
Oral Histology MCQs

Option A: Enamel (anterior teeth)

Option B: Enamel (Posterior teeth)

Option C: Dentin

Option D: Dentinoenamel junction

Correct Answer: Dentin

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Option A: Direct activation of nerve endings

Option B: Correlated with the innervation density of the dentin

Option C: Stimulus induced fluid flow

Option D: There is no transmission of stimulus across dentin

Correct Answer: Stimulus induced fluid flow

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Option A: Enamel forms more cervically than dentin

Option B: Enamel forms faster than dentin

Option C: Dentin forms faster than enamel

Option D: Processes of their cells remain in content with each other

Correct Answer: Dentin forms faster than enamel

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Option A: Greater stainability

Option B: Lasser content of inorganic salts

Option C: greater content of inorganic salts

Option D: Greater content of large collagen fibres

Correct Answer: greater content of inorganic salts

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Option A: Smear layer

Option B: Fluid convection

Option C: Length of dentinal tubules

Option D: Diffusion coefficient

Correct Answer: Fluid convection

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Option A: 0.2-0.5 microns

Option B: 2-3 microns

Option C: 0.2-0.3 microns

Option D: 7 microns

Correct Answer: 2-3 microns

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Option A: Inner pulpal layer contains more dentinal tubules than outer dentin layer

Option B: The diameter of dentin tubules ranges from 5 to 7μm

Option C: The diameter of dentinal tubule is more at pulpal layer than outer layer

Option D: The bonding is more on the inner layer of dentin compared to outer surface

Correct Answer: The diameter of dentin tubules ranges from 5 to 7μm

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Option A: Incremental deposition

Option B: Peritubular dentin

Option C: Crowding of odontoblasts

Option D: Due to excess amount of organic component

Correct Answer: Crowding of odontoblasts

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Option A: Sclerotic dentin

Option B: Secondary dentin

Option C: Reparative dentin

Option D: All of the above

Correct Answer: Secondary dentin

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Option A: Sclerotic dentin

Option B: Primary dentin

Option C: Secondary dentin

Option D: Interglobular dentin

Correct Answer: Sclerotic dentin

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Option A: Each rod is formed by 4 ameloblasts

Option B: Each ameloblast contributes to 4 different rods

Option C: Head of the rod is formed by one ameloblasts, and tail is formed by three other ameloblasts

Option D: All of the above

Correct Answer: All of the above

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Option A: Incremental lines of retzius

Option B: Incremental lines of vonebner

Option C: Contour lines of owen

Option D: None of the above

Correct Answer: Contour lines of owen

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Option A: Ca3 (Po4)2 CaCo3

Option B: 3Ca (Po4)2 Ca(OH)2

Option C: CaPo4 Ca(OH)2

Option D: None of the above

Correct Answer: 3Ca (Po4)2 Ca(OH)2

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Option A: Bone

Option B: Acellular cementum

Option C: Enamel

Option D: None of the above

Correct Answer: Bone

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Option A: Enamel cannot form in absence of dentin

Option B: The formation of enamel and dentin are independent of each other

Option C: Enamel formation can occur in absence of dentin

Option D: None of the above

Correct Answer: Enamel cannot form in absence of dentin

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Option A: 1/2 that of enamel

Option B: 1/7 that of enamel

Option C: 1/4 that of enamel

Option D: 1/5 that of enamel

Correct Answer: 1/4 that of enamel

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Option A: Pulpal end

Option B: Cusp tip

Option C: Tooth bud stage

Option D: Cervical area

Correct Answer: Cusp tip

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Option A: Mantle dentin

Option B: Circumpulpal dentin

Option C: Predentin

Option D: Secondary dentin

Correct Answer: Predentin

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Option A: They elicit pain to hot and cold

Option B: They elicit pain to touch and pressure

Option C: They elicit pain to chemicals

Option D: Elicit only pain as a response

Correct Answer: Elicit only pain as a response

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Option A: Cavity preparation

Option B: Dehydration

Option C: Water irrigation

Option D: None of the above

Correct Answer: Cavity preparation

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Option A: Mantle dentin

Option B: Circumpulpal dentin

Option C: Predentin

Option D: Secondary dentin

Correct Answer: Mantle dentin

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Option A: Peritubular dentin

