
Sensation And Perception MCQs

Option A: Top-down

Option B: Bottom-up

Option C: Vertical

Option D: Horizontal

Correct Answer: Top-down

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Option A: Attention create a parallel processing of all visual input

Option B: All the visual stimuli fully processed and then attention acts on this information

Option C: Attentional processes act early to select a small part of visual input to fully process

Option D: Attention is not a critical component of the processing of visual information

Correct Answer: All the visual stimuli fully processed and then attention acts on this information

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Option A: 1 & 2

Option B: 2 & 3

Option C: 1 & 3

Option D: 4

Correct Answer: 2 & 3

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Option A: People can learn different search strategies, but it does not improve performance over all or on tasks where a target is present

Option B: People cannot shift from serial to parallel processing when targets are present

Option C: People can learn different search strategies and training does improve performance overall

Option D: People can learn different search strategies but it does not improve performance over all or on tasks where a target is absent

Correct Answer: People can learn different search strategies but it does not improve performance over all or on tasks where a target is absent

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Option A: Within the cortex, the general flow of local information runs vertically

Option B: Within the cortex, information flows to cells in other layers above and below the activated cells

Option C: Hubel and Wiesel (19613) discovered that all cortical neurons respond best the spots of light

Option D: All of the above

Correct Answer: Hubel and Wiesel (19613) discovered that all cortical neurons respond best the spots of light

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Option A: Livingstone and Hubel described actively in a third type of column in V2, where the cells receive converging input from the magno and parvo systems

Option B: Livingstone and Hubel suggested that some columns in V2 are used for spatial pattern analysis.

Option C: Quantitative studies have found that perceived depth is reduced in red/green images of the same brightness

Option D: All are correct

Correct Answer: Quantitative studies have found that perceived depth is reduced in red/green images of the same brightness

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Option A: Perceptual set

Option B: Vernier acuity

Option C: Perceptual template

Option D: Vertical organization

Correct Answer: Vernier acuity

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Option A: Parallel search

Option B: Serial search

Option C: Conjunction search

Option D: Serial and conjunction

Correct Answer: Serial and conjunction

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Option A: Visual system relies on other people’s Knowledge of objects to identify ambiguous stimuli

Option B: Visual information about protruding objects is impossible to process

Option C: Visual system relies on assumptions about the physical world to identify ambiguous stimuli

Option D: Both (a) and (c)

Correct Answer: Visual system relies on assumptions about the physical world to identify ambiguous stimuli

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Option A: Cells are vertically organized in columns

Option B: Cells are horizontally organized in straight lines

Option C: Cells are organized around the optic nerve

Option D: Cells are vertically organized by volume

Correct Answer: Cells are vertically organized in columns

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Option A: How we perceive individual features of objects when brain is impaired

Option B: How we perceive multiple colours to perceive a whole colour

Option C: How we integrate touch and vision

Option D: How we integrate individual features of objects to perceive a whole object

Correct Answer: How we integrate individual features of objects to perceive a whole object

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Option A: The rods and cones in the retina function in bright and dim light respectively

Option B: The cones are of three types, which are selective to different ranges of light wavelength

Option C: The information from the cones is re-organized in the retina to give-green, red and blue-yellow opponent channels

Option D: There is also group of large retinal cells alongside the smaller color-opponent cells that respond to the difference between the luminances in their center and surrounding regions

Correct Answer: The rods and cones in the retina function in bright and dim light respectively

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Option A: The target/distractor difference is not based on a single feature, but on conjunctions of features

Option B: Search time for the target is not constant, but instead rises with the number of distractors

Option C: The observer apparently searches through the display serially, scanning each term or small group of items) successively (serial search)

Option D: All of the above

Correct Answer: All of the above

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Option A: Recurrent processing model

Option B: Serial processing model

Option C: Parallel processing model

Option D: Selective adaptation model

Correct Answer: Recurrent processing model

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Option A: Neurons in V1 adapt to visual stimulation, so their response to a stimulus increases over time with repeated presentation

