
Attitudes, Attributions And Social Cognition MCQs

Option A: Role schemes

Option B: Person schemas

Option C: Actor-observer effects

Option D: Stereotypes

Correct Answer: Stereotypes

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Option A: This strength of the self-serving bias is the same across cultures

Option B: We tend to attribute our success to internal factors and our failure to external factors

Option C: The usual explanation for the self-serving bias relates to cognitive factors.

Option D: Attributing success to external causes has been referred has been referred to as the self-enhancing bias.

Correct Answer: We tend to attribute our success to internal factors and our failure to external factors

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Option A: Schemas preserve cognitive resources

Option B: Schemas facilitate recall of information

Option C: Schemas are based on exopectations and prior experience

Option D: Schemas can cue emotions

Correct Answer: All of the above

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Option A: Well development schemas change readily when faced with disconfirming evidence.

Option B: The idea of exceptions to the rule is consistent with the sub-typing model model of stereotype change.

Option C: In the book-keeping model disconfirming instances of the stereotype are relegated to ‘exceptional’ sub-categories largely intact.

Option D: The conversion model proposes that there is fine-tuning of a schema with each new piece of information.

Correct Answer: The idea of exceptions to the rule is consistent with the sub-typing model model of stereotype change.

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Option A: Automatic; controlled

Option B: Controlled; automatic

Option C: Schematic; revised

Option D: Subtype; evaluative

Correct Answer: Automatic; controlled

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Option A: We usually employ categorians with little conscious effort.

Option B: Research on categorization stems from the pioneering work of cognitive scientist Eleanor Rosch and her colleagues.

Option C: The categorization of events is a more complex process than that of inanimate objects.

Option D: The instances in a social category that represent the category as a whole are referred to as exemplars.

Correct Answer: The instances in a social category that represent the category as a whole are referred to as exemplars.

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Option A: UAE underlies all the other biases

Option B: UAE refers to attributional biases that occur at the group level

Option C: UAE only applies to ingroups

Option D: UAE refers to attributional biases that occur the individual level

Correct Answer: UAE refers to attributional biases that occur at the group level

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Option A: High consistency

Option B: Low distinctiveness

Option C: High consensus

Option D: a,b and c

Correct Answer: a and b

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Option A: The fundamental attribution error.

Option B: The actor-observer effect.

Option C: The self-serving bias.

Option D: The critical attribution error.

Correct Answer: The critical attribution error.

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Option A: Attention stage

Option B: Retention stage

Option C: Yielding stage

Option D: Fielding stage

Correct Answer: Fielding stage

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Option A: Attitudes towards the behaviour

Option B: Subjective norms regarding the behaviour

Option C: Objective norms regarding the behaviour

Option D: Perceived control over performance of the behaviour

Correct Answer: a,b and d

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Option A: Attribution theory

Option B: Actor-observer effect

Option C: Cognitive dissonance theory

Option D: Theory of planned behaviour

Correct Answer: Cognitive dissonance theory

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Option A: Multiple-act criterion

Option B: Multi-behaviour criterion

Option C: Multi-attitude assessment

Option D: Attitude-behaviour consistency

Correct Answer: Multiple-act criterion

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Option A: Counter-attitudinal advocacy involves presenting an attitude or opinion, within a role-play context, which opposes the person’s initial attitude.

Option B: Cognitive dissonance theory describes tension how prople may feel an aversive tension when their behaviour is inconsistent with their attitude, and in order to reduce their discomfort will change their behaviour to be consistent with their attitude.

Option C: Self-perception theory indicates that people may guess their own attitude from the behaviour towards the attitude object. particularly when they can see no external reasons for the behaviour.

Option D: Self-perception processes occur when people perform a behaviour that strongly contradicts their initial attitude.

Correct Answer: Self-perception processes occur when people perform a behaviour that strongly contradicts their initial attitude.

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Option A: Cognitions, beliefs, thoughts

Option B: Positive, negative, indifferent

Option C: Beliefs, truths and errors

Option D: Cognitions, emotions and behaviours

Correct Answer: Cognitions, emotions and behaviours

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Option A: Message is memorable

Option B: Message is high in personal relevance

Option C: Message is humorous

Option D: Message is low in personal relevance

Correct Answer: Message is high in personal relevance

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