
Pedagogy MCQs

Option A: Learning disabled

Option B: Slow learners

Option C: Educationally backward children

Option D: All of the above

Correct Answer: All of the above

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Option A: characterizing

Option B: understanding

Option C: evaluating

Option D: synthesizing

Correct Answer: characterizing

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Option A: Physical fitness and health

Option B: Social acceptability of the person

Option C: Free form psychological diseases

Option D: All of the above

Correct Answer: All of the above

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Option A: Task analysis

Option B: Writing objectives

Option C: Determination of objectives

Option D: Determination of strategies

Correct Answer: Task analysis

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Option A: Controlled environment

Option B: Repeated manifestation of only one skill

Option C: Observation and criticism

Option D: All of the above

Correct Answer: All of the above

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Option A: To read out the text-book

Option B: To communicate well

Option C: To use difficult language

Option D: To impress students

Correct Answer: To communicate well

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Option A: Tests

Option B: Interview

Option C: Questionnaires

Option D: All of the above

Correct Answer: All of the above

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Option A: learning

Option B: stimulus

Option C: connectionism

Option D: physical objects

Correct Answer: stimulus

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Option A: stable

Option B: unstable

Option C: stronger

Option D: weaker

Correct Answer: stronger

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Option A: stimulus-response bond

Option B: receiving-accepting bond

Option C: stimulus-response paradigm

Option D: receiving-accepting paradigm

Correct Answer: stimulus-response bond

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Option A: analysis

Option B: change

Option C: experiment

Option D: stimuli

Correct Answer: stimuli

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Option A: ideas

Option B: experiences

Option C: observations

Option D: physical objects

Correct Answer: ideas

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Option A: Aristotle

Option B: Plato

Option C: Socrates

Option D: Edward Thorndike

Correct Answer: Aristotle

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Option A: Aristotle

Option B: Plato

Option C: Robert Sternberg

Option D: Edward Thorndike

Correct Answer: Edward Thorndike

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Option A: Aristotle

Option B: Plato

Option C: Socrates

Option D: Edward Thorndike

Correct Answer: Plato

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Option A: ideas

Option B: experiences

Option C: observations

Option D: physical objects

Correct Answer: physical objects

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Option A: Aristotle

Option B: Plato

Option C: Socrates

Option D: Edward Thorndike

Correct Answer: Aristotle

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Option A: Chance of guessing on the part of examines is at highest probability

Option B: They generally inflate actual scores due to guessing or cheating

Option C: They do not require thorough study to attempt

Option D: All of the above

Correct Answer: All of the above

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Option A: Is not well versed in teaching methodology

Option B: The children dislike the subject

Option C: Is not able to maintain discipline in the class

Option D: The children do not pay attention

Correct Answer: Is not well versed in teaching methodology

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Option A: Disciplined and controlled behavior in classroom

Option B: Behavior of teacher with students

Option C: General administration and management of school

Option D: All of the above

Correct Answer: All of the above

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Option A: Teaching, regulation and direction

Option B: Teaching, creation of character and co-operation

Option C: Instruction, direction and training

Option D: Direction, skilled practice and regulation

Correct Answer: Teaching, regulation and direction

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Option A: They can use their best time

Option B: They will get satisfaction and teach well

Option C: Knowledge will be overall developed and they teach well

Option D: People will know him as best teacher due to his way of teaching

Correct Answer: Knowledge will be overall developed and they teach well

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Option A: Discovery

Option B: Heuristic

Option C: Project

Option D: All of the above

Correct Answer: All of the above

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Option A: The examinee does not know that he is revealing his own self

Option B: Statistical analysis of the result is possible

Option C: They are easy to administer

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: The examinee does not know that he is revealing his own self

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Option A: Facial expression

Option B: Walk

Option C: Study

Option D: Write

Correct Answer: Facial expression

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Option A: Becomes courageous

