
Psychology MCQs

Option A: Stress involves individual’s psychological make-up

Option B: Stress is dependent on the intensity of the stressor

Option C: Stress is related to simultaneous life-events

Option D: Stress involves the individual’s cognitive appraisal

Correct Answer: D. Stress involves the individual’s cognitive appraisal

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Option A: Mobilization response

Option B: Fight-or-flight reaction

Option C: Action potential

Option D: Flow response

Correct Answer: Flow response

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Option A: Constant error

Option B: Criteria contamination

Option C: Random error of judgement

Option D: Cognitive error of halo effect

Correct Answer: Cognitive error of halo effect

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Option A: heuristics

Option B: algorithms

Option C: reinforcement

Option D: universal grammar

Correct Answer: reinforcement

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Option A: morphemes

Option B: semantics

Option C: algorithms

Option D: syntax

Correct Answer: syntax

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Option A: the framing effect

Option B: the availability heuristic

Option C: confirmation bias

Option D: functional fixedness

Correct Answer: confirmation bias

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Option A: concept; prototype

Option B: phoneme; grammar

Option C: semantics; syntax

Option D: nomenclature; sematics

Correct Answer: semantics; syntax

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Option A: cognitive immaturity

Option B: belief in immanent justice

Option C: belief in absolution of moral perspective

Option D: All of the above

Correct Answer: All of the above

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Option A: Cognitive, perceptual and deficits

Option B: Cognitive, perceptual and motivational deficits

Option C: Emotional, attitude and motivational deficits

Option D: Cognitive, motivational and emotional deficits

Correct Answer: Cognitive, motivational and emotional deficits

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Option A: Most children between the age of three and four stutter

Option B: A child can begin to control volume by age 2 months

Option C: A child can begin to control pitch by age 3 months

Option D: All of the above

Correct Answer: All of the above

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Option A: balance theory

Option B: congruity theory

Option C: cognitive dissociation theory

Option D: a & b

Correct Answer: a & b

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Option A: Biologically, psychological and social dimensions

Option B: Unconscious, conscious and self-identity dimensions

Option C: Oral stage, latency period and genital stage

Option D: Preconscious, subconscious and unconscious

Correct Answer: Biologically, psychological and social dimensions

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Option A: functional fixedness

Option B: confirmation bias

Option C: overconfidence

Option D: the availability heuristic

Correct Answer: functional fixedness

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Option A: Inferiority complex is a form of self-criticism usually involving fear of social disapproval.

Option B: The forebrain is assumed to be the seat of intelligence

Option C: The forebrain structures control affective and cognitive behaviour

Option D: All of the above

Correct Answer: All of the above

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Option A: A child who understands that stealing is bad will not steal in real life

Option B: Kohlberg’s theory says that stages of moral development require that certain cognitive development has already taken place

Option C: Human beings have capacity for complex learning

Option D: All of the above

Correct Answer: All of the above

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Option A: surface structure

Option B: linguistic determinism

Option C: functional fixedness

Option D: belief perseverance

Correct Answer: surface structure

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Option A: step-by-step procedure for solving problems

Option B: mental grouping of similar objects, events, or people

Option C: problem solving strategy

Option D: best example of a particular category

Correct Answer: best example of a particular category

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Option A: front occipital

Option B: left occipital

Option C: left temporal

Option D: right temporal

Correct Answer: right temporal

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Option A: pre-speech, babbling and jargon

Option B: words, sentences, and paragraphs

Option C: grammar, babbling, and phonemes

Option D: phonemes, morphemes, and grammar

Correct Answer: phonemes, morphemes, and grammar

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Option A: A keyboard

Option B: A CD player

Option C: A Computer

Option D: A Television

Correct Answer: A Computer

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Option A: category hierarchies

Option B: functional fixedness

Option C: algorithms

Option D: overconfidence

Correct Answer: category hierarchies

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Option A: Doctors

Option B: Police

Option C: Chefs

Option D: Politicians

Correct Answer: Police

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Option A: more; the same

Option B: fewer; more

Option C: more; more

Option D: fewer; less

Correct Answer: fewer; more

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Option A: Observable behaviour

Option B: Interaction with others

Option C: The unconscious mind

Option D: Thought

Correct Answer: Thought

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Option A: an arrangement problem

