
Psychology MCQs

Option A: Approach-Approach

Option B: Approach-Avoidance

Option C: Avoidance-Avoidance

Option D: Multiple approach-avoidance

Correct Answer: Approach-Approach

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Option A: Prejudice

Option B: Cognitive dissonance

Option C: The fundamental attribution error

Option D: Relative deprivation

Correct Answer: Cognitive dissonance

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Option A: The surrounding culture

Option B: The surrounding sub-culture

Option C: The context of the situation

Option D: All of the above

Correct Answer: All of the above

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Option A: Safety, physiological, belongingness, self-actualization, esteem

Option B: Belongingness, esteem, safety, physiological, self-actualization

Option C: Physiological, belongingness, safety, esteem, self-actualization

Option D: Physiological, safety, belongingness, esteem, self-actualization

Correct Answer: Physiological, safety, belongingness, esteem, self-actualization

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Option A: The nature of the material being learned

Option B: The organization and meaningfulness of the information learned

Option C: The type of activity that flows studying

Option D: All of the above

Correct Answer: The type of activity that flows studying

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Option A: Anal character

Option B: Phallic stage

Option C: Genital stage

Option D: Oral character

Correct Answer: Oral character

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Option A: Phobic reactions

Option B: Conversion reactions

Option C: Neurasthenic reactions

Option D: Delusional reactions

Correct Answer: Phobic reactions

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Option A: Defense against anxiety

Option B: Ways of convincing others of one’s rightness

Option C: Escape reactions

Option D: Conscious self-deception

Correct Answer: Defense against anxiety

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Option A: Loudness

Option B: Pitch

Option C: Timbre

Option D: Brightness

Correct Answer: Brightness

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Option A: Ethnic attitude

Option B: Cohesiveness of a group

Option C: Upward social mobility

Option D: Social class differences

Correct Answer: Social class differences

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Option A: Increased

Option B: Decreased

Option C: Divided

Option D: Unaffected

Correct Answer: Increased

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Option A: Fetal alcohol syndrome

Option B: Organic brain syndrome

Option C: Environmental factors

Option D: Inherited traits

Correct Answer: Inherited traits

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Option A: Pay for tutors and special schools

Option B: Have very high IQs

Option C: Punish them if they fail to do it well

Option D: Spend time with them and actively encourage their development

Correct Answer: Have very high IQs

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Option A: Cost

Option B: Ease of administration

Option C: Validity

Option D: Objectivity

Correct Answer: Objectivity

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Option A: Functional impairment of a limb or sensory ability with no apparent physical cause

Option B: A constant fear of becoming seriously ill

Option C: Frequently vague complaints of physical symptoms

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: Functional impairment of a limb or sensory ability with no apparent physical cause

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Option A: Are multiphase

Option B: Are criterion referenced

Option C: Require responses to ambiguous stimuli

Option D: Measure only one trait

Correct Answer: Are multiphase

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Option A: Behavioral approach

Option B: Cognitive approach

Option C: Psychodynamic approach

Option D: Humanistic approach

Correct Answer: Humanistic approach

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Option A: Client-centered therapists

Option B: Psychoanalytic therapists

Option C: Existential therapists

Option D: Gestalt therapists

Correct Answer: Client-centered therapists

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Option A: The TAT

Option B: The Rorschach

Option C: The MMPI

Option D: The Draw-a-Person test

Correct Answer: The MMPI

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Option A: Interviews

Option B: Tests

Option C: Observations

Option D: All of these choices

Correct Answer: All of these choices

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Option A: Job training

Option B: Job analysis

Option C: Access to an employee assistance program

Option D: An organizational culture

Correct Answer: Access to an employee assistance program

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Option A: Zygote, fetus, embryo, neonate, infant

Option B: Zygote, embryo, neonate, fetus, infant

Option C: Embryo, zygote, fetus, neonate, infant

Option D: Zygote, embryo, fetus, neonate, infant

Correct Answer: Zygote, embryo, fetus, neonate, infant

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Option A: Somatic cells

Option B: Body cells

Option C: Ova and sperm cells

Option D: Both (A. and (B.

