
Dentin MCQs

Option A: Reparative dentin is characterized by having fewer and more twisted tubules than normal dentin and may include odontoblasts

Option B: Dead tracts appear black in transmitted and white in reflected ligth

Option C: Sclerotic transparent dentin appears transparent or light in transmitted light and dark in reflected light

Option D: All of the above

Correct Answer: All of the above

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Option A: Are found in mantle dentin

Option B: Contain collagen

Option C: Produce alkaline phosphatase

Option D: Inhibit mineralization

Correct Answer: Are found in mantle dentin

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Option A: Collagen fibers are oriented perpendicular to DEJ

Option B: Vonkorff fibers are present

Option C: Contain phosphophoryn

Option D: Requires matrix vesicle for mineralization

Correct Answer: Contain phosphophoryn

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Option A: Transduction theory

Option B: Direct neural stimulation

Option C: Hydrodynamic theory

Option D: Hydrostatic theory

Correct Answer: Hydrodynamic theory

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Option A: Predentin

Option B: Mantle dentin

Option C: Interglobular dentin

Option D: Tertiary dentin

Correct Answer: Mantle dentin

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Option A: Third power of the diameter

Option B: Sixth power of the diameter

Option C: Square of the diameter

Option D: Fourth power of the diameter

Correct Answer: Fourth power of the diameter

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Option A: Primary and secondary dentin

Option B: Secondary dentin and circumpulpal dentin

Option C: Tetiary dentin and sclerotic dentin

Option D: All of the above

Correct Answer: Tetiary dentin and sclerotic dentin

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Option A: Enamel is harder than dentine

Option B: Enamel has no cells

Option C: Ameloblast secrete enamel and dentine

Option D: Odontoblast produce dentin

Correct Answer: Ameloblast secrete enamel and dentine

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Option A: Sclerotic dentin

Option B: Mantal dentin

Option C: Interglobular dentin

Option D: Intertubular dentin

Correct Answer: Sclerotic dentin

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Option A: Enamel

Option B: Dentin

Option C: Cementum

Option D: Bone

Correct Answer: Dentin

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Option A: Direct neural stimulation

Option B: Fluid or hydrodynamic theory

Option C: Transduction theory

Option D: All of the above

Correct Answer: All of the above

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Option A: Inter tubular dentin

Option B: Peritubular dentin

Option C: Circum pulpal dentin

Option D: Secondary dentin

Correct Answer: Circum pulpal dentin

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Option A: Incineration/organic chelation

Option B: Decalcification

Option C: Devitrification

Option D: Combustion

Correct Answer: Incineration/organic chelation

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Option A: Pulp

Option B: Dentin

Option C: Enamel

Option D: Cementum

Correct Answer: Dentin

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Option A: Caries susceptible

Option B: Insensitive

Option C: Hypersensitive

Option D: Resistant to caries

Correct Answer: Resistant to caries

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Option A: Failure of coalescence of calcospherities

Option B: Fracture of the dentin

Option C: Artifact in light microscopy

Option D: Disturbance in dentinal tubules

Correct Answer: Failure of coalescence of calcospherities

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Option A: Peritubular dentin

Option B: Mantle dentin

Option C: Inter tubular dentin

Option D: Predentin

Correct Answer: Inter tubular dentin

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Option A: With out but not with in the dentin

Option B: Odontoblastic processes in dental tubules

Option C: Type of sharpey’s fibres

Option D: Originate from tome’s granular layer

Correct Answer: Odontoblastic processes in dental tubules

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Option A: Mantle dentin

Option B: Secondary dentin

Option C: Reactionary dentin

Option D: Indeed dermal tubules

Correct Answer: Mantle dentin

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Option A: Sclerotic dentin

Option B: Mantle dentin

Option C: Predentin

Option D: Osteodentin

Correct Answer: Osteodentin

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Option A: Lamina propria

Option B: Lamina lucida

Option C: Lamina limitans

Option D: Lamina densa

Correct Answer: Lamina limitans

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Option A: Cementoblasts

Option B: Fibroblasts

Option C: Odontoblasts

Option D: Osteoblasts

Correct Answer: Odontoblasts

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Option A: Enamel (anterior teeth)