Option B: The localized receptive fields and binocular characteristics of V1 neurons correlate very well with the perceptual characteristics of perceptual after-effects

Option C: The neurons in area V1 are prime candidates for the mechanisms that underlie visual after-effects in people

Option D: Images of complex objects trees; houses, people are initially analyzed by mechanisms that respond to their local physical characteristics and have no connection with the identity of the objects themselves

Correct Answer: Neurons in V1 adapt to visual stimulation, so their response to a stimulus increases over time with repeated presentation

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Option A: After running your fingers over fine sandpaper, medium sandpaper feels coarser (and vice versa)

Option B: After listening to a high tone for a while, a medium auditory tone appears higher

Option C: Holding your hand under running cold (or hot) water before testing the temperature of baby’s bath water will lead you to misperceive how comfortable the water will be for the baby

Option D: After eating chocolate, orange juice tastes more tart

Correct Answer: After listening to a high tone for a while, a medium auditory tone appears higher

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Option A: A system of channels can only signal preferred orientation of any single channel

Option B: Perceptual information is likely to be merged via a process that combines the activities across all channels

Option C: As part of the process of synthesis, channel activities are likely to be weighted according to the level of activity in each channel

Option D: The merging process may find the ‘center of gravity’ of the distribution of activity

Correct Answer: A system of channels can only signal preferred orientation of any single channel

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Option A: 1 & 3

Option B: 2 & 3

Option C: 3 & 4

Option D: 2 & 4

Correct Answer: 1 & 3

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Option A: The serial processing model is now known to be inadequate, or at least incomplete

Option B: The serial model has been replaced, at or at least modified, firstly by the parallel processing model and then, most recently, by the recurrent processing model

Option C: According to the parallel processing model, analysis of different stimulus attributes, such as identity and location, proceeds simultaneously along different pathways, even from the earliest stages

Option D: According to the parallel processing model, the fact that there are cones and rods in the retina is evidence for multiple mechanisms that extract information in series from the retinal image

Correct Answer: According to the parallel processing model, the fact that there are cones and rods in the retina is evidence for multiple mechanisms that extract information in series from the retinal image

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Option A: Touch receptors

Option B: Warmth receptors

Option C: Pressure receptors

Option D: Pain receptors

Correct Answer: Pain receptors

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Option A: Before-effects

Option B: After-effects

Option C: Waterfall illusions

Option D: Perceptual illusions

Correct Answer: After-effects

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Option A: Wide band

Option B: Narrow band

Option C: Combination

Option D: Light

Correct Answer: Light

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Option A: Occur when we can first detect some stimulus

Option B: Occur when we can detect the change in the intensity of a stimulus

Option C: Depend on the energy necessary to stimulate a sensory receptor

Option D: Are measured in judgmental Normal Differences

Correct Answer: Occur when we can detect the change in the intensity of a stimulus

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Option A: James law

Option B: The all-or-none principle

Option C: The law of diminishing returns

Option D: Weber’s law

Correct Answer: D. Weber’s law

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Option A: Respond to specific stimulus patterns

Option B: Respond to the whole visual field

Option C: Respond primarily to stationary objects

Option D: Develop only after birth

Correct Answer: Respond to specific stimulus patterns

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Option A: Adaptive

Option B: Subnormal

Option C: Psychophysical

Option D: Subliminal

Correct Answer: Subliminal

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Option A: Sight cells

Option B: Second stage sensors

Option C: Feature detectors

Option D: Vision neurons

Correct Answer: Feature detectors

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Option A: Relative size

Option B: Retinal disparity

Option C: Linear perspective

Option D: Texture gradient

Correct Answer: Retinal disparity

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Option A: Ossicle

Option B: Nerve

Option C: Conduction

Option D: Auditory

Correct Answer: Nerve

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Option A: Expands; constricts

Option B: Constricts; expands

Option C: Focuses; constricts

Option D: Constricts; focuses

Correct Answer: Expands; constricts

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Option A: Locate in image

Option B: Focus an image on the retina

Option C: Combine the location and projection on the blind spot

Option D: Project an image on the cornea

Correct Answer: Focus an image on the retina

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Option A: Cognition

Option B: Perception

Option C: Adaptation

Option D: Sensation

Correct Answer: Sensation

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Option A: Proximity

Option B: Closure

Option C: Common Fate

Option D: Similarity

Correct Answer: Closure

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Option A: Feature detection.

