
Sensation And Perception MCQs

Option A: Hearing

Option B: Accommodation

Option C: Parallel processing

Option D: The vestibular sense

Correct Answer: The vestibular sense

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Option A: 1250 to be noticed

Option B: 1200 to be noticed

Option C: 1010 to be noticed

Option D: 1100 to be noticed

Correct Answer: 1100 to be noticed

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Option A: Diminishing sensitivity to an unchanging stimulus

Option B: Adjustment in the opening of the eye

Option C: The process by which stimulus energies are changed into neural impulses

Option D: Changes in the shape of the lens as it focuses on objects

Correct Answer: Diminishing sensitivity to an unchanging stimulus

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Option A: Additive color mixing

Option B: Opponent-process theory

Option C: Additive color mixing

Option D: Trichromatic theory

Correct Answer: Opponent-process theory

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Option A: Parallel processing

Option B: Feature detectors

Option C: Sensory adaptation

Option D: Visual acuity

Correct Answer: Visual acuity

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Option A: Color constancy

Option B: Sensory interaction

Option C: The rubber-hand illusion

Option D: Phantom limb sensations

Correct Answer: Sensory interaction

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Option A: Temporal lobe

Option B: Cochlea

Option C: Oval window

Option D: Stirrup

Correct Answer: Cochlea

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Option A: Complementary color theory

Option B: Trichromatic theory

Option C: Opponent-process theory

Option D: Saturation theory

Correct Answer: Trichromatic theory

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Option A: Poor vision in bright light

Option B: No color vision

Option C: Poor vision in low illumination

Option D: More accurate depth perception

Correct Answer: No color vision

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Option A: Sensory interaction; feature detection

Option B: Sensation; perception

Option C: Absolute threshold; difference threshold

Option D: The just noticeable difference; accommodation

Correct Answer: Sensation; perception

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Option A: Subtractive color mixing

Option B: Divisive color mixing

Option C: Trichromatic theory

Option D: Multiplicative color mixing

Correct Answer: Subtractive color mixing

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Option A: Subliminal cells

Option B: Ganglion cells

Option C: Rods and cones

Option D: Bipolar cells

Correct Answer: Rods and cones

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Option A: Transduction

Option B: Sensory adaptation

Option C: Parallel processing

Option D: Accommodation

Correct Answer: Transduction

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Option A: Inhibit action potentials from reaching the terminal buttons

Option B: Cause action potentials that were took weak to reach the terminal buttons

Option C: Fall below William’s absolute threshold for sound

Option D: Cause more inhibitory than excitatory synapses

Correct Answer: Fall below William’s absolute threshold for sound

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Option A: Sensory completion

Option B: Closure

Option C: Figure-ground

Option D: Continuation

Correct Answer: Closure

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Option A: The fact that perceptions are often reconstructions of events

Option B: The low degree of accuracy of human psi phenomena

Option C: Perceptual closure operating in a real life situation

Option D: An “innocence of vision” in stressful situations

Correct Answer: The fact that perceptions are often reconstructions of events

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Option A: subtle differences is stimuli

Option B: bright stimuli

Option C: contrast or change in stimulation

Option D: subliminal stimuli

Correct Answer: contrast or change in stimulation

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Option A: closure

Option B: continuation

Option C: similarity

Option D: nearness

Correct Answer: similarity

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Option A: cochlea

Option B: basilar membrane

Option C: ligaments and tendons

Option D: joints and muscles

Correct Answer: joints and muscles

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Option A: convergence

Option B: accommodation

Option C: depth perspective

Option D: singularity

Correct Answer: convergence

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Option A: top-down processing

Option B: bottom-up processing

Option C: perceptual expectancies

Option D: illusions

Correct Answer: bottom-up processing

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Option A: a misleading perception that distorts or misjudges a stimulus

Option B: top-down procession

Option C: the organization of perception by beginning with low-level features

Option D: bottom-up processing

Correct Answer: top-down procession

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Option A: perceptual (Gestalt) organization

