
Psychology MCQs

Option A: generalized anxiety disorder

Option B: schizophrenia

Option C: borderline personality disorder

Option D: panic disorder

Correct Answer: schizophrenia

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Option A: gamma – aminobutyric acid (GABA)

Option B: epinephrine

Option C: acetylcholine

Option D: dopamine

Correct Answer: dopamine

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Option A: deficiencies in nutrition

Option B: substance abuse

Option C: perinatal hypoxia

Option D: parental viral exposure

Correct Answer: substance abuse

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Option A: Mid 40s

Option B: Adolescence

Option C: Early 20s to early 30s

Option D: Late 30s to early 40s

Correct Answer: Early 20s to early 30s

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Option A: involuntary movements of tongue and face

Option B: no movement at all

Option C: slow movements

Option D: clapping of the hands repeatedly

Correct Answer: involuntary movements of tongue and face

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Option A: Haldol

Option B: Clozaril

Option C: Thorazine

Option D: Losec

Correct Answer: Losec

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Option A: Ataxia

Option B: Wakefulness

Option C: Drowsiness

Option D: confusion

Correct Answer: Wakefulness

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Option A: Little Benjamin

Option B: Little Hans

Option C: Little Albert

Option D: Little Firtz

Correct Answer: Little Hans

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Option A: Threat perception (how dangerous individual believes the threat to be)

Option B: Modeling (shaping behaviour due to observation of other actions)

Option C: Conflict in the psyche (conflict between id, ego and superego)

Option D: Genetics alone affects the likelihood of an individual developing a phobia

Correct Answer: Modeling (shaping behaviour due to observation of other actions)

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Option A: Hypnosis

Option B: Gradual exposure

Option C: Avoidance

Option D: Medication

Correct Answer: Avoidance

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Option A: Decreased heart rate

Option B: Palpitations

Option C: Sweating

Option D: Shortness of birth

Correct Answer: Decreased heart rate

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Option A: More victims of this disease commit suicide

Option B: It lasts longer than other forms of depression and can lead to double depression

Option C: It causes temporary blindness

Option D: It is often mistaken for major depression

Correct Answer: It lasts longer than other forms of depression and can lead to double depression

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Option A: Manic depression

Option B: Dysthymia

Option C: Schizophrenia

Option D: Chronic depression

Correct Answer: Manic depression

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Option A: humanistic therapy

Option B: interpersonal psychotherapy

Option C: psychoanalysis

Option D: cognitive therapy

Correct Answer: interpersonal psychotherapy

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Option A: several days at a time

Option B: A few days to many years

Option C: A few weeks at a time

Option D: 6 months

Correct Answer: A few days to many years

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Option A: Elderly adults

Option B: Young men

Option C: Young women

Option D: Teen – ager

Correct Answer: D. Teen – ager

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Option A: His subjects are limited to those people who sought him out

Option B: He only surveyed 53 patients

Option C: There are no long – term studies of patients with BIID

Option D: All of these

Correct Answer: All of these

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Option A: Chemical imbalance in the brain

Option B: The result of a traumatic experience or personal setback

Option C: Genetic predisposition

Option D: All of these

Correct Answer: All of these

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Option A: Take slow, deep breaths and remind yourself you are safe

Option B: Go to the hospital

Option C: Run home

Option D: Take drugs or alcohol

Correct Answer: Take slow, deep breaths and remind yourself you are safe

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Option A: a loud sound

Option B: a song

Option C: a childhood memory

Option D: all of these

Correct Answer: all of these

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Option A: diazepam

Option B: lithium carbonate

Option C: lorazepam

Option D: flurazepam

Correct Answer: lorazepam

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Option A: Depression

Option B: Tourette’s Syndrome

Option C: Borderline Personality Disorder

Option D: Attention Deficit Disorder

Correct Answer: Borderline Personality Disorder

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Option A: Cognitive behavior therapy

Option B: Electric shock therapy

Option C: Talk therapy

Option D: Anxiety reducing therapy

Correct Answer: Cognitive behavior therapy

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Option A: physical differences

Option B: speech differences

Option C: both

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: both

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Option A: In the Jerusalem lock – up

Option B: Kfar Shaul Mental Health Center

Option C: He would be taken straight to the airport and deported

Option D: Hadassah Medical Center

Correct Answer: Kfar Shaul Mental Health Center

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Option A: Compulsions

Option B: Scrupulosity

Option C: Trichotillomania

Option D: Obsessions

Correct Answer: Obsessions

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Option A: The terrorist attack on the World Trade Center

