
Developmental Psychology MCQs

Option A: on the quality of bonding in the first few hours of life

Option B: exclusively on the infant’s temperament

Option C: on this interaction between the infant’s temperament and the caregiver’s responsiveness

Option D: on how stranger anxiety is handled

Correct Answer: C. on this interaction between the infant’s temperament and the caregiver’s responsiveness

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Option A: superiority

Option B: industry

Option C: generativity

Option D: autonomy

Correct Answer: autonomy

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Option A: David understands the concept of conservation

Option B: David does not understand the concept of conversion

Option C: David cognitive development is “behind” for his age

Option D: both b and c are the case

Correct Answer: David does not understand the concept of conversion

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Option A: can be used to make extremely precise predictions about the age at which an individual child will reach various developmental milestones

Option B: indicate the maximum age at which a child can reach a particular developmental milestone, and still be considered “normal.”

Option C: indicate the average age at which individuals reach various developmental milestones

Option D: involve both a and b

Correct Answer: indicate the average age at which individuals reach various developmental milestones

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Option A: cross-sectional study

Option B: life history study

Option C: longitudinal study

Option D: sequential study

Correct Answer: longitudinal study

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Option A: visual impairments

Option B: habituation

Option C: egocentrism

Option D: mental retardation

Correct Answer: mental retardation

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Option A: crystallized intelligence

Option B: social influence

Option C: abnormal cognitive development

Option D: postconventional moral thinking

Correct Answer: social influence

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Option A: zygotic stage

Option B: germinal stage

Option C: embryonic stage

Option D: fetal stage

Correct Answer: embryonic stage

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Option A: head-to-foot direction

Option B: center-outward direction

Option C: foot-to-head direction

Option D: body-appendages direction

Correct Answer: head-to-foot direction

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Option A: a multi-factorial research design

Option B: a longitudinal research design

Option C: a cross-sectional research design

Option D: a nested condition research design

Correct Answer: a cross-sectional research design

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Option A: a longitudinal research design

Option B: a sequential design

Option C: a cross-sectional design

Option D: a multi-factorial research design

Correct Answer: a longitudinal research design

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Option A: high levels of parental control and high levels of parental responsiveness

Option B: low levels of parental control and no parental responsiveness

Option C: low levels of parental control and low levels of parental responsiveness

Option D: high levels of parental control and low levels of parental responsiveness

Correct Answer: high levels of parental control and low levels of parental responsiveness

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Option A: dopamine

Option B: epinephrine

Option C: acetylcholine

Option D: estrogen

Correct Answer: acetylcholine

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Option A: the two having identical genotypes

Option B: the environment

Option C: heredity

Option D: brain chemistry differences

Correct Answer: the environment

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Option A: longitudinal study

Option B: more information is needed to determine the design of the experiment

Option C: Gesell’s dome

Option D: cross sectional study

Correct Answer: cross sectional study

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Option A: situational referencing

Option B: learned referencing

Option C: perceptual referencing

Option D: social referencing

Correct Answer: social referencing

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Option A: social learning

Option B: classical conditioning

Option C: assimilation

Option D: accommodation

Correct Answer: assimilation

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Option A: recessive

Option B: dominant

Option C: chromosomal

Option D: polygenic

Correct Answer: dominant

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Option A: from the center of the body to the extremities

Option B: from the past to the future

Option C: from the head to the toes

Option D: from birth to death

Correct Answer: from the head to the toes

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Option A: genes

Option B: chromosomes

Option C: zygotes

Option D: gametes

Correct Answer: chromosomes

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Option A: grasping

Option B: rooting

Option C: Babinski

Option D: Moro

Correct Answer: Moro

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Option A: readiness

Option B: maturation

Option C: mobility

Option D: heredity

Correct Answer: maturation

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Option A: carcinogens

Option B: teratogens

Option C: chorionic villi

Option D: antigens

Correct Answer: teratogens

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Option A: language development