Option B: Gets goods job

Option C: Studies systematically

Option D: Thinks rationally

Correct Answer: Thinks rationally

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Option A: Observation

Option B: Project

Option C: Rubrics

Option D: Participation

Correct Answer: Project

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Option A: believing in the rotation of the Earth

Option B: not believing in the rotation of the Earth

Option C: believing in gods

Option D: not believing in gods

Correct Answer: believing in gods

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Option A: Socrates

Option B: Plato

Option C: Aristotle

Option D: John Dewey

Correct Answer: Plato

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Option A: Cognitive, Affective and Psychomotor

Option B: Cognitive, Pedagogy and Psychomotor

Option C: Cognitive, Affective and Pedagogy

Option D: Pedagogy, Affective and Psychomotor

Correct Answer: Cognitive, Affective and Psychomotor

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Option A: characterizing

Option B: evaluating

Option C: synthesizing

Option D: originating

Correct Answer: originating

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Option A: analyzing

Option B: evaluating

Option C: synthesizing

Option D: originating

Correct Answer: synthesizing

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Option A: initial assessment

Option B: diagnostic assessment

Option C: formative assessment

Option D: summative assessment

Correct Answer: diagnostic assessment

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Option A: to

Option B: of

Option C: by

Option D: for

Correct Answer: for

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Option A: Assessment

Option B: Evaluation

Option C: Measurement

Option D: Rubrics

Correct Answer: Evaluation

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Option A: Competitions

Option B: Collisions

Option C: Compositions

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: Competitions

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Option A: Rogers

Option B: David Johnson

Option C: Roger and David Johnson

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: David Johnson

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Option A: Collective Notebook

Option B: Collective work sample

Option C: Collective homework

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: Collective Notebook

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Option A: Conditions of knowledge

Option B: Conditions of behaviors

Option C: Conditions of learning

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: Conditions of learning

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Option A: Ordering

Option B: Memorization

Option C: Knowledge

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: Memorization

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Option A: Collaborative learning

Option B: Collaborative project

Option C: Collaborative work

Option D: Collaborative effort

Correct Answer: Collaborative learning

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Option A: Sequencing

Option B: Concept mapping

Option C: Characterization

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: Characterization

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Option A: Fishbone

Option B: Fishpond

Option C: Backbone

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: Fishbone

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Option A: Innovative Teaching

Option B: Moving Teaching

Option C: Travel Teaching

Option D: Extension Teaching

Correct Answer: Extension Teaching

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Option A: Field work

Option B: Field Observations

Option C: Field walk

Option D: Field Trips

Correct Answer: Field Trips

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Option A: Ideas and words

Option B: Talk

Option C: Discussions

Option D: Letters of the alphabet

Correct Answer: Ideas and words

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Option A: Facilitative questioning

Option B: Critical questioning

Option C: Explanatory questioning

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: Facilitative questioning

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Option A: Classical Instruction

Option B: Direct Instruction

Option C: Old method Instruction

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: Direct Instruction

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Option A: Analytical teaching

Option B: Discovery teaching

Option C: Invention teaching

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: Discovery teaching

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Option A: Principal will take action

Option B: Students will not like it

Option C: Parents will complain

Option D: He is dealing with impressionable age

Correct Answer: He is dealing with impressionable age

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Option A: System of education

Option B: Poor learning

Option C: Basic of any learning

Option D: Minimum learning

Correct Answer: Basic of any learning

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Option A: Inculcates the interest in the subject among students

Option B: Helps all the students in passing the examination

Option C: Engaged the students in their work

Option D: Maintains peace in the class

Correct Answer: Engaged the students in their work

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Option A: Change related to measurement

Option B: Change related to result

Option C: Both A. and B.

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: C. Both A. and B.