Option B: a series-completion problem

Option C: a deductive reasoning problem

Option D: an analogy problem

Correct Answer: an analogy problem

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Option A: massed practice

Option B: reasoning

Option C: deductive

Option D: inductive

Correct Answer: inductive

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Option A: the number of times they hear a given word

Option B: their ability to imitate the words and grammar modeled by parents

Option C: the positive reinforced that adults give children for speaking correctly

Option D: an inborn readiness to learn grammatical rules

Correct Answer: an inborn readiness to learn grammatical rules

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Option A: Phonemes and morphemes both stay the same

Option B: phonemes increases, but the number morphemes are both increased

Option C: phonemes and morphemes are both increased

Option D: phonemes decreases, but the number of morphemes increases

Correct Answer: phonemes increases, but the number morphemes are both increased

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Option A: insight

Option B: determined

Option C: deductive

Option D: echoic

Correct Answer: deductive

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Option A: trial and error

Option B: a fixation

Option C: artificial intelligence

Option D: insight

Correct Answer: insight

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Option A: functional fixedness

Option B: the framing effect

Option C: the representativeness heuristic

Option D: overconfidence

Correct Answer: overconfidence

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Option A: functional fixedness

Option B: inductive reasoning

Option C: heuristic reasoning

Option D: insight insufficiency

Correct Answer: functional fixedness

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Option A: the jargon stage

Option B: spontaneous babbling

Option C: telegraphic speech

Option D: holophrastic speech

Correct Answer: holophrastic speech

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Option A: need that are learned, such as the needs for power or for achievement

Option B: innate but not necessary for survival

Option C: not innate but necessary for survival

Option D: innate and necessary for survival

Correct Answer: innate but not necessary for survival

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Option A: attribution

Option B: emotional expression

Option C: physiological arousal

Option D: vocal modulation

Correct Answer: physiological arousal

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Option A: over-preparation

Option B: thought suppression

Option C: regression

Option D: discussing the problem with your professor

Correct Answer: over-preparation

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Option A: the dependent group and the independent group

Option B: the extraneous and the independent group

Option C: the before group and the after group

Option D: the control group and the experimental group

Correct Answer: the control group and the experimental group

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Option A: belief perseverance

Option B: the farming effect

Option C: the representativeness heuristic

Option D: linguistic determinism

Correct Answer: linguistic determinism

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Option A: generalize to the UR

Option B: precede the US

Option C: be identical to the US

Option D: be followed by the UR

Correct Answer: precede the US

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Option A: underestimate the accuracy of our beliefs and judgments

Option B: judge the likelihood of an event in terms of how readily instances of its occurrence are remembered

Option C: cling to our initial conceptions, even though they have been discredited

Option D: judge the likelihood of category membership by how closely an object or event resembles a particular prototype

Correct Answer: judge the likelihood of category membership by how closely an object or event resembles a particular prototype

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Option A: functional fixedness

Option B: belief perseverance

Option C: the availability heuristic

Option D: mental set

Correct Answer: mental set

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Option A: rope; weapon

Option B: algorithm; heuristic

Option C: couch; bed

Option D: rose; flower

Correct Answer: rose; flower

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Option A: leads to an increase of the UR

Option B: leads to decrease of the UR

Option C: depends on the size of the UR

Option D: does not evoke the UR

Correct Answer: does not evoke the UR

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Option A: sex

Option B: grades

Option C: food

Option D: a pain-relieving drug

Correct Answer: grades

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Option A: aversive conditioning

Option B: modeling

Option C: negative reinforcement

Option D: punishment

Correct Answer: punishment

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Option A: temporal

Option B: familiar

Option C: phonetic

Option D: spatial

Correct Answer: spatial

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Option A: ensuring that participation is involuntary

Option B: harming the subjects when necessary

Option C: minimizing confidentiality

Option D: providing results and interpretations to participants

Correct Answer: providing results and interpretations to participants

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Option A: flooding the person with images of the feared stimulus

Option B: gradually exposing the person to the feared stimulus

Option C: gradually exposing the person to the feared stimulus only when they are fully relaxed

Option D: systematically increasing the stimulus intensity up to the breaking point

Correct Answer: gradually exposing the person to the feared stimulus

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Option A: Behavioural compliance never leads to attitude change

Option B: The lesser the inducement for compliance, the more the attitude change

Option C: The greater the inducement for compliance the more the attitude change

Option D: Behavioural compliance always leads to attitude change

Correct Answer: The lesser the inducement for compliance, the more the attitude change