Option B: Bottom-up processing

Option C: Pre-attentive processing

Option D: The phi phenomenon

Correct Answer: The phi phenomenon

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Option A: The binocular cue for depth called convergence

Option B: The monocular cue for depth called linear perspective

Option C: The pictorial cue for depth called texture gradient

Option D: The monocular cue for depth called motion parallax

Correct Answer: The monocular cue for depth called motion parallax

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Option A: Perceptual adaptation

Option B: The phi phenomenon

Option C: Perceptual set

Option D: Lightness constancy

Correct Answer: Lightness constancy

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Option A: Kinesthetic

Option B: Vestibular

Option C: Olfactory

Option D: Gustatory

Correct Answer: Vestibular

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Option A: Relative size

Option B: Accommodation

Option C: Depth perception

Option D: Convergence

Correct Answer: Convergence

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Option A: Pinna

Option B: Aqueous humor

Option C: Semicircular canals

Option D: Oval window

Correct Answer: Aqueous humor

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Option A: Saturation

Option B: Hue

Option C: Wavelength

Option D: Brightness

Correct Answer: Saturation

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Option A: Pitch

Option B: Timbre

Option C: Amplitude

Option D: Frequency

Correct Answer: Amplitude

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Option A: Look at the moon during a lunar eclipse

Option B: Think you see the moon when in fact it is not there

Option C: Perceive the moon to be the same size when viewed on the horizon and overhead

Option D: Perceive the moon to be larger on the horizon than overhead

Correct Answer: Perceive the moon to be larger on the horizon than overhead

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Option A: Cones

Option B: Iris

Option C: Rods

Option D: Pupil

Correct Answer: Rods

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Option A: Constancy

Option B: Similarity

Option C: Closure

Option D: Proximity

Correct Answer: Similarity

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Option A: Selective attention and lightness constancy

Option B: Perceived distance and perceived size

Option C: Proximity and closure

Option D: Atmospheric air pressure and diffusion of light waves

Correct Answer: Perceived distance and perceived size

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Option A: Retinal disparity

Option B: Stroboscopic movement

Option C: Perceptual constancy

Option D: Inattentional blindness

Correct Answer: Perceptual constancy

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Option A: Visual capture

Option B: Relative motion

Option C: Retinal disparity

Option D: The phi phenomenon

Correct Answer: The phi phenomenon

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Option A: Selective attention

Option B: The phi phenomenon

Option C: Stroboscopic movement

Option D: Perceptual constancy

Correct Answer: Selective attention

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Option A: An environmental depth cue in which closer objects overlap objects farther away

Option B: The relationship between bipolar and ganglion cells

Option C: The depth cue that uses the angle of the light to determine distance

Option D: The lens ability to change shape and focus light directly on the retina

Correct Answer: An environmental depth cue in which closer objects overlap objects farther away

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Option A: Context effects

Option B: Relative clarity

Option C: Perceptual adaptation

Option D: Visual capture

Correct Answer: Context effects

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Option A: Texture gradient

Option B: Convergence

Option C: Light and shadow

Option D: Interposition

Correct Answer: Texture gradient

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Option A: Retinal disparity

Option B: The phi phenomenon

Option C: Visual capture

Option D: Location constancy

Correct Answer: Visual capture

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Option A: Smell

Option B: Hearing

Option C: Kinesthesis

Option D: Vision

Correct Answer: Vision

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Option A: Linear perspective

Option B: Relative size

Option C: Interposition

Option D: Accommodation

Correct Answer: Relative size

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Option A: Clouds in the sky

Option B: Fish in the sea

Option C: Rungs in ladder

Option D: Words in a sentence

Correct Answer: Rungs in ladder

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Option A: Motion parallax

Option B: Texture gradient

Option C: Height in plane

Option D: Linear perspective

Correct Answer: Linear perspective

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Option A: Stroboscopic movement

