
Branches Of Psychology MCQs

Option A: Paul B. Horton

Option B: Edwin Sutherland

Option C: Wright Mills

Option D: George Simmel

Correct Answer: Edwin Sutherland

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Option A: used introspection to analyze conscious experience

Option B: relied heavily on the concept of natural selection.

Option C: was concerned with experiences as “wholes”

Option D: used dream analysis to reveal the unconscious

Correct Answer: used introspection to analyze conscious experience

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Option A: the identification of a cause-and-effect relationship

Option B: similar to the correlational method in the causality is determined.

Option C: that the surroundings are always similar to real life experiences

Option D: that is an informal way to investigate behavior.

Correct Answer: the identification of a cause-and-effect relationship

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Option A: industrial and organizational

Option B: experimental, physiolocial and comparative

Option C: social and personality

Option D: clinical and counseling

Correct Answer: clinical and counseling

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Option A: stimulus-response connections.

Option B: animal behavior

Option C: the comparison of functional and behavioral psychology

Option D: the comparison of different types of psychotherapy.

Correct Answer: animal behavior

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Option A: psychodynamic psychology

Option B: behaviorism

Option C: humanistic psychology

Option D: neo-Freudian psychology

Correct Answer: humanistic psychology

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Option A: to conquer other civilizations

Option B: To establish an economy and the production of goods

Option C: To secure peace

Option D: To punish subjects who break the law

Correct Answer: To secure peace

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Option A: they overlap with other fields, such as law and business,

Option B: of ethical considerations

Option C: advanced technology that measures brain waves is not available

Option D: of a lack of interest in human behavior

Correct Answer: of ethical considerations

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Option A: Structuralism

Option B: Functionalism

Option C: Behaviouralism

Option D: Elementalism

Correct Answer: Functionalism

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Option A: cognitive psychology

Option B: behaviorism

Option C: Gestalt psychology

Option D: astrology

Correct Answer: Gestalt psychology

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Option A: socialism

Option B: communism

Option C: social harmony

Option D: individualism

Correct Answer: individualism

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Option A: to understand the human mind and how it works

Option B: to learn how to manipulate others

Option C: to completely understand and predict human behavior

Option D: to have the answers to all of life’ss.

Correct Answer: to understand the human mind and how it works

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Option A: Correlational method

Option B: Experimental method

Option C: Naturalistic observation method

Option D: participant observer method

Correct Answer: Experimental method

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Option A: Four classes

Option B: Eight classes

Option C: Two classes

Option D: Three classes

Correct Answer: Three classes

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Option A: scientists

Option B: practitioners

Option C: Both scientists and practitioner.

Option D: Either scientists or practitioners

Correct Answer: scientists

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Option A: social

Option B: comparative

Option C: physiological

Option D: school

Correct Answer: social

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Option A: humanistic

Option B: cognitive

Option C: behavioral

Option D: biological

Correct Answer: cognitive

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Option A: carefully design controlled situations in which to observe behavior

Option B: rely on observations of subjects responses tonaires.

Option C: observe behavior as it happens outside the laboratory or clinic

Option D: make records of the behavior of clients treated in therapy

Correct Answer: observe behavior as it happens outside the laboratory or clinic

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Option A: develop effective methods of psychotherapy.

Option B: describe, predict, understand, and control behavior

Option C: explain the functioning of the human mind.

Option D: compare, analyze and control human behavior

Correct Answer: describe, predict, understand, and control behavior

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Option A: the collection of bio-data

Option B: vocational interest testing.

Option C: an assessment center evaluation.

Option D: machine design

Correct Answer: machine design

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Option A: biology.

Option B: comparative psychology

Option C: environmental psychplogy

Option D: differential psychology

Correct Answer: comparative psychology

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Option A: learning

Option B: cultural

Option C: developmetnal

Option D: cognitive

Correct Answer: cultural

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Option A: Nature abhors a vacuum

Option B: Human beings seek peace

Option C: The war of all against all

Option D: The pythagorean Theorem

Correct Answer: Human beings seek peace

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Option A: are physicians with a specialization in abnormal behavior and psychotherapy

Option B: are extensively trained in the theories techniques of sigmund Freud

Option C: are generally more eclectic than psychologists.

Option D: have a masters of Ph.D degree

Correct Answer: are physicians with a specialization in abnormal behavior and psychotherapy

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Option A: fad

Option B: science

Option C: specialty

Option D: hoax

Correct Answer: science

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Option A: the whole

Option B: social motives and relationships that influence our behavior

Option C: human experience, problems, potentials and ideals

Option D: observable behaviors

Correct Answer: social motives and relationships that influence our behavior

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Option A: marketing

Option B: learning disabilities

Option C: aging

Option D: robotics

Correct Answer: marketing

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Option A: external rewards and punishments

Option B: internal impulses, desires, and conflicts

Option C: subjective experiences, potentials and ideals

Option D: physiology, genetics , biochemistry, and evolution

Correct Answer: physiology, genetics , biochemistry, and evolution

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Option A: stimulus-response connections.

Option B: animal behavior

Option C: the comparison of functional and behavioral psychology.

Option D: the comparison of different types of psychotherapy

Correct Answer: animal behavior

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Option A: behaviorism

Option B: structuralism

Option C: humanism

Option D: psychoanalysis

Correct Answer: structuralism

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Option A: behaviorism

Option B: Structuralism

Option C: humanism

Option D: psychoanalysis

Correct Answer: Structuralism

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