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Option A: an algorithm

Option B: trial and error

Option C: a heuristic

Option D: a prototype

Correct Answer: a heuristic

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Option A: speed up language development in some children

Option B: minimize the overconfidence phenomenon

Option C: involve greater reliance on language skills

Option D: save time in arriving at solutions to problems

Correct Answer: save time in arriving at solutions to problems

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Option A: Psychological reactance

Option B: Cognitive dissonance

Option C: Behaviour differential

Option D: Behavioural inconsistency

Correct Answer: Cognitive dissonance

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Option A: availability heuristic

Option B: belief perseverance phenomenon

Option C: framing effect

Option D: confirmation bias

Correct Answer: availability heuristic

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Option A: Correlation method

Option B: Experimental method

Option C: Naturalistic observation method

Option D: Participant observer method

Correct Answer: Experimental method

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Option A: stimulus-response connections

Option B: animal behavior

Option C: the comparison of functional and behavioral psychology

Option D: the comparison of different types of psychotherapy

Correct Answer: animal behavior

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Option A: sign language

Option B: pictures

Option C: computers

Option D: Morse code

Correct Answer: sign language

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Option A: overregularization

Option B: two-word speech

Option C: one-word speech

Option D: telegraphic speech

Correct Answer: telegraphic speech

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Option A: syntax

Option B: morphemes

Option C: overregularization

Option D: phonemes

Correct Answer: morphemes

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Option A: self-recognition

Option B: transmitting cultural innovations

Option C: generating category hierarchies

Option D: linguistic determinism

Correct Answer: self-recognition

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Option A: chunking

Option B: thinking

Option C: concepts

Option D: symbols

Correct Answer: thinking

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Option A: personality psychology

Option B: cognitive psychology

Option C: clinical psychology

Option D: developmental psychology

Correct Answer: cognitive psychology

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Option A: underestimate the odds of a chance even if that event hasn’t occurred recently

Option B: overestimate the odds of a chance event if that even hasn’t occurred recently

Option C: draw general conclusions based on a few isolated cases

Option D: believe that the odds of two uncertain events happening together are greater than the odds of either event happening alone

Correct Answer: believe that the odds of two uncertain events happening together are greater than the odds of either event happening alone

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Option A: adults are capable of producing more phonemes than infants are

Option B: adults and infants both use the same number of phenomes

Option C: infants produce more phonemes than adults do

Option D: adults and infants both use the same number of morphemes

Correct Answer: infants produce more phonemes than adults do

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Option A: farming effect

Option B: the gambler’s fallacy

Option C: functional fixedness

Option D: the conjunction fallacy

Correct Answer: B. the gambler’s fallacy

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Option A: the representative heuristic

Option B: the belief perseverance phenomenon

Option C: overconfidence

Option D: the framing effect

Correct Answer: the framing effect

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Option A: say more words than they understand

Option B: understand and say about the same number of words

Option C: only use about 10 different words

Option D: understand more words than they can say

Correct Answer: understand more words than they can say

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Option A: method of hypothesis testing involving trial and error

Option B: a mental grouping of similar objects, events or people

Option C: best example of particular category

Option D: methodical step-by-step procedure for solving problems

Correct Answer: methodical step-by-step procedure for solving problems

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Option A: are physicians with a specialization in abnormal behavior and psychotherapy

Option B: are extensively trained in the theories and techniques of Sigmund Freud

Option C: are generally more eclectic than psychologists

Option D: have a Masters or Ph.D. degree

Correct Answer: are extensively trained in the theories and techniques of Sigmund Freud

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Option A: sound; syntax

Option B: meaning; syntax

Option C: syntax; meaning

Option D: sound; meaning

Correct Answer: sound; syntax

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Option A: the study of human origins, evolution, and cultures

Option B: the scientific study behavior and mental processes of any living creature

Option C: a natural science integrating physiology and neurology

Option D: the deductive study of forms and functions of human groups

Correct Answer: the study of human origins, evolution, and cultures

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Option A: the whole

Option B: social motives and relationships that influence our behavior

Option C: human experience, problems, potentials, and ideals

Option D: observable behaviors

Correct Answer: social motives and relationships that influence our behavior

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Option A: the overlap with other fields, such as law and business

Option B: of ethical considerations

Option C: advanced technology that measures brain waves is not available

Option D: of a lack of interest in human behavior

Correct Answer: of ethical considerations

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Option A: fad

Option B: science

Option C: specialty

Option D: hoax

Correct Answer: science

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Option A: external rewards and punishments