Option B: sexual development

Option C: social development

Option D: cognitive development

Correct Answer: cognitive development

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Option A: William Syndrome

Option B: Exposure to radiation

Option C: Down’s Syndrome

Option D: Color blindness

Correct Answer: Exposure to radiation

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Option A: sensorimotor

Option B: preoperational

Option C: concrete operational

Option D: formal operations

Correct Answer: sensorimotor

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Option A: More reflex

Option B: grasping reflex

Option C: rooting reflex

Option D: sucking reflex

Correct Answer: grasping reflex

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Option A: have limited sense abilities at birth and cannot feel pain at all

Option B: can follow a moving object with their eyes

Option C: cannot learn and must depend on the adaptive reflexes in order to survive

Option D: have extremely poor hearing

Correct Answer: can follow a moving object with their eyes

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Option A: warning their body

Option B: comforting their body

Option C: calling attention to objects

Option D: praising their body

Correct Answer: warning their body

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Option A: separation anxiety

Option B: learning to walk

Option C: imprinting

Option D: language development

Correct Answer: separation anxiety

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Option A: fixed action patterns

Option B: instincts

Option C: conditioned reflexes

Option D: adaptive reflexes

Correct Answer: adaptive reflexes

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Option A: perceptual set

Option B: telegraphic readiness

Option C: learning set

Option D: biological predisposition

Correct Answer: biological predisposition

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Option A: identity moratorium

Option B: identity foreclosure

Option C: identity achievement

Option D: identity diffusion

Correct Answer: identity moratorium

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Option A: playing with the infant

Option B: feeding and care giving their infants

Option C: providing routine child care

Option D: that does not involve visual contact with the infant

Correct Answer: playing with the infant

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Option A: XYX

Option B: XXX

Option C: XX

Option D: XY

Correct Answer: XY

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Option A: assimilation; accommodation

Option B: male testes; adrenal glands

Option C: male testes; female ovaries

Option D: female ovaries; depended male voice

Correct Answer: female ovaries; depended male voice

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Option A: menopause

Option B: crystallized intelligence

Option C: Alzheimer’s disease

Option D: role confusion

Correct Answer: C. Alzheimer’s disease

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Option A: early; early

Option B: early; late

Option C: late; early

Option D: late; late

Correct Answer: early; late

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Option A: object permanence

Option B: operationalization

Option C: maturation

Option D: assimilation

Correct Answer: assimilation

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Option A: the acquisition of socially acceptable behaviors

Option B: the learning of social norms

Option C: the physical and sexual development of early adolescence

Option D: biological growth process that are relatively uninfluenced by experience

Correct Answer: biological growth process that are relatively uninfluenced by experience

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Option A: infancy; childhood

Option B: infancy; adolescence

Option C: adulthood; childhood

Option D: childhood; adolescence

Correct Answer: infancy; adolescence

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Option A: Learned

Option B: Inborn

Option C: Unlearned

Option D: Inborn and unlearned

Correct Answer: Inborn

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Option A: Height and weight

Option B: Skin color

Option C: Artistic approach

Option D: Bone structure

Correct Answer: Artistic approach

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Option A: 13 through 19 years of age

Option B: the beginnings of sexual maturity to independent adulthood

Option C: 12 to 15 years of age

Option D: the beginning to the end of the growth spurt

Correct Answer: the beginnings of sexual maturity to independent adulthood

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Option A: Inborn differences

Option B: Environment difference

Option C: Learned difference

Option D: Observable difference

Correct Answer: Inborn differences

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Option A: Which take place in the life of an individual

Option B: Which direct the way of life of an individual

Option C: Which affect the life of an individual

Option D: All of the above

Correct Answer: All of the above

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Option A: Heredity

Option B: Environment

Option C: Economic conditions

Option D: All of the above

Correct Answer: All of the above

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Option A: Everybody should perform duty according to his abilities

Option B: Everybody can get harmony with the society

Option C: Statistical facts of the state should be know

Option D: Both (a) and (b)

Correct Answer: Both (a) and (b)

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Option A: The individual differences must be considered

Option B: Learning process should be planned adequately

Option C: Modern methods of teaching must be adopted

Option D: All of the above

Correct Answer: All of the above

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Option A: Some intelligent children

Option B: Some dull children

Option C: Children of the same intelligence

Option D: Both (a) and (b)

