: Parotid glands

Option B: Sublingual glands

Option C: Submandibular glands

Option D: None of the above

Correct Answer: Submandibular glands

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Option A: Major salivary glands

Option B: Minor salivary glands (Retromolar)

Option C: Minor salivary gland ( lingual)

Option D: Taste Buds

Correct Answer: Minor salivary glands (Retromolar)

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Option A: Initiating contraction

Option B: Support for the end piece during active secretion of saliva

Option C: Provide signals to the acinar secretary cells for structure organization

Option D: All of the above

Correct Answer: All of the above

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Option A: Lysozhyme

Option B: Peroxidase

Option C: Lactoferin

Option D: Hyaluronidase

Correct Answer: Lysozhyme

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Option A: Uric acid

Option B: Thymine

Option C: Adenosine

Option D: Hypolithinium

Correct Answer: Adenosine

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Option A: NH3

Option B: Carbonate

Option C: Bicarbonate

Option D: Chlorides

Correct Answer: Bicarbonate

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Option A: 750 ml

Option B: 450 ml

Option C: 1500 ml

Option D: 1000 ml

Correct Answer: 450 ml

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Option A: Salivary glands

Option B: Pancreas

Option C: Liver

Option D: Gastric glands

Correct Answer: Salivary glands

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Option A: To convey the saliva secreted by the terminal secretory units to oral cavity

Option B: Antibacterial action by secreting lysoenzymes and lactoferrin

Option C: Synthesis of secretory glycoproteins by Kallidrein an enzyme in striated duct cells

Option D: None of the above

Correct Answer: To convey the saliva secreted by the terminal secretory units to oral cavity

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Option A: They are specialized for the synthesis, storage and secretion of proteins

Option B: They contain secretory granules in the apical Cytoplasm and the secretion of granule content occurs by exocrytosis

Option C: Serous cells are pyramidal in shape

Option D: All of the above

Correct Answer: All of the above

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Option A: Major salivary glands

Option B: Minor salivary glands

Option C: Major & minor salivary glands

Option D: Parotid gland

Correct Answer: Major & minor salivary glands

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Option A: Submandibular and sublingual

Option B: submandibular and parotid

Option C: Sublingual and parotid

Option D: Von Ebner

Correct Answer: Submandibular and sublingual

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Option A: Hormones

Option B: Nerves

Option C: Chemicals

Option D: All of the above

Correct Answer: Nerves

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Option A: Mucin

Option B: Ammonia

Option C: Amino acids

Option D: Bicarbonates

Correct Answer: Bicarbonates

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Option A: 5.5

Option B: 9.5

Option C: 7.5

Option D: 8.5

Correct Answer: 7.5

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Option A: Endochondral ossification only

Option B: Membranous ossification only

Option C: Both of the above

Option D: None of the above

Correct Answer: Both of the above

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Option A: All fatty marrow

Option B: All red marrow

Option C: All fibrous marrow

Option D: A combination of fatty and fibrous marrow

Correct Answer: A combination of fatty and fibrous marrow

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Option A: Osteoblastic activity

Option B: Osteoclastic activity

Option C: Myeloid activity

Option D: Healing activity

Correct Answer: Osteoclastic activity

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Option A: Medial surface of the mandible

Option B: Naso palatine foramen

Option C: Mental foramen

Option D: Foramen caecum

Correct Answer: Medial surface of the mandible

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Option A: Opens in to the inferior meatus of nose

Option B: Has the 1st molar projecting into its floor

Option C: Is fully developed by the age of 8 years

Option D: Has good drainage in upright position

Correct Answer: Has the 1st molar projecting into its floor

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Option A: Simple columnar

Option B: Pseudo stratified columnar and cilliated

Option C: Stratified squamous

Option D: Simple squamous

Correct Answer: Pseudo stratified columnar and cilliated

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Option A: Lightening of skull weight and production of bactericidal lysozyme to the nasal cavity

Option B: Protects the brain against exposure to cold air by arresting air in sinus temporarily

Option C: Resonance of voice and enhancement of faciocranial resistance to mechanical shock

Option D: All of the above

Correct Answer: All of the above

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Option A: It is devoid of perichondrium