Option B: internal impulses, desires, and conflicts

Option C: subjective experiences, potentials, and ideals

Option D: Physiology, genetics, biochemistry, and evaluation

Correct Answer: internal impulses, desires, and conflicts

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Option A: cognitive psychology

Option B: behaviorism

Option C: Gestalt psychology

Option D: astrology

Correct Answer: astrology

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Option A: marketing

Option B: learning disabilities

Option C: aging

Option D: robotics

Correct Answer: aging

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Option A: Structuralism

Option B: Functionalism

Option C: Behaviouralism

Option D: Elementalism

Correct Answer: Structuralism

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Option A: theory

Option B: law

Option C: hypothesis

Option D: experiment

Correct Answer: hypothesis

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Option A: socialism

Option B: communism

Option C: social harmony

Option D: individualism

Correct Answer: individualism

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Option A: Cognitive social and effective factors

Option B: Psychological and affective factors

Option C: Cognitive social and psychological factors

Option D: Cognitive and environmental factors

Correct Answer: Cognitive social and psychological factors

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Option A: a high dosage of alcohol

Option B: one-half the dosage given the experimental group

Option C: a driving test before and after drinking alcohol

Option D: no alcohol at all

Correct Answer: no alcohol at all

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Option A: humanistic

Option B: cognitive

Option C: behavioral

Option D: biological

Correct Answer: cognitive

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Option A: A context expectation

Option B: A perceptual set

Option C: An orientation constancy

Option D: The cognitive map that provides a frame of reference

Correct Answer: The cognitive map that provides a frame of reference

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Option A: cognitive psychology

Option B: behaviorism

Option C: Gestalt psychology

Option D: astrology

Correct Answer: astrology

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Option A: Cortex: Cognition

Option B: Amygdala: Vision

Option C: Optic lobe: Emotions

Option D: Frontal lobe: Hearing

Correct Answer: Cortex: Cognition

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Option A: Behavioural psychologist

Option B: Sport psychologist

Option C: Cognitive psychologist

Option D: Environmental psychologist

Correct Answer: Cognitive psychologist

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Option A: Festinger

Option B: Taylor

Option C: Jensen

Option D: Lorenz

Correct Answer: Festinger

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Option A: Gender identity theory

Option B: Gender schema theory

Option C: Gender constancy

Option D: sex role theory

Correct Answer: Gender schema theory

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Option A: Cognitive development

Option B: Affective development

Option C: Neurolinguistic development

Option D: Development of coordination

Correct Answer: Cognitive development

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Option A: Increasing glycogen synthesis

Option B: By increasing cell utilization of glucose

Option C: By stimulating conversion of glucose into lipids and proteins

Option D: All of the above

Correct Answer: All of the above

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Option A: 17 Beta-hydroxytestosterone

Option B: Testosterone

Option C: Progesterone

Option D: Both a & b

Correct Answer: Both a & b

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Option A: Sympathetic division

Option B: Parasympathetic division

Option C: Brain and spinal cord

Option D: Sensory and motor neurons

Correct Answer: Parasympathetic division

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Option A: Central nervous system

Option B: Endocrine system

Option C: Lymphatic system

Option D: All of the above

Correct Answer: Endocrine system

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Option A: Increasing glycogen synthesis

Option B: By increasing cell utilization of glucose

Option C: By stimulating conversion of glucose into lipids and proteins

Option D: All of the above

Correct Answer: All of the above

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Option A: Cortisol

Option B: Conticosterne

Option C: Aldosterone

Option D: Adrenaline

Correct Answer: Aldosterone

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Option A: Brain

Option B: Spinal cord

Option C: Sympathetic division

Option D: parasympathetic division

Correct Answer: Sympathetic division

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Option A: Adrenaline

Option B: Nor-adrenaline

Option C: Oxytocin

Option D: Both a & b

Correct Answer: Both a & b

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Option A: Cortisol

Option B: Corticosterine

Option C: Aldosterone

Option D: Both a & b

Correct Answer: Both a & b

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Option A: Thyroid gland

Option B: islets of Langerhans

Option C: Calcitonin Parathyroids

Option D: All of the above Adrenals

Correct Answer: Thyroid gland

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Option A: Thyroxine

Option B: Tri-iodothyronine (T3)

Option C: Calcitonin

Option D: All of the above

Correct Answer: All of the above

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