Option B: Visual capture

Option C: The Ponzo illusion

Option D: Perceptual adaptation

Correct Answer: Stroboscopic movement

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Option A: Gestalt

Option B: Perceptual constancy

Option C: Schema

Option D: Perceptual adaptation

Correct Answer: Schema

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Option A: Sensory interaction

Option B: Retinal interaction

Option C: Perceptual constancy

Option D: Depth perception

Correct Answer: Depth perception

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Option A: The phi phenomenon

Option B: Perceptual constancy

Option C: Interposition

Option D: Selective attention

Correct Answer: Selective attention

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Option A: Perceptual schemas

Option B: Relative clarity

Option C: Shape constancy

Option D: Stroboscopic movement

Correct Answer: Perceptual schemas

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Option A: Perceptual adaptation

Option B: Relative clarity

Option C: Change blindness

Option D: The cocktail party effect

Correct Answer: The cocktail party effect

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Option A: Grouping of stimuli into smooth, uninterrupted patterns

Option B: Perception of an object as unchanging in shape regardless of our own viewing angle

Option C: Tendency for novel or unfamiliar stimuli to capture our attention

Option D: Perceptual adjustment to an artificially displaced visual field

Correct Answer: Perceptual adjustment to an artificially displaced visual field

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Option A: The cocktail party effect

Option B: Perceptual set

Option C: Relative clarity

Option D: The Ponzo illusion

Correct Answer: Perceptual set

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Option A: High frequency and high amplitude

Option B: Low frequency and high amplitude

Option C: Low frequency and low amplitude

Option D: High frequency and low amplitude

Correct Answer: High frequency and low amplitude

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Option A: Context effects

Option B: Perceptual adaptation

Option C: Proximity

Option D: Visual capture

Correct Answer: Context effects

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Option A: Wavelength

Option B: Decibels

Option C: Phonemes

Option D: Hertz

Correct Answer: Decibels

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Option A: Ultraviolet light

Option B: White light

Option C: Orange light

Option D: Infrared light

Correct Answer: White light

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Option A: Blue; yellow

Option B: Red; blue-violet

Option C: Red; green

Option D: Black; white

Correct Answer: Red; blue-violet

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Option A: Auditory localization

Option B: Auditory convergence

Option C: Perceptual set

Option D: Perceptual constancy

Correct Answer: Auditory localization

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Option A: Irregularities in the visual cortex

Option B: Nutritional or traumatic damage to the sensory nerves

Option C: Physical abnormalities in the structure of the eye

Option D: Defective processing of sensory information in the visual cortex

Correct Answer: Physical abnormalities in the structure of the eye

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Option A: Below threshold

Option B: Bravely perceptible

Option C: Easily perceptible

Option D: Superimposed

Correct Answer: Below threshold

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Option A: On the top of the tongue

Option B: In the middle of the tongue

Option C: On the sides of the tongue

Option D: In all of the above places

Correct Answer: In all of the above places

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Option A: Linear perspective

Option B: Convergence

Option C: Interposition

Option D: Retinal disparity

Correct Answer: Retinal disparity

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Option A: Retinal disparity

Option B: Visual capture

Option C: Perceptual constancy

Option D: Top-down processing

Correct Answer: Top-down processing

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Option A: 20

Option B: 2

Option C: 10

Option D: 100

Correct Answer: 10

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Option A: Constancy

Option B: Simultaneous contrasts

Option C: Perceptual inference

Option D: Reversible figures

Correct Answer: Reversible figures

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Option A: Gustatory system

Option B: Vestibular system

Option C: Vagus system

Option D: Kinesthesia system

Correct Answer: Gustatory system

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Option A: Less light sensitive and more color-sensitive than are cones

Option B: More light-sensitive and more color-sensitive than are cones

Option C: More light sensitive and less color-sensitive than are cones

Option D: Not light-sensitive and not color-sensitive than are cones

Correct Answer: More light sensitive and less color-sensitive than are cones

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Option A: Illuminate the entire retina

