
Nervous System MCQs

Option A: Parallel and visual processing of incoming information

Option B: Independent and neuronal processing of incoming information

Option C: Parallel and visual processing of outgoing information

Option D: Parallel and modular processing of incoming information

Correct Answer: Parallel and modular processing of incoming information

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Option A: Adult neurons can sometimes from new connections

Option B: If one input to a target area is lost, the remaining inputs sometimes send out new branches from their axons to colonize the vacant space

Option C: Although transplanted neurons taken from a brain at the right stage of development will grow in an adult host brain, they will not restore normal function

Option D: Transplants of dopamine cell bodies alleviate some of the symptoms of Alzheimer’s disease in human patients

Correct Answer: D. Transplants of dopamine cell bodies alleviate some of the symptoms of Alzheimer’s disease in human patients

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Option A: We cannot repair damaged brains

Option B: We can repair some damaged brains

Option C: We can prevent brain damage

Option D: We can prevent Parkinson’s disease

Correct Answer: We can repair some damaged brains

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Option A: Different aspects of a visual stimulus appear to be analysed by different modules in the brain

Option B: It is impossible to use an evolutionary explanation for modularity in the brain

Option C: Both (a) and (b)

Option D: Neither (a) nor (b)

Correct Answer: Different aspects of a visual stimulus appear to be analysed by different modules in the brain

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Option A: Experience can modify a neuron’s responses

Option B: Experience can modify a person’s potential

Option C: Experience can modify a person’s mental health

Option D: Experience cannot modify a neuron’s responses

Correct Answer: A. Experience can modify a neuron’s responses

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Option A: The NMDA receptor is a particular subtype of glutamate receptor

Option B: Sodium entry into cell is one of the triggers for the development of LTP

Option C: NMDA-dependent LTP can only develop in a cell that has been depolarized and then receives a further input

Option D: Experiments have show the blockade of the NMDA receptor by the drug AP5 prevents the development of LTP

Correct Answer: Sodium entry into cell is one of the triggers for the development of LTP

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Option A: Neurons are integrators; they can have a vast number of different inputs, but they produce just a single output signal, which they transmit to their targets

Option B: There is a small voltage difference between the inside and the outside of the neuron in it resting state, known as the action potential

Option C: The inputs to neurons are tiny amounts of chemical neurotransmitters

Option D: In the steady state neurons, there is an active pumping of ions across the neuronal membrane

Correct Answer: There is a small voltage difference between the inside and the outside of the neuron in it resting state, known as the action potential

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Option A: Antagonists

Option B: Agonists

Option C: A and B

Option D: Synapses

Correct Answer: A and B

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Option A: Inhibitory neurotransmitters increase the excitability of a cell

Option B: The classic inhibitory neurotransmitter is glutamate

Option C: Increasing chloride ion flow into the interior of the cell decreases the cell’s negativity

Option D: Increasing the cell’s negativity is called hyperpolarization

Correct Answer: D. Increasing the cell’s negativity is called hyperpolarization

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Option A: A cubic centimeter of glial cells because the damage would be less disabling

Option B: A cubic centimeter of subcortex because the damage would be less disabling

Option C: A cubic centimeter of spinal cord because the damage would be less disabling

Option D: A cubic centimeter of cortex because the damage would be less disabling

Correct Answer: A cubic centimeter of cortex because the damage would be less disabling

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Option A: Resting potentials, neurotransmitters

Option B: Neurotransmitters, axon potentials

Option C: Neurotransmitters, depolarization

Option D: Axon potentials; neurotransmitters

Correct Answer: Axon potentials; neurotransmitters

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Option A: Seizure were caused by chemical discharges in the brain

Option B: The cortex can be surgically removed to reduce seizures

Option C: Brain regions have highly specialized functions

Option D: (b) and (c)

Correct Answer: (b) and (c)

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Option A: 1 & 2

Option B: 2 & 3

Option C: 1 & 3

Option D: None

Correct Answer: 1 & 3

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Option A: Serve hemi-neglect often results from damage to the left parietal lobe

Option B: Patients with hemi-neglect may ignore the entire left half of the world

Option C: The right hemisphere might be able to support bilateral spatial attentional processes

Option D: When the left hemisphere is damaged the right may be able to take over processes that would normally depend on the left hemisphere

