
Interpersonal Relations And Group Processes MCQs

Option A: Performing

Option B: Storming

Option C: Forming

Option D: Adjourning

Correct Answer: Storming

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Option A: Intergroup contact

Option B: Decategorization

Option C: Recategorization

Option D: a and b

Correct Answer: b and c

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Option A: Where we were born

Option B: The amount of prejudice experienced

Option C: The groups we belong to

Option D: Competition between groups

Correct Answer: Competition between groups

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Option A: To obtain information

Option B: To reduce anxiety

Option C: To compare ourselves with similar others

Option D: All of the above

Correct Answer: All of the above

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Option A: 1 & 2

Option B: 2 & 3

Option C: 1 & 3

Option D: 2 & 4

Correct Answer: 2 & 4

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Option A: Brainstorming

Option B: Group polarization

Option C: Deindividuation

Option D: groupthink

Correct Answer: groupthink

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Option A: Conformity

Option B: Minority influence

Option C: Normative influence

Option D: Informational influence

Correct Answer: Minority influence

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Option A: Intergroup contact

Option B: Decategorization

Option C: Recategorization

Option D: a and b

Correct Answer: b and c

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Option A: Where we were born

Option B: The amount of prejudice experienced

Option C: The groups we belong to

Option D: Competition between groups

Correct Answer: The groups we belong to

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Option A: To obtain information

Option B: To reduce anxiety

Option C: To compare ourselves with similar others

Option D: All of the above

Correct Answer: All of the above

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Option A: Performing

Option B: Storming

Option C: Forming

Option D: Adjourning

Correct Answer: Storming

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Option A: 1 & 2

Option B: 2 & 3

Option C: 2 & 4

Option D: 1 & 3

Correct Answer: 2 & 4

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Option A: Brainstorming

Option B: Group polarization

Option C: Deindividuation

Option D: groupthink

Correct Answer: groupthink

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Option A: 1 & 2

Option B: 2 & 3

Option C: 1 & 3

Option D: 2 & 4

Correct Answer: 2 & 4

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Option A: Conformity

Option B: Minority influence

Option C: Normative influence

Option D: Informational influence

Correct Answer: Minority influence

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Option A: The participants were not conforming to their roles

Option B: The guards were not prepared to harass, humiliate and intimidate the prisoners

Option C: The prisoners increasingly showed signs of individual and group disintegration

Option D: The experiment was set in a real prison with real prisoners, which raised a fierce human rights debate

Correct Answer: The prisoners increasingly showed signs of individual and group disintegration

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Option A: Complex tasks are dealt with reliably

Option B: Peripheral members can feel a loss of autonomy on simple tasks

Option C: Delays and miscommunications can occur on complex tasks

Option D: free communication is allowed among the roles

Correct Answer: Delays and miscommunications can occur on complex tasks

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Option A: Group identity

Option B: individual norms

Option C: Individual identity

Option D: Group norms

Correct Answer: Group norms

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Option A: 1 & 2

Option B: 3 & 4

Option C: 1 & 3

Option D: 2 & 4

Correct Answer: 1 & 3

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Option A: People will engage in high levels of destructive obedience when faced with strong situational pressures

Option B: People will engage in low levels of destructive obedience when faced with strong situational pressures

Option C: People’s personality is the strongest determinant of obedient behaviour

Option D: People will challenge authority figures when they become distressed by their commands

Correct Answer: People will engage in high levels of destructive obedience when faced with strong situational pressures

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Option A: Social support in a broad social network impacts positively on health and stress

Option B: Social support in small groups helps one resist pressures to comply with an outside majority or to be obey an immoral authority

Option C: Both a & b

Option D: Neither a nor b

Correct Answer: Both a & b

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Option A: Mutual support

Option B: Commitment to relationship

Option C: Being in love

Option D: Mutual understanding

Correct Answer: Commitment to relationship

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Option A: Quite ordinary people taking part in a laboratory experiment were not prepared to administer electric shocks just because an experimenter told them to do so

Option B: Participants believed that the shocks they administered would not harm anyone

Option C: Apparently pathological behaviour may not be due to individual pathology but to particular social circumstances

Option D: None of the above

Correct Answer: Apparently pathological behaviour may not be due to individual pathology but to particular social circumstances

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Option A: The task performed

Option B: Prior experience

Option C: Presence of others

Option D: Group identity

Correct Answer: Presence of others

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Option A: Bystander intervention

Option B: Social facilitation

Option C: Bystander apathy

Option D: Equity theory

Correct Answer: Bystander apathy

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Option A: Ignorance about how others interpreted the situation

Option B: Diffusion of responsibility made individuals feel less responsible

Option C: There were no authority figures present

Option D: Fear of feeling embarrassed by acting inappropriately in front of others

Correct Answer: a, b and d

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Option A: Improved performance on both well-learned/easy tasks and poorly learned/difficult tasks

Option B: Improved performance on well-learned/easy tasks and deterioration in performance on poorly learned/difficult tasks

Option C: Deterioration in performance on well-learned/easy tasks and improved performance on poorly learned/difficult tasks

Option D: Deterioration in performance on both well-learned/easy tasks and poorly learned/difficult tasks

Correct Answer: Improved performance on well-learned/easy tasks and deterioration in performance on poorly learned/difficult tasks

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