
Abnormal Psychology MCQs

Option A: is the most important indicator of his or her competence.

Option B: should be the major consideration in choosing a therapist.

Option C: is not all that important, since telented therapists can be found in all of the mental health professions.

Option D: involves both a and b.

Correct Answer: is not all that important, since telented therapists can be found in all of the mental health professions.

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Option A: they have been stabilized through drug therapy; their condition deteriorates once again because of inadequate out patient care

Option B: they run out of funds to pay for hospitalization, they once again can afford it

Option C: they have been cured of their disorder, they develop another disorder

Option D: they no longer want to be hospitalized; they voluntarily re-commit themselves

Correct Answer: they have been stabilized through drug therapy; their condition deteriorates once again because of inadequate out patient care

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Option A: Phobic disorders

Option B: Dissociative order

Option C: Obsessive-compulsive disorder

Option D: Post-traumatic stress

Correct Answer: Dissociative order

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Option A: Cohabitation

Option B: Comorbidity

Option C: Codependence

Option D: Coexistence

Correct Answer: Comorbidity

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Option A: Mesmer

Option B: Freud

Option C: Charcot

Option D: Jung

Correct Answer: Charcot

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Option A: 40%

Option B: 50%-60%

Option C: 75%

Option D: 90%-95%

Correct Answer: 90%-95%

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Option A: the criteria of mental illness very considerably across cultures.

Option B: there are universal standards of normality and abnormality.

Option C: Western diagnostic concepts have validity and utility in other cultural contexts.

Option D: both b and c are true.

Correct Answer: the criteria of mental illness very considerably across cultures.

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Option A: withdraws from social interaction due to an intense fear of rejection or criticism.

Option B: withdraws from social interaction due to a lack of interest in interpersonal intimacy.

Option C: is emotionally cold, suspicious of everyone, and overly concerned about being slighted by others.

Option D: is callous, impulsive, and manipulative.

Correct Answer: is callous, impulsive, and manipulative.

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Option A: It falsely implies that nearly everyone has at least one personality disorder.

Option B: the criteria for diagnosis are so detailed and specific that even extremely disturbed people fail to meet them.

Option C: the categories often overlap, making diagnosis is unreliable.

Option D: it contains too few categories to be useful.

Correct Answer: the categories often overlap, making diagnosis is unreliable.

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Option A: nor epinephrine

Option B: serotonin

Option C: acetylcholine

Option D: dopamine

Correct Answer: dopamine

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Option A: whether the prognosis is favorable or unfavorable.

Option B: whether the disorder is mild or severe.

Option C: the predominance of thought disturbances.

Option D: the predominance of negative versus positive symptoms.

Correct Answer: the predominance of negative versus positive symptoms.

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Option A: alternating periods of depression and mania; mania only

Option B: depression only; alternating periods of depression and mania

Option C: mania only; alternating periods of depression and mania

Option D: alternating periods of depression and mania; depression and mania simultaneously

Correct Answer: depression only; alternating periods of depression and mania

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Option A: The original personality is always aware of the alternate personalities.

Option B: The alternate personalities are usually unaware of the original personality.

Option C: The personalities are typically all quite similar to one an other.

Option D: Starting in the 1970s, a dramatic increase occurred in the diagnosis of dissociative identity disorder.

Correct Answer: Starting in the 1970s, a dramatic increase occurred in the diagnosis of dissociative identity disorder.

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Option A: should not be considered abnormal, since her adaptive functioning is not impaired.

Option B: should not be considered abnormal, since everyone sometimes experiences worry and anxiety.

Option C: can still be considered abnormal,since she feels great personal distress.

Option D: involves both a and b.

Correct Answer: can still be considered abnormal,since she feels great personal distress.

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Option A: unconscious fear.

Option B: feelings of ambivalence.

Option C: low self-esteem.

Option D: role-playing.

Correct Answer: role-playing.

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Option A: a dissociative disorder.

Option B: obsessive-compulsive disorder.

Option C: schizophrenia.

Option D: a personality disorder.

Correct Answer: a personality disorder.

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Option A: schizophrenia.

Option B: obsessive-compulsive disorder.

Option C: dissociative disorders.

Option D: dysthymic disorder.

Correct Answer: schizophrenia.

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Option A: Axis III of the DSM-IV to record this medical information

Option B: either Axis I or Axis II of the DSM-IV to record this medical information

Option C: Axis X of the DSM-IV to record this medical information

Option D: both Axis IV and Axis V of the DSM-IV to record this medical information

Correct Answer: Axis III of the DSM-IV to record this medical information

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Option A: are more characteristics of men than of women

Option B: are more clearly associated with mania than with depression

Option C: have little effect on people’s feelings of self-worth

Option D: may be a consequence rather than a cause of depression

Correct Answer: may be a consequence rather than a cause of depression

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Option A: Axis I of the DSM-IV

Option B: Axis VI of the DSM-IV

Option C: Axis of the DSM-IV

Option D: Axis of the DSM-IV

Correct Answer: Axis I of the DSM-IV

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Option A: claustrophobia

Option B: obsessive-compulsive disorder

Option C: agoraphobia

Option D: panic disorder

Correct Answer: agoraphobia

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Option A: resistance.