Correct Answer: Ova and sperm cells

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Option A: Subjectively scored

Option B: Objectively scored

Option C: Always scored on a priori basis

Option D: Always scored on an empirical basis

Correct Answer: Objectively scored

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Option A: Asthma caused by anxiety

Option B: Neurotic anxiety

Option C: Insomnia

Option D: Over-eating

Correct Answer: Neurotic anxiety

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Option A: Reaction formation

Option B: Defensive identification

Option C: Projection

Option D: Withdrawal

Correct Answer: Withdrawal

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Option A: Naming an object held in the left hand

Option B: Naming an object held in the right hand

Option C: Recognizing an object held in the left hand

Option D: Recognizing an object held in the right hand

Correct Answer: Naming an object held in the right hand

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Option A: Thoughts or beliefs that have no basis in reality

Option B: Feelings that have no basis in reality

Option C: Behaviors that have no basis in reality

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: Thoughts or beliefs that have no basis in reality

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Option A: Frustration-aggression hypothesis

Option B: Displacement hypothesis

Option C: Sublimation hypothesis

Option D: Catharsis hypothesis

Correct Answer: Displacement hypothesis

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Option A: Only heard a tone but received no shock

Option B: Received varying levels of shock

Option C: Could predict the onset of shock

Option D: Could not predict the onset of shock

Correct Answer: Could predict the onset of shock

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Option A: The nature of the material being learned

Option B: The organization and meaningfulness of the information learned

Option C: The type of activity that flows studying

Option D: All of the above

Correct Answer: The type of activity that flows studying

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Option A: Discovery of the law of effect

Option B: The concept of cognitive map

Option C: The negative effect of punishment

Option D: The role of classical conditioning in the formation of phobic disorders

Correct Answer: Discovery of the law of effect

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Option A: Spranger

Option B: Kretshmer

Option C: Jaensch

Option D: Jung

Correct Answer: Jung

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Option A: Too simple

Option B: Too contradictory

Option C: Too arbitrary

Option D: All of these

Correct Answer: Too simple

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Option A: Severe than the psychoses

Option B: Milder than neuroses

Option C: Milder than psychoses

Option D: About the same severity as the psychoses

Correct Answer: Severe than the psychoses

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Option A: All possible objects

Option B: All objects which are perceived by him

Option C: All objects which exist in his own life-space

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: All objects which exist in his own life-space

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Option A: Adrenal medulla

Option B: Thyroid

Option C: Anterior pituitary

Option D: Gonad

Correct Answer: Anterior pituitary

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Option A: CS and US

Option B: CR and UR

Option C: US and UR

Option D: CS and CR

Correct Answer: CS and CR

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Option A: Skeletal muscles

Option B: Thalamus and hypothalamus

Option C: Hormonal system

Option D: All of the above

Correct Answer: Thalamus and hypothalamus

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Option A: Self-ratings

Option B: Fantasy

Option C: Person’s estimates of level of aspiration

Option D: Activity level

Correct Answer: Person’s estimates of level of aspiration

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Option A: Cannon

Option B: Beach

Option C: Ingram

Option D: Anderson

Correct Answer: Cannon

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Option A: Often unconscious

Option B: A form of habitual behavior

Option C: Always goal-directed

Option D: Usually carried out directly

Correct Answer: Often unconscious

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Option A: Sensory attributes and physical energy

Option B: Perception and physiological process

Option C: Psychology and physics

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: Perception and physiological process

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Option A: Brightness

Option B: Hue

Option C: Saturation

Option D: Volume

Correct Answer: Saturation

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Option A: Thurston

Option B: Terman

Option C: Wechsler

Option D: Binet

Correct Answer: Terman

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Option A: Job sharing

Option B: Job enrichment

Option C: Time sharing

Option D: Flextime

Correct Answer: Flextime

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Option A: Schizophrenia

Option B: Mood disorders

Option C: Phobias

Option D: Somatoform disorders

Correct Answer: Phobias

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Option A: Phobias

Option B: Schizophrenia

Option C: Depression

Option D: Bipolar disorder

Correct Answer: Bipolar disorder

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Option A: A worthwhile goal

Option B: Non sufficient for behavior change

Option C: Not necessary for behavior change

Option D: All of these

Correct Answer: A worthwhile goal

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Option A: Understand the concept of reversibility