Option B: The six Day War

Option C: The start of the new Millennium

Option D: The Yom Kippur War

Correct Answer: The start of the new Millennium

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Option A: Jewish tourists to Jerusalem

Option B: Roman Catholic tourists to Jerusalem

Option C: Orthodox Christian tourists to Jerusalem

Option D: Protestant tourists to Jerusalem

Correct Answer: Protestant tourists to Jerusalem

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Option A: Selenium

Option B: Manganese

Option C: Thiamine

Option D: Zinc

Correct Answer: Thiamine

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Option A: Long – term analysis

Option B: Minor tranquilizers

Option C: Hypnosis

Option D: Anti – psychotic medication

Correct Answer: Minor tranquilizers

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Option A: Diagnostic and Statistical Manual

Option B: Disorders and Statistical Mental illness

Option C: Disorders and Statistics in Mental Health

Option D: Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders

Correct Answer: Diagnostic and Statistical Manual

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Option A: Sodium valproate

Option B: Lithium carbonate

Option C: Carbamazepine

Option D: Gabapentin

Correct Answer: Lithium carbonate

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Option A: Sit still

Option B: Move their arms

Option C: Speak

Option D: Breathe

Correct Answer: Sit still

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Option A: Huntington’s disease

Option B: Coeliac disease

Option C: Paget’s disease

Option D: Parkinson’s disease

Correct Answer: D. Parkinson’s disease

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Option A: Anhedonia

Option B: Amnesia

Option C: Aphasia

Option D: Ataxia

Correct Answer: Ataxia

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Option A: Anti – Inflammatory

Option B: Sedatives

Option C: Stimulants

Option D: Anti – Psychotics

Correct Answer: Stimulants

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Option A: Frequent urination

Option B: Incessant, constant worry about something unimportant

Option C: Extreme paranoia

Option D: Frequent feelings of hopelessness and despair

Correct Answer: Incessant, constant worry about something unimportant

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Option A: Electro – Conclusive Therapy

Option B: Electric – Conclusive Therapy

Option C: Electro – Conductive Therapy

Option D: Electric – Conductive Therapy

Correct Answer: B. Electric – Conclusive Therapy

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Option A: childhood unconscious conflict that led to the behavior

Option B: repressed that instigate aggressive behavior

Option C: inappropriate thought patterns that underlie the behavior

Option D: ways in which the behavior keeps the client from becoming self – actualized

Correct Answer: childhood unconscious conflict that led to the behavior

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Option A: client – centered therapy

Option B: behavior therapy

Option C: psychoanalysis

Option D: cognitive therapy

Correct Answer: behavior therapy

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Option A: Decreased spontaneous movement

Option B: Auditory or visual hallucinations

Option C: Expression of delusional beliefs

Option D: Suspiciousness

Correct Answer: Decreased spontaneous movement

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Option A: free association

Option B: systematic desensitization

Option C: aversive conditioning

Option D: operant conditioning

Correct Answer: aversive conditioning

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Option A: dream interpretation

Option B: free association

Option C: meta – analysis

Option D: repression

Correct Answer: repression

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Option A: biomedical therapist

Option B: psychoanalyst

Option C: family therapist

Option D: cognitive therapist

Correct Answer: family therapist

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Option A: behavior and drug therapies

Option B: psychoanalysis and client – centered therapy

Option C: Psychoanalysis and drug therapies

Option D: cognitive and psychoanalytic therapies

Correct Answer: behavior and drug therapies

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Option A: the double – blind technique

Option B: aversive conditioning

Option C: eye movement desensitization and reprocessing

Option D: virtual reality exposure therapy

Correct Answer: virtual reality exposure therapy

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Option A: transfer of treatment to real – life situations

Option B: direct confrontation with the feared object

Option C: use of virtual reality to confront the fear

Option D: gradual approach to the feared object

Correct Answer: gradual approach to the feared object

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Option A: self – blaming explanations

Option B: social relationships

Option C: circadian rhythm

Option D: visual acuity

Correct Answer: circadian rhythm

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Option A: clinical psychologist

Option B: research psychologist

Option C: school psychologists

Option D: counselling psychologist

Correct Answer: clinical psychologist

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Option A: Ativan

Option B: Xanax

Option C: Thorazine

Option D: lithium

Correct Answer: Thorazine

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Option A: behavior modification

Option B: systematic desensitization

Option C: psychodynamic activation

Option D: reaction formation

Correct Answer: systematic desensitization

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Option A: a dissociative disorder