Option B: transference.

Option C: insight

Option D: catharsis.

Correct Answer: resistance.

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Option A: Men and women have the same chance of depression

Option B: Men are 3 times as likely to be depressed as women

Option C: Women’s depression is more serve than men’s

Option D: Women are about twice as likely to suffer depression

Correct Answer: Women are about twice as likely to suffer depression

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Option A: Amount of sun light

Option B: Highway fatalities

Option C: Full moon

Option D: Flowers in bloom

Correct Answer: Amount of sun light

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Option A: Agoraphobia

Option B: Manic episodes

Option C: Major depression

Option D: Bipolar disorder

Correct Answer: Agoraphobia

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Option A: State hospital system

Option B: Mental hygiene movement

Option C: Deinstitutionalization trend

Option D: Community mental health movement

Correct Answer: Mental hygiene movement

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Option A: Therapeutic indicator

Option B: Placebo effect

Option C: Spontaneous-remission effect

Option D: Meta-analysis factor

Correct Answer: Spontaneous-remission effect

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Option A: Anitmanics

Option B: Antidepressants

Option C: Antihistamines

Option D: Antipsychotics

Correct Answer: Antihistamines

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Option A: Drug therapy

Option B: Hypnosis

Option C: Psychosurgery

Option D: Electroconvulsive therapy

Correct Answer: Hypnosis

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Option A: Albert Bandura

Option B: Carl Rogers

Option C: Fritz Peris

Option D: Abraham Maslow

Correct Answer: Fritz Peris

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Option A: Client centered

Option B: Self-actual

Option C: Transcendenta

Option D: Cognitive

Correct Answer: Client centered

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Option A: Expose unhealthy emotions

Option B: Interpret childhood events

Option C: Reinforce positive behavior

Option D: Change false beliefs

Correct Answer: Change false beliefs

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Option A: Participant modeling

Option B: Counter transference

Option C: Hypnotic suggestion

Option D: Systematic desensitization

Correct Answer: Participant modeling

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Option A: Exposure therapies

Option B: Systematic desensitization

Option C: Dream analysis

Option D: Aversion therapy

Correct Answer: Dream analysis

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Option A: biomedical therapist.

Option B: psychoanalyst.

Option C: family therapist.

Option D: cognitive therapist.

Correct Answer: family therapist.

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Option A: transfer of treatment to real-life situations

Option B: direct confrontation with the feared object

Option C: use of virtual reality to confront the fear

Option D: gradual approach to the feared object

Correct Answer: gradual approach to the feared object

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Option A: behavior and drug therapies

Option B: psychoanalysis and client-centered therapy

Option C: psychoanalysis and drug therapies

Option D: cognitive and psychoanalytic therapies

Correct Answer: behavior and drug therapies

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Option A: the double-blind technique

Option B: aversive conditioning

Option C: eye movement desensitization and reprocessing

Option D: virtual reality exposure therapy

Correct Answer: virtual reality exposure therapy

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Option A: Ativan

Option B: Xanax

Option C: Thorazine

Option D: ithium

Correct Answer: Thorazine

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Option A: progressive relexation

Option B: unconditional positive regard.

Option C: transference.

Option D: aversive conditioning.

Correct Answer: progressive relexation

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Option A: clinical psychologist

Option B: research psychologist

Option C: school psychologist

Option D: counselling psychologist

Correct Answer: clinical psychologist

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Option A: behavior modification

Option B: systematic desensitization

Option C: psychodynamic activation

Option D: reaction formation

Correct Answer: systematic desensitization

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Option A: a dissociative disorder

Option B: depression

Option C: an anxiety disorder

Option D: schizophrenia

Correct Answer: depression

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Option A: electic

Option B: psychoanalytic

Option C: cognitive

Option D: behavior

Correct Answer: cognitive

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Option A: electroconvulsive shock

Option B: insight therapy

Option C: surgery

Option D: medication

Correct Answer: medication

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Option A: phobias.

Option B: dissociative disorders.

Option C: depression.

Option D: schizophrenia.

Correct Answer: depression.

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Option A: Biochemical imbalance

Option B: Genetic predisposition

Option C: Familial transmission

Option D: Brain defects

Correct Answer: All of the above

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Option A: Diathesis-stress model

Option B: Attachment model

Option C: Psychodynamic model

Option D: Cognitive-behavioral model

Correct Answer: Diathesis-stress model

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Option A: 1 & 4

Option B: 1 & 3

Option C: 2 & 3

Option D: 2 & 4

Correct Answer: B. 1 & 3

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Option A: Negative symptoms indicate the presence of something normal, and positive symptoms indicate the absence of something usual.