Correct Answer: Serve hemi-neglect often results from damage to the left parietal lobe

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Option A: Autonomic nervous system, which includes the sympathetic and parasympathetic system

Option B: Somatic system, which includes the sympathetic system and parasympathetic system

Option C: Autonomic system, which includes the central and somatic system

Option D: Somatic system, which includes the central and autonomic system

Correct Answer: Autonomic nervous system, which includes the sympathetic and parasympathetic system

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Option A: The cerebellum plays a key role in making movement smooth and efficient, and lies at the black of the brain

Option B: The motor and sensory systems do not interact

Option C: The spinal cord, made up of both axons and ganglia, provides us with essential reflexes

Option D: The brain comprises two halves-or hemispheres

Correct Answer: The motor and sensory systems do not interact

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Option A: The central nervous system includes the nerves through which the central nervous system interacts with the rest of the body

Option B: The peripheral nervous system includes the brain and the spinal cord

Option C: Afferent or sensory nerves carry information to the central nervous system from sensory neurons and regulate glandular secretion

Option D: Efferent or motor nerves extend out from the central nervous system to the organs

Correct Answer: Efferent or motor nerves extend out from the central nervous system to the organs

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Option A: All neurons have the same function

Option B: The neuronal cell’s metabolic activities take place in the nucleus

Option C: Axons are the input system of a neuron

Option D: All neurons have more than one axon

Correct Answer: B. The neuronal cell’s metabolic activities take place in the nucleus

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Option A: Cell body, dendrites, axon

Option B: Cell body, nerves, axon

Option C: White matter, cell body, nerves

Option D: Internal body, external body, nerve branches

Correct Answer: Cell body, dendrites, axon

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Option A: morality of the under investigation

Option B: loss of future research possibilities

Option C: falsified results

Option D: invasion of privacy

Correct Answer: invasion of privacy

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Option A: Dendrite

Option B: Neuron

Option C: Brain

Option D: Spinal Cord

Correct Answer: Neuron

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Option A: axon

Option B: cell body

Option C: soma

Option D: neurilemma

Correct Answer: axon

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Option A: dendrite

Option B: axon

Option C: myelin

Option D: soma

Correct Answer: soma

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Option A: axons

Option B: axles

Option C: atoms

Option D: axes

Correct Answer: axons

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Option A: axon

Option B: axon terminal

Option C: synapse

Option D: soma

Correct Answer: synapse

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Option A: Cell bodies

Option B: Non-myelinated nerve fibers

Option C: White matter

Option D: both a & b

Correct Answer: both a & b

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Option A: Forebrain

Option B: Midbrain

Option C: Hindbrain

Option D: All of these

Correct Answer: Forebrain

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Option A: Thalamus

Option B: Cerebrum

Option C: Limbic system

Option D: All of the above

Correct Answer: Thalamus

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Option A: Meninges

Option B: Meningeal fluid

Option C: Cerebrospinal fluid

Option D: All of the above

Correct Answer: Cerebrospinal fluid

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Option A: Medulla

Option B: Pons

Option C: Cerebellum

Option D: All of these

Correct Answer: All of these

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Option A: Medulla

Option B: Pons

Option C: Hypothalamus

Option D: Cerebellum

Correct Answer: Medulla

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Option A: 12

Option B: 15

Option C: 31

Option D: 36

Correct Answer: 36

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Option A: Cerebral nerves

Option B: Cranial nerves

Option C: Mixed nerves

Option D: both a and & b

Correct Answer: both a and & b

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Option A: Sympathetic nervous system