Option B: depression

Option C: an anxiety disorder

Option D: schizophrenia

Correct Answer: depression

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Option A: eclectic

Option B: psychoanalytic

Option C: cognitive

Option D: behavior

Correct Answer: cognitive

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Option A: progressive relaxation

Option B: unconditional positive regard

Option C: transference

Option D: aversive conditioning

Correct Answer: progressive relaxation

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Option A: A panic disorder causes connected, related panic attacks

Option B: A panic disorder causes a constant feeling of worry and tension

Option C: A panic disorder causes uncomfortable moments of high tension

Option D: A panic disorder causes random, unrelated panic attacks

Correct Answer: A panic disorder causes random, unrelated panic attacks

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Option A: Anxiety

Option B: Obsessive – compulsive disorder

Option C: Depression

Option D: All of these

Correct Answer: All of these

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Option A: They think the limb is ugly and deformed

Option B: They are sexually aroused by amputation

Option C: They want to gain pity and sympathy

Option D: They perceive themselves as amputees that have limbs that don’t really belong on their bodies

Correct Answer: D. They perceive themselves as amputees that have limbs that don’t really belong on their bodies

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Option A: The Wailing Wall

Option B: El Aqsa Mosque

Option C: The Holy Sepulcher

Option D: The Dome of the Rock

Correct Answer: El Aqsa Mosque

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Option A: social phobia

Option B: obsessive compulsive disorder

Option C: panic disorder

Option D: generalized anxiety disorder

Correct Answer: generalized anxiety disorder

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Option A: Schizophrenia

Option B: Gender identity Disorder (GID)

Option C: Body Dysmorphic Disorder (BDD)

Option D: Manchausen’s Syndrome

Correct Answer: Gender identity Disorder (GID)

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Option A: Depression

Option B: Phobias

Option C: Anger Management

Option D: Eating Disorders

Correct Answer: Depression

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Option A: One arm, below the elbow

Option B: One leg, above the knee

Option C: Both legs, below the knee

Option D: There is no most commonly desired amputation

Correct Answer: One leg, above the knee

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Option A: margined

Option B: Chronic

Option C: Acute

Option D: Delayed onset

Correct Answer: Acute

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Option A: There is not enough data to tell

Option B: Females

Option C: Males

Option D: Males and females equally

Correct Answer: Males

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Option A: 8%

Option B: 2%

Option C: 45%

Option D: 25%

Correct Answer: 8%

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Option A: Domestic violence

Option B: Victims of robbery

Option C: Car accident

Option D: Rape

Correct Answer: Rape

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Option A: spells

Option B: black outs

Option C: lost time

Option D: all of these

Correct Answer: all of these

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Option A: When all the personalities are aware of each other

Option B: When the host and the dominant personality degree

Option C: When other personalities conspire against the host

Option D: When two personalities rule the body at the same time

Correct Answer: When all the personalities are aware of each other

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Option A: When the host and the dominant team up

Option B: When the personalities disagree

Option C: When the personalities become a whole

Option D: When the personalities take over from each other

Correct Answer: When the personalities become a whole

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Option A: phobias

Option B: dissociative disorders

Option C: depression

Option D: schizophrenia

Correct Answer: depression

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Option A: electroconvulsive shock

Option B: insight therapy

Option C: surgery

Option D: medication

Correct Answer: medication

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Option A: Shortness of breath, dizziness, and a feeling of terror

Option B: Dizziness, vomiting, and a feeling of terror

Option C: Shortness of breath, shaking, and seizures

Option D: Shortness of breath, numbness and a paralysis

Correct Answer: Shortness of breath, dizziness, and a feeling of terror

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Option A: After six years with no panic attacks

Option B: After six weeks of no panic attacks

Option C: Never. It can be controlled never cured

Option D: After six months of no panic attacks

Correct Answer: Never. It can be controlled never cured

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Option A: Adolescents

Option B: Children (Infant to 12 years)

Option C: Elderly

Option D: Young Adults (20+)

Correct Answer: Adolescents

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Option A: Tofranil (imipramine)

Option B: Wellbutrin (bupropion)

Option C: Norpramin (desipramine)

Option D: Astelin (azelastine)

Correct Answer: Astelin (azelastine)

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Option A: Transactional theory

Option B: Cognitive therapy

Option C: EMDR

Option D: Somatic trauma therapy

Correct Answer: Cognitive therapy

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Option A: Yell at them to relax