Option B: cognitive style

Option C: cognitive organization

Option D: perceptual integration

Correct Answer: perceptual (Gestalt) organization

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Option A: warmth and pressure

Option B: warmth and pain

Option C: pressure and pain

Option D: cold and warmth

Correct Answer: cold and warmth

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Option A: accommodation

Option B: subliminal stimulation

Option C: distraction

Option D: acupuncture

Correct Answer: distraction

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Option A: loudness

Option B: amplitude

Option C: wavelength

Option D: location

Correct Answer: location

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Option A: closure

Option B: continuation

Option C: similarity

Option D: nearness

Correct Answer: similarity

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Option A: more accurate depth perception

Option B: poor vision in bright illumination

Option C: poor vision in low illumination

Option D: poor peripheral vision

Correct Answer: poor peripheral vision

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Option A: our attention depends on different motor system

Option B: we use selective attention

Option C: we use divided attention

Option D: we use sequential attention

Correct Answer: we use divided attention

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Option A: transduction

Option B: difference thresholds

Option C: sensory adaption

Option D: top-down processing

Correct Answer: top-down processing

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Option A: aerial perspective

Option B: linear perspective

Option C: relative size

Option D: relative motion

Correct Answer: relative motion

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Option A: adaptation level

Option B: context

Option C: intuition

Option D: frames of reference

Correct Answer: frames of reference

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Option A: remain still

Option B: move to the shallow side of the apparatus

Option C: move to the deep side of the apparatus

Option D: approach their mothers when called, whether that requires moving to the shallow deep side

Correct Answer: move to the shallow side of the apparatus

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Option A: distortions of existing stimuli

Option B: the same as hallucinations

Option C: the result of innate mechanisms

Option D: not based on external reality

Correct Answer: distortions of existing stimuli

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Option A: a threshold

Option B: perceptual defense

Option C: a sensation

Option D: subliminal messages

Correct Answer: a threshold

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Option A: accommodation

Option B: plasticity

Option C: adaptation

Option D: regulation

Correct Answer: accommodation

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Option A: compression, rarefaction

Option B: rarefaction; compression

Option C: pitch; loudness

Option D: loudness; pitch

Correct Answer: pitch; loudness

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Option A: ciliary muscles

Option B: the cochlea

Option C: the olfactory bulb

Option D: the semicircular canals

Correct Answer: the semicircular canals

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Option A: Cochlea

Option B: Iris

Option C: Pupil

Option D: Cornea

Correct Answer: Cochlea

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Option A: Retina

Option B: Vitreous Humor

Option C: Aqueous humor

Option D: Optic Nerve

Correct Answer: Retina

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Option A: Difference

Option B: Theoretical

Option C: Obtained

Option D: Absolute

Correct Answer: Absolute

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Option A: Pressure of one had pushing on your head for 30 seconds

Option B: A puff of air blown in your face from 2 feet away

Option C: Water from a shower landing on your back with a velocity of one foot per second

Option D: The wing of a bee falling on your cheek from a distance of 1 centimeter

Correct Answer: The wing of a bee falling on your cheek from a distance of 1 centimeter

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Option A: Only found in hearing

Option B: Non-shared perceptual distortions

Option C: Shared by most people

Option D: Only found in vision

Correct Answer: Non-shared perceptual distortions

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Option A: Unknown

Option B: Threshold

Option C: Puzzle

Option D: Constant

Correct Answer: Constant

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Option A: motion

Option B: size

Option C: color

Option D: brightness

Correct Answer: size

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Option A: Optical

Option B: Distal

Option C: Physical

Option D: Proximal

Correct Answer: Proximal

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Option A: common region

Option B: simplicity

Option C: closure

Option D: continuity

Correct Answer: continuity

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Option A: Parapsychology

Option B: Gestalt psychology

Option C: psychokinesis

Option D: ESP

Correct Answer: Parapsychology

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Option A: Muller-Lyer illusion

Option B: horizontal-vertical illusion

Option C: illusion of convergence

Option D: Ponzo illusion

Correct Answer: Muller-Lyer illusion

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Option A: perceptual constancy