Option B: It has a rich nerve supply

Option C: It is avascular

Option D: It lacks the capacity to regenerate

Correct Answer: It has a rich nerve supply

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Option A: Lateral ptergoid

Option B: Massetor

Option C: Temporalis

Option D: Medial pterygoid

Correct Answer: Lateral ptergoid

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Option A: Sharpey’s fibres

Option B: Tome’s fibres

Option C: Ray’s fibres

Option D: All of the above

Correct Answer: A. Sharpey’s fibres

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Option A: Sharpey’s fibres

Option B: Tome’s fibres

Option C: Ray’s fibres

Option D: All of the above

Correct Answer: A. Sharpey’s fibres

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Option A: Alkaline phosphatase and urease

Option B: Catalase and phosphorylase

Option C: Alkaline phosphatase and phosphorylase

Option D: Acid phosphatase and catalase

Correct Answer: Alkaline phosphatase and phosphorylase

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Option A: Haversion cone

Option B: Filling cone

Option C: Cutting cone

Option D: Howships cone

Correct Answer: Filling cone

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Option A: Fibroblast like

Option B: Macrophage like

Option C: Lmphocyte like

Option D: Plasma cell like

Correct Answer: Fibroblast like

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Option A: Laterally into zygomatics process of maxilla

Option B: Medially into zygomatic process of maxilla

Option C: Laterally into lateral nasal wall

Option D: Superiorly into floor of orbit

Correct Answer: Laterally into zygomatics process of maxilla

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Option A: Zygomatic process

Option B: Frontal process

Option C: Alveolar process

Option D: Palatine process

Correct Answer: Alveolar process

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Option A: Spongy bone

Option B: Periosteum

Option C: Alveolar bone proper

Option D: Endosteum

Correct Answer: Alveolar bone proper

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Option A: Lamina lucida

Option B: Lamina densa

Option C: Lamina propria

Option D: Lamina dura

Correct Answer: Lamina dura

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Option A: Osteon

Option B: Osteoblast

Option C: Osteocyte

Option D: Osteoclast

Correct Answer: Osteon

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Option A: Stapes

Option B: Malleus and incus

Option C: Styloid process

Option D: Superior part of hyoid bone

Correct Answer: Malleus and incus

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Option A: Cortical

Option B: Cancellous

Option C: Osteophytic

Option D: Exophytic

Correct Answer: Cortical

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Option A: 1st molar

Option B: 2nd premolar

Option C: 1st premolar

Option D: 2nd molar

Correct Answer: 1st molar

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Option A: 48 mm

Option B: 38 mm

Option C: 58 mm

Option D: 28 mm

Correct Answer: 48 mm

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Option A: Compact bone

Option B: Cancellous bone

Option C: Cancellous bone covered by thin layer of compact bone

Option D: Compact bone covered by cancellous bone

Correct Answer: Cancellous bone

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Option A: It has a major role

Option B: It has a minor role

Option C: It does not have any role

Option D: None of the above

Correct Answer: It does not have any role

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Option A: That part of the bone embracing apices of root of teeth

Option B: Lower border of the mandible

Option C: Ramus of the mandible

Option D: That part of the bone containing teeth

Correct Answer: That part of the bone embracing apices of root of teeth

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Option A: woven bone

Option B: Irregular bone

Option C: Lamellar bone

Option D: Resorbing bone

Correct Answer: Lamellar bone

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Option A: Osteoclasts, osteoblasts, osteoid

Option B: Odontoblasts & megakaryocyte

Option C: Megakaryocytes, osteoblasts, osteoclasts

Option D: None of the above

Correct Answer: Osteoclasts, osteoblasts, osteoid

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Option A: More than the other parts of alveolar bone

Option B: Less than the other parts of alveolar bone

Option C: Same as in other parts of alveolar bone

Option D: Less than the cementum

Correct Answer: More than the other parts of alveolar bone

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Option A: Basal bone

Option B: Whole face

Option C: Mandible

Option D: Alveolar bone

Correct Answer: Alveolar bone

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Option A: Support and retention to the complete denture

Option B: Boundaries for the tongue during speech

Option C: Attachment to muscles of facial expression

Option D: Support the natural teeth

Correct Answer: Support the natural teeth

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Option A: 50-100 μm

Option B: 101-150 μm

Option C: 151-200 μm

Option D: 201-250 μm

Correct Answer: 50-100 μm

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Option A: Enamel

Option B: Pulp

Option C: Dentin

Option D: Periodontal ligament

Correct Answer: Pulp

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Option A: Sensory in nature

Option B: Respond to hot and cold

Option C: carry pain sensation

Option D: Associated with blood vessels and are sympathetic in nature

Correct Answer: Associated with blood vessels and are sympathetic in nature

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Option A: Chitin

Option B: Keratin

Option C: Collagen

Option D: Elastin

Correct Answer: Collagen

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Option A: 6th week of IU

Option B: 8th week of IU

Option C: 10th week of IU

Option D: 18th week of IU

Correct Answer: 8th week of IU

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Option A: Increased fibrotic component

