
Psychology Theories MCQs

Option A: Hunger

Option B: Philosophy

Option C: Fear

Option D: Greed

Correct Answer: Fear

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Option A: Timberlake and Spears

Option B: Davis and Moore

Option C: Posh and Bekam

Option D: Backer and Rist

Correct Answer: Backer and Rist

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Option A: Fear

Option B: Love

Option C: Reason

Option D: Altruism

Correct Answer: Reason

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Option A: K. Marx

Option B: Max Weber

Option C: Parsons

Option D: None of above

Correct Answer: Max Weber

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Option A: Ethical philosophy

Option B: Appetite and aversion

Option C: Natural philosophy

Option D: God and the devil

Correct Answer: Appetite and aversion

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Option A: Classical theory

Option B: Anomie theory of deviance

Option C: cognitive theory of development

Option D: Charismatic authority theory

Correct Answer: cognitive theory of development

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Option A: Herbert Spencer

Option B: Durkheim

Option C: R-Brown

Option D: Firth

Correct Answer: Herbert Spencer

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Option A: Ross

Option B: Hunt

Option C: Maclver

Option D: Bernard

Correct Answer: Bernard

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Option A: R. Linton

Option B: Herskovits

Option C: G.H. Mead

Option D: M. Mead

Correct Answer: M. Mead

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Option A: Hegel

Option B: R. Aron

Option C: K. Marx

Option D: Engels

Correct Answer: Hegel

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Option A: R.M. Malvern

Option B: James

Option C: A.L. Kroeber

Option D: A.W. Green

Correct Answer: James

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Option A: W.G. Summer

Option B: A. Beteille

Option C: J. Huxley

Option D: Micmocence

Correct Answer: J. Huxley

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Option A: Emile Durkheim

Option B: Talcott Parsons

Option C: Karl Marx

Option D: August Comte

Correct Answer: Karl Marx

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Option A: Herbert Spencer

Option B: Emile Durkheim

Option C: Karl Marx

Option D: Talcott Parsons

Correct Answer: Karl Marx

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Option A: August Comte

Option B: Max Weber

Option C: George Simmel

Option D: Robert park

Correct Answer: Max Weber

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Option A: Karl Marx

Option B: August Comte

Option C: Herbert Spencer

Option D: Talcott Parsons

Correct Answer: August Comte

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Option A: Celia Wright

Option B: lan Wright

Option C: Cecil Wright

Option D: Murdock

Correct Answer: Cecil Wright

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Option A: Bernstein

Option B: Tom and Jerry

Option C: Tom Linson

Option D: Trish Burleigh

Correct Answer: Tom Linson

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Option A: Rosenthal and Jacobson

Option B: Glass and Bottle

Option C: Althusser and Rogers

Option D: Gillborn and Gipps

Correct Answer: Rosenthal and Jacobson

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Option A: K. Painter

Option B: L. Letley

Option C: J.W.B Douglas

Option D: Kirk Ridgewell

Correct Answer: J.W.B Douglas

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Option A: used introspection to analyze conscious experience

Option B: relied heavily on the concept of natural selection

Option C: was concerned with experiences as “wholes”

Option D: used dream analysis to reveal the unconscious

Correct Answer: used introspection to analyze conscious experience

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Option A: All subject get the experimental procedure

Option B: Half the subjects get the experimental procedure, half the placebo; which they receive is know only to the experimenter

Option C: Half the subjects get the experimental procedure, half the placebo; which they receive is not know to subjects or experimenters

Option D: all subjects get control

Correct Answer: Half the subjects get the experimental procedure, half the placebo; which they receive is not know to subjects or experimenters

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Option A: Adult female monkeys not related to the infants

Option B: Older sisters of the infant monkeys

Option C: Human adults who acted as mothers

Option D: Wire and cloth objects placed in the monkey cages

Correct Answer: Wire and cloth objects placed in the monkey cages

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Option A: the thalamus plays a central role in producing emotions

Option B: the cerebellum must give the go-ahead for emotion

Option C: activity in the occipital and parietal lobes happens simultaneously to produce emotion

Option D: the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems work in concert

