
Biological Foundations Of Behaviour MCQs

Option A: the hypothalamus

Option B: hippocampus

Option C: the reticular formation

Option D: the thalamus

Correct Answer: the thalamus

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Option A: Amygdala

Option B: Hypothalamus

Option C: Cerebellum

Option D: Hippocampus

Correct Answer: Cerebellum

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Option A: Coordination of movement

Option B: Temperature regulation

Option C: Vital functions

Option D: Higher thought processes

Correct Answer: Vital functions

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Option A: Parietal

Option B: Frontal

Option C: Temporal

Option D: Occipital

Correct Answer: Parietal

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Option A: Parietal

Option B: Occipital

Option C: Temporal

Option D: Frontal

Correct Answer: Frontal

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Option A: Sympathetic

Option B: Peripheral

Option C: Autonomic

Option D: Parasympathetic

Correct Answer: Peripheral

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Option A: Peripheral

Option B: Central

Option C: Parasympathetic

Option D: sympathetic

Correct Answer: Parasympathetic

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Option A: Emotional control

Option B: Fine motor coordination

Option C: Sleep/wake cycles

Option D: Spatial orientation

Correct Answer: Emotional control

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Option A: Environment

Option B: Phenotype

Option C: Genotype

Option D: Habitat

Correct Answer: Phenotype

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Option A: Genes

Option B: DNA

Option C: Heredity

Option D: Chromosomes

Correct Answer: Genes

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Option A: Occipital Lobe

Option B: Cerebellum

Option C: Parietal Lobe

Option D: Frontal Lobe

Correct Answer: Frontal Lobe

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Option A: EEG

Option B: CAT

Option C: MRI

Option D: PET

Correct Answer: PET

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Option A: The two cerebral hemispheres are specialized to handle different types of cognitive tasks

Option B: People have a separate stream of consciousness in each hemisphere

Option C: Each hemisphere has it own cognitive style

Option D: some people are right-brained, while others are left-brained

Correct Answer: The two cerebral hemispheres are specialized to handle different types of cognitive tasks

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Option A: Variation

Option B: Evolution

Option C: Habituation

Option D: Natural selection

Correct Answer: Natural selection

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Option A: nerves

Option B: synapses

Option C: neurotransmitters

Option D: action potentials

Correct Answer: neurotransmitters

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Option A: heredity; the environment

Option B: the environment; heredity

Option C: the environment; the environment

Option D: heredity; heredity

Correct Answer: heredity; the environment

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Option A: genotype

Option B: phenotype

Option C: somatotype

Option D: physiognomy

Correct Answer: phenotype

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Option A: natural selection

Option B: gene flow

Option C: adaptation

Option D: fitness

Correct Answer: gene flow

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Option A: only in the right hemisphere

Option B: only in the left hemisphere

Option C: more quickly in the right hemisphere

Option D: more quickly in the left hemisphere

Correct Answer: more quickly in the left hemisphere

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Option A: when sent to the right hemisphere first

Option B: when sent to the left hemisphere first

Option C: when presented to the left visual field

Option D: when presented auditorily rather than visually

Correct Answer: when sent to the left hemisphere first

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Option A: endocrine system and the limbic system

Option B: reticular formation

Option C: thalamus, hypothalamus and cerebrum

Option D: cerebellum, medulla and pons

Correct Answer: reticular formation

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Option A: amygdala

Option B: hypothalamus

Option C: thalamus

Option D: pons

Correct Answer: hypothalamus

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Option A: frontal

Option B: temporal

Option C: Parietal

Option D: cerebellar

Correct Answer: temporal

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Option A: the cerebellum

Option B: Sperry’s area

Option C: Broca’s area

Option D: Wernicke’s area

Correct Answer: C. Broca’s area

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Option A: empathetic division of the peripheral nervous system

Option B: parasympathetic division of the autonomic nervous system

Option C: somatic division of the peripheral nervous system

Option D: sympathetic division of the autonomic nervous system

Correct Answer: sympathetic division of the autonomic nervous system

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Option A: Imprinting

Option B: Latent learning

Option C: Insight learning

Option D: Conditioned reflex type I

Correct Answer: Insight learning

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Option A: an action potential

Option B: a resting potential

Option C: impulse facilitation

Option D: inhibitory

Correct Answer: an action potential

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Option A: the size of their action potentials

Option B: the velocity of their action potentials

Option C: the rate at which of fire action potentials

Option D: all of the above

Correct Answer: the rate at which of fire action potentials

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Option A: anxiety

Option B: schizophrenia

Option C: Alzheimer’s disease

Option D: nicotine addiction

Correct Answer: schizophrenia

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