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Option A: Internal inhibition

Option B: Generalizations

Option C: Assimilation

Option D: All of the above

Correct Answer: Generalizations

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Option A: Guidance is a group process while counseling is a one to one contact

Option B: Guidance mostly covers social aspects while counseling is a learning oriented process and reduces the learning problems of the individual

Option C: Guidance is a broader concept than counseling

Option D: All of the above

Correct Answer: All of the above

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Option A: Approval, reliability and subjective

Option B: Subjectivity, dexterity and approval

Option C: Approval, subjectivity and reliability

Option D: Approval, dexterity and objectivity

Correct Answer: Approval, reliability and subjective

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Option A: The personal problems of the individual

Option B: Psychological problems of the individual

Option C: The social problems of the individual

Option D: All of the above

Correct Answer: All of the above

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Option A: Assigning only one mark for the item

Option B: Increasing the items in two columns

Option C: Supplementing the matched items with four alternative items

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: Supplementing the matched items with four alternative items

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Option A: No effort is made to integrate different teaching points

Option B: It is highly structured where teacher dominates over pupils

Option C: It does not take individual difference of pupils into account

Option D: All of the above

Correct Answer: All of the above

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Option A: Graphs

Option B: Maps

Option C: Diagrams

Option D: Pictures

Correct Answer: Graphs

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Option A: Be overt or covert both

Option B: Provide basic for individual differences

Option C: Be the measure of cultural differentiation

Option D: All of the above

Correct Answer: All of the above

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Option A: Inspection method

Option B: Interview method

Option C: Practical method

Option D: Personal study method

Correct Answer: Personal study method

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Option A: To know to what extent objectives are realized

Option B: To know the shortcoming of the teacher

Option C: To know the effectiveness of strategies

Option D: All of the above

Correct Answer: All of the above

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Option A: Demonstration

Option B: Questioning

Option C: Narration

Option D: Lecture

Correct Answer: Questioning

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Option A: Psychological teaching is possible

Option B: Suitable learning environment can be created in the class

Option C: A teacher can stick to his content

Option D: All of the above

Correct Answer: All of the above

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Option A: Use of motivation techniques in the class

Option B: Construction of measuring instruments for evaluation of instructional outcomes

Option C: Comparison of performance of two different classes or schools

Option D: Selection of suitable teaching strategies

Correct Answer: Comparison of performance of two different classes or schools

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Option A: He should tell the answers of the lessons first

Option B: Lesson should be read by a student

Option C: He should point out the meaning of difficult words of the lesson, first

Option D: He should tell the main objectives of the lesson

Correct Answer: He should tell the main objectives of the lesson

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Option A: Association

Option B: Generalization

Option C: Application

Option D: Assimilation

Correct Answer: Generalization

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Option A: A well behaved class students speaking only when asked

Option B: An active class following the rules prescribed by you

Option C: A highly interactive and self disciplined class

Option D: A quiet and highly attentive class

Correct Answer: A highly interactive and self disciplined class

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Option A: Differentiation

Option B: Motivation

Option C: Integration

Option D: Learning

Correct Answer: Motivation

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Option A: Dictate notes in the class

Option B: Remove the difficulties of the subject

Option C: Reveal important Questions before examinations

Option D: Are self-disciplined

Correct Answer: Remove the difficulties of the subject

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Option A: He is a comedian characteristic

Option B: If his communication is very clear

Option C: If he communicates in his mother tongue

Option D: If he has dramatic characteristic

Correct Answer: If his communication is very clear

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Option A: Deductive Reasoning

Option B: Inductive Reasoning

Option C: Qualitative Reasoning

Option D: Quantitative Reasoning

Correct Answer: Inductive Reasoning

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Option A: certain

Option B: experience

Option C: observation

Option D: probable

Correct Answer: certain

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Option A: more important

Option B: less important

Option C: stronger

Option D: weaker

Correct Answer: stronger

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Option A: social, philosophical