Correct Answer: the thalamus plays a central role in producing emotions

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Option A: the whole

Option B: social motives and relationships that influence our behavior

Option C: human experience, problems potentials, and ideals

Option D: observable behaviors

Correct Answer: social motives and relationships that influence our behavior

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Option A: Weschler

Option B: Binet

Option C: Maslow

Option D: Piaget

Correct Answer: Piaget

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Option A: Carl Rogers

Option B: Ivan Pavlov

Option C: Clark Hull

Option D: Jean Piaget

Correct Answer: Clark Hull

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Option A: B. F. Skinner

Option B: John Watson

Option C: Wilhelm Wundt

Option D: William James

Correct Answer: Wilhelm Wundt

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Option A: Skinner

Option B: Pavlov

Option C: Guilford

Option D: Rogers

Correct Answer: Pavlov

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Option A: Weschler

Option B: Binet

Option C: Maslow

Option D: Piaget

Correct Answer: Piaget

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Option A: Structuralism

Option B: Functionalism

Option C: Behaviouralism

Option D: Elementalism

Correct Answer: Structuralism

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Option A: Skinner

Option B: Wundt

Option C: Thorndyke

Option D: Kohler

Correct Answer: Skinner

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Option A: external rewards and punishments

Option B: internal impulses, desires, and conflicts

Option C: subjective experiences, potentials and ideals

Option D: physiology, genetics, biochemistry and evolution

Correct Answer: internal impulses, desires, and conflicts

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Option A: Gestalt therapy

Option B: psychoanalysis

Option C: behavior modification

Option D: S-R therapy

Correct Answer: psychoanalysis

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Option A: rejecting determinism in favor of free will

Option B: cognitive rather than behavioral

Option C: drawing from many psychological approaches

Option D: preferring pseudo-psychological approaches

Correct Answer: drawing from many psychological approaches

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Option A: cognitive psychology

Option B: behaviorism

Option C: Gestalt psychology

Option D: astrology

Correct Answer: astrology

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Option A: socialism

Option B: communism

Option C: social harmony

Option D: individualism

Correct Answer: individualism

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Option A: Imprinting

Option B: Habituation

Option C: Conditioned reflex type I

Option D: Conditioned reflex type II

Correct Answer: Habituation

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Option A: Imprinting

Option B: Habituation

Option C: Conditioned reflex type I

Option D: Conditioned reflex type II

Correct Answer: Habituation

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Option A: researchers misrepresent their data

Option B: a theory must be defined so it can be disconfirmed

Option C: theories are a rich array of observations regarding behavior but with few facts to support them

Option D: nothing

Correct Answer: a theory must be defined so it can be disconfirmed

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Option A: case studies and surveys

Option B: random samples and representative samples

Option C: facts and theories

Option D: causes and effects

Correct Answer: causes and effects

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Option A: Brandon agrees to his friend’s request to help her move

Option B: Andrew’s mom helps him build a birdfeeder

Option C: Lester becomes more nervous when speaking to a large audience

Option D: Sarah runs the mile much faster when she runs against someone

Correct Answer: Sarah runs the mile much faster when she runs against someone

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Option A: behaviorism

Option B: structuralism

Option C: humanism

Option D: psychoanalysis

Correct Answer: structuralism

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Option A: the Gestalt psychologists

Option B: the behaviorists

Option C: the structuralists

Option D: the functionalists

Correct Answer: the Gestalt psychologists

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Option A: Karen Horney

Option B: Carl Jung

Option C: Harry Stack Sullivan

Option D: Alfred Adler

Correct Answer: Alfred Adler

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Option A: a valid method of research

Option B: unscientific

Option C: the cornerstone of behaviorism

Option D: the study of the mind in use

Correct Answer: unscientific

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Option A: On Narcissism

Option B: Mourning and Melancholia

Option C: Beyond the Pleasure Principle

Option D: The interpretation of Dreams

Correct Answer: The interpretation of Dreams

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Option A: Carl Rogers

Option B: Ivan Pavlov

Option C: Clark Hull

Option D: Jean Piaget

Correct Answer: Clark Hull

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Option A: psychodynamic psychology

Option B: behaviorism

Option C: humanistic psychology

Option D: Neo-Freudian psychology

Correct Answer: Neo-Freudian psychology

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