
Periodontal Ligament MCQs

Option A: Fibronectin helps in attachment of fibroblasts to collagen

Option B: Cementicles are found in periodontal ligament of order individuals

Option C: The large nerve fibres are myelinated and are concerned with discerment of touch

Option D: The small nerve fibres may or may not be myelinated and are concerned with discrement of pain

Correct Answer: All of the above

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Option A: Volkmann canals

Option B: Canals of Hirchfeld and Zuckerland

Option C: Herversian canals

Option D: Gubernacular canals

Correct Answer: Gubernacular canals

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Option A: Cortical

Option B: Cancellous

Option C: Osteophytics

Option D: Exophytic

Correct Answer: Cortical

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Option A: 0.10 mm

Option B: 0.50 mm

Option C: 0.25 mm

Option D: 0.75 mm

Correct Answer: 0.25 mm

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Option A: 0.25 mm in thickness

Option B: 0.5 mm in thickness

Option C: 0.75 mm in thickness

Option D: mm in thickness

Correct Answer: 0.25 mm in thickness

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Option A: Cells of dental follicle

Option B: Cells of odontogenic layer

Option C: Cementoblasts

Option D: Cells of the gingiva

Correct Answer: Cells of dental follicle

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Option A: Cervical third

Option B: Apical third

Option C: Fulcrum of rotation

Option D: It has uniform width

Correct Answer: Fulcrum of rotation

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Option A: Gingiva

Option B: Periodontal ligament

Option C: Alveolar bone

Option D: Cementum

Correct Answer: Periodontal ligament

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Option A: Type I collagen

Option B: Type I and Type III collagen

Option C: Type I and Type II collagen

Option D: Type I and Type IV collagen

Correct Answer: Type I and Type III collagen

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Option A: Lacunae

Option B: Coupling

Option C: Reversal lines

Option D: Canaliculi

Correct Answer: Coupling

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Option A: Gingivodental

Option B: Cemental fibres

Option C: Horizontal fibres

Option D: Transseptal fibres

Correct Answer: Transseptal fibres

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Option A: Hertwig’s root sheath

Option B: Epithelial rests of malassez

Option C: Alveolar bone

Option D: Dental follicle

Correct Answer: Dental follicle

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Option A: Type II collagen fibres

Option B: Oxytalan fibres

Option C: Elastic fibres

Option D: Type I collagen fibres

Correct Answer: Type I collagen fibres

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Option A: Transseptal

Option B: Horizontal

Option C: Oblique

Option D: Apical

Correct Answer: Transseptal

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Option A: Horizontal

Option B: Transeptal

Option C: Apical

Option D: Oblique

Correct Answer: Oblique

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Option A: Alveolar sockets

Option B: Cementum

Option C: Gubernacular cords

Option D: Periodontal membrane

Correct Answer: Periodontal membrane

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Option A: Dentogingival

Option B: Transeptal

Option C: Oblique

Option D: Horizontal

Correct Answer: Oblique

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Option A: Sharpey’s fibres

Option B: Tomes fibres

Option C: Elastic fibres

Option D: Ray’s fibres

Correct Answer: A. Sharpey’s fibres

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Option A: Gingiva, cementum and alveolar bone

Option B: Gingiva and cementum

Option C: Cementum and periodontal ligament

Option D: Peridontal ligament the cementum and the alveolar bone

Correct Answer: Peridontal ligament the cementum and the alveolar bone

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Option A: Increased fibroplasia

Option B: Increased vascularity

Option C: Increased thickness

Option D: Decreased in number of cementicles

Correct Answer: Increased fibroplasia

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Option A: Triple pleated sheath

Option B: Mostly contains glycine residues

Option C: Exhibit cross striations at 64 μm

Option D: Intracellular in nature

Correct Answer: Intracellular in nature

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Option A: Horizontal

Option B: Oblique

Option C: Alveolar crest

Option D: Transseplat

Correct Answer: Transseplat

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Option A: The number or organelles

Option B: Presence of actin fibres and shape change

Option C: size of the cells

Option D: Collagen fibre formation

Correct Answer: Presence of actin fibres and shape change

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Option A: 6 weeks

Option B: 10 weeks

Option C: 18 weeks

Option D: 16 weeks

Correct Answer: 10 weeks

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Option A: Avascular

Option B: Devoid of nervous tissue

Option C: Avascular & deviod of nervous tissue

Option D: None of the above

Correct Answer: Avascular

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Option A: Due to deposition of cementum and bone

Option B: Down growths of gingival epithelium

Option C: Gingival cysts formed from cell rests

Option D: Reversal of function of horizontal and oblique fibres

Correct Answer: Due to deposition of cementum and bone

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Option A: Prevent extrusion

Option B: Prevent rotation

Option C: Maintains the mesiodistal width

Option D: All of the above

Correct Answer: Maintains the mesiodistal width

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Option A: Dental pulp

Option B: Lamina propria

Option C: Odontogenic epithelium

Option D: Vestibular lamina

Correct Answer: Odontogenic epithelium

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Option A: Trans-septal

Option B: Horizontal

Option C: Oblique

Option D: Apical

Correct Answer: Oblique

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Option A: Monocytes are precursor cells of osteoclasts

Option B: The plasma membrane of osteoclasts adjacent to bone that is being resorbed is known as striated or ruffled border

Option C: Contain lysosomes with acid phosphates

Option D: All of the above are true

Correct Answer: All of the above are true

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Option A: Bone

Option B: Periosteum

Option C: Periodontal ligament

Option D: All of the above

Correct Answer: Bone

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Option A: Gingival

Option B: Oblique

Option C: Horizontal

Option D: Transseptal

Correct Answer: Gingival

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Option A: Cementicles

Option B: Osteoblasts

Option C: Cementoclasts

Option D: Osteoclasts

Correct Answer: Cementicles

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Option A: Alveolar bone proper

Option B: Bundle bone

Option C: Lamellar bone

Option D: Cortical bone

Correct Answer: Bundle bone

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Option A: Chondroblasts

Option B: Odontoblasts

Option C: Osteoblasts

Option D: Fibroblasts

Correct Answer: Fibroblasts

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Option A: Lamina dura

Option B: Bundle bone

Option C: Lamina propria

Option D: Lamina densa

Correct Answer: Bundle bone

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Option A: Cementum

Option B: PDL

Option C: Pulp

Option D: Dentin

Correct Answer: PDL

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Option A: Greatest in the middle-third of a single rotted tooth

Option B: Greatest in the middle-third of a multirooted tooth

Option C: A net like plexus that runs closer to the cementum than to the bone

Option D: A net like plexus that runs closer to the bone than to the cementum

Correct Answer: A net like plexus that runs closer to the bone than to the cementum

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Option A: Fibroblasts

Option B: Multi totipotent cells

Option C: Cementoblasts

Option D: Cell rests of malassez

Correct Answer: Cell rests of malassez

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Option A: Gingiva

Option B: Alveolar bone

Option C: Periodontal ligament

Option D: Cementum

Correct Answer: Periodontal ligament

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Option A: Type V and VII collagen

Option B: Type I and III collagen

Option C: Type IV collagen

Option D: Type IV and III Collagen

Correct Answer: Type V and VII collagen

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Option A: Derives its blood supply primarily from the branches of vessels entering the pulp

Option B: Has a slow rate of turn over

Option C: Contains epithelial cells

Option D: Comprises primarily of type II collagen

Correct Answer: Contains epithelial cells

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