Option B: Inter tubular dentin

Option C: Dentinal tubules

Option D: Circum pulpal dentin

Correct Answer: Peritubular dentin

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Option A: Dentinal tubules

Option B: Coarse fibril bundles arranged at right angle to the dentinal surface

Option C: Black in transmitted light and white in reflected light

Option D: White in transmitted light and dark in reflected light

Correct Answer: Black in transmitted light and white in reflected light

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Option A: Concave

Option B: Straight

Option C: S0shaped

Option D: None of the above

Correct Answer: S0shaped

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Option A: 1 year

Option B: 2 years

Option C: 3 years

Option D: 4 years

Correct Answer: 4 years

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Option A: Determination of shape of crown and root

Option B: Formation of periodontal ligament

Option C: Formation of cementum

Option D: Formation of pulp

Correct Answer: Determination of shape of crown and root

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Option A: Bud stage begins

Option B: Cap stage begins

Option C: Bell stage begins

Option D: Dental lamina begins forming

Correct Answer: Dental lamina begins forming

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Option A: Outer and inner enamel epithelium

Option B: Stratum intermedium

Option C: Stellate reticulum

Option D: Hyaline layer of Hopewell-smill

Correct Answer: Outer and inner enamel epithelium

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Option A: Epithelial rests of Malassez

Option B: Enamel pearls

Option C: Rests of serrae

Option D: All of the above

Correct Answer: Rests of serrae

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Option A: Defects in cementogenesis

Option B: Dividing epithelial bridges

Option C: Break in Hertwig’s root sheath

Option D: Adherent epithelial rests

Correct Answer: C. Break in Hertwig’s root sheath

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Option A: Initiation

Option B: Differentiation

Option C: Apposition

Option D: Calcification

Correct Answer: Initiation

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Option A: Dental papilla

Option B: Reduced enamel organ

Option C: Dental Sac

Option D: Dental pulp

Correct Answer: Dental Sac

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Option A: Successional lamina

Option B: Dental lamina

Option C: Stellate reticulum

Option D: Neutral ectodermal cells

Correct Answer: Successional lamina

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Option A: Bud stage

Option B: Advanced bell stage

Option C: Cap stage

Option D: Bell stage

Correct Answer: Cap stage

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Option A: Inner enamel epithelium

Option B: Outer enamel epithelium

Option C: Stellate reticulum

Option D: Stratum intermedium

Correct Answer: Stellate reticulum

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Option A: Bell stage

Option B: Cap stage

Option C: Bud stage

Option D: Advanced bell stage

Correct Answer: Bell stage

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Option A: Hutchinson’s incisor

Option B: Osteodentin formation

Option C: Enamel hypoplasia

Option D: Anodontia

Correct Answer: Enamel hypoplasia

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Option A: After dentin formation

Option B: Before dentin formation

Option C: Both are formed at same time

Option D: None of the above

Correct Answer: After dentin formation

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Option A: Shape of enamel organ

Option B: Shape of tooth germ

Option C: Function of enamel organ

Option D: Shape of dental papilla

Correct Answer: Shape of tooth germ

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Option A: Ectoderm, mosoderm

Option B: Ectoderm

Option C: Mesoderm

Option D: Ectoderm and endoderm

Correct Answer: Ectoderm, mosoderm

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Option A: Adolescent stage

Option B: 5-10 years

Option C: Embryonic stage

Option D: None of the above

Correct Answer: Embryonic stage

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Option A: Cells of inner enamel epithelium

Option B: Cells of outer enamel epithelium

Option C: Cells of stellate reticulum

Option D: Cells of stratum intermedium

Correct Answer: Cells of inner enamel epithelium

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Option A: morphodifferentiation

Option B: reversal of functional polarity

Option C: Formation of hammock ligament

Option D: Increased mitotic activity

Correct Answer: Increased mitotic activity

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Option A: Dental papilla

Option B: Dental follicle

Option C: Inner enamel epithelium

Option D: Enamel Knot

Correct Answer: Enamel Knot

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Option A: Dentin

Option B: Cementum

Option C: Pulp

Option D: Enamel

Correct Answer: Enamel

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Option A: Peg laterals

Option B: Microdontia

Option C: Supernumerary tooth

Option D: Interglobular dentin

Correct Answer: Interglobular dentin

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Option A: Dental lamina

Option B: Enamel organ

Option C: Hertwig’s root sheath

Option D: All of the above

Correct Answer: Enamel organ

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Option A: Bell-bud-cap

Option B: Cap-bell-bud

Option C: Bud-cap-bell

Option D: Bell-cap-bud

Correct Answer: Bud-cap-bell

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Option A: Morphodifferentiation

Option B: Histodifferentiation

Option C: Apposition

Option D: Initiation

Correct Answer: Histodifferentiation

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Option A: Occlusal surface of premolars

