
Psychology MCQs

Option A: Legal Eagles

Option B: A Time to kill

Option C: Primal Fear

Option D: As You Desire

Correct Answer: Primal Fear

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Option A: borderline

Option B: disorganized

Option C: catatonic

Option D: paranoid

Correct Answer: catatonic

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Option A: psychological tests

Option B: psychiatric interviews

Option C: psychological interviews

Option D: There is no effective method

Correct Answer: There is no effective method

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Option A: acting ability of the pseudo-patients

Option B: generally low quality of training of hospital staff members

Option C: effects of the labeling and context

Option D: fact that pseudo-patients were so heavily drugged

Correct Answer: effects of the labeling and context

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Option A: wider ventricles

Option B: smaller fissures

Option C: smaller ventricles

Option D: fewer fissures

Correct Answer: wider ventricles

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Option A: specific objects or situations

Option B: bugs and crawling things

Option C: intense reactions like vomiting or fainting

Option D: heights and unfamiliar places

Correct Answer: intense reactions like vomiting or fainting

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Option A: organic

Option B: psychotic

Option C: somatic

Option D: substance use

Correct Answer: organic

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Option A: loss of contact with reality

Option B: unresolved anger

Option C: unresolved Oedipal conflict

Option D: high levels of anxiety

Correct Answer: high levels of anxiety

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Option A: low dopamine levels of activity in the brain seem to produce psychotic symptoms

Option B: there are high level of dopamine activity in the brains of psychotic people

Option C: there are high levels of amphetamine activity in the brains of psychotic people

Option D: dopamine interacts with serotonin creating psychosis

Correct Answer: low dopamine levels of activity in the brain seem to produce psychotic symptoms

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Option A: obsessive-compulsive disorder

Option B: organic brain syndrome

Option C: affective disorder

Option D: dissociative disorder

Correct Answer: dissociative disorder

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Option A: avoidant

Option B: schizoid

Option C: borderline

Option D: paranoid

Correct Answer: schizoid

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Option A: psychosis

Option B: obsessive-compulsive disorder

Option C: conversion disorder

Option D: fugue

Correct Answer: psychosis

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Option A: anxiety

Option B: psychotic

Option C: personality

Option D: affective

Correct Answer: psychotic

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Option A: a split between thought and emotion

Option B: having more than one personality

Option C: the same thing as a dissociative reaction

Option D: that a person is insane

Correct Answer: a split between thought and emotion

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Option A: catatonic episodes

Option B: paranoid schizophrenia

Option C: manic episodes

Option D: borderline schizophrenia

Correct Answer: catatonic episodes

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Option A: depression

Option B: public disorder

Option C: multiple personality

Option D: paranoia

Correct Answer: paranoia

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Option A: engaging in behaviors that are merely inconvenient and those that are disruptive

Option B: having positive and negative feelings toward an object or event

Option C: thought that are evidence of neurosis or those that are evidence of psychosis

Option D: having repetitious thoughts or engaging in repetitious actions

Correct Answer: having repetitious thoughts or engaging in repetitious actions

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Option A: somatic delusions

Option B: delusions of grandeur

Option C: delusions of influence

Option D: delusions of perception

Correct Answer: somatic delusions

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Option A: avoids other people as much as possible

Option B: is relatively easy to treat effectively by psychotherapy

Option C: tend to be selfish and locking remorse

Option D: usually gives a bad first impression

Correct Answer: tend to be selfish and locking remorse

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Option A: drug psychosis

Option B: a substance related disorder

Option C: an orthopsychosis

Option D: a psychotropic disorder

Correct Answer: a substance related disorder

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Option A: brain pathology

Option B: a traumatic childhood

Option C: inconsistent and ineffective parenting

Option D: persistent delusional thoughts

Correct Answer: brain pathology

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Option A: paranoid schizophrenia

Option B: borderline schizophrenia

Option C: catatonic schizophrenia

Option D: disorganized schizophrenia

Correct Answer: disorganized schizophrenia

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Option A: mood disorder

Option B: conversion disorder

Option C: schizophrenia

Option D: somatoform disorder

Correct Answer: mood disorder

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Option A: bipolar disorder

Option B: multiple personality disorder

Option C: delusional disorder

Option D: dissociative disorder

Correct Answer: bipolar disorder

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Option A: panic disorder

Option B: phobia

Option C: depressive psychosis

Option D: hysterical reaction

Correct Answer: panic disorder

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Option A: attacks of fear or panic

