
Therapy MCQs

Option A: 1 & 2

Option B: 2 & 3

Option C: 3 & 4

Option D: 2 & 4

Correct Answer: D. 2 & 4

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Option A: 1,2 & 3

Option B: 2,3 & 4

Option C: 1,3 & 4

Option D: None of These

Correct Answer: A. 1,2 & 3

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Option A: 1 & 2

Option B: 2 & 3

Option C: 3 & 4

Option D: 2 & 4

Correct Answer: A. 1 & 2

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Option A: Psychoanalysis

Option B: Lobotomy

Option C: Electroconvulsive therapy

Option D: Aversion therapy

Correct Answer: Electroconvulsive therapy

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Option A: The patient shows an improvement after being treated with a relevant medicine.

Option B: The patient’s condition deteriorates despite being treated with a relevant medicine.

Option C: The patient shows an improvement after being treated with an inert substance.

Option D: The patient’s condition deteriorates after being treated with an inert substance.

Correct Answer: The patient shows an improvement after being treated with an inert substance.

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Option A: Humanistic

Option B: Psychoanalytic

Option C: Cognitive

Option D: Behavioral

Correct Answer: Psychoanalytic

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Option A: Is a mechanistic, impersonal procedure

Option B: Combines psychoanalytic and psychodynamic thinking.

Option C: Is a concerned with what the person does that causes distress.

Option D: Focuses on early experiences rather than the ‘here and now’.

Correct Answer: Is a concerned with what the person does that causes distress.

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Option A: Yes, definitely

Option B: Generally yes, but there are still some concerns

Option C: Generally no, but there are some exceptions

Option D: No, not at all

Correct Answer: Generally yes, but there are still some concerns

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Option A: Poor therapist – client relationship

Option B: Therapist incompetence

Option C: Therapy disrupts stable pattern of functioning

Option D: Therapy does not offer clients alternative cooping mechanisms

Correct Answer: All of the above

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Option A: Family therapy

Option B: Rational-emotive therapy

Option C: Client-centered therapy

Option D: Gestalt therapy

Correct Answer: Client-centered therapy

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Option A: Cognitive therapy

Option B: Behavioral therapy

Option C: Humanistic therapy

Option D: Family therapy

Correct Answer: Behavioral therapy

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Option A: Drug abusers

Option B: Suiciidal

Option C: Depressed

Option D: Psychotic

Correct Answer: b and d

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Option A: Cognitive-behavioral therapy

Option B: Psychoanalysis

Option C: Behavioural therapy

Option D: Humanistic therapy

Correct Answer: Cognitive-behavioral therapy

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Option A: Self-selection into therapy leads to biased samples

Option B: Creating true control groups for comparison

Option C: The number of possible treatment-disorder combinations to assess

Option D: Most patients do not give consent to participate in research

Correct Answer: a,b and c

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Option A: Cognitive therapy

Option B: Pharmacotherapy

Option C: Humanistic therapy

Option D: Behavioral therapy

Correct Answer: Pharmacotherapy

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Option A: Tradive dyskinesia

Option B: Blurred vision

Option C: Diarrheas

Option D: Rabbit syndrome

Correct Answer: Diarrheas

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Option A: Not everyone responds to the drug

Option B: Major side effects experienced by some patients

Option C: Drug treatment does not help patients learn to cope with life experiences and stressors that contribute to the disorder

Option D: There are no known limitations of drug therapy to treat psychological disorders

Correct Answer: a,b and c

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Option A: Ice pick lobotomy

Option B: Trepanning

Option C: Prefrontal lobotomy

Option D: Bloodletting

Correct Answer: Trepanning

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Option A: 1 & 2

Option B: 2 & 3

Option C: 2 & 4

Option D: 1 & 4

Correct Answer: D. 1 & 4

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Option A: 6 to 8 sessions

Option B: 10 to 15 sessions

Option C: 1 to 2 sessions

Option D: 25 to 30 sessions

Correct Answer: 6 to 8 sessions

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