Option B: Positive symptoms indicate the presence of some thing normal, the absence of something usual.

Option C: Negative symptoms indicate the presence of something unusual, and positive symptoms indicate the absence of something normal.

Option D: Positive symptoms indicate the presence of something unusual, and negative symptoms indicate the absence of something normal.

Correct Answer: Positive symptoms indicate the presence of something unusual, and negative symptoms indicate the absence of something normal.

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Option A: Social factors.

Option B: Genetic factors.

Option C: psychological factors.

Option D: Environmental factors.

Correct Answer: Genetic factors.

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Option A: Depression

Option B: Substance abuse

Option C: Stressful events

Option D: Social support

Correct Answer: Social support

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Option A: Depression

Option B: Schizophrenia

Option C: Obsessive-compulsive disorder

Option D: Eating disorders

Correct Answer: Schizophrenia

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Option A: 1 & 2

Option B: 3 & 4

Option C: 2 & 3

Option D: 1 & 4

Correct Answer: 2 & 3

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Option A: Most people with major depressive disorder experience only isolated episodes or depression.

Option B: Depression is a disorder of adulthood and does not affect children.

Option C: Major depressive disorder follow a recurrent course.

Option D: Early onset of major depressive disorder a better course of depression over time.

Correct Answer: Major depressive disorder follow a recurrent course.

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Option A: Only very rarely does their condition lead to significant social isolation.

Option B: Their condition can range from relatively mild to extremely perasive.

Option C: They are afraid to other people

Option D: They are afraid of social situations.

Correct Answer: Their condition can range from relatively mild to extremely perasive.

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Option A: The extent of heritability is the same for all anxiety disorders.

Option B: People prone to anxiety disorders are born with behaviors exhibition.

Option C: All anxiety disorders have the same range of biological causes.

Option D: Cognitive, behavioural and life stress factors affect risk for anxiety disorders.

Correct Answer: Cognitive, behavioural and life stress factors affect risk for anxiety disorders.

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Option A: Distorted body image

Option B: Intense fear of being fat

Option C: Sense of self revolves around body and weight

Option D: Eating regulated by psychological and not physical processes

Correct Answer: All of the above

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Option A: schizophrenia

Option B: Eating disorders

Option C: Substance abuse

Option D: Bipolar disorder

Correct Answer: Substance abuse

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Option A: Failure to fulfil major role obligations.

Option B: Legal problems.

Option C: Both (a) and (b).

Option D: Neither (a) nor (b)

Correct Answer: Both (a) and (b).

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Option A: Personality disorders

Option B: Eating disorders

Option C: Anxiety disorders

Option D: Schizophrenia

Correct Answer: Personality disorders

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Option A: Psychotic disorders

Option B: Anxiety disorders

Option C: Eating disorders

Option D: Substance abuse disorders

Correct Answer: Anxiety disorders

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Option A: Catharsis

Option B: Systematic desentization

Option C: Dream analysis

Option D: Free association

Correct Answer: Systematic desentization

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Option A: Schizophrenia

Option B: Anxiety disorders

Option C: Substance abuse

Option D: Depression

Correct Answer: Anxiety disorders

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Option A: Distress

Option B: Disability

Option C: Depression

Option D: Statistical rarity

Correct Answer: Depression

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Option A: can occur only after a mentally ill individual has been convicted of a violent crime.

Option B: usually occurs because people appear to be a danger to themselves or others.

Option C: no longer occurs under modern civil law.

Option D: will be a lifelong commitment even if the individual is no longer mentally ill.

Correct Answer: usually occurs because people appear to be a danger to themselves or others.

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Option A: the percentage of relatives who exhibit the same disorder.

Option B: the percentage of people with a given disorder who are currently receiving treatment.

Option C: the prevalence of a given disorder in the general population.

Option D: the rate of cure for a given disorder.

Correct Answer: the percentage of relatives who exhibit the same disorder.

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Option A: classical conditioning.

Option B: operant conditioning.

Option C: observational learning.

Option D: preparedness.

Correct Answer: preparedness.

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Option A: behavior that is statistically unusual.

Option B: behavior that deviates from social norms.

Option C: a disease of the mind.

Option D: biological imbalance

Correct Answer: behavior that deviates from social norms.

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Option A: similar intensity but more prolonged.

Option B: more intense and more prolonged.

Option C: less intense and more prolonged.

Option D: more intense and less prolonged.

Correct Answer: more intense and less prolonged.

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Option A: Passive-aggressive

Option B: Histrionic

Option C: Narcissistic

Option D: Paranoid

Correct Answer: Passive-aggressive

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Option A: Unconscious motives

Option B: Poor parenting

Option C: Chemical imbalance

Option D: Anger turned inward

Correct Answer: Anger turned inward

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Option A: Major depression

Option B: Bipolar disorder

Option C: Schizophrenia

Option D: Post traumatic stress

Correct Answer: Major depression

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