Option B: Do not yet understand the concept of conversation

Option C: Are able to solve abstract problems

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: Understand the concept of reversibility

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Option A: Consistency in attitudes and behavior

Option B: Cognitive dissonance

Option C: Self-perception

Option D: Attribution

Correct Answer: Consistency in attitudes and behavior

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Option A: Abstract thinking

Option B: Egocentrism

Option C: Centration

Option D: Object permanence

Correct Answer: Object permanence

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Option A: Are psychological, more from society’s view than from that of the person’s who have them

Option B: Reflect a lack of contrast with reality

Option C: Are comparatively easy to treat

Option D: Are frequently relative, i.e. short term responses to stress

Correct Answer: Are psychological, more from society’s view than from that of the person’s who have them

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Option A: Dependent and obedient

Option B: Self-reliant

Option C: Independent but deserved

Option D: Surface-complaint but rebellious underneath

Correct Answer: Dependent and obedient

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Option A: Object size

Option B: Perspective size

Option C: A compromise between object size and perspective size

Option D: Retinal size

Correct Answer: A compromise between object size and perspective size

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Option A: The study of behavior

Option B: The study of mental activity

Option C: The science that studies behavior and mental process

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: The science that studies behavior and mental process

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Option A: Maturation

Option B: Animal cognition

Option C: Operant conditioning

Option D: Classical conditioning

Correct Answer: Maturation

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Option A: Classical conditioning

Option B: Superstitious behavior

Option C: Shaping

Option D: Sequential learning

Correct Answer: Classical conditioning

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Option A: Sensory psychologists

Option B: Nativists

Option C: Empiricists

Option D: Contemporary psychologists

Correct Answer: Nativists

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Option A: Social inhabitation

Option B: Social loafing

Option C: Distraction

Option D: All of these

Correct Answer: All of these

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Option A: Affiliation

Option B: Achievement

Option C: Power

Option D: Apperception

Correct Answer: Achievement

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Option A: Distract from the disadvantages of the products

Option B: Cause pleasant feelings to be evoked

Option C: Are part of the products’ basic qualities

Option D: Are just elements of scenery

Correct Answer: Cause pleasant feelings to be evoked

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Option A: Figure-ground relationship

Option B: Volley principle

Option C: Dark adaptation phenomenon

Option D: Law of closure

Correct Answer: Figure-ground relationship

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Option A: Reuptake site

Option B: Receptor site

Option C: Synapse

Option D: Axon terminal

Correct Answer: Synapse

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Option A: Crystallized intelligence

Option B: G or g-factor of intelligence

Option C: Fluid intelligence

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: Fluid intelligence

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Option A: Syntax

Option B: Babble

Option C: Conversation

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: Babble

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Option A: Deterioration of mental efficiency

Option B: Deterioration of physical energy

Option C: Think tank

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: Deterioration of mental efficiency

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Option A: Mania

Option B: Depression

Option C: Manic-depression

Option D: Euphoria

Correct Answer: Depression

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Option A: Alcoholism and drug addiction

Option B: Overeating

Option C: Sociopathalogy

Option D: All the above

Correct Answer: All the above

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Option A: Academic motivation

Option B: Convergent thinking

Option C: Perceptual motor skills

Option D: Creativity

Correct Answer: Creativity

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Option A: Exploration

Option B: Creativity

Option C: Thinking

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: Creativity

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Option A: Behavior through times as subject age

Option B: Behavior of different ages are compared

Option C: None of these

Option D: Both A. and B.

Correct Answer: Behavior of different ages are compared

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Option A: Forty weeks conception

Option B: Thirty eight weeks conception

Option C: Four weeks conception

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: Thirty eight weeks conception

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Option A: Frustration

Option B: Panic

Option C: Anxiety

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: Anxiety

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Option A: Geographical proximity

Option B: Why people affiliate with one another

Option C: Both (A. and (B.

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: C. Both (A. and (B.