Option B: Decreased cellular component

Option C: Calcification in blood vessels near apical foramen

Option D: All of the above

Correct Answer: All of the above

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Option A: Fibroblasts

Option B: defense cells

Option C: Odontoblasts

Option D: Histocytes or resting wandering cell

Correct Answer: Odontoblasts

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Option A: 0.38 cc

Option B: 0.58 cc

Option C: 0.02 cc

Option D: 3.8 cc

Correct Answer: 0.38 cc

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Option A: Decreasing the size and shape of pulp tissue and cellular component

Option B: Increase cellular component at the expenses of fibre component

Option C: Increases vascularity of the pulp

Option D: Decrease the calcific component of the pulp

Correct Answer: Decreasing the size and shape of pulp tissue and cellular component

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Option A: Fibroblasts

Option B: Capillary

Option C: Osteoblasts

Option D: Ameloblasts

Correct Answer: Ameloblasts

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Option A: Skeletal muscle

Option B: TMJ

Option C: Pulp

Option D: None of the above

Correct Answer: Pulp

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Option A: In thymus

Option B: Around capillaries of pulp

Option C: In gallbladder

Option D: Along with heparin on surface of mast cells

Correct Answer: Around capillaries of pulp

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Option A: Osteoblasts

Option B: Odontoblasts

Option C: Ameloblasts

Option D: Osteocytes

Correct Answer: Odontoblasts

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Option A: Pulp canal

Option B: Pulp chamber

Option C: Mental foramen

Option D: Apical foramen

Correct Answer: Apical foramen

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Option A: Undifferentiated mesenchymal

Option B: Histocytes

Option C: Macrophages

Option D: Lymphocytes

Correct Answer: Undifferentiated mesenchymal

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Option A: Free nerve endings

Option B: Krause end bulbs

Option C: Pacinian corpuscle

Option D: Ruffini corpuscle

Correct Answer: Free nerve endings

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Option A: Pain

Option B: Pressure

Option C: Proprioception

Option D: Temperature

Correct Answer: Pain

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Option A: free nerve ending in cell rich zone

Option B: free nerve ending at sub odontoblastic layer

Option C: Krause bulb at the center of the pulp

Option D: Meisseners corpuscles at cell rich zone

Correct Answer: free nerve ending at sub odontoblastic layer

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Option A: Blood supply

Option B: Nerve supply

Option C: Lymphatic supply

Option D: All of the above

Correct Answer: Blood supply

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Option A: Necrosis

Option B: Ulceration

Option C: Calcific degeneration

Option D: Inflammation

Correct Answer: Inflammation

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Option A: Cell free zone

Option B: Cell rich zone

Option C: Odontoblastic zone

Option D: Pulp core

Correct Answer: Cell free zone

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Option A: Increases with age

Option B: Decreases with age

Option C: Increased in some cases and decreases in some cases

Option D: None of the above

Correct Answer: Decreases with age

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Option A: 8.3 years

Option B: 2 years

Option C: 7 years

Option D: 3 years

Correct Answer: 8.3 years

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Option A: Plasma cell

Option B: Histocytes

Option C: Lymphocytes

Option D: Pericytes

Correct Answer: Pericytes

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Option A: 0.4 mm

Option B: 0.3 mm

Option C: 0.2 mm

Option D: 0.7 mm

Correct Answer: 0.4 mm

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Option A: 32

Option B: 50

Option C: 52

Option D: 62

Correct Answer: 52

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Option A: Above odontoblast

Option B: Below odontoblast

Option C: In radicular pulp

Option D: In pulp horn

Correct Answer: Below odontoblast

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Option A: Cementoblasts

Option B: Fibroblasts

Option C: Osteoblasts

Option D: Ameloblasts

Correct Answer: Fibroblasts

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Option A: Unaffected odontoblasts from the pulp

Option B: Undifferentiated cells

Option C: Histocytes

Option D: Osteoblasts

Correct Answer: Undifferentiated cells

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Option A: Nerve tissue

Option B: Vascular tissue

Option C: Granulation tissue

Option D: Loose connective tissue

Correct Answer: Loose connective tissue

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Option A: Dental papilla

Option B: Dental sac

Option C: Odontoblasts

Option D: Stellate reticulum

Correct Answer: Dental papilla

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