Correct Answer: Both (a) and (b)

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Option A: Spontaneous activity

Option B: Pace learning

Option C: Direction of motivation

Option D: All of the above

Correct Answer: All of the above

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Option A: Differentiation of abilities in the individual

Option B: religious differences

Option C: Political differences

Option D: Academic differences

Correct Answer: Differentiation of abilities in the individual

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Option A: Apparent

Option B: Hidden

Option C: Learned

Option D: All of these

Correct Answer: All of these

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Option A: Equal

Option B: Not equal

Option C: Not measurable

Option D: Both (a) and (c)

Correct Answer: Not equal

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Option A: Physical

Option B: Cognitive

Option C: Social

Option D: Emotional

Correct Answer: Physical

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Option A: Sociology

Option B: Psychology

Option C: Medicine

Option D: Ethics

Correct Answer: Psychology

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Option A: A continuous process

Option B: An organized process

Option C: A creative process

Option D: All of the above

Correct Answer: All of the above

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Option A: Creative

Option B: Physical

Option C: Emotional

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: Creative

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Option A: Physical development

Option B: Cognitive development

Option C: Emotional development

Option D: All aspects are equally important

Correct Answer: All aspects are equally important

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Option A: Heredity

Option B: Environment

Option C: Both (a) and (b)

Option D: None of the above

Correct Answer: Both (a) and (b)

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Option A: Live simple life

Option B: Search for living opportunities

Option C: Are not creative

Option D: None of the above

Correct Answer: None of the above

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Option A: Good heredity

Option B: Good environment

Option C: Both (a) and (b)

Option D: Good heredity and unhealthy environment

Correct Answer: Both (a) and (b)

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Option A: she lacked language skills for organizing her early life experiences

Option B: experiences shortly after birth area a meaning less blue of darkness and light

Option C: later experiences in life interfered with Karen’s earlier memories

Option D: most brain cells do not yet exist at the time of birth

Correct Answer: she lacked language skills for organizing her early life experiences

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Option A: Can suppress good heredity

Option B: Cannot suppress good heredity

Option C: Can suppress but cannot extinguish

Option D: None of the above

Correct Answer: Can suppress but cannot extinguish

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Option A: Can turn a dull child into an intelligent one

Option B: Cannot turn a dull into an intelligent one

Option C: Can turn a dull into a gifted one

Option D: None of the above

Correct Answer: Cannot turn a dull into an intelligent one

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Option A: Determines the capacity

Option B: Does not determine the capacity

Option C: Increase the capacity

Option D: Modifies the capacity

Correct Answer: Determines the capacity

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Option A: autonomy

Option B: independence

Option C: basic trust

Option D: integrity

Correct Answer: integrity

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Option A: object permanence period of cognitive development

Option B: preoperational period of cognitive development

Option C: concrete period of cognitive development

Option D: sensorimotor period of cognitive development

Correct Answer: sensorimotor period of cognitive development

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Option A: the opportunity to explore

Option B: body contact

Option C: appropriate schemas

Option D: adequate nourishment

Correct Answer: body contact

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Option A: Correlational study

Option B: cross sectional study

Option C: Gesell’s dome

Option D: longitudinal study

Correct Answer: longitudinal study

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Option A: attachment

Option B: egocentrism

Option C: object permanence

Option D: habituation

Correct Answer: attachment

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Option A: unconventional

Option B: preconventional

Option C: proportional

Option D: conventional

Correct Answer: conventional

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Option A: teratogen

Option B: depressant

Option C: neurotransmitter

Option D: from of DNA

Correct Answer: teratogen

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Option A: hypothalamus

Option B: corpus callosum

Option C: prefrontal cortex

Option D: occipital lobe

Correct Answer: prefrontal cortex

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Option A: 47

Option B: 45

Option C: 50

Option D: 46

Correct Answer: 46

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Option A: were incapable of mating upon reaching sexual maturity

Option B: were totally apathetic and indifferent to the first monkeys they encountered

Option C: Showed not lasting adverse effects when placed in socially enriched environment

Option D: showed slower social development but more rapid cognitive development

Correct Answer: were incapable of mating upon reaching sexual maturity

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