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Option A: Down’s syndrome

Option B: PKU

Option C: Langdon Down’s syndrome

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: Down’s syndrome

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Option A: Deterioration of mental efficiency

Option B: Deterioration of physical energy

Option C: Think tank

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: Deterioration of mental efficiency

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Option A: Punishment

Option B: Observation

Option C: Food

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: Observation

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Option A: Paralinguistic

Option B: Exploratory

Option C: Sensorimotor

Option D: Preoperational

Correct Answer: Sensorimotor

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Option A: Job tasks

Option B: Valid tests

Option C: Situational tests

Option D: Projective techniques

Correct Answer: Situational tests

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Option A: Axon

Option B: Autonomic

Option C: Linear circuit

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: Autonomic

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Option A: Primary reinforcer

Option B: Secondary reinforcer

Option C: None of these

Option D: All of these

Correct Answer: Primary reinforcer

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Option A: Social learning

Option B: Cognitive learning

Option C: Trial and error

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: Cognitive learning

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Option A: Skinner

Option B: Bandura

Option C: Festinger

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: Festinger

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Option A: Depth perception

Option B: Illusion

Option C: Delusion

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: Depth perception

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Option A: Naming an object held in the left hand

Option B: Naming an object held in the right hand

Option C: Recognizing an object held in the left hand

Option D: Recognizing an object held in the right hand

Correct Answer: Naming an object held in the right hand

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Option A: Coffee drinking causes heart attack

Option B: Individuals prone to heart attacks are predisposed to drink a lot of coffee

Option C: An active life style of certain people causes heart attack

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: Individuals prone to heart attacks are predisposed to drink a lot of coffee

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Option A: Social psychology

Option B: Para-psychology

Option C: Applied psychology

Option D: Humanistic psychology

Correct Answer: Applied psychology

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Option A: People show more reserve suspicion and withdrawal

Option B: Assassinations and events like Watergate and Vietnam increase

Option C: The ability for people to openly express themselves decrease

Option D: Both A and C

Correct Answer: People show more reserve suspicion and withdrawal

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Option A: Frustration-aggression hypothesis

Option B: Displacement hypothesis

Option C: Sublimation hypothesis

Option D: Catharsis hypothesis

Correct Answer: Displacement hypothesis

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Option A: By having ministers take over the role of therapist

Option B: By the use of techniques to alter a sexual preference

Option C: By allowing an insane person into therapy

Option D: By allowing philosophers of ethics to become therapists

Correct Answer: By allowing philosophers of ethics to become therapists

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Option A: Motivation and emotion

Option B: Self and others

Option C: Genetic makes up and experience

Option D: Rewards and punishments

Correct Answer: Genetic makes up and experience

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Option A: Conditioning

Option B: Observational learning

Option C: The maturation of perceptual skills

Option D: Cognitive development

Correct Answer: Conditioning

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Option A: Cognitive desensitization

Option B: In vivo desensitization

Option C: Flooding

Option D: Breaking of resistance

Correct Answer: In vivo desensitization

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Option A: Depends only on physical density

Option B: Affects mainly females

Option C: Can intensify feelings

Option D: Has negative effects only among the elderly

Correct Answer: Can intensify feelings

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Option A: It does not play a role

Option B: It does play a role

Option C: It has an effect only on dependent patients

Option D: It plays a role in highly structured therapy situation

Correct Answer: It does play a role

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Option A: Others act in the same way

Option B: The person acts the same way at other times

Option C: The person acts differently in other situations

Option D: The person seems aware of the environment

Correct Answer: The person acts differently in other situations

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Option A: High intelligence in the fetus, since the fetus must be clever to keep the cigarette burning

Option B: Low birth weight

Option C: High mortality

Option D: Both B and C

Correct Answer: Both B and C

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Option A: Two-factor theory of emotion

Option B: James-Lange theory of emotion

Option C: Bem’s theory of emotion

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: Two-factor theory of emotion

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Option A: Stress interpersonal interactions

Option B: Employ the principal of learning

Option C: Are capable to a very limited rang of psychological problems

Option D: All involve some sort of operant conditioning

Correct Answer: Employ the principal of learning

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