Option B: Enamel (Posterior teeth)

Option C: Dentin

Option D: Dentinoenamel junction

Correct Answer: Dentin

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Option A: Direct activation of nerve endings

Option B: Correlated with the innervation density of the dentin

Option C: Stimulus induced fluid flow

Option D: There is no transmission of stimulus across dentin

Correct Answer: Stimulus induced fluid flow

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Option A: Enamel forms more cervically than dentin

Option B: Enamel forms faster than dentin

Option C: Dentin forms faster than enamel

Option D: Processes of their cells remain in content with each other

Correct Answer: Dentin forms faster than enamel

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Option A: Greater stainability

Option B: Lasser content of inorganic salts

Option C: greater content of inorganic salts

Option D: Greater content of large collagen fibres

Correct Answer: greater content of inorganic salts

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Option A: Smear layer

Option B: Fluid convection

Option C: Length of dentinal tubules

Option D: Diffusion coefficient

Correct Answer: Fluid convection

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Option A: 0.2-0.5 microns

Option B: 2-3 microns

Option C: 0.2-0.3 microns

Option D: 7 microns

Correct Answer: 2-3 microns

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Option A: Inner pulpal layer contains more dentinal tubules than outer dentin layer

Option B: The diameter of dentin tubules ranges from 5 to 7μm

Option C: The diameter of dentinal tubule is more at pulpal layer than outer layer

Option D: The bonding is more on the inner layer of dentin compared to outer surface

Correct Answer: The diameter of dentin tubules ranges from 5 to 7μm

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Option A: Incremental deposition

Option B: Peritubular dentin

Option C: Crowding of odontoblasts

Option D: Due to excess amount of organic component

Correct Answer: Crowding of odontoblasts

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Option A: Sclerotic dentin

Option B: Secondary dentin

Option C: Reparative dentin

Option D: All of the above

Correct Answer: Secondary dentin

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Option A: Sclerotic dentin

Option B: Primary dentin

Option C: Secondary dentin

Option D: Interglobular dentin

Correct Answer: Sclerotic dentin

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Option A: Incremental lines of retzius

Option B: Incremental lines of vonebner

Option C: Contour lines of owen

Option D: None of the above

Correct Answer: Contour lines of owen

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Option A: Ca3 (Po4)2 CaCo3

Option B: 3Ca (Po4)2 Ca(OH)2

Option C: CaPo4 Ca(OH)2

Option D: None of the above

Correct Answer: 3Ca (Po4)2 Ca(OH)2

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Option A: Bone

Option B: Acellular cementum

Option C: Enamel

Option D: None of the above

Correct Answer: Bone

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Option A: 1/2 that of enamel

Option B: 1/7 that of enamel

Option C: 1/4 that of enamel

Option D: 1/5 that of enamel

Correct Answer: 1/4 that of enamel

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Option A: Pulpal end

Option B: Cusp tip

Option C: Tooth bud stage

Option D: Cervical area

Correct Answer: Cusp tip

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Option A: Mantle dentin

Option B: Circumpulpal dentin

Option C: Predentin

Option D: Secondary dentin

Correct Answer: Predentin

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Option A: They elicit pain to hot and cold

Option B: They elicit pain to touch and pressure

Option C: They elicit pain to chemicals

Option D: Elicit only pain as a response

Correct Answer: Elicit only pain as a response

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Option A: Cavity preparation

Option B: Dehydration

Option C: Water irrigation

Option D: None of the above

Correct Answer: Cavity preparation

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Option A: Mantle dentin

Option B: Circumpulpal dentin

Option C: Predentin

Option D: Secondary dentin

Correct Answer: Mantle dentin

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Option A: Peritubular dentin

Option B: Inter tubular dentin

Option C: Dentinal tubules

Option D: Circum pulpal dentin

Correct Answer: Peritubular dentin

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Option A: Dentinal tubules

Option B: Coarse fibril bundles arranged at right angle to the dentinal surface

Option C: Black in transmitted light and white in reflected light

Option D: White in transmitted light and dark in reflected light

Correct Answer: Black in transmitted light and white in reflected light

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Option A: Concave

Option B: Straight

Option C: S0shaped

Option D: None of the above

Correct Answer: S0shaped

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