Option B: social, social

Option C: philosophical, philosophical

Option D: environmental, psychological

Correct Answer: social, social

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Option A: Aristotle

Option B: Plato

Option C: John Dewey

Option D: Rousseau

Correct Answer: Rousseau

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Option A: Jean Piaget

Option B: John Dewey

Option C: Martin Wagenschein

Option D: Lev Vygotsky

Correct Answer: Martin Wagenschein

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Option A: Tell the student not to ask such irrelevant

Option B: Tell the student that he would give the correct answer later

Option C: Give some vague answer and satisfy the student Questions

Option D: Ask the student-to find out the answer himself from books in the library

Correct Answer: Tell the student that he would give the correct answer later

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Option A: To match it with ability level of pupils

Option B: To reduce the burden level of pupils

Option C: To match content and objective with strategy

Option D: All of the above

Correct Answer: All of the above

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Option A: Take the help of notes

Option B: Must give illustrations to clarify the difficult points

Option C: Deliver long lectures

Option D: All of the above

Correct Answer: Must give illustrations to clarify the difficult points

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Option A: Engages the students in their work

Option B: Inculcates the interest in the subject among students

Option C: Helps all the students in passing the examination

Option D: Maintains peace in the class

Correct Answer: Engages the students in their work

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Option A: To fulfill the needs of the students

Option B: Personality of the teacher

Option C: Period of the service

Option D: Publication of the books

Correct Answer: Personality of the teacher

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Option A: Raising their aspiration level and goals of life

Option B: Introducing novelty in strategies

Option C: Giving them quick feedback

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: Raising their aspiration level and goals of life

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Option A: Teaching strategies and material aids are mentioned in a separate column

Option B: Objectives to be realized are written against each teaching point

Option C: Activities of the teacher and pupils are mentioned separately

Option D: All of the above

Correct Answer: All of the above

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Option A: Student himself

Option B: Class teacher

Option C: Principal

Option D: Subject teacher

Correct Answer: Class teacher

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Option A: Are gentle

Option B: Are always ready for discussion

Option C: Express their ideas comprehensively and clearly

Option D: Works hard

Correct Answer: Are gentle

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Option A: Tell him not to do like that

Option B: Punished him

Option C: Engage that child in more activities than rest of the children of the class so that he may learn new things

Option D: Complain the guardians that his child is breaking the discipline

Correct Answer: Engage that child in more activities than rest of the children of the class so that he may learn new things

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Option A: Presenting the subject matter by giving least freedom to pupils

Option B: Helping the pupils generalize the acquired knowledge

Option C: Conducting tests along with teaching

Option D: Cramming of the learnt material

Correct Answer: Conducting tests along with teaching

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Option A: What information is required by children?

Option B: What was last known to the children?

Option C: In which field difficulty is faced by the children?

Option D: What is the known to the children before hand?

Correct Answer: In which field difficulty is faced by the children?

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Option A: teachable

Option B: unteachable

Option C: reachable

Option D: unreachable

Correct Answer: teachable

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Option A: brain storming

Option B: calculations

Option C: thoroughness

Option D: mental shortcuts

Correct Answer: mental shortcuts

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Option A: abruptly

Option B: continuously

Option C: gradually

Option D: relatively

Correct Answer: continuously

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Option A: 3

Option B: 4

Option C: 5

Option D: 6

Correct Answer: 3

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Option A: abrupt

Option B: continuous

Option C: gradual

Option D: relative

Correct Answer: continuous

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Option A: abruptly

Option B: continuously

Option C: gradually

Option D: relatively

Correct Answer: gradually

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Option A: Quick talk

Option B: Quick intro

Option C: Quick response

Option D: Quick discussion

Correct Answer: Quick talk

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Option A: Procedures

Option B: Rules

Option C: Routines

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: Routines

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Option A: Drama

Option B: Simulation

Option C: Play

Option D: All of the above

Correct Answer: All of the above

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Option A: Class task

Option B: Group Work

Option C: Class work

Option D: Group task

Correct Answer: Group Work

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