Option B: silliness, laughter, and bizarre behavior

Option C: delusions of persecution

Option D: severe depression

Correct Answer: silliness, laughter, and bizarre behavior

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Option A: Korsakoff syndrome

Option B: delirium tremens

Option C: schizotypical psychosis

Option D: general paresis

Correct Answer: general paresis

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Option A: mania

Option B: Hispania

Option C: locura

Option D: ague

Correct Answer: locura

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Option A: phobic disorder

Option B: amnesia

Option C: paranoia

Option D: depression

Correct Answer: amnesia

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Option A: Catatonic

Option B: Disorganized

Option C: Paranoid

Option D: Undifferentiated

Correct Answer: Paranoid

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Option A: amphetamines and amphetamine receptors

Option B: adrenaline and noradrenaline

Option C: histamine and noradrenaline

Option D: dopamine and dopamine receptors

Correct Answer: dopamine and dopamine receptors

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Option A: panic

Option B: post – traumatic stress

Option C: phobia

Option D: obsessive – compulsive

Correct Answer: B. post – traumatic stress

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Option A: block the action of dopamine

Option B: facilitate the action of dopamine

Option C: increase levels of dopamine

Option D: decrease levels of dopamine

Correct Answer: block the action of dopamine

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Option A: they are potentially harmful and dangerous to others

Option B: they resist the attempts of others to offer help

Option C: their serve hallucinations make reasoning with them impossible

Option D: psychiatric hospitals are primarily for psychotics

Correct Answer: they resist the attempts of others to offer help

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Option A: anxieties

Option B: dissociation’s

Option C: phobias

Option D: obsessions

Correct Answer: phobias

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Option A: generalized anxiety disorder

Option B: sociopathy

Option C: psychosis

Option D: a nervous breakdown

Correct Answer: generalized anxiety disorder

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Option A: focused on a specific situation

Option B: related to ordinary life stresses

Option C: greatly out of proportion to the situation

Option D: based on a physical cause

Correct Answer: greatly out of proportion to the situation

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Option A: adolescents

Option B: young adults

Option C: the middle aged

Option D: the elderly

Correct Answer: young adults

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Option A: Will have a 46 percent chance of becoming schizophrenic

Option B: Will be no more likely than anyone else to become schizophrenic

Option C: is almost sure to become schizophrenic

Option D: is also likely to have more than one personality

Correct Answer: Will have a 46 percent chance of becoming schizophrenic

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Option A: the avoidance paradox

Option B: learned habits of self- defeating behavior

Option C: forbidden impulses that threaten a loss of control

Option D: the development of a faulty or inaccurate self – image and distorted self – perceptions

Correct Answer: forbidden impulses that threaten a loss of control

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Option A: as a result of combat exhaustion

Option B: in adulthood as a response to unremitting phobias

Option C: as a consequence of post – traumatic stress disorders

Option D: in childhood as a result of unbearable experiences

Correct Answer: in childhood as a result of unbearable experiences

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Option A: functional psychosis

Option B: paranoia

Option C: general paresis

Option D: senile dementia

Correct Answer: senile dementia

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Option A: Cognitive behavioural therapy

Option B: Computerized brain tomography

Option C: Complete behavioural therapy

Option D: Comprehensive brain therapy

Correct Answer: Cognitive behavioural therapy

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Option A: use counterconditioning to reverse maladaptive behaviors

Option B: help you discover the underlying cause of your aggressive behavior

Option C: help you recognize and change negative thoughts and maladaptive beliefs

Option D: provide a supportive emotional environment while allowing you to determine the pace and direction of your therapy

Correct Answer: help you recognize and change negative thoughts and maladaptive beliefs

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Option A: a client should play a major role in determining the place and direction of their therapy

Option B: the client is in position of natural status and authority over the therapist

Option C: therapist should never give their diagnosis directly to the client

Option D: client should always be the center of attention

Correct Answer: a client should play a major role in determining the place and direction of their therapy

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Option A: After one panic attack

Option B: When one gets scared in a new situation

Option C: When it scares you

Option D: After numerous disabling panic attacks

Correct Answer: After numerous disabling panic attacks

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Option A: physical or psychological abuse

Option B: being cut off in rush hour

Option C: smoking drinking/drugs

Option D: fever

Correct Answer: physical or psychological abuse

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Option A: Major depression

Option B: Scrupulosity

Option C: Checking

Option D: Repeating

Correct Answer: Major depression

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Option A: In early childhood