Option B: Facilitate the process of accommodation

Option C: Increase the input of light into the eye

Option D: Minimize sensory adaptation

Correct Answer: Minimize sensory adaptation

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Option A: Tinnitus

Option B: Accommodation

Option C: Blindsight

Option D: Priming

Correct Answer: Priming

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Option A: Gestation

Option B: Kinesthesia

Option C: Audition

Option D: Olfaction

Correct Answer: Olfaction

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Option A: Synesthesia

Option B: Signal detection

Option C: Sensation

Option D: Accommodation

Correct Answer: Sensation

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Option A: Synesthesia

Option B: Blindsight

Option C: Subliminal perception

Option D: The McGurk effect

Correct Answer: Blindsight

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Option A: Intensity

Option B: Color

Option C: Purity

Option D: Brightness

Correct Answer: Color

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Option A: Pitched sounds at any tone are association with large vibrations of the basilar membrane closest to the oval window

Option B: High-pitched sounds is associated with large vibrations of the basilar membrane closest to the oval window

Option C: High-pitched sounds is associated with large vibrations of the eardrum closest to the oval window

Option D: Low-pitched sounds is associated with large vibrations of the basilar membrane closest to the oval window

Correct Answer: High-pitched sounds is associated with large vibrations of the basilar membrane closest to the oval window

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Option A: Feature detection

Option B: Blindsight

Option C: Top-down processing

Option D: Synesthesia

Correct Answer: Top-down processing

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Option A: Under low levels of illumination

Option B: From very short distances

Option C: With one eye covered

Option D: In relation to surrounding objects

Correct Answer: In relation to surrounding objects

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Option A: Green

Option B: Orange

Option C: Red

Option D: Yellow

Correct Answer: Yellow

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Option A: They have used telepathy to read the mind of the criminal

Option B: They have provided useful predictions using all their powers in 90 percent of the cases

Option C: They have used precognition to forewarn the police of criminals acts

Option D: They have reported visions that are no more accurate than guesses

Correct Answer: They have reported visions that are no more accurate than guesses

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Option A: Proximity

Option B: Relative clarity

Option C: Similarity

Option D: Connectedness

Correct Answer: Similarity

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Option A: Interposition

Option B: Connectedness

Option C: Convergence

Option D: Continuity

Correct Answer: Interposition

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Option A: Shape constancy

Option B: The principle of continuity

Option C: Retinal disparity

Option D: The misperception of distance

Correct Answer: The misperception of distance

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Option A: Depth perception is due to the cornea of the eye

Option B: Women test better at it than men

Option C: Men test better at it than women

Option D: Depth perception is associated with the opponent-process theory

Correct Answer: Men test better at it than women

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Option A: People tend to gravitate toward a common interaction distance

Option B: Objects nearer to each other appear closer to the person observing

Option C: Perception occurs in discrete time frames

Option D: Objects nearer to each other are seen as forming a unit

Correct Answer: Objects nearer to each other are seen as forming a unit

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Option A: Figure-ground

Option B: Symmetry

Option C: Similarity

Option D: Closure

Correct Answer: Closure

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Option A: Complete in both his rods and cones

Option B: Not taking place in his cones, but complete in his rods

Option C: Complete in his cones, but still taking place in his rods

Option D: Still taking place in both his rods and his cones

Correct Answer: Complete in his cones, but still taking place in his rods

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Option A: Olfactory bulb

Option B: The semicircular canals

Option C: Periaqueductal gray

Option D: Semicircular canals

Correct Answer: Semicircular canals

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Option A: What parts of the brain are used in speech production

Option B: The relationship between the wavelength of light and the experience of color

Option C: The effect of neurotransmitters on depression

Option D: Our psychological reactions to physical stress

Correct Answer: The relationship between the wavelength of light and the experience of color

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Option A: Prime theory

Option B: Opponent process theory

Option C: Signal detection theory

Option D: Frequency theory

Correct Answer: Signal detection theory

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