Option B: perceptual adaptation

Option C: visual capture

Option D: top-down processing

Correct Answer: top-down processing

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Option A: close objects are seen clearly but distant objects appear blurry

Option B: the focus of light from close objects falls behind the retina

Option C: the focus of light from distant objects falls a little short of the retina

Option D: a & b

Correct Answer: the focus of light from close objects falls behind the retina

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Option A: blind spot

Option B: optic disk

Option C: opponent process field

Option D: receptive field

Correct Answer: receptive field

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Option A: the what pathway, the where pathway

Option B: the where pathway; what pathway

Option C: the opponent process pathway; the trichromatic pathway

Option D: the trichromatic pathway; the opponent process pathway

Correct Answer: the where pathway; what pathway

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Option A: just noticeable difference

Option B: relative threshold

Option C: absolute threshold

Option D: detection threshold

Correct Answer: just noticeable difference

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Option A: the stimulus intensity that can be detected 100% of the time

Option B: the stimulus intensity that can be detected 50% of the time

Option C: the minimum amount of difference in intensity needed to tell two stimuli apart

Option D: a constant proportion of the size of the initial stimulus

Correct Answer: the stimulus intensity that can be detected 50% of the time

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Option A: absolutely no evidence of such influence

Option B: overwhelming evidences that subliminal stimuli can and do influences subjects’ attitudes

Option C: that subliminal stimuli do not really exist

Option D: small but measurable effects

Correct Answer: small but measurable effects

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Option A: Connectedness

Option B: interposition

Option C: continuity

Option D: closure

Correct Answer: Connectedness

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Option A: texture gradient

Option B: linear perspective

Option C: light and shadow

Option D: relative size

Correct Answer: relative size

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Option A: binocular cue

Option B: illusion

Option C: organized whole

Option D: perceptual adaption

Correct Answer: organized whole

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Option A: the phi phenomenon

Option B: visual capture

Option C: shape constancy

Option D: top-down processing

Correct Answer: top-down processing

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Option A: Kineticism

Option B: Impressionism

Option C: Surrealism

Option D: Cubism

Correct Answer: Cubism

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Option A: There are four primary stimulus groups for both senses

Option B: both systems are routed through the thalamus on the way to the cortex

Option C: The physical stimuli for both senses are chemical substances dissolved in fluid

Option D: All of the above

Correct Answer: All of the above

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Option A: Perception

Option B: Recognition

Option C: Sensation

Option D: Identification

Correct Answer: Sensation

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Option A: place theory

Option B: frequency theory

Option C: both place theory and frequency theory

Option D: neither theory

Correct Answer: place theory

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Option A: had no effect on their ratings of the attractiveness of a prospective date

Option B: increased their ratings of the attractiveness of a prospective date

Option C: decreased their ratings of the attractiveness of a prospective date

Option D: increased their ratings of their own attractiveness

Correct Answer: decreased their ratings of the attractiveness of a prospective date

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Option A: make a reasonably accurate estimate of the hill’s slant, as most people do

Option B: underestimate the hill’s slant, as most people do

Option C: Ooverestimate the hill’s slant, but to a lesser degree than she would have before her exhausting run

Option D: Overestimate the hill’s slant to an even greater degree than she would have before her exhausting run

Correct Answer: D. Overestimate the hill’s slant to an even greater degree than she would have before her exhausting run

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Option A: not all cultures test perceptual hypotheses

Option B: people in technologically advanced cultures are more gullible

Option C: optical illusions can be experienced only by cultures that have been exposed to the concept of optical illusions

Option D: perceptual inferences can be shaped by experience

Correct Answer: perceptual inferences can be shaped by experience

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Option A: Interposition

Option B: texture gradient

Option C: convergence

Option D: linear perspective

Correct Answer: linear perspective

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Option A: convergence

Option B: retinal disparity

Option C: motion parallax

Option D: the phi phenomenon

Correct Answer: the phi phenomenon

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Option A: subtractive color mixing

Option B: opponent process theory

Option C: additive color mixing

Option D: trichromatic theory

Correct Answer: opponent process theory

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