Option B: At puberty

Option C: After a head injury

Option D: During adolescence

Correct Answer: In early childhood

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Option A: Hair pulling

Option B: Excessive need to check

Option C: Excessive swearing

Option D: Grinding one’s teeth

Correct Answer: Hair pulling

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Option A: Dysthymia

Option B: Major depression

Option C: Bipolar disorder

Option D: Psychotic depression

Correct Answer: Bipolar disorder

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Option A: Psychotic depression

Option B: Major depression

Option C: Dysthymia

Option D: Bipolar disorder

Correct Answer: Psychotic depression

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Option A: a phobia is an irrational fear of an object or a situation

Option B: It is possible to fear something that poses no real threat to the individual

Option C: Phobias are a world – wide phenomenon

Option D: All phobias are untreatable

Correct Answer: All phobias are untreatable

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Option A: Somatic

Option B: Thought broadcasting

Option C: Persecutory

Option D: Sensory

Correct Answer: Sensory

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Option A: Impaired social skills

Option B: Affective flattening (lack of expression or emotion)

Option C: Alogia (loss of speech)

Option D: Hallucinations

Correct Answer: Hallucinations

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Option A: EMDR

Option B: virtual reality exposure therapy

Option C: meta – analysis

Option D: transference

Correct Answer: EMDR

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Option A: transference

Option B: stress inoculation training

Option C: systematic desensitization

Option D: ECT

Correct Answer: systematic desensitization

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Option A: client – centered therapy

Option B: psychoanalysis

Option C: systematic desensitization

Option D: cognitive – behavior therapy.

Correct Answer: D. cognitive – behavior therapy.

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Option A: are less likely to use psychoanalytic methods than psychologists

Option B: are physicians who specialize in the treatment of mental disorders

Option C: are more likely to use cognitive methods than psychologists

Option D: have essentially the same education as clinical psychologists

Correct Answer: are physicians who specialize in the treatment of mental disorders

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Option A: bulimia

Option B: anxiety disorders

Option C: schizophrenia

Option D: chronic depression

Correct Answer: chronic depression

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Option A: panic disorder

Option B: phobias

Option C: antisocial personality disorder

Option D: major depression

Correct Answer: phobias

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Option A: If effects cohen – descendants of the priests who served in the Temple in Jerusalem

Option B: It was discovered by Dr. Shimon Jerusalem

Option C: It affects tourists visiting Jerusalem

Option D: A description of the disorder was discovered in scroll found in an archeological dig in Jerusalem

Correct Answer: It affects tourists visiting Jerusalem

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Option A: somatoform disorders

Option B: generalized anxiety

Option C: sexual disorders

Option D: personality disorders

Correct Answer: sexual disorders

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Option A: borderline

Option B: atypical

Option C: mixed

Option D: undifferentiated

Correct Answer: undifferentiated

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Option A: grandiose delusions

Option B: jealous delusions

Option C: obsessive – compulsive disorder

Option D: erotomanic delusions

Correct Answer: grandiose delusions

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Option A: Depression

Option B: Obsessive Compulsive Disorder

Option C: Acute Stress Disorder

Option D: PTSD

Correct Answer: Acute Stress Disorder

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Option A: the number of trials in which the CS and UCS are paired

Option B: the number of trials in which the CS is presented alone

Option C: the percentage of trials in which the CS and UCS are paired

Option D: resistance of extinction

Correct Answer: the percentage of trials in which the CS and UCS are paired

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Option A: negative reinforcement

Option B: punishment

Option C: positive reinforcement

Option D: secondary reinforcement

Correct Answer: punishment

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Option A: US

Option B: CS

Option C: UR

Option D: CR

Correct Answer: CS

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Option A: occur after the response

Option B: occur before the response

Option C: occur simultaneously with the response

Option D: are unrelated to the response except during extinction

Correct Answer: occur after the response

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Option A: the law effect

Option B: stimulus generalization

Option C: stimulus discrimination

Option D: an overactive imagination

Correct Answer: stimulus generalization

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Option A: unconditioned stimulus

Option B: unconditioned response

Option C: conditioned stimulus

Option D: conditioned response

Correct Answer: conditioned stimulus

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Option A: a steep, unchanging slope

Option B: a shallow, unchanging slope

Option C: a progressively steeper slope

Option D: a progressively shallower slope

Correct Answer: a steep, unchanging slope

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Option A: Classical conditioning regulates reflexive, involuntary responses exclusively

Option B: Operant conditioning regulates voluntary responses exclusively

Option C: The distinction between the two types of conditioning is not absolute, with both types jointly and interactively governing some aspects of behavior