Option B: Furcation areas of permanent molars

Option C: On the incisal edges of incisors

Option D: None of the above

Correct Answer: Furcation areas of permanent molars

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Option A: Dental sac

Option B: Odontoblastic process

Option C: Ree

Option D: Dental Papilla

Correct Answer: Dental sac

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Option A: Enamel knot

Option B: Enamel cord

Option C: Both A and B

Option D: Enamel Cuticle

Correct Answer: Both A and B

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Option A: Vestibular lamina

Option B: Successional lamina

Option C: Dental lamina

Option D: Basal lamina

Correct Answer: Vestibular lamina

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Option A: Amelogenisis imperfecta

Option B: Dentinogenesis imperfecta

Option C: Enamel hypoplasia

Option D: Oligodontia

Correct Answer: Oligodontia

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Option A: Gives rise to cementoblasts that produce cementum of the root

Option B: Moulds the shape of roots and stimulates differentiation of odontoblasts

Option C: Given rise to odontoblasts that lay down dentin of the root

Option D: Remians as an essential constituents of the periodontal ligament

Correct Answer: Moulds the shape of roots and stimulates differentiation of odontoblasts

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Option A: Forebrain

Option B: Rathke’s pouch

Option C: Neural crest cells

Option D: Odontoblasts

Correct Answer: Neural crest cells

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Option A: Epithelial diaphragm

Option B: Cell rests of Malassez

Option C: Toot bud division or bell stage

Option D: None of the above

Correct Answer: Epithelial diaphragm

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Option A: 6th week IU

Option B: 2nd week IU

Option C: 9th week IU

Option D: 4th week IU

Correct Answer: 6th week IU

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Option A: Change in number of teeth

Option B: Ameloblastoma

Option C: Change in form and shape of the teeth

Option D: Hypoplasia

Correct Answer: Change in form and shape of the teeth

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Option A: Pulp only

Option B: Pulp & Dentin

Option C: Pulp & Periodontal ligament

Option D: All of the above

Correct Answer: Pulp & Dentin

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Option A: Stellate reticulum

Option B: Dental papilla

Option C: Enamel organ

Option D: Dental sac

Correct Answer: Enamel organ

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Option A: Permeable membrane

Option B: Impermeable membrane

Option C: Semipermeable membrane

Option D: Infrapermeable membrane

Correct Answer: Semipermeable membrane

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Option A: Neonantal bands

Option B: Cross striations

Option C: Striae of Retzius

Option D: Hunter-Schregar bands

Correct Answer: Cross striations

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Option A: 10mm

Option B: 5mm

Option C: 2mm

Option D: 0.5mm

Correct Answer: 5mm

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Option A: Cracks

Option B: Pellicle

Option C: perikymata

Option D: Enamel lamellae

Correct Answer: perikymata

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Option A: Aprismatic enamel

Option B: Prismatic enamel

Option C: Intertubular dentin

Option D: Intratubular dentin

Correct Answer: Prismatic enamel

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Option A: Enamelin

Option B: Amelogenin

Option C: Tuftelin

Option D: Ameloplakin

Correct Answer: Amelogenin

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Option A: Organising

Option B: Formative/ Secretory

Option C: Protective

Option D: Desmolytic

Correct Answer: Formative/ Secretory

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Option A: Dental pulp

Option B: Odontoblastic processes

Option C: Dental sac

Option D: Reduced dental organ

Correct Answer: Dental sac

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Option A: Retzius line

Option B: Line of cross striations

Option C: Incremental lines

Option D: Line of enamel tufts

Correct Answer: Incremental lines

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Option A: Enamel lamella

Option B: Enamel rod

Option C: Enamel spindle

Option D: Enamel tuft

Correct Answer: Enamel rod

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Option A: Outer enamel epithelium

Option B: Ameloblast

Option C: Stratum intermedium

Option D: Stratum granulosum

Correct Answer: Ameloblast

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Option A: Mainly by odontoblasts

Option B: Mainly by ameloblasts

Option C: Only on odontoblasts

Option D: Only by ameloblasts

Correct Answer: Only by ameloblasts

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Option A: Presence of high percentage of organic matrix

Option B: Presence of incremental lines

Option C: Enamel has high reparative capacity

Option D: Most of organic component is lost during mineralization

Correct Answer: Most of organic component is lost during mineralization

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Option A: Morphogenic stage

Option B: Organizing stage

Option C: Desmolytic stage

Option D: Formative stage

Correct Answer: Organizing stage

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Option A: Hypoplasia of local origin