Option B: Autonomic nervous system

Option C: Peripheral nervous system

Option D: Central nervous system

Correct Answer: Peripheral nervous system

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Option A: Sensory

Option B: Motor

Option C: Mixed

Option D: All of these

Correct Answer: All of these

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Option A: Alcohol

Option B: Nicotine

Option C: dopamine

Option D: All of these

Correct Answer: Nicotine

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Option A: Cerebral cortex

Option B: Corpus coliseum

Option C: Cerebral hemispheres

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: Cerebral cortex

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Option A: Corpus collasum

Option B: Cerebral cortex

Option C: Amygdala

Option D: Pons

Correct Answer: Amygdala

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Option A: 12

Option B: 15

Option C: 31

Option D: 36

Correct Answer: 12

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Option A: Sensory

Option B: Motor

Option C: Mixed

Option D: All of these

Correct Answer: Motor

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Option A: Thalamus

Option B: Cerebrum

Option C: Limbic system

Option D: All of these

Correct Answer: Limbic system

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Option A: Hypothalamus

Option B: Amygdala

Option C: Hippocampus

Option D: Cerebrum

Correct Answer: Amygdala

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Option A: Epilepsy

Option B: Alzheimer’s disease

Option C: Parkinson’s disease

Option D: All of the above

Correct Answer: B. Alzheimer’s disease

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Option A: Alcohol

Option B: Nicotine

Option C: Dopamine

Option D: All of the above

Correct Answer: Nicotine

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Option A: Cranium

Option B: vertebral column

Option C: Meninges

Option D: All of the above

Correct Answer: All of the above

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Option A: White matter

Option B: Gray matter

Option C: Cell bodies

Option D: Nerve fibers

Correct Answer: White matter

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Option A: Ganglia

Option B: Nerves

Option C: Spinal cord

Option D: All of these

Correct Answer: Ganglia

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Option A: Forebrain

Option B: Midbrain

Option C: Hind brain

Option D: Amygdala

Correct Answer: Midbrain

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Option A: Corpus callosum

Option B: Pons

Option C: Reticular formation

Option D: Hypothalamus

Correct Answer: Reticular formation

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Option A: Sensory

Option B: Motor

Option C: Mixed

Option D: All of these

Correct Answer: All of these

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Option A: Use of alcohol

Option B: Anticonvulsant drugs

Option C: Antihistamines

Option D: All of the above

Correct Answer: Anticonvulsant drugs

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Option A: Epilepsy

Option B: Drug abuse

Option C: Parkinson’s disease

Option D: Alzheimer’s disease

Correct Answer: D. Alzheimer’s disease

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Option A: Medulla

Option B: Pons

Option C: Cerebellum

Option D: All of these

Correct Answer: Pons

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Option A: Alzheimer’s disease

Option B: Drug abuse

Option C: Epilepsy

Option D: Parkinson’s diseases

Correct Answer: D. Parkinson’s diseases

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Option A: Electrocardiogram

Option B: Electroencephalography

Option C: Alcohol tolerance test

Option D: Insulin

Correct Answer: Electroencephalography

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Option A: Brain

Option B: Nerves

Option C: Ganglia

Option D: Spinal cord

Correct Answer: Nerves

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Option A: Sympathetic nervous system

Option B: Parasympathetic nervous system

Option C: Somatic nervous system

Option D: Peripheral nervous system

Correct Answer: Parasympathetic nervous system

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Option A: Medulla

Option B: Pons

Option C: Cerebellum

Option D: Cerebrum

Correct Answer: Cerebrum

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Option A: Sympathetic

Option B: Parasympathetic

Option C: Somatic

Option D: Peripheral

Correct Answer: Sympathetic

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Option A: Medulla

Option B: Pons

Option C: Cerebellum

Option D: Amygdala

Correct Answer: Cerebellum

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Option A: Medulla

Option B: Pons

Option C: Cerebellum

Option D: Amygdala

Correct Answer: Cerebellum

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Option A: Sympathetic

Option B: Parasympathetics

Option C: Somatic

Option D: Peripheral

Correct Answer: Sympathetic

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Option A: Alzheimer’s disease

Option B: Drug abuse

Option C: Parkinson’s disease

Option D: Epilepsy

Correct Answer: C. Parkinson’s disease

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Option A: Somatic nervous system

Option B: Autonomic nervous system

Option C: Central nervous system

Option D: both a & b

Correct Answer: Somatic nervous system

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Option A: Sensory neurons

Option B: Motor neurons

Option C: Both sensory and motor neurons

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: Motor neurons

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Option A: Alzheimer’s disease

Option B: Drug abuse

Option C: Epilepsy

Option D: Parkinson’s disease

Correct Answer: D. Parkinson’s disease

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Option A: Epilepsy

Option B: Alzheimer’s disease

Option C: Parkinson’s disease

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: B. Alzheimer’s disease

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Option A: Corpus coliseum

Option B: Cerebral cortex

Option C: Cerebral hemispheres

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: Cerebral cortex

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