Option D: Both a and b

Correct Answer: The distinction between the two types of conditioning is not absolute, with both types jointly and interactively governing some aspects of behavior

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Option A: Fixed-ratio

Option B: variable-ratio

Option C: Fixed-interval

Option D: variable-interval

Correct Answer: variable-ratio

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Option A: classical; operant

Option B: operant; classical

Option C: classical; classical

Option D: operant; operant

Correct Answer: classical; operant

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Option A: specify the target behavior

Option B: design your program

Option C: gather baseline data

Option D: set up a behavioral contact

Correct Answer: gather baseline data

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Option A: acquisition

Option B: development

Option C: performance

Option D: generalization

Correct Answer: performance

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Option A: animals learn only by operant conditioning

Option B: operant conditioning involves learning in which antecedent events are associated with one another

Option C: classical conditioning involves learning in which antecedent events are associated with one another

Option D: operant conditioning occurs when a response is not affected by consequences

Correct Answer: classical conditioning involves learning in which antecedent events are associated with one another

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Option A: Vicarious Learning

Option B: Observational Learning

Option C: Classical Conditioning

Option D: Operant Conditioning

Correct Answer: Classical Conditioning

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Option A: the onset of an unpleasant event

Option B: the removal of a positive state of affairs

Option C: any consequence that reduces the occurrence of behavior

Option D: a positive reinforcer

Correct Answer: any consequence that reduces the occurrence of behavior

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Option A: They occur before the response

Option B: They occur after the response

Option C: They occur simultaneously with the response

Option D: they are unrelated to the response

Correct Answer: They occur after the response

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Option A: Increases his capacities

Option B: Increases his learning

Option C: Determines his future line of action

Option D: All of the above

Correct Answer: All of the above

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Option A: Solution of a problem through repeated errors

Option B: Observation of the behavior of others

Option C: Instantly solve a problem

Option D: None of the above

Correct Answer: Instantly solve a problem

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Option A: Their theories are studied

Option B: An individual practice them by himself

Option C: the other individuals are observed

Option D: One has the firm intention to do them

Correct Answer: One has the firm intention to do them

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Option A: Skills

Option B: Observation

Option C: Limitation

Option D: Theories

Correct Answer: Skills

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Option A: Law of readiness

Option B: Law of modification

Option C: law of exercise

Option D: Law of effect

Correct Answer: Law of modification

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Option A: To remove the present errors

Option B: To know new things

Option C: To adopt new attitude

Option D: All of the above

Correct Answer: All of the above

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Option A: Mentally preparation for learning

Option B: Increase in the pace of learning process

Option C: Removal of hindrances in the learning process

Option D: Both a & b

Correct Answer: Mentally preparation for learning

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Option A: That is not backed up by enough practice

Option B: That is backed up by a motive

Option C: That is not followed by pleasant

Option D: Both (a) and (b)

Correct Answer: That is not backed up by enough practice

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Option A: Desire

Option B: previous knowledge

Option C: mental level

Option D: All of the above

Correct Answer: All of the above

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Option A: The pleasure or discomfort an individual experiences

Option B: The discomfort an individual faces

Option C: The pleasure or discomfort an individual experiences

Option D: None of the above

Correct Answer: The pleasure or discomfort an individual experiences

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Option A: Learning

Option B: Stimulus

Option C: Responses

Option D: Sensation

Correct Answer: Learning

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Option A: Law of exercise becomes ineffective

Option B: Learning becomes durable

Option C: Readiness decreases

Option D: Response frequency decreases

Correct Answer: Learning becomes durable

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Option A: Law of learning

Option B: Condition of learning

Option C: Transfer of learning

Option D: none of the above

Correct Answer: Condition of learning

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Option A: Learning will not be effective

Option B: Learning will not take place

Option C: Learning will be effective

Option D: Learning will take place with a stimulus

Correct Answer: Learning will not be effective

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Option A: Desire

Option B: Courage

Option C: Tendency

Option D: All of these

Correct Answer: All of these

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Option A: An inner state of an individual

Option B: An external state of an individual

Option C: A learning state of an individual

Option D: A creative state of an individual

Correct Answer: An inner state of an individual

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Option A: An immediate objective

Option B: A remote objective

Option C: A natural objective

Option D: An academic objective

Correct Answer: An immediate objective

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Option A: Pleasure

Option B: Material gain

Option C: Information

Option D: Skills

Correct Answer: Pleasure

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