Option B: Hypoplasia of systemic origin

Option C: Hypoplasia of hereditary origin

Option D: None of the above

Correct Answer: Hypoplasia of systemic origin

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Option A: Non-scalloped

Option B: Straight

Option C: Scalloped and the convexities are directed towards dentin

Option D: Scalloped and the convexities are directed towards enamel

Correct Answer: Scalloped and the convexities are directed towards dentin

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Option A: They originate at right angle to dentin surface

Option B: They are almost vertical near the incisal edge (or) cusp tip areas

Option C: In the cervical third of deciduous crowns they are almost horizontal in direction

Option D: In cervical region of permanent teeth, they deviate in apical direction

Correct Answer: All of the above

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Option A: 4 μ m

Option B: 9 μ m

Option C: 7 μ m

Option D: 2 μ m

Correct Answer: 4 μ m

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Option A: 35%

Option B: 50%

Option C: 4%

Option D: 96%

Correct Answer: 96%

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Option A: Enamel matrix

Option B: Root

Option C: CEJ

Option D: DEJ

Correct Answer: DEJ

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Option A: It has only a small percent of organic content

Option B: Its formative cells are lost once it is completely formed

Option C: It is essentially a keratin tissue and has no blood vessels

Option D: It has no direct connection with the active cells of the dental pulp

Correct Answer: Its formative cells are lost once it is completely formed

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Option A: Enamel

Option B: Dentin

Option C: Periodontal ligament

Option D: Cementum

Correct Answer: Enamel

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Option A: Key hole appearance in cross section

Option B: Paddle appearance in cross section

Option C: Lanullate appearance in cross-section

Option D: None of the above

Correct Answer: Key hole appearance in cross section

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Option A: Constitute the rest lines with in the enamel rods

Option B: Have high inorganic content

Option C: They are areas of increased porosity

Option D: Allow the movement of water and small ions

Correct Answer: Have high inorganic content

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Option A: Does not take place once enamel surface and invironment

Option B: Stops after 2 years of eruption

Option C: Continues till adult life

Option D: Continues through out life

Correct Answer: Continues through out life

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Option A: Enamel

Option B: Dentin

Option C: Cementum

Option D: Pulp

Correct Answer: Enamel

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Option A: Tomes fibres

Option B: Tomes layer

Option C: Tomes processes

Option D: Odontoblastic processes

Correct Answer: Tomes fibres

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Option A: Enamel tufts

Option B: Enamel lamella

Option C: Incremental lines of enamel

Option D: Enamel cuticle

Correct Answer: Enamel tufts

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Option A: Dark and light bands of enamel seen in longitudinal ground section

Option B: Dark and light bands of enamel seen in horizontal ground section

Option C: Dark and light brands of dentin seen in longitudinal section

Option D: Dark and light bands of dentin seen in horizontal

Correct Answer: Dark and light bands of enamel seen in longitudinal ground section

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Option A: 66%

Option B: 76%

Option C: 86%

Option D: 96%

Correct Answer: 96%

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Option A: Tuftelin

Option B: Sheathlin

Option C: Enamelin

Option D: Amelogenin

Correct Answer: Amelogenin

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Option A: Same as dentin crystals

Option B: Contains organic portion in the center

Option C: Roughly texagonal in shape

Option D: Their diameter is about 5 microns in size

Correct Answer: Roughly texagonal in shape

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Option A: Bone

Option B: Enamel

Option C: Gingiva

Option D: Dentin

Correct Answer: Enamel

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Option A: Enamel of deciduous incisiors

Option B: Enamel of permanent incisors

Option C: Enamel of premolars

Option D: Dentin of all teeth, as if is formed first

Correct Answer: Enamel of deciduous incisiors

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Option A: Proximal surface of tooth

Option B: Cervical region of tooth

Option C: Cusp tips of tooth

Option D: All of the above

Correct Answer: Cusp tips of tooth

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Option A: 25 μ m

Option B: 50 μ m

Option C: 75 μ m

Option D: 100 μ m

Correct Answer: 25 μ m

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Option A: Straight

Option B: Shallow

Option C: Bent

Option D: Curved

Correct Answer: Bent

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Option A: As lines in the enamel running at right angles to the enamel surface

Option B: As lines in the dentin running at right angles to the dentino-enamel junction

Option C: In enamel and follow the apposition pattern

Option D: In dentin and follow the appositional pattern

Correct Answer: In enamel and follow the apposition pattern

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Option A: Cracks

Option B: Ameloblasts

Option C: Odontoblasts

Option D: Hypocalcified rods

Correct Answer: Odontoblasts

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