Option B: Make them sit down where they are and try to calm down

Option C: Remind them that is “all in their head” so it can’t hurt them

Option D: Reassure them, and take them where they feel safe

Correct Answer: Reassure them, and take them where they feel safe

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Option A: Less than 5 percent

Option B: 30 – 35 percent

Option C: 50 percent

Option D: 15 – 20 percent

Correct Answer: D. 15 – 20 percent

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Option A: Over 200,000 dollars

Option B: Over 30 million dollars

Option C: Over 40 billion dollars

Option D: Over 100 billion dollars

Correct Answer: Over 40 billion dollars

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Option A: Tofranil (imipramine)

Option B: Wellbutrin (bupropion)

Option C: Norpramin (desipramine)

Option D: Astelin (azelastine)

Correct Answer: Astelin (azelastine)

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Option A: Bonet

Option B: Albrecht

Option C: Jamison

Option D: Redfield

Correct Answer: Bonet

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Option A: Winston Churchill

Option B: Jean – Claude Van Damme

Option C: Gary Kasparov

Option D: Buzz Aldrin

Correct Answer: Gary Kasparov

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Option A: Auditory hallucinations

Option B: Severe psychomotor retardation

Option C: Auto enucleation

Option D: Intellectual disorganization

Correct Answer: Intellectual disorganization

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Option A: 60 percent

Option B: 20 – 25 percent

Option C: 1 – 1.5 percent

Option D: 10 percent

Correct Answer: C. 1 – 1.5 percent

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Option A: Geek

Option B: Wannabe

Option C: Devotee

Option D: stump freak

Correct Answer: Wannabe

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Option A: Cyclothymic Disorder

Option B: Bipolar II

Option C: Bipolar I

Option D: Ultra – Rapid Cycling

Correct Answer: Cyclothymic Disorder

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Option A: Michael First

Option B: Havelock Ellis

Option C: Sigmund Freud

Option D: John Money

Correct Answer: John Money

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Option A: It’s an unusual from of body dysmorphic disorder

Option B: It’s an extreme from of Munchausen syndrome

Option C: IT’s a paraphilia

Option D: Any of these

Correct Answer: Any of these

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Option A: Both

Option B: The crave the challenges of overcoming the disability

Option C: They want to be able to avoid work and collect a disability pension

Option D: Neither

Correct Answer: Neither

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Option A: By their physical appearance

Option B: You can’t. There are no obvious clues

Option C: By their irrational behavior

Option D: Many depression victims are quick to admit their illness

Correct Answer: B. You can’t. There are no obvious clues

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Option A: When their give away prized possessions

Option B: When they write letters and sign good – bye

Option C: when they talk about tying up loose ends

Option D: All of these

Correct Answer: All of these

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Option A: The person is psychotic and believes the limb is evil

Option B: A person just doesn’t feel like the limb is supposed to be part of his/her body

Option C: The person is sexually aroused by amputation and wants to have a stump

Option D: Any or all of these

Correct Answer: Any or all of these

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Option A: Frank Lloyd Wright

Option B: Charlotte Bronte

Option C: Vincent Van Gogh

Option D: Queen Victoria

Correct Answer: Queen Victoria

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Option A: Combined Type (elements of Inattention, Hyperactivity and impulsivity;

Option B: Predominantly Inattentive Type

Option C: Predominantly Hyperactive – Impulsive Type

Option D: All of these

Correct Answer: All of these

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Option A: Disruptiveness

Option B: Aggression

Option C: Impulsivity

Option D: Intelligence

Correct Answer: Impulsivity

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Option A: Dopamine

Option B: Acetylcholine

Option C: Epinephrine

Option D: Glutamate

Correct Answer: Dopamine

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Option A: 1

Option B: 2

Option C: 3

Option D: 4

Correct Answer: 3

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Option A: psychoanalysis

Option B: systematic desensitization

Option C: client – centered therapy

Option D: family therapy

Correct Answer: psychoanalysis

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Option A: therapeutic touch.

Option B: regression toward the mean

Option C: the double – blind technique

Option D: transference

Correct Answer: regression toward the mean

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Option A: the simultaneous use or two or more therapeutic treatments in the hope that at least one will be effective.

Option B: replacing a positive response to a harmful stimulus with a negative response.

Option C: blocking anxiety – arousing material from consciousness during therapy.

Option D: a procedure in which neither patients nor health care staff know whether a given patient is receiving a drug or placebo

Correct Answer: a procedure in which neither patients nor health care staff know whether a given patient is receiving a drug or placebo

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